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Andrea Silvera is always good at taking ...

    Andrea Silvera is always good at taking handwritten and detailed lecture notes. She had never _______she could make money with the skill until she was introduced to a(n)_________. OneClass provides course notes and study guides _______by excellent students for college students around the nation.

“I accidentally saw an article published by OneClass about difficult class. ” Silvera says. “There was a _________to become a note taker and I tried. After I______my notes and my trial period (试用期)was over, I was _____ . ” What is surprising, Silvera says, is the _________of views her notes receive. “In a class of 300, over 100 students usually view my notes. To get responses from a third of the class is ________, which makes me feel needed. ”

The founders of OneClass began the site_______ to help other students. But unexpectedly, it gained fame and wealth. Ninety percent of students who had used OneClass notes got better grades as a _______, and 68 percent of note takers also saw great_______in their studies. But note takers don't just take the job for_______benefit. Silvera has made $1,500 in just a year of note  taking for OneClass. “My notes are not just handwritten,” she said, “I________many  extra explanations that the________gives. ”

Silvera finds that working her way through college as a note taker has been ___________. However, she said she needed to _______other students who might be________ in taking the job: “If you want to do this, you have to put in the time and actually_________the classes. And you can’t trust that someone else’s notes are going to be ________because nobody can meet your every need—you need to take them_____.

1.A.believed B.puzzled C.heard D.thought

2.A.organization B.company C.newspaper D.website

3.A.written B.typed C.read D.sent

4.A.plan B.chance C.dream D.way

5.A.found B.sold C.offered D.held

6.A.employed B.impressed C.touched D.refused

7.A.number B.quality C.speed D.strength

8.A.terrifying B.tiring C.amazing D.relaxing

9.A.simply B.equally C.nearly D.slightly

10.A.present B.end C.goal D.result

11.A.trouble B.progress C.difference D.experience

12.A.social B.educational C.environmental D.personal

13.A.desert B.refuse C.include D.create

14.A.professor B.president C.friend D.partner

15.A.welcomed B.challenging C.moving D.meaningful

16.A.correct B.admire C.remind D.order

17.A.spent B.experienced C.spotted D.interested

18.A.attend B.teach C.review D.enjoy

19.A.brief B.perfect C.useless D.direct

20.A.in advance B.by accident C.by yourself D.in public


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文主要介绍了大学生Silver在OneClass兼职,通过分享自己的笔记来让自己和他人提高成绩、并且还能自己挣钱的故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在被介绍到一个网站之前,她从未想过自己可以用这项技能赚钱。A. believed相信;B. puzzled使困惑;C. heard听见;D. thought认为,思考。结合后文could make money with the skill until she was introduced to可知在被介绍到OneClass网站之前,Silvera从未想过(thought)自己可以用这项技能赚钱。故选D。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在被介绍到一个网站之前,她从未想过自己可以用这项技能赚钱。A. organization组织;B. company公司;C. newspaper报纸;D. website网站。根据第三段中The founders of OneClass began the site可知这是一个网站。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:OneClass为全国大学生提供由优秀学生撰写的课程笔记和学习指南。A. written写;B. typed打字;C. read阅读;D. sent寄出。根据上文course notes and study guides可知,OneClass网站为全国大学生提供由优秀学生撰写的课程笔记和学习指南。故选A。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有机会成为一个记笔记的人,我尝试了。A. plan计划;B. chance机会;C. dream梦想;D. way方法。结合后文to become a note taker可知此处指有机会成为一个记笔记的人,短语a chance to do sth.“做某事的机会”。故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我提供了我的笔记之后,我的试用期结束了,我被录用了。A. found找到;B. sold出售;C. offered提供;D. held握住。根据后文“my trial period(我的试用期)”可推断,在试用期内,Silver把自己的笔记提供给了OneClass。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我提供了我的笔记之后,我的试用期结束了,我被录用了。A. employed雇佣;B. impressed使印象深刻;C. touched触碰;D. refused拒绝。根据上文“my trial period was over”以及后文提到Silver笔记的浏览量,可推知,Silver被公司录取、雇佣了。故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Silvera说,令人惊讶的是她的笔记收到的浏览量。A. number数量,数字;B. quality质量;C. speed速度;D. strength力量。根据后文数字“300”、“100”可知,这是她笔记被观看的数量。短语the number of“……的数量”。故选A。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:能从三分之一的学生那里得到反馈,真是太棒了,这让我觉得自己被需要。A. terrifying可怕的;B. tiring累人的;C. amazing令人惊异的;D. relaxing放松的。根据后文“makes me feel needed(让我感觉是被需要的)”可知,得到三分之一的反馈让Silver感到自己是被需要的、高兴的,因此该空应该填与“令人高兴的”相关的词,故选C。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:OneClass的创始人创办这个网站只是为了帮助其他学生。A. simply只是,仅仅;B. equally同样地;C. nearly几乎;D. slightly些微地。根据后文“unexpectedly(出乎意料地)”可推断,创办者起初只是想帮助其他学生。故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:结果,使用过OneClass笔记的学生中有90%的人取得了更好的成绩,68%的记笔记的学生在学习上也取得了很大的进步。A. present礼物;B. end结束;C. goal目标;D. result结果。根据该段第一句“help other students(帮助其他学生)”可知,这些笔记最终帮助了使用它的学生。短语as a result“结果”。故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:结果,使用过OneClass笔记的学生中有90%的人取得了更好的成绩,68%的记笔记的学生在学习上也取得了很大的进步。A. trouble麻烦;B. progress进步;C. difference差异;D. experience经历。结合上文Ninety percent of students who had used OneClass notes got better grades可知是在说明OneClass笔记给学生带来的好处,使学生取得了好成绩和进步。故选B。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是记笔记的人不只是为了教育利益而接受这份工作。A. social社会的;B. educational教育的;C. environmental环境的;D. personal个人的。根据前文“in their studies(在他们的学习中)”可知,在教育学习方面,写笔记的人获得了利益,所以该空应该填与教育相关的形容词educational“教育的”,故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把教授给的很多额外的解释都包含进去了。A. desert遗弃;B. refuse拒绝;C. include包含;D. create创造。此处指Silver的笔记中包含教授给的很多额外的解释。故选C。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把教授给的很多额外的解释都包含进去了。A. professor教授;B. president总统;C. friend朋友;D. partner伙伴。根据前文“explanation(解释)”和逻辑,笔记中的解释应该是相关领域的专家教授给出的,故选A。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Silvera发现自己在大学里做笔记是有意义的。A. welcomed受欢迎的;B. challenging挑战的;C. moving动人的;D. meaningful有意义的。根据上一段可知,写笔记不仅能让自己成绩提高,还能挣钱,所以对Silver来说,这应该是很有意义的。故选D。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过,她说,她需要提醒其他可能对这份工作感兴趣的学生:“如果你想做这份工作,你就必须投入时间,真正去上课。A. correct纠正;B. admire钦佩;C. remind提醒;D. order命令。根据后文“other students(其他学生)”,以及后文Silver说的话是给他人的建议,可知她要提醒其他想做这个工作的学生。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过,她说,她需要提醒其他可能对这份工作感兴趣的学生:“如果你想做这份工作,你就必须投入时间,真正去上课。A. spent花费;B. experienced经历;C. spotted发现;D. interested感兴趣。根据后文in taking the job可知此处指其他是想做这个工作,对这份工作感兴趣的学生。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过,她说,她需要提醒其他可能对这份工作感兴趣的学生:“如果你想做这份工作,你就必须投入时间,真正去上课。A. attend出席;B. teach教;C. review回顾;D. enjoy欣赏。根据后文“can't trust that someone else's notes(不能相信其他人的笔记)”可知,别人的笔记并不能完全相信,要想真正做好笔记,还得自己亲自去课堂听课。短语attend the class意为“上课”,故选A。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你也不能相信别人的笔记是完美的,因为没有人能满足你的所有需求——你需要自己去做。A. brief简短的;B. perfect完美的;C. useless无用的;D. direct直接的。根据后文“meet you every need(符合你的每一个需求)”可推断,这样的笔记是完美无缺的,故选B。 20.考查介词短语辨析。句意:你也不能相信别人的笔记是完美的,因为没有人能满足你的所有需求——你需要自己去做。A. in advance提前;B. by accident偶然;C. by yourself靠自己,独自地;D. in public公开地。根据前文可知,没有人的笔记是完美无缺、可以符合你的每个需求的,因此,要想真正学好,得自己做笔记。故选C。

    Do you feel your life is losing its passion (热情)— as though everything you do, like work and study, is boring and empty? A life passion isn’t something that drops on you from the heaven or appears from thin air.1.If you want to begin today to display your true self and regain your own passion in life, here are some measures you can take to get started.


Get a small pocket notebook and keep it with you. Keep the memory of times when you feel happy and fulfilled. What are you doing when you feel good? Write it down in your notebook. Pay attention to what feels good to you.

Let go of shoulds

3. I should stay in this job because I cant’s find a better one. I should became a teacher because my parents want me to. I should not try something new because I’ll look foolish. Throw away this word from your vocabulary while on your passion search.

Appreciate your skills.

Maybe you aren’t an artist at something, but you have many skills. 4.Ask your friends   and parents what you are good at---no matter how small. Make a list of your skills, and make note of the skills you really enjoy.

Keep trying

The process of finding your passion may take a couple of years. You may have to try a few and give up a few things before you discover what you feel great. It may gradually surround you rather than knock you in the head.   5.

A.Recognize your joy.

B.Have patience and keep digging.

C.You may not recognize them, but others do.

D.Discovering your passion is a process of self-discovering.

E.These skills may make you stronger and more confident.

F.How can you live with passion when you have a hole in your heart?

G.Many people hold themselves back from happiness because of the word “should”.



    If you want to live longer, live around green space.

That’s the simple conclusion of the largest analysis ever performed on the relationship between the environment and human health—ever. Eight million people. Seven countries. One simple finding:

“When you are exposed to greenery or greenness around your home, your probability to die  is less compared to those with less greenness around their home,” says David Rojas, researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health. And he was the main author of the study, which was published in The Lancet Planet Health teaming up with the World Health Organization.

Specifically, the research team found that for every 10% increase in plants cover that’s within 1,600 feet of your home, your probability of death drops by 4%.

Those hard numbers are the result of a large metastudy(元研究) analyzing nine separate studies about longevity and green space that looked at how and how long people lived over long periods of time. Subjects were from countries around the globe, too: Australia, Canada, China, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and the U. S.

As Rojas explained, in every country, the finding was the same. People who lived near more green space lived longer than people who lived near less. This green space can be grass, trees, or gardens. It can be public or private space.

He also explained, The study didn’t discriminate(歧视), nor did it have the accurate data to show that some plants were better for our health than others.

1.Who carried out this research?

A.Rojas’ team

B.Rojas’ team and Lancet Planet Health

C.World Health Organization and Lancet Planet Health

D.Rojas’ team and World Health Organization

2.What does the underlined word “longevity” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.the length of life B.the balance of life

C.the strength of life D.the quality of life

3.It can be inferred from the passage that           .

A.Gardens are better for our health than grass and trees.

B.People who are surrounded with plants are probable to live longer.

C.For every 10% reducing in plants cover, your probability of death will increase by 4%.

D.People from developed countries with more green space live healthier than those in the developing countries.



    “The Mexican is familiar with death, jokes with it, sleeps with it and celebrates it,” wrote Mexican author Octavio Paz.

To celebrate death, people throughout Mexico celebrate the Day of the Dead on or around Nov. 1 each year. People wear makeup to celebrate the festival on that day.

Widely considered to be Mexico’s most important festival, the Day of the Dead is deeply rooted in the culture of the local Mexica.

The Mexica were the dominant local people in Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.

The celebration is based on a Mexican legend ( ) that says after death, souls can only communicate with their still-living families in the first days of November. One can see how these days would be quite important for the Mexican people.

Now the tradition has become a modern festival .

“It’s a celebration with many years of history, to which local people have incorporated(融合) new religious elements, such as the gathering of offerings,” said Octavio Murillo, director at the National Institute of Local People in Mexico.

On this special day, people around Mexico decorate their homes, streets and relatives’ graves with flowers, candles and colorful skulls. At the same time, they set up altars ( 祭坛) on which they place the personal belongings of the dead to welcome them home.

In recent years, this festival has become a global symbol of Mexican culture , especially after the movie Coco《寻梦环游记》 hit big screens in 2017.

“We are all afraid of death, and in Mexico, it is part of a celebration, a ritual of color. It’s amazing. ” said Alejandra Diaz, a 30-year-old traveller. She took a week-long trip from Colombia to Mexico City just to take part in the festivities.

1.What do we know about the Day of the Dead?

A.It dates back to the 15th century.

B.It is related to a Mexica legend.

C.It honors those who died for Mexico.

D.It is a traditional Christian festival in Mexico.

2.What is the main idea of Paragraphs 6 to 8?

A.The origins of the Day of the Dead.

B.Traditional ways of celebrating the Day of the Dead.

C.How the Day of the Dead is recently celebrated in Mexico.

D.Why the Day of the Dead is important for Mexican people.

3.Why is the movie Coco mentioned in the text?

A.To show that we should not be afraid of death.

B.To prove that the Day of the Dead has become a modern festival.

C.To present the influence of Mexican culture on modern movies.

D.To tell the readers that the festival stands for Mexican culture.



    Emilia Dobek’s interest in space and the universe started in third grade when she and her father watched a blooded moon — a total lunar eclipse (月食) — outside their Skokie house. “It was just really cool how the universe can change and how something like that happens,” Dobek said.

Now a seventh grader at East Prairie Elementary School, Dobek recently won the national Generation Beyond Challenge by designing a space station for traveling to Mars.

Dobek competed by handing in a two-minute video where she presented her design.

“My design will not only ensure the safety of the astronauts (宇航员) but also make sure their comfort is out of this world,” she says in her video.

Dobek’s design calls for building the Mars Storage Station to store plentiful supplies. In the video, Dobek explains how her spacecraft (宇宙飞船) — the Adventure — will land in a space station. Dobek’s design includes physical activity for the astronauts. Astronauts can choose their exercise machine and virtual (虚拟的) reality environment. So astronauts will be able to watch downloaded shows and even see places on Earth such as their home.

Dobek said she began her project by performing her research and then she constructed the design over three weeks to a month, working on it whenever she could including on weekends.

When Andrea Smeeton, her teacher, saw the video and her design before they were sent, she said she had a feeling she could win. “I don’t know why but maybe it was the excitement and the detail in the project,” Smeeton said. “I have taught for a long time and many of my students are gifted but this project was just very creative and it gave hope to a space program.”

Dobek and her parents traveled to Washington D. C. in April where they learned Dobek had won. When she texted her teacher the happy results, Smeeton admitted that she cried.

“I want to tell other kids to follow their dreams,” Dobek said. “Whatever they want to do, they should kind of just push for it. They should always try their best. ”

1.What change did Dobek show after watching the lunar eclipse?

A.She determined to be a scientist. B.She took to working with her father.

C.She was interested in the universe. D.She gave up wanting to be an astronaut.

2.What can be learned about Dobik’s design?

A.It replaced the role of the Adventurer.

B.It enabled astronauts to connect with their family.

C.It ensured the safety of the supplies in the spacecraft.

D.It aimed to make life in the Mars space station comfortable.

3.How did Smeeton feel about Dobek’s design after seeing it?

A.It was pretty amazing. B.It was a little disappointing.

C.It was less fun than she expected. D.It was as good as other students.

4.What kind of girl is Dobek?

A.Energetic and friendly. B.Productive and selfless.

C.Strong-willed and generous. D.Forward-thinking and inventive.



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.



3.虽然政府已经对公共场合吸烟下了禁令,但一些吸烟者还是甘愿冒着被罚款的危险。(ban n. / risk n.)


5.正是因为表演特技需要天赋和技巧,才使得一些特技不得不留给专业特技演员。(It 强调句, leave)



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