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After around Cape Horn, Chichester sent ...

After      around Cape Horn, Chichester sent the message of victory to London.

A.succeeding in sailing B.successfully sailed

C.succeeded in sailing D.being successfully sailed


A 【解析】 考查非谓语动词及固定短语。句意:在绕Cape Horn航行成功后, Chichester向伦敦发出了胜利的信息。句中逻辑主语Chichester 与动词之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。D项的动名词被动形式being sailed是错误的,因为句子逻辑主语发出sail的动作。succeed in doing sth成功做某事。故选A。  

So      that the boat almost       .

A.tough the sea became… turned down B.rough did the sea become… turned over

C.rough the sea became… turned over D.tough did the sea become… turned down



The parents attempted to      marrying the boy, though motivated but without a handsome pay, a decent car or a respectable apartment.

A.encourage their daughter from B.discourage their daughter into

C.dissuade their daughter into D.persuade their daughter out of



Steve Jobs was fired by the person he had hired and trusted     the fact     he was the one who co-established the company.

A.despite… which B.regardless… that

C.in spite of… that D.against… in which



Chichester covered      anyone had previously sailed alone.

A.more than twice the distance B.more than twice longer

C.over twice longer the distance as D.as over twice long as



The captain and    were accused of abandoning passengers in South Korea ferry disaster.

A.members B.crew C.partners D.team



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