满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The devoted and determined single mother...

The devoted and determined single mother brought up her five children single-handed. Which of the following is Wrong?

A.without others’ assistance B.independent of other’s help

C.completely of her own D.all by herself


C 【解析】 考查同义转换。句意:坚定的单身母亲抚养着她的五个孩子。 以下哪项同义转换是错误的?A. without others’ assistance没有他人的帮助;B. independent of other’s help不依靠他人的帮助;C. completely of her own完全属于她自己的;D. all by herself完全靠自己。of her own属于她自己的,这不合乎原句的表达。故选C。  

Marathon is intended to put the athletes to a challenging test of     and willpower.

A.insistence B.endurance C.preservation D.bravery



The stormy and treacherous weather     difficulty and uncertainty in the search for the missing passengers.

A.added to B.added up to C.added up D.added



When      challenges and setbacks, he remains    , brave and firm.

A.faced with… hesitant B.facing… resolute

C.in face of… indecisive D.facing with… determined



My friends thought “I had lost my mind”, which means they thought       .

A.I was very much depressed B.I had lost my heart

C.I was in severe lack of confidence D.I had been mad and crazy



With much work that remains to be completed, the manager found their project     .

A.more than satisfying B.not at all satisfied

C.far from satisfactory D.with more satisfaction than not



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