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The art of public speaking began in anci...

    The art of public speaking began in ancient Greece over 2,000 years go. Now, twitter, instant messaging, e-mail, blogs and chat forums offer rival approaches to communication - but none can replace the role of a great speech.

The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring, informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something. Over the past year, the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time.

Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view. When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December 2009, persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action. Inspirational speeches confront the emotions. They focus on topics and matters that are close to people's hearts. During wars, generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle.

A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us. The information must be clear, accurate, and expressed in meaningful and interesting way. When the H1N1 pandemic(流行病)was announced, the idea of "swine flu" scared many people. Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.

Sad events are never easy to deal with, but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting. Madonna's speech about Michael Jackson, after his death, highlighted the fact that he will continue to live on through his music.

It's not only in world forums where public speaking plays an important role. It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives.

If you're taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument. In sports, athletes know the importance of a pep talk(鼓舞士气的讲话)before a match to inspire teammates. You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance.

On a more personal level, a friend may be upset and need comforting. Or you might be asked to introduce a speaker at a family event or to speak at a wedding, where your language will be needed to move people or make them laugh.

Great speaking ability is not something we're born with. Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech. For a brilliant speech, there are rules that you can put to good use. To learn those rules, you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.

1.The author thinks the spoken word is still irreplaceable because _______.

A.it has always been used to inspire or persuade people.

B.it has a big role to play in the entertainment business.

C.it plays important roles in human communication.

D.it is of great use in everyday-life context.

2.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the role of public speaking?

A.Speeches at world forums can lead to effective solutions to world problems.

B.Speeches from medical authorities can calm people down in times of pandemics.

C.The morale of soldiers before a battle can be boosted by senior officers' speeches.

D.Speeches paying tribute to the dead can comfort the mourners.

3.According to the passage, which of the following best explains the author's view on "great speaking ability"?

A.It comes from observing rules.

B.It can be perfected with easy effort.

C.It can be acquired from birth.

D.It comes from learning and practice.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Public speaking in international forums.

B.The many uses of public speaking.

C.Public speaking in daily life context.

D.The rules of public speaking.


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了不同类型演讲在正式场合以及我们生活中的作用。 1.细节理解题。由第二段的“The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring, informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.”可知,演讲具有很多功能和作用,包括劝说、激励、科普、致敬、娱乐、简单介绍等等,演讲的这些作用决定了它的不可替代。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions. ”可知,世界卫生组织的科普性演讲抑制住了人们对于流行病的恐慌,所以B项正确;由第三段最后一句“During wars, generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle. ”可知,战前将军的激励演讲可以让军队做好备战,鼓舞士气,所以C项正确;由第五段的“Sad events are never easy to deal with, but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting.”可知,哀悼和歌颂具有安慰作用,故D项正确。综上,不正确的为A. Speeches at world forums can lead to effective solutions to world problems.(在世界论坛上的发言可以有效地解决世界问题。)。故选A项。 3.细节理解题。由最后一段的“To learn those rules, you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.”可知,出色的演讲能力需要训练,也需要学习借鉴一些过去的优秀演讲。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。纵观全文内容可知,文章先总体说明了演讲的各种功能作用,然后分类介绍了正式场合下不同演讲的作用以及生活中演讲的作用,属于总分结构的文章,文章主旨在段首和第二段——演讲不可替代,演讲有很多功能。故选B项。

Green Collar Section

What is ecotourism? According to the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism can be defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and _______ the well-being of local people. That is to say, most ecotourism experiences are _______ at helping people to foster an appreciation of the environment, the conservation of wildlife, plants and resources, and respect and understanding of native _______.

Ecotourism is socially important because it provides a way for people to travel responsibly, and to learn about and respect the environment of these natural places. Ideally, ecotourism professionals organize and _______ an experience that demonstrates local environmental sustainability and cultural sensitivity for travelers.

At the university level, ecotourism programs are usually found in environmental science and recreation management departments. Students learn basic knowledge about different _______ of tourism (such as accommodation, transportation, business, organization, and hospitality) as well as conservational issues (such as _______ protection for wildlife and rational _______ of resources). And in more advanced programs, students will focus on nature-based education, such as and ecological issues. _______, it is also helpful, and sometimes _______, to be fluent in a foreign language, or students will not be able to hold a global insight. After graduation, it is also ________ for students to receive further career training programs, such as Group Dynamics for Ecotourism, Green Event Planning, Natural Resource Assessment and Planning, Intercultural Communications, Wilderness & Remote First Aid, etc, in order to become better adaptable to the updating job requirement.

As the threat to our planet ________ in many communities, their inhabitants are becoming more interested in the natural world around them and in ways to conserve the environment. Ecotourism is growing at three times the ________ of the tourism sector itself, and demanding more knowledgeable workers ________ to sustainability.

Jobs in ecotourism can be highly risky and adventurous, but also limited by season. Green travel employes generally work for private companies, government and pubic institutions, and nonprofits. Salaries in ecotourism ________ from field to field, but it helps to have a degree and some experience. Group leaders and travel guides are responsible for guiding tours through the ecosystems of various destinations ________ pointing out the benefits of green travel and a green lifestyle. Leaders and guides come from a wide range of backgrounds. Many will have experience in the tourism industry, while some will be scientists looking for positions in education.

1.A.dominates B.cultivates C.ruins D.sustains

2.A.bound B.aimed C.intended D.destined

3.A.peoples B.languages C.bonds D.habitats

4.A.alter B.taste C.execute D.undergo

5.A.properties B.advantages C.opinions D.respects

6.A.deserve B.reserve C.preserve D.conserve

7.A.exhaustion B.fulfillment C.advantage D.exploitation

8.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Likewise D.After all

9.A.controlled B.requested C.selective D.compulsory

10.A.applicable B.obliged C.critical D.subtle

11.A.turns down B.turns up C.turns off D.turns on

12.A.rate B.width C.scale D.extension

13.A.devoting B.contributed C.adapting D.committed

14.A.count B.different C.range D.vary

15.A.while B.because C.even if D.if



President Donald Trump's first state dinner excluded Democratic members of Congress and the media, which was criticized by many as a(n) _________ from tradition.

A.departure B.benefit C.escape D.lesson



Letting virtual assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa, take care of your home is a(n) _________ for disaster to some, because AI-infused systems may demonstrate unpredictable behaviors that can be disruptive, confusing, offensive, and even dangerous.

A.topic B.shortcut C.cure D.recipe



The literature masterpiece Macbeth by Shakespeare will be better understood if readers look at the tragedy in the historical _________ of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, an era of relative stability.

A.content B.contest C.context D.contact



Along with enthusiasm for composing music _________ his devotion to cultivating young people's passion for music.

A.come B.comes C.coming D.to come



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