满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

用单词或单词的恰当形式填空 1.Marty is very positive, ...


1.Marty is very positive, though he gets a ___________ (伤残;残疾) .

2.Eleanor was __________ (颇为生气的) at having had to wait for him so long.

3.I hope your holiday will be __________ (有益的) to you.

4.It's already nine o'clock. Would now be a __________ (合适的) moment to show the slides?

5.She had a strong __________ (渴望) to go abroad for further study.

6.When they heard the __________ (警报) they even did not realize what had happened.

7.Soldiers are expected to _________(服从)their orders with-out question.

8.Yao Ming has a __________(天才;才干) for playing basketball.

9.The __________ (证人) stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith.

10.I don't want to __________ (督促) you against your own wish.

11.In the __________ (每年的) get-together, we all enjoyed the pleasure of friendship.

12.He __________ (暂停) for breath and then continued climbing.

13.Water began to come into the ship, so the captain gave orders to __________ (抛弃;遗弃) it.

14.The star has__________(捐赠) a large sum of money to charity so far.

15.It's too difficult for him to__________ (操作) this new machine.

16.Your letter was a great __________ (安慰) to me.

17.The play writer has __________(推荐) the actress as the leading part in this film.

18.The development of economy promotes a __________(繁荣) in car sales.

19.The article stresses the importance of education __________(改革).

20.I think you can turn to Mr. Smith because he will solve your problem using very __________ (实际的;实用的) ways.


1.disability 2.annoyed 3.beneficial 4.suitable 5.desire 6.alarm 7.obey 8.talent 9.witness 10.urge 11.annual 12.paused 13.abandon 14.donated 15.operate 16.comfort 17.recommended 18.boom 19.reform 20.practical 【解析】 根据所给汉语意思填写对应的单词。 1.考查名词。句意:尽管Marty身患残疾,但他非常积极向上。这里要用disability表示名词“伤残,残疾”。故填disability。 2.考查形容词。句意:Eleanor为等他这么长时间而生气。这里要用annoyed表示形容词“颇为生气的”。故填annoyed。 3.考查形容词。句意:我希望你的假期对你有好处。这里要用beneficial表示形容词“有益的”。故填beneficial。 4.考查形容词。句意:已经9点了,是个适合放幻灯片的时候了吧?形容词“合适的”要用suitable表示。故填suitable。 5.考查名词。句意:她强烈渴望着去国外深造。名词“渴望”要用desire表示。故填desire。 6.考查名词。句意:当他们听到警报时,甚至都没有意识到发生了什么。名词“警报”要用alarm表示。故填alarm。 7.考查动词。句意:士兵以服从命令为天职。这里是动词不定式,要用obey表示“服从”。故填obey。 8.考查名词。句意:姚明有篮球天赋。这里要用talent表示名词“天才,才干”。故填talent。 9.考查名词。句意:证人声称她从未见过Smith先生。这里要用witness表示单数名词“证人”。故填witness。 10.考查动词。句意:我不想违背你的意愿勉强你。这里是动词不定式,要用urge表示“督促”。故填urge。 11.考查形容词。句意:在每年的聚会中,我们都很享受朋友间的感情。形容词“每年的”要用annual表示。故填annual。 12.考查动词。句意:他停下来喘了口气,然后继续攀登。动词“暂停”为pause,这里与并列的后句一致,要用一般过去时。故填paused。 13.考查动词。句意:船里进水了,所以船长下令弃船。这里是动词不定式,要用abandon表示“抛弃,遗弃”。故填abandon。 14.考查动词。句意:这个明星已经给慈善事业捐赠了一大笔钱。动词“捐赠”为donate,这里you时间状语so far和助动词has,时态为现在完成时,要用过去分词。故填donated。 15.考查动词。句意:对他来说操作这台新机器实在太难了。这里是动词不定式,要用operate表示“操作”。故填operate。 16.考查名词。句意:你的来信对我来说是莫大的安慰。单数名词“安慰”要用comfort表示。故填comfort。 17.考查动词。句意:这位剧作家推荐女演员作为电影主角。动词“推荐”为recommend,有助动词has,时态为现在完成时,要用过去分词。故填recommended。 18.考查名词。句意:经济发展让汽车销售业呈现一片繁荣。单数名词“繁荣”为boom。故填boom。 19.考查名词。句意:文章强调了教育改革的重要性。名词“改革”为reform。故填reform。 20.考查形容词。句意:我觉得你可以去找Smith先生,因为他能用非常实用的办法解决你的问题。形容词“实用的,实际的”为practical。故填practical。

Much to the couple's comforttheir income is now double ________ it was five years ago.

A.that B.if C.which D.what



As days go onI think that Beijing will become ________ the whole world pay close attention to.

A.where B.what C.which D.that



Thinking that you know ________ in fact you don't know is a serious mistake.

A.what B.that C.when D.however



His mother did _______ she could ______ the boy.

A.what help B.that help C.what to help D.that to help



_______climber gets to the top first will get a 5,000 prize.

A.No matter when B.Whichever C.No matter which D.Whenever



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