满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Brook wanted a dollhouse and some sugar ...

    Brook wanted a dollhouse and some sugar cookies. So the 6-year-old asked Alexa to get them. Alex, a vice-activated home assistant powered "by artificial intelligence"(Al), made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents' surprise, four pounds of cookies and a $170 dollhouse showed up. And that's not the end of the story. When a news anchor told Book's story on TV, Alexa devices in many listeners' homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses!

Alexa isn't the only Al willing to order. Apple HomePod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who own these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather and setting timers. But many experts predict a boom in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing?

Convenience is the main benefit of voice shopping. You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you're cooking, cleaning, or driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without assistance.

But voice shopping has its downsides. Unwanted dollhouses aren't the biggest problem. It's usually very easy to cancel an order or return items. The thing that creeps some people out is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for "Alexa" or "OK Google" or another command. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens to these recordings. Should companies be allowed to use them to learn about people's shopping habits? Should police access them to solve a crime? And what if someone hacks the device? The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device.

1.The writer mentions Brook and Alex in the first paragraph to __________.

A.share an interesting experience B.show Brook's eagerness for cookies

C.introduce the topic of voice shopping D.show the functions of a new smart device

2.What does the underlined phrase "creeps... out" in the last paragraph most probably mean?

A.Terrifies. B.Affects.

C.Impresses. D.Excites.

3.According to the passage, what's the major disadvantage of voice shopping?

A.The return policy is complicated.

B.There are safety and privacy concerns.

C.Quality of the goods can't be guaranteed.

D.The device is not smart and reliable enough to process orders.


1.C 2.A 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。六岁的Brook想买一间玩具屋和一些甜点,他通过人工智能语音控制的家庭助手完成了这件事。这引发了人们对语音购物的各种猜想,文章中既提到人工智能购物的有利因素,也谈到其不利方面。 1. 推理判断题。文章第一段提到Brook想买一间玩具屋和一些甜点,他通过人工智能语音控制的家庭助手Alex完成了这件事,接着文章提出了一个疑问“ Is that a good thing?”语音购物是好事还是坏事?并对其利弊进行了探讨,所以文章提及Brook和Alex是为了引出话题。故选C项。 2. 词义猜测题。最后一段主要讲语音购物的不利因素。根据画线词所在句后面的内容“They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for "Alexa" or "OK Google" or another command. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens to these recordings.”可知,语音购物助手会记录人们的谈话,所以引发人们的担忧,由此可推测“The thing that creeps some people out is that these assistants are always listening.”意为“使人们害怕的事情是这些助手总是在听。”故“creeps…out”意为“使……害怕”。故选A项。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容尤其是“And what if someone hacks the device? The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time.”可知,如果有人入侵了这个设备呢?中央情报局找到了一种入侵智能电视的方法,把他们变成了一直监听的间谍。语音助手会记录人们的谈话,所以人们担心如如果设备被入侵就会把语音助手变成总是在窃听的间谍,所以语音购物主要缺点是存在安全和隐私问题。故选B项。










假定英语课,老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






During the recent harvest festival, my parents and I visited the Pear Village , where was a great destination for photographers. The plot was filled with green pear trees and many kinds of flowers. The three of them were very excited. On arriving herewe were warmly welcome by the local people. Then, we picked pears, had a picnic and shared photos took in and around the orchards (果园). After thatwe talked with the working farmers happily. They were simply and kind. They said the harvests benefited all the residents, so they recently hosted at the festival. They were looking forward to welcoming more visitor to their village. The time passes quickly. We were lost in enjoying ourselves before we realized we had to say goodbye to the villagers. It was really unforgettable visit.




I have made all my final preparations for my first solo concert tour in China. It will be an incredible honor spreading my love for Hawaiian music and culture to new audiences in Shanghai. I will be performing solo concerts at symphony halls in 1. city.

I have an 2. (extreme) interesting family connection to Shanghai. My grandfather 3.(raise) there because his great grandfather moved to China in the mid-19th century 4. (establish) the first hospital and university of Western medicine in China. It was called Saint Luke’s. The campus 5. (be) still there in Shanghai and has been preserved from the time it was built in the 1880s. My grandfather moved back 6. the U. S. after high school and made his way to Harvard. He and his brother moved to Hawaii and both were 7. (doctor) on Oahu Maui and the Big Island. This tour will be very 8.    (mean) for my family.

I will visit the university campus while in Shanghai. I feel like a family "history detective” 9. (explore) my family roots. The concerts will be a great way for me to share my “hello” with the people of China and introduce Hawaiian music to many 10. have not heard it. I will be doing TV and radio interviews and performances along the way. Let the adventure begin!



    I work as a waiter at a restaurant. Last night an elderly and seemingly_______couple came into the restaurant and my co-worker seated them. We usually _______ our own tables. At one point the elderly couple signaled to me that they were ready to  _______ . I was super busy so I found myself a bit  _______ but out of politeness I went to them and_______ their order.

The _______began ordering and started stammering(口吃)to an extent I'd never heard before. It was very _______ that he had a speech disorder. I could _______ the wife had told her husband a great range of things that she wanted, as a way for him to  _______  ordering. It took a while for him to order, and in the meantime, she looked so proud and content ________ her husband's severe stammering.

Honestly the whole thing just brought me to ________. It was touching and just made me realize that a huge part of ________ is acceptance, tolerance and support. She could have made the order and made things a lot ________  for her husband and ________ the stares from other tablesbut she didn't. ________ she supported him and was proud to see him complete the order. I ________ took their gesture of wanting to order as being rude, but I think they  ________  it because he really wanted to get the order right.

This whole thing also reminded me that life is ________ for all of us. I assumed this wealthy couple had everything going for them, but it just ________ me that all of us have our problems. Anyway, as long as we hold a positive attitude towards life, things will ________well.

1.A.anxious B.troublesome C.wealthy D.talkative

2.A.take care of B.take part in C.take possession of D.take interest

3.A.eat B.order C.pay D.leave

4.A.helpful B.lucky C.awkward D.unwilling

5.A.refused B.took C.delivered D.received

6.A.waiter B.manager C.wife D.husband

7.A.common B.ridiculous C.apparent D.annoying

8.A.tell B.agree C.prove D.accept

9.A.allow B.suggest C.practice D.enjoy

10.A.because of B.in spite of C.in addition to D.as well as

11.A.anger B.laughter C.confusion D.tears

12.A.life B.career C.love D.kindness

13.A.cheaper B.earlier C.easier D.slower

14.A.avoided B.ignored C.returned D.respected

15.A.Luckily B.Instead C.Therefore D.Otherwise

16.A.initially B.deliberately C.eventually D.frequently

17.A.permitted B.regretted C.signaled D.admitted

18.A.worthwhile B.meaningless C.rewarding D.challenging

19.A.reminded B.inspired C.disappointed D.promised

20.A.Act out B.work out C.break out D.pull out



    When you’re on a journey to improve health and fitnesssurely following the exercise and nutrition advice of a hot model is the way to go, right? Wrong! 1. The first step to longterm fitness success is to be honest with yourself.


Begin to become aware of the language you use. When you say you don't have enough time to exercise, check in with yourself to make sure you're being honest. Could you be using your time better? Do you really have absolutely no free time at all?

♦Too tired to exercise?

Unless you’re a professional athlete it’s unlikely that your body is ever too tired to train. However, it could be neurological (神经的)tiredness that’s talking you out of it. 3.You need to battle this type of tiredness head on. The secret is to give your brain a break and let your body have a workout. When you’re feeling mentally tiredwalking can help you absorb the fresh air and feel grounded yet disconnected from all the pressures.

♦Routine or no routine?

So regular walking is good. But is fixing a regular exercise routine necessary too? The trick is to find out what works best for you. If routine makes you feel balanced, then by all accounts create a workout plan. 4.

♦Set goals.

Be honest with yourself and realistic about where you are and where you expect to be. If you're just starting out, set short-term goals (every few days) so you can experience success sooner and more often. 5. All too often people quit too quickly when the journey is too long.

A.Identify your free time.

B.Listen to your body or not?

C.But be prepared to continue to set new goals regularly.

D.It’s called the brain drain, coming from mental

E.If you hate routine then do naturally with your exercise plans.

F.Following in the footstep of others can lead you totally off track.

G.If you’re gelling bored of exercise ,you’re probably doing too much.



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