满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假定你是李华,随着国内新冠疫情的有效控制,你们已经复课。最近你的英国笔友 Sam...

假定你是李华,随着国内新冠疫情的有效控制,你们已经复课。最近你的英国笔友 Sam 来信,想了解你的有关情况。请你给 Sam 回信,内容要点如下:

1. 你返校后的防疫措施与感受;

2. 前段时间在家网上学习遇到的问题;

3. 你接下来的打算。



Dear Sam,

I am sad to learn from your last letter that people in your country are still suffering from the Covid-19 epidemic. I am writing to tell you what is going on here.


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua


Dear Sam, I am sad to learn from your last letter that people in your country are still suffering from the Covid-19 epidemic. I am writing to tell you what is going on here. With the epidemic situation under control, we have gladly returned to school. I am delighted to join my teachers and friends after such a long holiday. However, we are still required to take protective measures such as wearing masks and washing hands properly and regularly. Though some find them boring and troublesome, it is better to be safe than sick. Previously, we had to stay at home taking online lessons for long hours every weekday. As I am not good at managing my time, I had problems finishing my homework and understanding the teachers. Consequently, I have fallen behind my classmates.Worse still, I have put on some weight and my eyesight suffers too. Now, I am determined to work harder to catch up with my friends. I will also try to do more sports to improve my physical conditions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes. Yours Sincerely Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,要求写一封信。 本题是一篇英文信件,随着国内新冠疫情的有效控制,你们已经复课。要求你以李华的身份给外国朋友Sam写一封信介绍有关情况。内容要点包括:1. 你返校后的防疫措施与感受;2. 前段时间在家网上学习遇到的问题;3. 你接下来的打算。写作时要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,对综合能力要求较高,需要有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。写作过程中注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。

阅读下列句子,修改句子中的错误。每个句子中有 1 处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





1.The local government has taken some measures to stop such rare animals from died out.

2.Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absent of a native language environment.

3.The chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an English-speaking country is small.

4.Another man, that lying on his side, looks as if he is trying to get up.

5.Hardly  I opened the door when something strange attracted my attention.

6.I do not love you because you are physical beautiful.

7.Never put off till tomorrow that you can do today.

8.Only then did he became aware of the dangers of the jungle.

9.It is Steven, my present English teacher, that I am really grateful.

10.The reason why he burst into tears was because he had got the particularly sad news.




1.The sun gives us w_________ and light.

2.G_________ change is preferable to sudden, large- scale change.

3.This photograph is too small; please e_________ it for me.

4.Please remain seated and keep your seat belts f_________.

5.The earthquake v_________ are suffering from want of medical supplies.

6.The rigid diet has made Jane look much _________(苗条) .

7.The irresponsible teacher is always _________ (责骂)the child without reason.

8.A successful _________(政治家) always bends an ear to the opinion of the public.

9.There is _________ (没完没了)work to do when you have children in the house.

10.This well has a _________(深度)of 30 feet.



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

When I entered senior high school, I began to take a great interest in poems. I devoted nearly all my free time to 1. (learn) poems. One day, I presented one of my poems to my teacher, 2. opinion I wanted as to whether or not the poem was any good. While he was scanning the lines, I waited in anxiety, wondering 3. he would say about it. But he said it was wonderful. Later, he encouraged me 4. (send) it to a newspaper to be published. I was happy to hear his opinion, still feeling 5. (doubt) about it.

Wanting to try my luck, I posted my poem to a newspaper 6. delay. After I waited more than a month, it was my 7. (assume) that my poem had been rejected. Then a letter came informing me 8. they were going to publish my poem. They even wanted me to read it aloud and broadcast it on the radio. I had made it.

I was 9. (true) successful in writing my first poem. I regarded this as a good start. I 10. (convince) that I can eventually become a famous poet.



    When I went to Senegal to work, the first thing I did was to hit the streets in Dakar. Not far from the city center, there is one of Africa’s biggest slums (贫民窟). Many street kids tailed me, begging. During my _______ trip to Senegal, I’d met a man who _______ me for blocks with a sad story about needing milk for his newborn baby. After I bought him some, he _______ quickly without any thanks. The shopkeeper _______ to me that the man was a cheat and I was too _______. So when I walked on the streets of Dakar, I had my guard up, trying to be _______.

Near my apartment, on a major road, I passed a lot of young men in _______, whom I considered to be _______. The next day, I saw them again at an outdoor _______ court near my office. I lingered (逗留) and watched them warm up. They rolled the three-man weave, laughing and speaking Wolof, the ________ language. A few days later, I ________ myself to them. When I shared some advice from my playing days, they ________. So I started spending more time with them and ________ I ended up being their assistant coach. I started referring to them as “my ________” to colleagues.

During one game on an outdoor court in Guédiawaye, it seemed our guys had met their match. Players on the opposing team played ________ and were good chair-handlers and sharpshooters. ________, my players didn’t back down. We ________ at last. We clattered (喧闹) out of the slum, singing at full ________.

Toward the end of the season, Mafall, one of the members, ________ me to where he lived. As Mafall and I chatted in his room, I knew something had changed. I was no longer just a ________ white person, and they were no longer beggars. They were basketball players, my guys, and my friends.

1.A.pleasant B.previous C.precious D.delightful

2.A.followed B.surrounded C.embarrassed D.frightened

3.A.drowned B.disappeared C.queued D.responded

4.A.announced B.screamed C.yelled D.whispered

5.A.trusting B.forgetful C.abnormal D.admirable

6.A.cautious B.stubborn C.childish D.ridiculous

7.A.uniforms B.masks C.sleighs D.wheelchairs

8.A.thefts B.relatives C.beggars D.candidates

9.A.fantasy B.tournament C.basketball D.tennis

10.A.global B.local C.explicit D.royal

11.A.teased B.abandoned C.introduced D.clarified

12.A.withdrew B.disagreed C.overlooked D.applauded

13.A.unbearably B.sincerely C.eventually D.rarely

14.A.guys B.beggars C.friends D.assistants

15.A.hard B.fair C.clumsily D.ambiguously

16.A.Therefore B.Furthermore C.However D.Otherwise

17.A.quit B.won C.celebrated D.gathered

18.A.eyebrow B.throat C.fluency D.accuracy

19.A.recommended B.commanded C.required D.invited

20.A.superb B.clumsy C.troublesome D.strange



The Good and Bad of Online Communication

Our need to communicate with each other is a constant driving force for new inventions.Online services and products are where most development in communication is happening. Now there are increasing options for when, where and how to communicate, and perhaps most importantly, with whom.

1. Nobody can see who they are or what they look like. Many people who are shy feel confident online. One user noted that everyone is equal online and this cannot be found in face-to-face meetings. When you meet someone in person, you immediately make judgments based on appearance. 2. Online, however, appearance, age and status all become unimportant, and this encourages users to be open and honest, which makes it a lot easier for people to make friends.

Apart from making friends online, the Internet can bring together like-minded people who want to discuss favourite topics. There are forums and chat rooms for just about any hobby, interest, special abilities or unusual taste you can imagine.


Some people spend so much time on the Internet that they become totally dependent on it. Psychologists and social scientists worry that if people spend more time with computers than with other people, they will forget how to get on with people face to face. Apart from dependency, there are other objections and worries about the Internet. 4. Being open and honest with complete strangers, then arranging to meet them without friends or family knowing about it is very dangerous behaviour. Even when the worst dangers do not happen, simple lies can leave people disappointed. Then there is the problem of information being stolen. The Internet has led to a new type of criminal, cyber-criminals, who could easily take your information and could even be using your identity and password.

5. Most users seem to think it is.

A.Whenever or however you use the Internet, hackers will be a constant threat.

B.With all these dangers, is going online to communicate really worthwhile?

C.People love the freedom of the Internet.

D.However, going online also has a dark side.

E.Even a person's accent or choice of shoes forms a certain impression.

F.Most users said that going online had improved their lives.

G.Not all people seeking relationships online have innocent intentions.



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