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We're so attached to plastic, but we're ...

    We're so attached to plastic, but we're careless consumers. Waste plastic is entering our ecosystems and food chains with untold consequences. Cleaning up our polluted world of plastic may seem a noble, but thankless task. However, some people are seeing economic opportunity in the mission.

Plastic Bank, a social enterprise from Canada, is monetizing plastic recycling while empowering those most affected by the waste. It works to prevent waste plastic from entering oceans by encouraging people in developing countries to collect plastic from their communities in exchange for cash, food, clean water or school tuition for their children. After collection, plastic is weighed, sorted, chipped, melted into balls and sold on as“raw material”to be made into everything from bottles for cleaning products to clothing.

“I saw in large quantities; I saw an opportunity,”CEO David Katz told the audience at the Sustainable Brands Oceans conference in Porto, Portugal on November 14.“We reveal the value in this material,”he added.

Plastic Bank was founded in 2013 and launched on the ground operations in 2014 in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western, Hemisphere, where close to 60% of the population live under the poverty line. As result of poor waste disposal and recycling infrastructure (基础设施)plastic waste enters rivers or is burned and poses the health threats to the local residents.

The company says i has over 2,000 collectors working in the country, with its full- time collectors on average 63% above the poverty line thanks to the income they make from the project. Through its app based payment system, many collectors now have bank accounts for the first time, and are able to ultimately escape ultra poverty.

“Nothing we're doing is against the laws of physics,”said Katz. “All the technology exists for us to solve and save the world. It's only creative thought.”

1.What is Plastic Bank aimed to do?

A.Test out creative ideas.

B.Discover new material.

C.Promote plastic recycling.

D.Stop people using plastic.

2.Which of the following shows the process of monetizing in Paragraph 2?

A.Purchasing- collecting—recycling.

B.Exchanging collecting—purchasing.

C.Collecting- exchanging—reproducing.

D.Persuading consuming—reproducing.

3.What do the numbers in Paragraph 5 indicate?

A.Haiti attaches great importance to recycling.

B.Many locals benefit greatly from the project.

C.Collecting is an efficient way to recycle waste.

D.The project has solved unemployment in Haiti:

4.What maybe the best title for the text?

A.Companies stand to ban plastic consumption

B.Technology finds its way to kick off poverty

C.David Katz speaks at the conference in Porto

D.Plastic Bank is fighting against plastic waste


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。讲述了一家叫Plastic Bank的公司在促进循环利用塑料的同时盈利并给发展中国家的人带来收入的事情。 1. 细节理解题。根据Plastic Bank定位到第二段,根据第二段第一句和第二句“Plastic Bank, a social enterprise from Canada, is monetizing plastic recycling while empowering those most affected by the waste. It works to prevent waste plastic from entering oceans by encouraging people in developing countries to collect plastic from their communities in exchange for cash, food, clean water or school tuition for their children.”可知塑料银行在“monetizing”塑料循环利用,这里的monetizing是生词,但可以根据第二句理解,第二句句意为“它致力于通过鼓励发展中国家的人从他们的社区里收集塑料来交换现金、食物、干净的水或孩子的学费来阻止塑料废品进入海洋”,所以monetizing应该是“变现”的意思,所以塑料银行的目的是促进塑料的循环利用,故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据monetizing定位到第二段第一句,第二句中的it代指monetizing,介绍了过程,第二句的句意为“它致力于通过鼓励发展中国家的人从他们的社区里收集塑料来交换现金、食物、干净的水或孩子的学费来阻止塑料废品进入海洋”,所以过程为“收集—交换—再生产”,故选C。 3. 推理判断题。数字所在句子为“The company says it has over 2,000 collectors working in the country, with its full- time collectors on average 63% above the poverty line thanks to the income they make from the project.”,意为“这家公司说它拥有2000多名收集者,63%的全职者在贫穷水平线之上,因为他们从这个项目中获得了收入”,所以这些数字的罗列是为了表明许多人从这个项目中受益,故选B。 4. 主旨大意题。根据开头的结尾“However, some people are seeing economic opportunity in the mission.”可知本篇文章是讲一些人在循环利用塑料中发现了商机,而接下来的每一段讲的都是Plastic Bank做的事情,所以这里的一些人指的是塑料银行,且最后一段中提到负责人说他们所做的事情并不违法,而是在拯救世界,故选D。

    Christine Reynolds worked at the public library in Yosemite National Park. When the government issued shutdown orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus(冠状病毒),  she loaded the back of her car with donated books and began her own mobile library.“I know this may not be conventional, and yet it has worked and I feel of use,”she said.

Across the United Statesvolunteers are reporting a jump in little free libraries as readers look to pass the time. Made of wood or brickand placed in front of parks or in the trunk of a car the libraries have seen their small spaces filled with books.

Around 1,000 people live in the Yosemite Valleywhere entertainment options are limited and some residents say Christine Reynolds' mobile library and her friendly chats offer a needed break.“I live in a rural areaso the Internet is not a guarantee. The time that some people might fill with online services is not an option for me. I turn to books to fill that gap.” said Connor Timpone, who lives east of Yosemite Valley. “Books have been a bright spot for me.”

“The spaces also have transformed into a new purpose. Readers are leaving can goods and other needed items to assists fellow neighbors. The libraries allow neighbors to help one another without getting physically close,” said Greig Metzger, director of the nonprofit Little Free Library.

Since 2009tens of thousands of little free libraries have sprung up in the United States and more than  100 countries. The small spaces operate by donation and through volunteers. Volunteers check the free libraries weekly, and the Selection is always different from the week before. Though the work Lakes much effort and time, it is rewarding.

1.What do we know about Christine's library?

A.It follows the traditional practice.

B.It is placed in the back of her car.

C.It mostly consists of her own books.

D.It is sponsored by the National Park.

2.Why is the number of little free libraries rising rapidly?

A.They meet people’s needs on special occasions.

B.They've received a great many donated books.

C.They can be easily constructed in many ways.

D.They can provide access to online services.

3.What is the new function of the little free libraries?

A.Supplying varieties of books.

B.Guaranteeing a needed break.

C.Creating a bond among neighbors.

D.Getting neighbors physically close.

4.How do the libraries operate on a daily basis?

A.With the support of the local government.

B.Through donations and voluntary services.

C.By means of the Participation of local residents.

D.Under the guidance of non-profit organizations.



    One of the best ways to pay for college is to find work that helps foot part of the school fee. Here are 4 types of part-time jobs that provide students with extra income.

Jobs with employer scholarships

Some companies offer help paying for college through scholarship programs. Taco Bell, for instance, offers its part- time employees the chance to win up to a $ 25 ,000 award through its Live Mas Scholarship. The award can be used toward vocational schools or a two- or four-year college. Employees must have worked for the company at least three continuous months.


For years the work-study program has allowed students to earn money through part-time work. Students aged between 16 and 24 who file  Free Application for Student Aid maybe qualified for the program.While these jobs aren't always on campus, students in work study earn at least $7.25 per hourthe state minimum wage.

Paid internships

A paid internship (实习) can not only help students pay for college but can also open doors for full-time work after graduation .According to a 2019 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, nearly two-thirds of paid interns received a job offerwhile just about 44% of  unpaid interns were offered a job.

On-demand economy jobs

Known for its flexibilitythe jobs can help students earn cash between classes.These on-demand jobs include completing small jobs making deliveries or even driving for ride-booking services.Students can typically earn more through on-demand workranging from $10 to $20 an hour.

1.What are the applicants for the work-study program required to do?

A.Submit an application form.

B.Work part time for years.

C.Accept the minimum wage.

D.Live and work one campus.

2.What is the advantage of On-demand economy jobs?

A.Providing scholarships.

B.Having fixed workplace.

C.Including an extra award.

D.Offering more job options.

3.Which program is of great help for students to find a full-time job?

A.Jobs with employer scholarships.

B.On- demand economy jobs.

C.Paid internships.

D.Work- study.



假定你是李华,你校学生会将举办一年一度的“校园美食节”活动,请你作为学生会主席给外教Mr. Johnson写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 邀请他参加;

2. 介绍美食节情况;

3. 期待回复。

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头结尾已经写好,不计收入总词数。

Dear Mr. Johnson,



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

I am a senior three student and I’m devoted myself to my lessons every day. I dare not waste single minute because I am afraid he will be left behind by others. With much exams to take, I feel nervous. To make matters worse, I have had difficulty in fall asleep since last week. I can’t concentrate myself to the teacher in class, feeling sleepy but tired. Yesterday my parents tell me to have a walk outdoors. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” they said to me. So I followed their advices. I felt more relaxing after some rest. I have decided to take more exercise from today on.



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

A study, 1. (lead) by the University of St. Andrews, found a balanced and healthy lifestyle, including becoming fitter, having less stress and sleeping 2. (long) all gave skin a more healthy-looking colour.

Previous 3. (study) have linked improvements in skin colour to a good diet but the latest study also examined 4. relationship between general health and skin colour.

They measured skin colour with a device that recorded how a rainbow of colours was reflected from the skin and found that both high 5.(fit) and low body fat were associated with a higher skin yellowness.

The research team also assessed whether a change in health changed skin appearance. They 6. (follow) 59 students from sports clubs to measure the training effect 7. their skin.

They found those 8. became healthier or lost body fat showed an increase in skin yellowness. Scientists concluded that exercise and healthy eating were low-cost ways of improving your skin. Any effort 9. (improve) lifestyle would benefit the skin within a 10. (relative) short time.



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