满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In August 1944, Major Claude Hensinger w...

    In August 1944, Major Claude Hensinger was returning from a B-52 bombing raid空袭) during World War II when a _______ struck: The planers engine caught fire, and it began to _______ towards the ground.

_______, Hensinger had a white parachute available for just such an _______. He inflated (使充气) the parachute as he jumped from the plane, suffering only minor _______ as he hit the rocks below. That night, he slept beneath the parachute to stay _______, not certain of his _______: He and the rest of his crew were trapped in enemy _______, with no way to escape.

_______ struck again the next day, ________, when Hensinger and his crew were discovered by a group of Chinese allies (友军). The soldiers made it out of Yowata ________,  but Hensinger held onto to that ________ parachute as a keepsake.

Three years later, when Hensinger decided to propose to his sweetheart, Ruth, he ________ the parachute to her and ________ that she turn it into a ________ dress. Ruth decided to create a “ Gone with the wind” style dress, hiring a ________ to make the bodice(连衣裙的上身) and veil, and completing the skirt by herself. She looked ________ as she walked down the aisle on July 19th, 1947.

And the parachuter’s ________ wasn’t finished yet. Decades later, the Hensingers’ daughter and their son’s bride were so ________ by their parents’ story that both brides ________ the parachute gown in their own weddings as well.

1.A.storm B.disaster C.fire D.fog

2.A.pass B.fly C.turn D.fall

3.A.Fortunately B.Hopefully C.Unexpectedly D.Actually

4.A.experiment B.instant C.emergency D.experience

5.A.illness B.faults C.mistakes D.injuries

6.A.warm B.calm C.safe D.healthy

7.A.crew B.future C.wound D.plane

8.A.surrounding B.circle C.territory D.camp

9.A.Happiness B.Hurts C.Enemies D.Luck

10.A.however B.besides C.therefore D.meanwhile

11.A.kindly B.consequently C.safely D.quietly

12.A.time-saving B.life-saving C.effort-making D.self-protecting

13.A.sold B.distributed C.donated D.presented

14.A.allowed B.ordered C.suggested D.agreed

15.A.wedding B.practicing C.singing D.attracting

16.A.tailor B.teacher C.guest D.maid

17.A.nervous B.strange C.funny D.beautiful

18.A.material B.mission C.use D.talk

19.A.puzzled B.encouraged C.amazed D.tired

20.A.borrowed B.wore C.copied D.broke


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Hensinge在一次灾难中由于降落伞而幸存下来,后来把降落伞做成婚纱的故事。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在1944年8月,Claude Hensinger少校从二战中的一次空袭中返回,这时一场灾难袭来。A. storm暴风雨;B. disaster灾难;C. fire火,火灾;D. fog雾。根据空后“The planers engine caught fire”可知,飞机发动机起火,对飞行员来说应是一场“灾难”。故选B项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:飞机发动机起火,并开始向地面掉落。A. pass传递、经过;B. fly飞行;C. turn翻转;D. fall跌落、落下。根据前文“The planers engine caught fire”及下文Hensinge乘降落伞跳下飞机可知,飞机发动机失火后,应会失控,掉向地面。故选D项。 3. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,Hensinger正好有一个白色的降落伞应对这样的紧急情况。A. Fortunately幸运地;B. Hopefully有希望地;C. Unexpectedly意想不到地;D. Actually实际上。根据“Hensinger had a white parachute available”可知,此处指“幸运地”。故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,Hensinger正好有一个白色的降落伞应对这样的紧急情况。A. experiment实验; B. instant瞬间;C. emergency紧急情况;D. experience经历。根据第一段飞机发动机起火可知,此处应是指“紧急情况”。故选C项。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他给降落伞充了气,从飞机上跳下来时,撞到下面的石头时只受了轻微的伤。A. illness疾病;B. faults错误、缺点;C. mistakes错误;D. injuries伤害。根据“He inflated (使充气) the parachute as he jumped from the plane”可知,他乘降落伞跳下飞机,只受了一点“轻伤”。故选D项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上,他睡在降落伞下面来保暖,对未来充满不确定。A. warm暖和的;B. calm冷静的;C. safe安全的;D. healthy健康的。根据本句“That night, he slept beneath the parachute”可知,他晚上睡在降落伞下面应是为了“保暖”。故选A项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:那天晚上,他睡在降落伞下面来保暖,对未来充满不确定。A. crew机务人员;B. future未来;C. wound伤口;D. plane飞机。根据“He and the rest of his crew were trapped”可知,他们被困,此处应是对“未来”不确定。故选B项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和其他的机务人员困在了敌人的领土,没有逃走的路。A. surrounding周围;B. circle圈;C. territory领土;D. camp营地。根据“with no way to escape”可知,他们应是掉在了敌人的“领土范围”,所以才想办法逃走。故选C项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,第二天幸运再次降临,Hensinger 和他的机务人员被中国友军发现。A. Happiness高兴;B. Hurts伤害;C. Enemies敌人;D. Luck幸运、运气。上文提到“飞机发动机起火时他们有降落伞”,根据关键词“again”及“Hensinger and his crew were discovered by a group of Chinese allies”可知,此处指“运气”再次降临。故选D项。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,第二天幸运再次降临,Hensinger和他的机务人员被中国友军发现。A. however然而;B. besides除此之外;C. therefore因此;D. meanwhile与此同时。上一段最后一句提到“他们无路可逃”与空后“Hensinger and his crew were discovered by a group of Chinese allies”是转折关系。故选A项。 11. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:士兵们把他们安全带出来。A. kindly善良地;B. consequently因此,所以;C. safely安全地;D. quietly安静地。根据“allies”及下文Hensinger向女友求婚可知,友军把他们安全地带出来。故选C项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是Hensinger坚持把救命的降落伞留作纪念。A. time-saving节省时间的;B. life-saving救命的;C. effort-making作出努力的;D. self-protecting自我保护的。根据上文内容可知,飞机发动机起火时,是降落伞救了他们,所以此处指“救命的”降落伞。故选B项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:三年后,当Hensinger向他的女友Ruth求婚时,他向她展示了这个降落伞。A. sold卖,出售;B. distributed分配;C. donated捐献;D. presented呈现,显示。根据下文Ruth decided to create a “Gone with the wind” style dress可知,此处是指Hensinger把降落伞拿给女友看。故选D项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hensinger建议她把它做成一个婚纱。A. allowed允许;B. ordered命令;C. suggested建议;D. agreed同意。根据下文Ruth decided to create a “ Gone with the wind” style dress可知,此处是Hensinger建议她把降落伞做成一件婚纱,且空后的从句she turn it into a…使用的是虚拟语气,suggest 表示“建议”时后面的 that从句谓语通常用“(should)+动词原形”。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Hensinger建议她把它做成一个婚纱。A. wedding婚礼的;B. practicing练习的;C. singing唱歌的;D. attracting吸引人的。根据“Hensinger decided to propose to his sweetheart”可知,Hensinger是在求婚,此处应是“婚纱”。故选A项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Ruth决定创造一件“随风而去”式的套裙,雇佣一个裁缝来做连衣裙的上身和背心,自己做下身短裙。A. tailor裁缝;B. teacher教师;C. guest客人;D. maid女仆。根据“make the bodice(连衣裙的上身) and veil”可知,此处应是雇佣“裁缝”。故选A项。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1947年7月19日,当她从教堂的走廊走下来时看起来很美丽。A .nervous紧张的;B. strange奇怪的,陌生的;C. funny有趣的;D. beautiful美丽的,漂亮的。此处是指婚礼时,Ruth穿上了这件婚纱,看起来应是十分“美丽的”。故选D项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:降落伞的使命还没完成。A. material物质,原料;B. mission使命;C. use用处;D. talk谈话。根据下文“both brides ___20___ the parachute gown in their own weddings as well.”可知,Hensinger的女儿及儿子的新娘结婚时,也穿上了这件降落伞礼服,所以此处指降落伞的“使命”还没完成。故选B项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:几十年后,Hensinger的女儿和儿子的新娘如此惊叹于父母的故事,所以两位新娘在她们自己的婚礼上也都穿上了降落伞礼服。A. puzzled困惑的;B. encouraged受到鼓励的;C. amazed吃惊的,惊讶的;D. tired疲惫的。根据下文“both brides ___20___ the parachute gown in their own weddings as well.”可知,新娘应是对父母的故事“感到惊奇”。故选C项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:几十年后,Hensinger的女儿和儿子的新娘如此惊叹于父母的故事,两位新娘在她们自己的婚礼上也都穿上了降落伞礼服。A. borrowed借;B. wore穿;C. copied复制;D. broke打破。根据空后“the parachute gown in their own weddings as well”可知,此处是指两位新娘都“穿上”了这件礼服。故选B项。

    In her essay Friends, Good Friends and Such Good Friends, Judith Viorst creates a number of categories(分类) for Friendships, for her, some friendships are based on convenience, some on current shared interests, some on past shared history, some on accidental crossing - of - paths, and on and on. 1.

I have just two categories of friends. 2. The short-term, low-investment (投资) category is a large and changeable group made up of people I’ve met since I moved to New Orleans eighteen months ago. My New Orleans friends are mostly classmates in my writing courses, people who see and comment my writing courses and whose writing I see and comment.

3. But they are also unstable(不稳定的) and possibly disappointing. This is because we often know each other better through reading each others writing than we do through honest time spent together. Such knowledge and familiarity, without necessarily the investment can create stresses.

The long-term, high-investment category is primarily made up of people I left behind when I moved to New Orleans. 4. They are friends who know me, love me, and who can be counted on for anything, even though they live 1,500 miles away. I know these friends from the way they wash dishes to the way they choose a restaurant or drink their coffee. Every one of them was once a person in my life, standing in the low-investment category, and then slowly becoming forever friends. 5. And the work is hard.

A.And the only difference between the two is time and lots of work.

B.Such classification by her is beyond me.

C.The change takes just that Investment.

D.In many ways, they are friends whose concern is only based on profit.

E.These low-investment friendships are delightfully strong and serious at times.

F.This is a firm and efficient group, whose numbers can be counted on one hand.

G.Friends of the low-investment category are always trustworthy



    Poetry is one of mankind’s oldest art forms. Since first analyzed by Aristotle, poetry has been part of every major art movement, and some say it captures emotion better than any other forms. Reading peotry is necessary to gain a full understanding of the world and has many additional benefits .

The immediate benefits of reading poetry are improvements to vocabulary. Poetry makes the reader familiar with new terms and encourages verbal analysis. This presents reading as a creative act in its own right. The common practice of memorizing poems also improves long-term brain health. Studies have shown that people who memorize and recall poems are less susceptible (受影响) to Alzheimer’s.

Poetry also improves critical thinking by forcing a reader to think. In great poetry, meaning is not obvious or one-dimensional (维度). Understanding poetry is an active practice, rather than the passive engagement encouraged with prose (散文). Readers of poetry are more likely than nonreaders to analyze information for viewpoints. This skill benefits students, but also anyone who wants to form their own opinions of news items or gain a better perspective upon documents like contracts. The critical thinking skills developed through reading poetry give greater control language itself.

The most remarkable power of literature is its ability to unite reader and writer across time and cultural boundaries. As condensed(浓缩的) literature, poetry offers these benefits in a powerful way. Poetry triggers memories and emotions in its readers. This connection between universal emotions and personal experience encourages the development of empathy. A reader might have no practical conception of what life was like during the Elizabethan-era in England. However, Shakespeare’s Sonnets with their universal themes of love and longing, can bridge the gap of centuries and help us gain an insight into peopled feelings in the 17th century.

1.Which of the following shows the benefit memorizing poetry brings to the brain?

A.It improves peopled long-term memory.

B.It improve s one’s ability of analysing issues.

C.It makes one less likely to catch Alzheimer’s

D.It makes one act more creatively.

2.In what way does poetry improve critical thinking?

A.Readers have to analyze information to form viewpoints.

B.Readers must understand the obvious meaning of poetry.

C.Readers have to gain a better perspective upon documents.

D.Readers have to have a good control over language.

3.Why does the author mention Shakespeare’s Sonnets?

A.To show poetry motivates us learn different cultures.

B.To show poetry helps develop our empathy.

C.To show the universal themes of poetry.

D.To show Shakespeare’s understanding of life.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To ask us to read poems.

B.To show how to appreciate poems.

C.To tell the importance of poetry in history.

D.To explain the benefits of reading poetry.



    ''They're made out of meat. ''

''Meat? ''

''There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our craft, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat.''

''That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The message to the stars? ''

''They used the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines. ''

''So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact. ''

''They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines. ''

''That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? Maybe they're like the Orfolei. You know, a carbon - based intelligence that goes through a meat stage. ''

''No. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat? ''

''Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the Weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma(电浆) brain inside. ''

''No. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads, like the Weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through. ''

''No brain? So. . . what does the thinking? ''

''You're not understanding, are you? You're refusing to deal with what I'm telling you. The brain does the thinking. The meat. ''

''Oh, my! So what does this meat have in mind? ''

''First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the Universe, contact other creatures, exchange ideas and information. The usual. ''

''We're supposed to talk to meat! ? ''

''That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there? Anybody home? ' That sort of thing. ''

''They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts? ''

''They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. They can even sing by forcing out air through their meat. ''

1.The ''meat'' probably refers to _________.

A.human beings on Earth

B.creatures on Earth

C.the Orfolei

D.the Weddilei

2.The two beings talking in the story seem to _________.

A.know the species of human beings a long time ago

B.be quite different from human beings in species

C.be made put of electrons

D.be made out of metals

3.The tone of the story is _________.

A.humorous B.serious

C.objective D.surprising

4.It can be inferred from the passage that human beings _________.

A.are the pioneer to adventure in the universe

B.as a species are the same as other creatures

C.as a species are inferior to the two beings who are talking

D.are looked at from a new point of view



    When I was 12 years old, I already knew that my teen years were going to be the worst years at my life. I was a total outsider, bullied at school. I felt completely alone in my small town.

But by starting to do volunteer work when I was 14, I turned my problem into a passion for helping others. The opportunity to practice kindness made me feel like my life had a greater purpose. The more positive energy I shared, the more kindness and appreciation I received. I realized that my purpose in life would be to reach out to people, specifically teenagers, and help them feel less alone.

Books were my time friends back then. I was so thankful that the authors wrote those books. The kindness they offered me with their books saved my life. One of my biggest dreams was to become an author so I could write books that would help other teenagers the way those books helped me.

After surviving terrible experiences at school and at home, I made a choice to take the optimistic, positive road in the next steps of my journey. My dream career is what I am doing now. I have been a full-time author of teen novels since 2007 and am grateful for this amazing opportunity to reach out to readers every single day.

Kindness saved me when I needed help the most. Even small acts of kindness can change someone’s life. You never know what someone else is going through. But by practicing daily kindness, you become an architect of positive change.

1.What was the author’s life like when he was 12?

A.Boring. B.Peaceful.

C.Unhappy. D.Meaningful.

2.How did the volunteer work benefit the author?

A.It made him popular in his town.

B.It helped him fall in love with reading

C.It helped him understand others’ lives better.

D.It helped him find the meaning of life.

3.Why did the author choose writing as his job?

A.He was inspired by his teacher.

B.He could pass positive energy to readers.

C.He wanted to share his school experiences.

D.He found he had a talent for writing.

4.What does the author suggest readers do in the last paragraph?

A.Say “no” to bullies bravely.

B.Inspire others to make positive changes.

C.Treat others with kindness in daily life.

D.Learn to care more about others’ feelings.



    In the past, most people would just throw away their worn-out appliances (家用电器)but due to the many environmental issues that this has caused over the years, it is highly suggested to consider recycling or other ways.

Donate Your Appliances to an Organization

The first thing that most people think about when they hear about donating is giving old things to a charity or an organization. However, you should ensure that your appliances still work. Not only do you put repair costs on the charity, but you are also using the organization as a way to get rid of your junk.

Find a New Owner

There are many people that could greatly benefit from y our used appliances, including new couples, students, poverty-stricken families, and many others. Similar to donating to a charity, it is important to ensure that your appliances are in good working order, and if they are not, you can put up an ad definitely stating that you are giving away the broken appliances for free.

Contact a Recycling Company

Before you do recycle your old items, there are several things that you should be aware of. First of all, you need to know about how refrigerator freezers, and air conditioners are recycled, as often these must be covered. According to your city, you may be required to take off the doors of your appliances to protect children or animals from getting trapped inside and getting hurt.

Donate Your Appliances as Scrap (废品) Metal

If your old appliances are completely broken, it might be best to just give them away as scrap metal. Fortunately, there are many different organizations and companies that need as much metal as they can get. Additionally, you won't have to do any of the scrapping or tearing apart by your-selves, as professionals take care and effort in removing harmful elements.

1.What's the similarity between the first two ways?

A.The appliances are given away for free.

B.The appliances should be better in good condition.

C.The appliances will be sent to organizations.

D.The harmful parts of appliances must be got rid of.

2.If we want to recycle our old appliances, what should we consider?

A.What kind of appliances can be recycled.

B.Who can really benefit much from them.

C.Whether they will cause some danger or harm.

D.Which is the most suitable recycling company.

3.What can you do if you want to donate your completely broken appliances?

A.Tear them apart on your own.

B.Give them to companies that need metal.

C.Remove the harmful elements of them yourself.

D.Make sure companies that want the metal pay the delivery fee.



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