满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It was Sa...


It was Saturday afternoon. Martin and his sister Pam were looking at the beautiful old buildings of Cambridge for the day. Pam had a camera with her. She likes taking photos.

“Let’s have a last photo of you,” said Pam. “It’s the last one. I want to finish the film in my camera.”

“Oh, all right,” said Martin. He stood in front of the flowers.

“Look at me.” Said Pam and took a photo. A man with a big rucksack(背包) and a tent on his back walked between Pam and Martin.

“Oh no,” said Pam. “Now I’ve got a picture of that man, not of you, Martin.”

The man looked at Pam. He was angry. He went across the road without a word.

“That man isn’t very nice, is he?” said Martin.

“No,” said Pam. The man with the rucksack on his back went into the bus station. He had got sunglasses and a blue hat.

“Come on,” said Martin. “Let’s find our bus.”

They went into the bus station. “Look,” said Martin. “There’s that man again. He’s getting into that bus. He’s going to Aberdeen. That’s in Scotland.”

“Good,” said Pam. “Far from here and far from me!”

Three days later, Pam had got her photos from the shop. “Look at these photos of us in Cambridge,” she said to Martin. “They are all very good but this last one. Look, it’s that man with the rucksack.”

“Wait a minute,” said Martin. “I know that face. It’s in the newspaper. Have you got it?”

“Today’s newspaper?” said Pam. “Yes, it’s here. Why?”

“Yes, here he is. Look at this picture,” said Martin.

Pam looked at the picture in the newspaper. “Who’s that?” she asked.

“It says in the paper that his name is Alan Rook,” said Martin. “And he works in a bank in London. But on Monday morning - no Alan Rook! The people at the bank don’t know where he is. And they say he’s got a hundred thousand pounds with him. The police are looking for him, too.”

“Come on,” said Martin. “Let’s take the photo and the newspaper to the police.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

    At the police station Pam and Martin met a policeman.


Paragraph 2:

    The next day the police in Aberdeen found Alan Rook in a tent in the mountains near Aberdeen.



At the police station Pam and Martin met a policeman. They put Pam’s photo and the newspaper on the table and they told their story. “That’s Alan Rook,” said the policeman. “The big question is - where is he now?” Pam and Martin told the policeman about the man and the bus to Aberdeen. “He’s got a rucksack and a tent on his back in the photo,” said the policeman. “He isn’t living in a hotel. He is camping. If we’re lucky, he’s still in Scotland. I must make a telephone call.” The next day the police in Aberdeen found Alan Rook in a tent in the mountains near Aberdeen. The money from the bank was in his rucksack. The next morning Pam and Martin’s story was in all the newspapers. There was Pam’s photo of Alan Rook at the bus station. There was a picture of Martin and Pam, too. In the newspaper it said, Camera Girl Gets Photo of Rook. Police in Aberdeen Find Bank Money. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 通过阅读所给文章可知,Martin和他的妹妹Pam在拍照片时,无意中拍到一个背着背包和帐篷的人,拿到照片后,两人认出了这个人就是警察在寻找的一名银行职员,他拿走了银行很多钱。于是两人决定带着照片和报纸去找警察。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:在警察局Pam和Martin遇到了一名警察。所以本段应该写到警察局后发生的事情,即Pam和Martin告诉警察事情的经过,比如在哪里遇到这个人,他去过什么地方、有什么特征等。第二段开头是:第二天Aberdeen的警察在Aberdeen附近的一座山上的帐篷里发现了Alan Rook。本段应该是找到Alan Rook之后发生的事情,警察找到他带走的钱,并把Pam和Martin的故事登在报纸上,并附上了他们的照片,表扬他们帮助警察追回银行丢失的钱。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。

假定你是李华,你班同学打算本周日去远足。 请你用英语给班里新来的交换生Anna写一封邮件,邀请她到时间一同前往,内容包括:

1. 活动时间及地点;

2. 注意事项;

3. 远足的益处。







Instead of just using their billboards (广告牌) for marketing, McDonald’s is putting their signs to good use by 1. (attach) “bee hotels” to the backs of roadside ads. As 2.means of helping decreasing honeybee populations in Sweden, the restaurant chain 3. (start) drilling holes into their own billboards since July so that the structures can provide shelter 4. honeybees. 5.(addition), the Swedish branch of the company has partnered with outdoor advertising firm JCDecaux in order to attach small honeybee 6. (house) to the backs of other unused roadside billboards as well.

This is not the first time that McDonald’s has used tiny structures to help  7. (struggle) honeybees. In addition to several of the Swedish branches building beehives (蜂巢) on the rooftops of their restaurants, the company sold a fully-functioning beehive that was built inside of “the world’s  8. (small) McDonald’s” back in May. The “McHive”9.(design) by award-winning artist Nicklas Nilsson sold for more than $10,000, all of 10. was donated to charity. Now, McDonald’s has partnered with the same designer in order to produce as many of the “bee hotels” as possible.



    “It’s time to celebrate!”

Hundreds of volunteers who _______ the search and rescue of Amanda Eller will celebrate at a barbecue _______ by the “Findaman da” Facebook page. The party reflects the _______and joy being expressed by the friends and family of Eller, who _______ walked into a Hawaiian forest on May 8 and was not _______ again for more than two weeks.

Eller, 35, survived on wild fruit, water,  _______and determination. On Friday, searchers in a helicopter  _______ her near a river, and she was airlifted _______ safety about two hours later. Eller was sunburned and hungry, and had a broken leg, but was _______ in good shape.

Eller, from her hospital bed, thanked the hundreds of volunteers who conducted  ________  searches. She said her 17 days in Maui’s Makawao Forest Reserve were the most ________  of her life. “There were times of total fear and ________  and wanting to die,” she said. “It did ________ to life and death, and I had to choose. I chose life-I wasn’t going to take the  ________ way out.”

Eller’s mother, Julia, said her daughter ________ into the woods, stopped to meditate (冥想), then couldn't find her way back to her car, which was ________ in the parking lot, her wallet and phone inside.

Eller lost 15 pounds. She broke a bone in her ________ and lost her shoes in a flash flood. But she did not ________. “I often heard this  ________ that said, ‘If you want to live, keep going’,” Eller said.

“It’s just a miracle (奇迹),” Julia said. “Miracles do happen ________ you believe in yourself.”

1.A.aided B.reported C.discussed D.guided

2.A.indicated B.accomplished C.updated D.promoted

3.A.faith B.relief C.hope D.regret

4.A.again B.seldom C.alone D.never

5.A.served B.mentioned C.recognized D.seen

6.A.kindness B.preference C.courage D.freedom

7.A.placed B.attached C.seized D.spotted

8.A.to B.with C.beyond D.under

9.A.therefore B.instead C.otherwise D.besides

10.A.practical B.apparent C.thorough D.energetic

11.A.interesting B.difficult C.satisfying D.peaceful

12.A.loss B.disappointment C.shame D.confidence

13.A.get across B.come back C.come down D.get down

14.A.tough B.accurate C.original D.easy

15.A.hiked B.jumped C.rode D.flew

16.A.painted B.controlled C.repaired D.found

17.A.arm B.leg C.foot D.hand

18.A.give off B.give up C.give away D.give out

19.A.voice B.comment C.forecast D.noise

20.A.whether B.if C.what D.that



    Weight is defined as the quantity of matter contained by a body or object. 1. So many girls are struggling with the numbers associated with their body image and it’s really sad seeing such beautiful girls become discouraged over a few numbers that don’t measure anything of true significance.

Yes, it is important to live a healthy lifestyle.2. Neglecting either your mental or physical health will cause problems for the other. It’s very easy to get caught up in the idea that you’re too heavy or too thin, which results in your mistreating your body in some way.

3. It harbors all of your thoughts, feelings, characteristics, and ideas. Without it, you wouldn’t be you. If you wish to change it in a healthy way, then, by all means, go ahead. With that being said, don’t make changes to impress or please someone else.4.

5.. You are more than the number on the scale (磅秤). You are more than the number on your jeans and dresses. You are way more than the number of pounds you’ve gained or lost in whatever amount of time. So, as hard as it may seem sometimes, understand that the number doesn’t measure the amount or significance of your contributions to this world. The fact that a dress doesn’t fit you like you had hoped doesn’t mean that you’re any less of a person.

A.Overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems.

B.Your body is your special, beautiful temple.

C.You are the only person who is in charge of your body.

D.Your physical health may play an important part in your life.

E.Weight does not define your self-worth, ambition or potential.

F.Taking care of yourself includes your mental health as well, however.

G.It’s not about the size of your jeans, but the size of your heart, soul, and spirit.



    Ever called a movie theater to find out showtime? Or called a customer service center for help? Chances are you didn't speak to a human being. You probably gave commands to an Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) system. These types of systems are efficient money-saving tools that allow companies to address many customer concerns with minimum human intervention.

The technology for such a system has advanced greatly since its appearance in the 1950s. One significant recent achievement is the launching of virtual personal assistants (VPAs) on mobile phones. The most well-known of these is Apple’s iPhone VPA, Siri. If you tell Siri that you want to schedule lunch with a friend, “she” can set the appointment on your phone in seconds. The VPA can also hold a basic “conversation” with a sense of humor. However, it can only be set off when the human user speaks certain key phrases or words.

While the potential for communication between a human and a machine may seem exciting, this possibility concerns some people. Some experts worry about people’s attachment to these machines and fear that the art of successful human-to-human conversation will be undeveloped in younger generations. They worry that people won’t be able to display the right emotion or tone in conversations because they haven’t been practicing those skills. Others fear that machines will take over functions that were traditionally performed by humans, such as customer service.

Another concern often associated with the development of new technology is the invasion of privacy. When people use certain speech recognition applications, they leave behind an audio track of their speech. When you ask a VPA for directions, your speech is often sent and saved to a remote server for processing. This digital information may lead to data mining, or the collection of large quantities of personal data.

For now, however, the continuing evolution of ASR software is thrilling to behold. Asking for and acquiring information from an automated source has never been easier. Leading companies in the speech recognition world will make human communication with machines as seamless as possible - in other words, just like communicating with another human.

1.What can we say about Apple’s Siri?

A.It’s a helpful VPA. B.It first appeared in the 1950s.

C.It’s the most advanced ASR system. D.It has the same sense of humor as humans.

2.What are Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly about?

A.The broad definition of ASR. B.Potential problems with ASR.

C.The fast development of ASR. D.Movements against using ASR.

3.What is the author's attitude towards the future of ASR?

A.Worried. B.Doubtful. C.Hopeful. D.Indifferent.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Talking to Technology B.The Application of Siri

C.The Art of Conversation D.VPAs on Mobile Phones



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