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During the COVID-19 crisis, even the sim...

    During the COVID-19 crisis, even the simple act of buying groceries has been completely transformed. For seniors this task is even more challenging. Concordia University's ACT project team has joined with community partners in the neighbourhood to fill this gap. They've rapidly created a new program-COVID-19 Grocery Response NDG.

The program uses a model that pairs volunteers with seniors, based on availability and language. Those volunteers are trained by ACT's team via video conferencing and then given a list of older adults. The volunteer calls the individuals and takes their order, working with grocer offerings of a Provigo store in the area. When the call is over, the order gets sent to Provigo, which gathers and delivers the order to the senior. It won't take the place of the work of the food bank; seniors are paying for their groceries.

There is also an important social element to the call, which doubles as a friendly check -in. The volunteer chats a bit with the senior, who may be very lonely and anxious. One volunteer says it has also been a rewarding experience and gives her the opportunity to help others while staying at home, which they are all being encouraged to do.

The program is a response to a number of factors, including the fact that many older adults are on a fixed income and may not have the internet access needed to order groceries online. It is targeting seniors who aren't able to access New Hope's usual meals on wheels service.

So far the project is a success, with a growing number of volunteers and seniors. As for what's next, Concordia is optimistic but acknowledges that the team will need to be nimble to accommodate the changing realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are at a critical time and we need to do everything we can, together, to help out.

1.What do the volunteers do to help the seniors?

A.Help them pay the bill. B.Send their order to the store.

C.Write a shopping list for them. D.Deliver their groceries lo the door.

2.What can we infer about the programme from paragraph 3?

A.It benefits both sides. B.It helps the store survive.

C.It goes beyond expectation. D.It encourages people to purchase online.

3.Who might be the potential client of the program?

A.Daisy aged 45 with a heavy debt. B.David who enjoys meals on wheels service.

C.Alexander aged 75 with a retirement pension. D.Elspeth who knows noting about online shopping.

4.What does the underlined word “nimble” probably mean?

A.Flexible. B.Beneficial.

C.Accessible. D.Qualified.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。在COVID-19危机期间,就连购买食品杂货这样简单的行为也完全改变了。对于老年人来说,这项任务更具挑战性。文章主要介绍了一个康科迪亚大学的ACT项目团队与社区合作伙伴一起创立的名为Grocery Response NDG的项目,文章介绍了这个项目的运作过程、优点和针对的目标人群。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中Those volunteers are trained by ACT's team via video conferencing and then given a list of older adults. The volunteer calls the individuals and takes their order, working with grocer offerings of a Provigo store in the area. When the call is over, the order gets sent to Provigo, which gathers and delivers the order to the senior.可知ACT的团队通过视频会议对这些志愿者进行培训,然后给他们一份老年人名单。志愿者打电话给这些人,并接受他们的订单,与该地区的Provigo商店的杂货产品合作。当通话结束后,订单会被发送到Provigo,Provigo收集订单并将订的东西送到老人手中。由此可知,志愿者们把老人们的订单送到商店,来帮助老年人。故选B。 2. 推理判断题。根据第三段中The volunteer chats a bit with the senior, who may be very lonely and anxious. One volunteer says it has also been a rewarding experience and gives her the opportunity to help others while staying at home, which they are all being encouraged to do.可知志愿者和老人聊了几句,老人可能很孤独,很焦虑。一位志愿者说,这也是一次有益的经历,让她有机会在待在家里的同时帮助别人,他们都被鼓励这样做。由此可推知,该项目对双方都有好处。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中The program is a response to a number of factors, including the fact that many older adults are on a fixed income and may not have the internet access needed to order groceries online. It is targeting seniors who aren't able to access New Hope's usual meals on wheels service.(该项目是对一系列因素的回应,包括许多老年人有固定收入,可能没有上网在网上订购杂货的能力。它的目标客户是那些无法享受新希望餐厅通常提供的“送餐上门”服务的老年人。)由此可推知,75岁拿着退休金的Alexander可能是项目的潜在客户。故选C。 4. 词义猜测题。根据后文to accommodate the changing realities of the COVID-19 pandemic.可知至于下一步怎么办,Concordia是乐观的,但也承认该团队需要灵活地适应COVID-19大流行不断变化的现实。由此可知,划线单词“nimble”意思为“灵活的”。A. Flexible.灵活的;B. Beneficial.有益的;C. Accessible.易接近的;D. Qualified.合格的。故选A。

    Teenagers may not know the name Kevin Mayer, but he's about to play an outsize role in their lives.

The longtime leader of the Walt Disney Company just became the CEO of TikTok (抖音).In doing so, Mayer will lake charge of an app whose influence over a lot of people has made it one of the most influential although controversial(有争议的) ,platforms of the era.

Mayer has been with Disney since the early 1990sminus a period as the CEO of Playboy.comand he’s helped to acquire some important brands in film industry. More recently he's become known for his key role in the launch of the ll-important Disney Plus streaming service.

Mayer was thought to be among the most obvious potential successors to outgoing CEO Bob Iger, but he was passed over for Bob Chapekwho ran Disney' theme parks unit.

Mayer's departure from Disney may not be a surprise,but his move to TikTok is unexpected. The app, owned by China-based ByteDance, is at a crucial moment in its short historyseeing enormous growth during the pandemic lockdowns but facing increasing criticism over its data-collection practices. As it rises in influence ,the company will surely face a growing drumbeat of intense media and strict monitoring.

In contrast, Disney has never been more delicate, with the coronavinus pandemic having broken nearly all of its core business units, from the close down of theme parks and movie theaters to ongoing interruptions to its production schedules. Mayerwhatever else is motivating the move, is hopping( ) to another position at a proper time.

1.What's the text mainly about?

A.The job-hopping of a CEO.

B.The rising influence of TikTok.

C.The decline of the Walt Disney Company .

D.The intense competition between companies.

2.What's the likely reason for Mayer's departure from Disney?

A.He had been offered a higher salary

B.He wasn't qualified for his previous job.

C.He preferred a new career concerning teenagers.

D.He failed to succeed Bob Iger as a CEO of Disney.

3.What do we know about TikTok according to the text?

A.Potential but delicate. B.Profitable but immoral.

C.Popular but controversial. D.Professional but addictive.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To advertise for Disney. B.To report of news.

C.To recommend a new app. D.To compare two companies.



    Crazy at home? Travel restrictions limit your wanderlust? For nowfrom the safely of your couch ,you can still explore the world with these travel-inspiring films.

The Beach

Maya Bay ,Thailand

If there was ever a movie that tells about the search to find your own private paradise ,this is it. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, The Beach follows backpackers' search for a hidden mysterious utopia in Thailand. Ironically Maya Bay has become so overrun with tourists since the movie was filmed that it was forced to close until 2021 due to environmental concerns.


The OutbackAustralia

Based on the true story of one woman's nearly 2 ,000-mile walk alone across the Western Australian desert with just her dog and camelsthe film spotlights the vast Outback. You'll get lost in the wild beauty of the country as glimpses of these wonders such as Uluru Peak fill the screen.

Lost in Translation

Tokyo ,Japan

This classic won Sofia Coppola the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and numerous fans for its quiet brilliance describing the loneliness of travel. Suffering from jet lag and culture shock ,two drifting foreigners- Bob Murray and Scarlett Johansson bond over drinks at the Park Hyatt in the fascinating up-all-nigh world of Tokyo.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Ben Stiller directs and stars in this film adaption of a short story about an unlucky dreamer who leads a sedentary( 久坐不动的) life working for Life magazine. That is,until he goes on a wild adventure tracking down a film negative for the last issue. From jumping out of a helicopter in Greenland to spotting rare snow leopards in the Himalayas Mitty reminds us about the rewards of stepping out of our comfort zone.

1.Which film is from a true story?

A.The Beach. B.Tracks.

C.Lost in Translation. D.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

2.What appeals to the audience most in Lost in Translation?

A.Its famous director.

B.The natural beauty of Tokyo.

C.Its presentation of loneliness.

D.The friendship of two foreigners.

3.In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

A.Science B.Entertainment C.Fashion D.Sports



假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友Sandy得知你市将举办中国年画(Chinese New Year paintings)展,发邮件向你询问相关情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 简述年画的寓意(喜庆、祈福、迎新等);

2. 告知展览的相关情况(时间、地点和目的);

3. 提出一起参观年画展。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Sandy,



Li Hua







注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As a student, my main target is to study well and then make progress step in step. As we know, all works and no play makes Jack a dull boy. When holiday comes, it is time for me play and I’m usually very happy. Therefore, playing all the time makes me feel empty because I have done nothing at all. I want to do nothing meaningful to enrich my life, so a target is needing for me. I usually set a small goal for myself, for example, read a book. Every time when I finish my target, I felt so satisfied. The really meaningful life is to do some usefully things.




Penguins are some of the most recognizable and beloved birds in the world and even have their own holiday: World Penguin Day. It 1. (celebrate) every year on April 25. Penguins are also 2. (amaze) birds because of their physical adaptations to survive in unusual climates and to live mostly at sea.

Penguins are primarily found only in the Southern Hemisphere (南半球), while most people associate penguins with Antarctica in 3. these birds are much more widespread. Penguin populations can be found in South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, as well 4. many small islands in the southern Pacific Ocean.

The naturally northernmost penguin species is the Galapagos penguin, which lives year round near the equator on the Galapagos Islands. This penguin 5. (regular) crosses the equator into the Northern Hemisphere as it swims while feeding.

Penguins lost the ability to fly 6. (million) of years ago, but their powerful flippers (脚蹼) and streamlined bodies make them become 7. (skill) swimmers. They are the fastest swimming and deepest diving species of the bird and can stay underwater up to 20 minutes at 8. time. While swimming, penguins will leap above the surface of the water.

Penguins’ eyes work 9. (well) underwater than they do in the air, giving them superior eyesight 10. (spot) prey (猎物) while hunting, even in cloudy or dark water, or in the rapid flow. What a surprising and cute animal it is!



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