满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 I stepped...


I stepped off the bus and headed for the pool with my friends, concentrating on what I needed to do to win this swimming competition.

I jumped in the water, amid(. . . . . 中)screams of"Oh man, it's freezing", and found it wasn't too bad. I started to warm up, and noticed the sky getting gray. "It's going to rain, "my friend Ashley said behind me. "Let's pray for no thunder or lightning, "I replied. "This meet can't be canceled. "That was when I noticed his uneasiness. "What's wrong?"I asked.

He looked over at the other team and back at me, saying, "Their 50m freestyle swimmer, Jack, is talking something bad about you. He said you'd be a good swimmer if you didn't swim like a girl. And he's not only saying something bad about you, but everyone of us. "Ashley gave me a look of encouragement and added, "Tom, you'd better swim as fast as possible and beat him. Show him who's the boss!”

My event was third. By that time, all my friends had shown up and I was preparing for my 50m freestyle sprint(冲刺)。I walked over to the blocks(起跑器)and began to prepare myself.

“You think you actually have a chance?” came an aggressive voice from my side. I turned and recognized the guy who Ashley had pointed at. It was Jack, who added, "Don't even try. "Luckily, I was not alone. My friends were close by.

“My friend is going to beat you, "Ashley warned. Jack replied, “That's a good one. We'll settle this in the water. ”

“Swimmers up!" the official called. I stepped onto the starting block and prepared for the race.

That was when all my friends started to cheer me on. I focused all my attention and followed the official's order, "Take your mark. "I bent down into my starting position, the cheering around me growing louder.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

When the starting gun fired, I jumped into the water:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

All I heard was cheering. ________________________________________________________________________________


When the starting gun fired, I jumped into the water. I began pumping my arms fast. “Faster, ” I thought, “swim faster!” I was pushing myself to the limit. I took a breath and headed for the wall of the pool. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the guy, Jack, neck and neck with me. “This is close, ” I thought, I came to the last five meters and sprinted with all my strength. “Go, go, go, ” my brain yelled. I hit the wall and lifted my head at almost the same time as Jack. All I heard was cheering. I looked around and nearly every one, including the other team, was pointing at me in amazement. I had touched the wall a second before Jack. I looked at the official, and he signaled that I had won. I screamed in my head. Ashley and my other friends were jumping with joy. I did not celebrate; it wasn’t my style. I glanced over at Jack, who had a look of embarrassment. Seeing that, I said sincerely to Jack, “Hey, a good swim. ” 【解析】 本文是一篇读后续写。 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者和他的朋友们前往游泳池准备参加游泳比赛。在准备期间,作者的朋友Ashley告诉他说对方有一个叫Jack的人说他和队友们的坏话。并且希望作者能打败他。最终在所有的人的加油之下,作者做好开赛准备要打败Jack。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:发令枪一响,我就跳入水中…。所以这一段要详细描写写作者用尽全力游到终点以及在此过程的心理活动。第二段开头是:我听到的都是欢呼声。本段应该写获得了比赛的胜利后,大家都祝贺我。但是我并没有太骄傲,也鼓励了Jack。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。


1. 环境现状;

2. 具体措施;

3. 发出倡议。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear schoolmates,


The Students' Union

June 1, 2020




1.After being attacked, the captain________(撤回)his men from the village.

2.It's____________(令人难以置信的)that she's sold her first painting for$ 50, 000!

3.According to the central bank, the new edition bills will________(流通)in parallel with previous editions and will have the same face value.

4.The minutes towards______(离开)ticked by, and I was becoming a bit emotional and heartbroken.

5.Now we have new numbers showing that the waste of food is a global____(现象)so we'll have to do something to stop it.

6.Since we disagree on the matter, let's v_________ on it.

7.Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin n ______through a person's skin to various depths.

8.China has a large population, vast territory and a_________ resources.

9.Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve t___________ and stress.

10.The Egyptians rejected the pig as impure and would never s__________ a pig to the gods.



    We all love to take photographs. it is a simple way to capture (捕捉) a special moment or1.amazing view. Traditional cameras 2. (use)to take pictures in the past decades. But the biggest change has come 3. the development of digital technology. Now we have the smartphone4.has made taking photos 605. (quick)and easier. It's enabled us to take a photo and review it instantly, to handle it using software and to share it like never before-6. (particular)on social media.

Does that mean the traditional camera will eventually become out-of-date? 7.(figure)from Japan show shipments (运送) of digital cameras from companies like Canon and Nikon have dropped 39% year on year. But Phil Hall, editor of TechRadar, thinks there's nothing8. (worry)about because producers are looking at higher-end cameras.

Certainly, the9. (grow)of smartphones opens our eyes to the creative possibilities they provide. But whatever camera viewfinder (取景器) we end up 10. (look)through, it is important to remember the basics of photography and get your subject to say “cheese!”



    I run a design studio in New York. Every seven years, I close it for one year to_______for some little experiments, things that are always difficult to _______during the regular working years. In that year, we are not_______for any of our clients and we are totally closed. As you can imagine, it is a lovely and very energetic time.

I _______had opened the studio in New York to_______my two loves, music and design. And we created videos and packaging for many musicians that you know, and for even more that you've never heard of. As I _______, just like with many, many things in my life that I actually love, I adapt to it. And I get, over time, _______by them. And for sure, in our case, our _______started to look the same. You see here a glass eye in a die(模子) cut of a book. Quite the _______idea, then, a perfume packaged in a ________, in a die cut. So I decided to close it down for one year.

Also is the knowledge that right now we spend about the first 25 years of our lives ________, then there is another 40 years that's really ________for working. And then at the end of it are about 15 years for retirement. And I thought it might be ________ to basically cut off five of those retirement years and put them in between those working years. That's clearly enjoyable for myself. But probably even more important is that the work that comes out of these ________flows back into the company and into society at large, rather than just________ a grandchild or two…

1.A.try B.account C.argue D.wait

2.A.imagine B.recognize C.accomplish D.predict

3.A.available B.suitable C.alternative D.effective

4.A.casually B.eventually C.obviously D.originally

5.A.express B.combine C.enlarge D.evaluate

6.A.wondered B.profited C.realized D.reminded

7.A.excited B.alarmed C.addicted D.bored

8.A.work B.appearance C.video D.studio

9.A.unusual B.similar C.reasonable D.interesting

10.A.bottle B.book C.glass D.case

11.A.learning B.playing C.searching D.adjusting

12.A.monitored B.limited C.reserved D.removed

13.A.helpful B.astonishing C.abnormal D.amusing

14.A.designs B.ideas C.years D.musicians

15.A.educating B.loving C.blaming D.benefiting



    The thought often occurs to us that if only we had a little more time in the day, we could do all the things we want to do. 1., but by improving time management skills we can be more productive and have more time for ourselves and our hobbies.

2.. It seems corny(老生常谈的), but actually putting down on paper the things we have to get done and watching the list grow shorter as the day progresses can be a wonderful way to improve our productivity. Schedule blocks of time for each task. If we have not given ourselves enough time to finish our tasks, but we must move on to something else, try to make up time with another task on our list. 3.

Mark our list in order of priority(优先).The most important tasks should be dealt with first. 4.but the point of improving time management skills is to get the important tasks taken care of regularly.

Be reasonable about what we can accomplish each day.5.. It may mean that we have to cut our television time in half, but our daily lists can become more manageable with time.

A.Make a to-do list

B.Cut your larger projects into pieces

C.This way, we can get what we must complete done

D.You can improve your efficiency to get more things done

E.Unfortunately, we can't change those 24 hours in a day to 30

F.There are some things we may have to put off from one day to the other

G.We need to start by seeing when we have free time and could be more productive



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