满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For an entire decade, the award for Best...

    For an entire decade, the award for Best FIFA Men’s Player of the Year was quite predictable: It either went to Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo or Argentina’s Lionel Messi. After all, they are the “legends” of soccer.

This year’s recipient, however, came as a surprise: Croatian player Luka Modric.

For those who aren’t soccer fans, Modric’s name is probably unfamiliar, mostly due to the fact that he rarely appears in TV commercials, and that he’s not a striker—things that apply to both Ronaldo and Messi—but a midfielder.

But Modric, 33, has certainly had a fruitful year. As a key member of Real Madrid, Modric helped the Spanish club win their third straight Champions League title in May. And as the captain of his national team of Croatia, Modric led the team to its first ever World Cup final in July.

And Modric’s hard childhood makes his achievements even more remarkable.

He grew up during the war following the break-up of Yugoslavia and the independence of Croatia. When he was 6, his grandfather was shot dead and his family had to live as refugees in a warzone. When playing soccer was an after-school hobby for kids of his age in other countries, it was an escape for Modric—he played soccer as a way to take his mind off the hardship his family was facing.

But it was this experience that gave Modric the mental toughness to push forward on his path to becoming one of the top soccer players in the world.

“The war made me stronger,” Modric told CNN. “We are not easy people to break. And there is a determination to show that, to show that we can succeed.”

It may be true that Modric wasn’t seen as a legend before. But by winning the Best Men’s Player award on Sept 24, he joined Ronaldo and Messi at the top of the list of the world’s best soccer players. And what could be more legendary than that? So, the man who defeated legends must be something even bigger.

1.Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi are mentioned in the passage to ________.

A.distinguish their differences B.show their contribution to soccer

C.highlight Modric’s achievements D.arouse the readers interest in soccer

2.Why did Modric start playing soccer?

A.Playing soccer was his hobby. B.He wanted to help his family out of trouble.

C.Playing soccer was required by his school. D.He expected to forget his family’s tough situation.

3.What can we learn about Modric from the passage?

A.He is captain of Real Madrid.

B.He often works as an advertising spokesperson.

C.He plays the same position as Cristiano Ronaldo.

D.He has made history for Croatia on the soccer field.

4.What does the passage intend to tell us?

A.Where there is life, there is hope.

B.Hardship makes a determined person stronger.

C.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

D.A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.


1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了今年获得了年度最佳男球员的奖项的克罗地亚球员Luka Modric,介绍了他所取得的成就和童年的成长经历。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段For an entire decade, the award for Best FIFA Men’s Player of the Year was quite predictable: It either went to Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo or Argentina’s Lionel Messi. After all, they are the “legends” of soccer.(整整十年,国际足联年度最佳男球员的奖项都是意料之中的:要么是葡萄牙的Cristiano Ronaldo,要么是阿根廷的Lionel Messi。毕竟,他们是足球的“传奇”)以及第二段This year’s recipient, however, came as a surprise: Croatian player Luka Modric.(然而,今年的获奖者却出乎意料:克罗地亚球员Luka Modric)由此可推知,文中提到了Cristiano Ronaldo和Messi是为了突出Modric的成就。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中When playing soccer was an after-school hobby for kids of his age in other countries, it was an escape for Modric—he played soccer as a way to take his mind off the hardship his family was facing.可知在其他国家,踢足球是他这个年龄的孩子放学后的爱好,对Modric来说,这是一种逃避——他踢足球是为了让自己的注意力从家庭面临的困难中解脱出来。由此可知,Modric是因为希望忘记家庭的困难处境,所以才开始踢足球。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中And as the captain of his national team of Croatia, Modric led the team to its first ever World Cup final in July.可知作为克罗地亚国家队的队长,Modric带领球队在7月份首次进入了世界杯决赛。由此可知,Modric在足球场上为克罗地亚创造了历史。故选D。 4. 推理判断题。根据第五段And Modric’s hard childhood makes his achievements even more remarkable.( Modric艰难的童年使他的成就更加引人注目)以及倒数第三段But it was this experience that gave Modric the mental toughness to push forward on his path to becoming one of the top soccer players in the world.(但正是这段经历给了Modric坚韧的精神,让他在成为世界顶级足球运动员的道路上勇往直前)可知Modric童年艰难的经历让他具有了更加坚韧的精神,从而取得了如今的成就,由此可推知,这篇文章想告诉我们困难使有决心的人更坚强。故选B。

    The Slade Summer School Foundation course is an excellent introduction to the study of contemporary art. It sustains and develops students’ abilities and interests over a ten-week period and offers an opportunity for contemporary Fine Art practice. Entry is open to students of all levels and experience.

Course Structure

The course begins with a structured introduction to Fine Art. We begin by exploring the nature of drawing and its fundamental use for the artist and follow this with an in-depth investigation into processes of making and the application of ideas. Initially as a group, then individually, students will generate work from supplied and found materials.

Each student will have a space in the Woburn studios for individual studio-based enquiry.


Alongside individual research and practice there will be a number of optional specialist workshops taught by invited artists as the course develops. These include subjects such as: order in space, color and light, technical research, etc.


For the introductory period and for the later workshops, most of the basic materials are provided, however, as independent working progresses students will be expected to provide their own materials.

Please note:

This year’s Foundation course will be taking place at Slade School of Fine Art, Woburn Studios in Bloomsbury, close to the British Museum and the galleries of Soho and the West End. The studios host the postgraduate Painting programme and was previously home to the Courtauld Gallery until 1989.

Duration: 06 July-11 September 2020 /10 weeks

Fee: 3, 750 (Early bird discount: 10% off until 31 May, 2020)

Summer School Foundation fees can be paid in full at the time of booking or in two installments (分期付款).

The first installment is 1,875 and must be paid at the time of booking; the second installment of 1,875 is due one month before the course starts.

Discount applied on both installments.

Book now!

1.What do we know about the Summer School Foundation course?

A.It covers both classical and modern arts. B.It is a professional course for future artists.

C.It features exploring the nature of drawing. D.It is intended for all students who love art.

2.Where will the students learn art during the course?

A.In the Courtauld Gallery. B.In the British Museum.

C.In the West End. D.In the Woburn Studios

3.If you are interested in the course, you should ________ to save money.

A.pay in installment before June B.sign up on a certain website

C.gain membership to get discount D.make full payment before the course starts









Dear Chris

I’ m Li Hua, a student at Chenguanp High School.


Thank you for your time.


Li Hua




1.The process was _______(有益的)to both supplier and customer.

2.The tourism facilities which were_______(摧毁)by the tsunamis in some parts of Thailand have been basically restored.

3.Today the r_______of ancient Rome have become a scenic spot to tourists from all over the world.

4._______(现在,如今), mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life in the USA.

5.In reality, he is disabled and can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the c_______of the VR studio.

6.They later_______(逃跑)to Italy, where they lived and worked for 20 years.

7.The fact that he didn’t speak a foreign language put him at a distinct d_______.

8.According to the o_______figures, over three thousand people lost their lives during the outbreak of the epidemic in China.

9.Graduates should do something creative in the interview to d_______ themselves from other interviewees.

10.A team c_______of 50 experts on virus is devoted to doing research on the coronavirus in the hope that the right medicine to kill the virus can come into mass production soon.



    A 90-year-old driver is providing it’s never too late to pursue(追求)your dreams. Last year, Hershel McGriff became the ______ driver to compete in a NASCAR event when he raced at the Tucson Speedway in his home state of Arizona.

McGriff has been ______ since he was a teenager. His first time behind the ______ came when he was just 17 years old after he read an ad in his local newspaper and was drawn to the ______ that comes with driving hundreds of miles per hour around a track, ______ for first place.

"I borrowed my dad’s 1940 Hudson — an ugly car, and I got a couple of guys to help me," McGriff ______ his beginning in the sport. "I didn’t do very ______ .I think I finished 12th or 13th out of a bunch of cars. That got me started."

His first win on the NASCAR circuit (联赛)came when he ______ in Mexico at the age of 22. McGriff went on ______ dozens of races, finally being ______ as one of NASCAR’s 50 Greatest Drivers. He retired from the sport at 74, but he never stopped his love for the track and decided to return to racing for a few special events that have made him famous in his hometown and ______ others to keep pursuing their dreams as well.

McGriffs spot in the race was a gift for his 90th birthday from his son and long-time friend, team owner Bill McAnally. "Bill called me up on the phone and said, ‘For your 90th birthday, I will furnish the car. All you have to do is ______ it," McGriff said. "When he made the ______, I was ready to accept

McGriffs history-making race proves that you can pursue your dreams at any ______ , but for this young — at — heart racer, it was just a chance to get behind the wheel and ______ pursuing his passion.

1.A.oldest B.fastest C.kindest D.bravest

2.A.studying B.racing C.dreaming D.growing

3.A.screen B.camera C.seat D.wheel

4.A.excitement B.nervousness C.comfort D.honor

5.A.waiting B.searching C.preparing D.fighting

6.A.looked back on B.looked forward to C.looked up to D.looked down on

7.A.seriously B.carefully C.well D.soon

8.A.relaxed B.performed C.competed D.traveled

9.A.organizing B.winning C.entering D.losing

10.A.remembered B.introduced C.employed D.named

11.A.inspired B.required C.allowed D.forced

12.A.repair B.buy C.drive D.decorate

13.A.change B.offer C.comment D.design

14.A.cost B.speed C.place D.age

15.A.finish B.consider C.continue D.imagine



    It’s the weekend, and you’re not at work. So what are you doing? 1. If you re in the UK, you might be hiding from the rain in your local shopping centre. Where you live and the culture you live in affect what you choose to do with any leisure(空闲)time you have.

However, as well as these cultural influences on the concept of leisure, there are many aspects that affect the actual leisure activities that people take part in. 2. People who live in places with cold or wet weather might be more likely to spend their free time indoors, for example. According to one study, people in France spend twice as much time eating and drinking, at home and in restaurants, as people in Mexico. 3. Many populations have limited electricity supplies in these countries, compared to North America, Where TV and the Internet are among the top leisure interests.

4. Visiting historic sites is popular in Europe, but not so much among the young as the older generations. Perhaps now more than ever, the real division in cultures from all around the world is that of age. 5. For example, they like playing games, chatting watching videos. What their cultural background is already doesn’t really matter. Take a look around you — can you predict what your friends and family are up to this weekend just by their age? I have a feeling you can!

A.Activities with such strong cultural influences will be welcome.

B.If you’re in Switzerland you might be hiking through the countryside.

C.There are different meanings for the idea of leisure in different cultures.

D.Things like climate and basic systems come into play in different cultures.

E.Age and social background also influence the activities people choose to do.

F.The generation that has grown up with the Internet likes spending free time online.

G.Other studies show live music and dancing events are more popular in African countries.



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