满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Little snow had fallen this winter. For Reuven the frier(皮衣制作工) it was a bad year, and after long hesitation he decided to sell Zlateh the old goat. The town butcher had offered eight silver coins for the goat. Reuven told his oldest boy, Aaron, to take the goat to town. Aaron understood what it meant, but he had to obey his father. His sisters cried loudly.

Aaron took along two slices of bread to eat on the road. He needed to deliver the goat by evening and return the next day with the money. While the family said goodbye, Zlatch stood as patiently as ever. Zlateh trusted human beings.

The sun was shining when Aaron left. Suddenly the weather changed, and after a while it began to snow. Soon their path was completely covered and Aaron got lost. Beneath the snow Aaron’s boots touched the softness of a plowed field. He realized that he was no longer on the road. Zlateh bleated (哀鸣) as if asking to be taken home. Aaron looked around hoping to find a farmer driving a sleigh(雪橇) along the way. But he could see nothing.

Aaron knew that if they did not find shelter, they would freeze to death. Suddenly he made out the shape of a hill. When he came near it, he realized that it was a large haystack (大干草堆) covered by snow. Aaron knew that they were saved. When he reached the hay, he dug a nest for himself and the goat. It was always warm in the hay. And hay was food for Zlateh.

Zlateh, sat down and seemed to have regained her confidence in man. Aaron ate his bread, but after the difficult journey he was still hungry. He looked at Zlateh and realized that he would not be starved to death. Goat’s milk was sweet. Zlateh ate frequently and her body gave forth an animal warmth, and Aaron hugged her tightly. The snow fell for 3 days and the wind

quieted down.

Paragraph 1: .

On the morning of the fourth day, Aaron heard the ringing of sleigh bells.


Paragraph 2:

The news that Aaron and Zlateh were coming up the road was a great joy in the family.



On the morning of the fourth day, Aaron heard the ringing of sleigh bells. He got out of the haystack, and found that it was not far from the road. Aaron shouted loudly to the peasant who drove the sleigh for help. Finally, they were saved. Aaron had made up his mind in the haystack that he would never part with Zlateh. Therefore, the peasant pointed out the way to the village. Aaron made his way home together with Zlateh, his loyal friend. The news that Aaron and Zlateh were coming up the road was a great joy in the family. The whole family, including Aaron’s father, rushed out to meet them in great excitement. Aaron told them in tears how he had found the haystack and how Zlateh had fed him with her milk in the past few days. Aaron’s sisters kissed and hugged Zlateh and Aaron’s father gave the goat a special treat of chopped carrots. Nobody ever again thought of selling Zlateh, who had been an import family member to them. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 这是一篇记叙文。通过阅读所给文章可知,文章讲述了父亲Reuven为了度过艰难冬季,决定卖掉家里最老的山羊—Zlateh,长子Aaron负责将Zlateh送到屠户那里换钱,在途中,他们遭遇了风雪天气,Aaron寻得了大堆干草堆,又饿又冷的情况之下, Zlateh的羊奶给与了Aaron温饱。历经三天的风雪天气终于停了下来,在一位过路农民的帮助之下,他和羊一起回家与家人团聚。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:On the morning of the fourth day, Aaron heard the ringing of sleigh bells. ( 第四天早上,Aaron听到了雪橇的铃声。)所以应该写Aaron从干草堆里出来后发生的事情,由首句的“Aaron heard the ringing if sleigh bells”,可知,要描述的内容应该是Aaron和羊如何获得雪橇主人的救助,比如大声呼喊;同时,由于前文提供的线索“Goat's milk was sweet. Zlateh ate frequently and her body gave forth an animal warmth, and Aaron hugged her tightly.( 羊奶是甜的。Zlateh频繁地吃干草,她的身体发出动物般的温暖,Aaron紧紧地拥抱着她。)可知,本段还应该描写Aaron在与羊建立了深刻感情之后的不忍分离等;第二段开头是The news that Aaron and Zlateh were coming up the road was a great joy in the family. ( Aaron 和Zlateh在回家路上的消息,使全家人都非常高兴。) 本段应该描写家人的反应,情节和细节上要回应上文,尤其突出描写父亲的反应和变化,比如父亲改变的对羊的态度,不再卖掉或给与羊奖赏等,文末要进行主题升华。 还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,按要求完成写作任务。

新华中学近期组织了校园劳动周(Campus Labor Week)活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写篇简短的英文报道。内容包括:




注意: 1.词数80左右;






Britons are well known 1. the amount of tea that they drink. The average person in the UK consumes around 1.9kg of tea annually. Tea 2. (drink)by all sections of society. But tea does not grow in Britain. The vast majority of tea is grown in India and China.

At the beginning of the 1700sthe amount of tea 3. (arrive)in Britain increased gradually. At first people drank the tea  4. (exact)as it was in China. They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugargiving the drink a special British characteristic.

In the 1800s tea was still a product  5.  (enjoy)only by people with money. At this time they began to have“afternoon tea”. This involves drinking tea with a snack around 4 p.m. to avoid feeling 6. (hunger) between lunch and dinner. It is a tradition that is still going today 7. has become less popular in recent times. Tearooms—shops 8. you could buy and drink tea—started to appear across the country. At 9. start of the 20th centuryBritons began to make tea in their homes whenever they felt like it. 10. (kettle)became essential in every kitchen.



    I suffered from Asperger's at my childhood. One of the biggest_ _______ I faced was communicating with others. I was shy but I loved to read and recite facts. This sometimes made me a_______ for bullies(欺凌). I didn't really understand as much about the disease or how it_______ my life.

When I was in my 20s, I_______ to Paris. I was deeply attracted by the city, and I_______ a job in a big hotel right then. As an Eiffel Tower ambassador,I _______ guests and visitors as they took the lift to the top of the hotel's 46-story tower, where I liked to_______ the local attractions and helped people find the best_______ for taking photos. At first, I had a problem with changes in everyday life,_______ when talking with people who were different from me. But I liked to memorize facts, and that really________ in my job because people loved to learn all of the interesting things about the city. Every day when I clocked in, I felt it's time for me to perform for and________ the guests. I loved it when I learnt something new because I couldn't ________ to share the information with others.

Everyone is________, and everyone has a gift. It takes me more than 50 years to________ that I am different. Just be yourself, be kind, and try to make a________ in your life.

1.A.decisions B.challenges C.conflicts D.changes

2.A.victory B.design C.memory D.target

3.A.reflected B.improved C.affected D.forgot

4.A.moved B.escaped C.rushed D.gathered

5.A.prepared for B.put away C.applied for  D.turned down

6.A.drove B.directed C.sent D.accompanied

7.A.introduce B.identify C.consider D.connect

8.A.advertisements B.spots C.reasons D.habits

9.A.chiefly B.personally C.specially D.especially

10.A.favored B.treated C.helped D.relaxed

11.A.entertain B.trust C.hire D.educate

12.A.stop B.work C.wait D.follow

13.A.difficult B.terrible C.bright D.unique

14.A.recognize B.realize C.wonder D.admit

15.A.difference B.promise C.choice D.sacrifice



    Before you throw that old cell phone in the trash, or hide it away in a drawer, think again. There are actually many ways to dispose(处理) of a mobile phone that you are no longer using. First, you should be aware that in many places, throwing away cell phones is actually illegal because the batteries - especially in very old phones - can contain poisonous metals. 1.

You certainly don't need to pay to recycle an old cell phone. 2. This had led to many charities making a small amount of money by collecting old phones. There are large organizations that will take unwanted phones. However, you might also want to think locally.

3. And they do make a little bit on each donation. If you can't find a large cell phone recycling program in your area, you might consider starting a small local one, perhaps for a local public school.4. As people move to bigger and better phones, or smaller and better phones, there are plenty of old cell phones just waiting for a place to land, and smart schools have provided that place.

You might also want to hang onto any accessories( 配件) that you have. 5. Continuing to use accessories in good shape makes smart economic sense.

A.In fact, most companies that recycle them get paid to do so.

B.There are better places to get rid of them than your trash can.

C.Many schools and local charities now have recycling programs.

D.Local charities have contributed a lot in repairing unwanted phones.

E.Things like chargers or covers can often be used with your new phone.

F.The saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure certainly applies.

G.Check first, since so many schools have gotten the jump on recycling them already.



    To deal with a changing world, we have to change as well. Transforming land into farms removes forests and worsens climate change. But we need to grow more food to support a growing global population. What can we do?

Scientists have discovered that plants grow best under a certain type of light, which can be provided by red and blue LEDs. The combination of these lights at the right level makes a space look pink. Since “pinkhouses” supply their own light, they don't need to have fragile glass walls and ceilings. And they can be set up anywhere, including places that don't get the amount of light greenhouses need.

Since pinkhouses can pack food in huge columns, one of these farms doesn't need a lot of land. Farmers can set up pinkhouses in cities. They completely control temperature and light, which can help some plants grow twice as well in pinkhouses as they do in traditional farming. Pinkhouses can allow for many more harvests per year since farming doesn't have to stop in the winter.

Even though pinkhouses are a great way to grow crops, lighting and heating an indoor space is very expensive. It doesn't make sense to grow foods that take up a lot of space or that we need to grow lots of, like wheat, rice, and corm, in a pinkhouse. We will still need to grow those crops in fields. We can start farming smarter.

Farmers will use satellite imagery to figure out exactly where to plant each crop. Think of a mixture of just the right crops, rather than a rectangle(长方形) of one type of plant.Sensors in the fields will measure the soil's water level,temperature, and chemical content. They will even be able to detect insects and send out notifications to a smartphone app.Irrigation systems will be tied to weather forecasting programs, allowing very precise watering and care, all calculated to get the best plant growth and yield.

1.From the text, we know that the pinkhouse

A.covers lots of space B.needs enough sunlight

C.is made of glass or plastic D.can make plants grow larger

2.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 4?

A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.

B.Emphasize the advantage of pinkhouses.

C.Introduce a new topic of the discussion.

D.Add some background information.

3.What is the result of the smart farming?

A.Farmers will have a better harvest.

B.Farmers can grow different plants.

C.Farmers needn't care about the weather.

D.Plants can protect themselves against insects.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Building Pinkhouses B.Feeding the Future

C.Changing the World D.Getting Outdoor Farming Smart



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