满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.How many Economics l...


1.How many Economics lectures will the man attend every week?

A.Five times, from Monday to Friday.

B.Two times, on Thursday and Friday.

C.Two times, on Tuesday and Thursday.

2.Why did the man miss the meeting for the new students yesterday?

A.He hadn’t received any notice about that meeting.

B.He had to attend the group discussion.

C.He had to do some part-time jobs yesterday.

3.If a student wants to earn the scholarship, what is the required attendance rate?

A.80% B.90% C.100%

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the conversation?

A.The man is a grade one student in the university.

B.The man has to work after school.

C.The man thinks the time of the lecture is too early.


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Hello, I’m a new student on Economics. Can I know some information about the courses? W: Well, I lecture on that program. What do you need to know? M: I’d like to know how many lectures a week I have to attend? W: Two lectures a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Besides,there’s one group discussion every Friday. M: So what time? W: Let me see …You should have known this information yesterday, at the meeting for the new students. M: Oh, was there a meeting yesterday? I didn’t know about that …no one mentioned… W: Never mind. Now lectures are at four in the afternoon. M: Four’s bit late. I’ve got a part time job that starts at four thirty. W: Well, but attendance at lectures is necessary. We expect at least 80% attendance at this university, you know. M: 80%! That’s high. W: But I’m afraid you have to meet that requirement, otherwise, you can’t get enough credits to graduate. And what’s more, if you want to earn the scholarship, 90% attendance rate or above is a must. M: Ok, I see. Thank you for your information. W: You’re welcome.


1.What’s wrong with the woman’s mother?

A.She has been sick.

B.She misses her family and friends.

C.She can’t earn enough to support her family.

2.Where does the woman live?

A.In America. B.In India. C.In Britain.

3.What does the woman plan to do next year?

A.Study a new language.

B.Travel to India.

C.Visit her father’s native country.




1.What kind of skills does the woman not have?

A.Operating computers. B.Doing business. C.Typing.

2.Which company did the woman work in?

A.A trading company and a trust company. B.A trust company. C.A trading company.




1.What is the woman probably?

A.A hotel clerk. B.A house agent. C.A shop assistant.

2.What is the pillow filled with?

A.Cotton. B.Dried flowers. C.A special material.



Why doesn’t the woman buy the coat?

A.It is expensive. B.The size doesn’t fit her. C.She doesn’t like the color.



Who is worried about gaining weight?

A.The son. B.Aunt Louise. C.The mother.



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