满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What has the man done? A.He has had a co...

What has the man done?

A.He has had a competition.

B.He has painted a picture.

C.He has filled in a form.


B 【解析】 【原文】 W:Your painting is great. M:I’m happy you like it. It’s for a competition. I’ve got a form here to fill in. W:Right. Your hands are dirty … M:… from painting.  

How many children does the woman have?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Six.



What could the woman be?

A.A teacher. B.A secretary. C.A nurse.



How will the man send his application?

A.By fax. B.By post. C.By e-mail.



Where does the woman come from?

A.Mexico. B.Spain. C.The United States.




Ten-year-old Sami loved to visit his grandfather's house. The house was near the beautiful blue sea. At the seaside stood thick and tall palm trees with green coconuts hanging from them. When the coconuts fell down, Sami would break them open and drink the coconut water. Sami liked to play under the trees. It was always great fun to spend the holidays at Grandpa's place.

This winter vacation, Sami was surprised when he came to his grandfather's village. There were hardly any trees left. He saw houses built near the sea. People had cut down many palm trees and there was hardly any greenery left.

Grandpa's house was different. He never allowed his trees to be cut. He hugged each palm tree in his courtyard. He also named the two big trees near the front door--one was Petu, and the other Betu. He had planted them with his own hands and today they had become large, massive trees with thick trunks. They were tall and green and gave the sweetest, juiciest coconuts.

One night, Sami was awakened by a strange sound. He could not sleep. He tossed(辗转)and turned in bed.

Suddenly, the ground shook as if the earth was splitting. He sat up straight and then ran to Grandpa. He clung(附 着)to his grandpa tightly. Grandpa cried out, “It's an earthquake! It's an earthquake!" They ran outside the house. They thought that would be safe.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the earth was not splitting but the sea was roaring. People were shouting, screaming and crying, “The sea is rising! The sea is rising." The villagers started running away from the beach.

Sami watched dumbstruck(呆若木鸡).

The waves were rising higher and higher. Sami thought, “How big the waves are!" He went into the house again and saw water coming in from all sides. He was scared.

Sami remembered his mother telling him long ago, “You must always get out of the house if the floods come too near." He ran outside the house with Grandpa. But the water came surging(汹涌) in.

Waves about twelve meters high came rushing in, drowning everything. Water was all around and everywhere.

Paragraph 1

Grandpa held Sami's hand tightly but a huge wave separated them.


Paragraph 2

“Sami, Sami!” Grandpa cried. “Don't be scared, little one, come to me, quickly.”




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