满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.How did the speaker pr...


1.How did the speaker prefer to get scientific ideas?

A.From magazines. B.From websites. C.From books.

2.What field did the speaker’s team work in?

A.Biology. B.Physics. C.Chemistry.

3.What did the teacher advise the speaker’s team to do?

A.Make the experiment as specific as possible.

B.Write each part of the process.

C.Do enough experiments.

4.What was the difference between the speaker’s team and the other teams?

A.It designed a display.

B.It took a lot of photos.

C.It wrote about the experiment.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: Last year our school entered a science fair. Our teacher gave us a few ideas and then we had to design a scientific experiment. We were divided into teams and had to decide which field we would work in, like chemistry, physics or biology. Our teacher suggested looking for more ideas in science magazines and books, but I’d rather get the information online. My family home has a big garden and I like helping my father grow vegetables. So my team decided to focus on how the weather affected the growing process. We had to make our experiment as specific as possible, so we decided to think about whether the amount of rain received made a difference to the vegetable size. Then we began to design our experiment. Our teacher pointed out that a single experiment wouldn’t be enough to prove our theory. He suggested doing the experiment at least three times but in the end we only had time to do two. When we’d written up each part of the process, we had to design a display for the fair. We tried our best to present our information as well as we could. What’s more, we’d taken lots of photos - none of the other teams did that! Finally, we came third in the competition which was great! It was just a really interesting project and I learned so many new things.


1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Room decoration.

B.A family get-together.

C.Preparations for a surprise party.

2.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Mother and son.

3.What will the man do on the 22nd of next month?

A.Go out for dinner.

B.Go to see a movie.

C.Meet his friends.

4.How will the woman prepare food?

A.She’ll cook it herself.

B.She’ll have her friends do it.

C.She’ll order it from a restaurant.




1.Where are the speakers?

A.At home. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.

2.What do we know about the woman?

A.She has taken too many products.

B.She has eaten too much ice cream.

C.She has spent too much money.

3.How much is the soap?

A.$0.99. B.$1.50. C.$3.




1.What did the man think of his weekend?

A.Boring. B.Tiring. C.Satisfying.

2.What is the Italian city like?

A.Ancient with a long history.

B.Modern with tall buildings.

C.Crowded with heavy traffic.




1.When will the film finish?

A.At 4:30. B.At 5:00. C.At 5:20.

2.Where will the speakers go before going home?

A.To a cafe. B.To a library. C.To a shop.



What has the man done?

A.He has had a competition.

B.He has painted a picture.

C.He has filled in a form.



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