满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.

Dear Kerry,

I’m glad to know that you are coming to China for a visit. I would like to keep you company as a guide, and my schedule fails me.

Anyhow, I really hope you can enjoy our trip in China. When it comes to scenic spots, I sincere recommend that you pay a visit to Hongyadong, Chongqing, which had become an internet-famous place. Rank the second position next to the Palace Museum in The World’s Most Popular Tourist Destinations, 2019, Hongyadong is undoubtedly the fantastic landmark of Chongqing. With unique buildings as well a beautiful night view, it witnesses the history of Chongqing and represent the spirit of Chongqing people. You can’t miss it!

Finally, please allow me to say sorry to my absent. I would be more grateful if you could accept my apology.


1.and→but 2.our→your 3.sincere→sincerely 4.had→has 5.Rank→Ranking 6.the→a 7.在well后加as 8.represent→represents 9.absent→absence 10.将more去掉 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。作者向朋友写了一封书信,为自己不能陪伴对方旅游道歉,并推荐重庆洪崖洞作为旅游必选地点。 1.考查连接词。句意:我很愿意作为导游陪着你,但是我的日程表让我不能这样做。前后是转折关系,故将and改为but。 2.考查形容词性物主代词。句意:无论如何,我真心希望你能享受你在中国的旅行。前文已经提到作者无法陪伴对方旅行,所以旅行是对方的,故将our改为your。 3.考查副词。句意:我真诚地向你推荐你应该去看看重庆的洪崖洞。修饰动词recommend用副词,故将sincere改为sincerely。 4.考查时态。句意:我真诚地推荐你应该看一看重庆洪崖洞,它现在已经成为了一处旅游胜地。全文使用现在的时态,重庆洪崖洞成为旅游胜地是现在的事情不是过去的事,强调对现在产生的结果或影响是作者向朋友推荐要去那里旅游,符合现在完成时的定义,且主语是第三人称单数,故将had改为has。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:洪崖洞在2019年世界最受欢迎的旅游胜地中排名仅次于故宫博物馆,无疑是重庆的极佳地标。本句已有系动词is作谓语,动词rank和is之间没有连词,所以rank使用非谓语动词形式,且与主语洪崖洞构成主动关系,表伴随,故将Rank改为Ranking。 6.考查冠词。句意:洪崖洞无疑是重庆的极佳地标。重庆的地标不止有洪崖洞,所以这里是泛指而不是特指,故将the改为a。 7.考查固定搭配。句意:有独特的建筑和美丽的夜景…as well as意为“和”,连接前后两个名词词组unique buildings和a beautiful night view,是固定搭配,故在well后加as。 8.考查第三人称单数形式。句意:它见证了重庆的历史,代表了重庆人民的精神。句子主语为it,是第三人称单数,且用and连接表示顺承关系,前后时态一致,用一般现在时,故将represent改为represents。 9.考查名词。句意:请允许我为我的缺席道歉。形容词性物主代词my后用名词,absent是形容词,故将absent改为absence。 10.考查形容词原形和比较级。句意:如果你能接受我的道歉我会很感激。句子中并没有than等比较级的标志,前文也没有提到grateful,所以用原形,故将grateful前的more去掉。  


When people hear the word ''rat'', they may think of dirty animals that spread disease. And if you are an English learner, you may also connect the word ''rat'' with bad 1. (express). For example, calling someone a ''rat'' is 2. big insult and ''rat race'' describes a joyless, hurried way of living. So rats 3. (general) are not beloved animals either in life or the English language. But the rat trainers at the nonprofit organization, APOPO, see the animals very differently.

Based on Tanzania, APOPO trains giant rats 4. (find) landmines. Humans 5. (use) metal-searching devices to do this work for years. But rats--- it turns out--- do it better. And they also cost 6. (little) money. APOPO estimates that worldwide there are 110 million 7. (hide) explosives (爆炸物) left over from wars. These explosives are still ''live'', or able to explode. The work that APOPO does is really important in spreading the fact 8. rats are not just a pest. They really are 9. (hero) and they show us every day that they are worthy 10. that name.



    Madagascar was not the paradise(天堂) I expected. A reporter and I were _______ there to find out who was helping with drought relief and the prevention of famine (饥荒).

After a three-hour ride in a van, we _______ in the small town of Ambovombe. Peter immediately _______ over to the hospital to speak with a local doctor on our topics of interest. Since I didn’t need to photograph the background _______ with the doctor, I wandered out to the road.

I raised my _______ to get some pictures before the sun went down.  I’ve _______ been to Madagascar before, and until you’ve actually photographed in a place, you don’t know how people will _______ to the camera.

I photographed a handsome man who was _______ a wall in the golden light of dusk. No reaction. I took a breath. After a while, everyone within a 20-yard radius (半径范围) had _______ me. Some called out to each other, playfully teasing those I’d __________ .

Soon after, a mother encouraged me to photograph her young children. I __________ a moment. They were dressed in __________ clothes. One of them may not have even had any pants on—not because her parents were neglectful, but because they couldn’t __________ them.

Their mother really __________ me to photograph them. This happens everywhere I go. Parents, __________ of their children, ask me to take a photo. I’d taken this photo of cute smiling children over and over. I don’t usually save __________, but I saved this one.

Why? The children’s __________. It’s something so powerful yet so __________ that we sometimes miss it. This mom, despite all the __________ obvious to an outsider’s eyes, found in her children something she wanted a photograph to remember. That’s because she saw a(n) __________ picture: She saw them with a mother’s heart. As should we all.

1.A.expected B.assigned C.allowed D.persuaded

2.A.arrived B.explored C.searched D.camped

3.A.took B.thought C.headed D.put

4.A.discussion B.interview C.program D.practice

5.A.paper B.hand C.head D.camera

6.A.just B.ever C.never D.already

7.A.respond B.adapt C.return D.contribute

8.A.coming out B.standing up C.wandering out D.leaning against

9.A.caught B.noticed C.found D.suspected

10.A.helped with B.stared at C.referred to D.focused on

11.A.watched B.regretted C.hesitated D.choked

12.A.fancy B.funny C.dirty D.casual

13.A.buy B.afford C.choose D.bring

14.A.wanted B.informed C.demanded D.urged

15.A.afraid B.sure C.aware D.proud

16.A.images B.cards C.gifts D.words

17.A.smile B.kindness C.mother D.expectation

18.A.emotional B.changeable C.sensitive D.common

19.A.adventures B.disadvantages C.curiosity D.support

20.A.different B.natural C.broad D.warm



    It’s 2020. I mean, it’s high time we should think over saving seriously. Despite your own ways to deal with money, 1.

Take the priority principle

Instead of saving here and there, take the priority principle to saving money. Basically you need to rank your expenses, 2.


To make dealing with money more targeted for you, choose a personal finance book. I recommend Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You to Be Rich($14). It’s a good book for those in their 20s because it picks out practical personal finance advice in a fun and easy read.

Let technology aid you

Use web tools to make it easier to manage your money. There are free site that lets you to view all of your accounts in one place and provides tools that help determine where it would be easiest to cut spending. 4.There are even apps that will save you money on gas and let you text for free.


5.It’s generally better than relying on your random decision. If you’re already automating, try to increase the amount by five percent every year.

A.then make a plan to save the biggest expenses first

B.Consider downloading apps that will help you save

C.here are still several saving tips that help you grow your money

D.Learn financial management

E.so we can choose the best from them

F.You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work

G.The best way to make sure you’re saving enough is to automatically put a part of your money into your savings and retirement accounts every month



    Blind imitation is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth, imitation appears attractive; to those who know their strength, imitation is unacceptable.

In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else’s way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating  role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.

In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.

In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.

Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with all the material knocking at the door of imagination.

Study your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not serve you. Then you can say, “I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors’ tragedies and declare victory, and know that they are cheering me on.”

1.To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should _______.

A.stay away from stars B.forget daily fear and pain

C.choose the right example D.ask others for decisions

2.According to the author, the world moves on because of those who are _______.

A.desperate to influence others with their knowledge B.eager to discover what their ancestors did

C.willing to accept others’ ideas D.ready to turn their original ideas into reality

3.The trouble a creator faces is _______.

A.how to use imagination creatively B.the lack of strong motivation

C.how to search for more materials D.the absence of practical ideas

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To compare imitation with creation. B.To highlight the importance of creativity.

C.To criticize the characters of role models. D.To explain the meaning of success.



    The 5-year-old mountain lion, P-45, has managed to cross busy roads safely, has avoided rat poison and has successfully claimed his territory (领地) under all challenges that have hindered other members of the mountain lion population in the Santa Monica Mountain. His deadly mistake, however, was doing what mountain lions naturally do so well: killing and eating.

Over the weekend, P-45 apparently broke into two farms, killing 10 alpacas(羊驼) at one property and a goat and an alpaca at the other. P-45 was identified as the criminal by a tracking device he wears.

It’s illegal to hunt mountain lions in California thanks to 1990’s Proposition 117, but the rule included an exception for residents whose livestock is killed by a lion. And on Nov. 28, the owner of the 10 dead alpacas requested and received a special “depredation permit” (掠夺许可)to hire a hunter to kill P-45. The 10-day permit allows the hunter to cover a 10-mile range around the farm in search of the lion. Hunters often attract the lion with a deer.

The farmer owner is within her legal rights to have the lion killed. But killing P-45 is not the answer, especially when he is one of the few adult male mountain lions in an isolated population that is at risk of extinction.

Of course, people should be allowed to protect themselves and their children if a mountain lion attacks. But the law that allows the issuance of the depredation permit essentially gives the livestock owner the right to decide whether the lion should live or die. There is no evaluation by wildlife official as to whether the lion poses a further threat to humans or animals.

Los Angeles residents are lucky to live near wild, open spaces large enough to sustain mountain lions. Surely there is a better way to manage the conflicts that arise when humans and their domestic animals move into areas that have long served as habitat for wildlife.

1.What does the underlined word “hindered” refer to in the first paragraph?

A.blocked. B.killed.

C.protected. D.surrounded.

2.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A.Lions feed only on deer.

B.P-45 will be killed on Nov. 28.

C.P-45 will be found10 miles around the farm in 10 days.

D.Lions in California can not be hunted at will.

3.What will probably be the result if P-45 is killed?

A.Residents can live with lions peacefully.

B.The mountain lion’s situation will probably be worsened.

C.The conflict between man and lions can be solved.

D.Lions will not be a further threat to humans or animals.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the “depredation permit”?

A.Objective. B.Supportive.

C.Opposed. D.Uninterested.



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