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Scientists say they have used the gene-e...

    Scientists say they have used the gene-editing tool CRISPR to repair a person’s eyesight for the first time. The CRISPR tool makes it possible to change DNA to add needed genes or take some away if they lead to problems.

A patient recently had the procedure done for an inherited form of blindness. The operation took place at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. “We literally have the potential to treat people who are essentially blind and make them see,” said Charles Albright. He is chief scientific officer at Editas Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Editas is one of the companies developing the treatment. Albright added, “We think it could open up a whole new set of medicines to go in and change your DNA.”

The people taking part in the study have a genetic condition that keeps the body from making a protein needed to turn light into signals to the brain, which leads to sight.

Scientists have found it difficult to treat the condition with usual gene therapy. So, they are aiming to edit or remove the mutation(突变)by making two cuts on either side of it. The hope is that the ends of DNA will reconnect and make the gene work as it should. Through a tube the width of a human hair, doctors put three drops of fluid containing the gene editing machinery just under the retina(视网膜), which is the lining at the back of the eye that contains the light-sensing cells. Doctors believe they need to fix one-tenth to one-third of the cells to repair vision. In animal tests, scientists were able to correct half of the cells with the treatment, Albright said.

Some independent experts were hopeful about the new study. Dr. Kiran Musunuru is a gene-editing expert at the University of Pennsylvania. He said the treatment seems likely to work, based on tests in mice and monkeys. The gene editing tool stays in the eye and does not travel to other parts of the body. So, “If something goes wrong, the chance of harm is very small.” Musunuru said. “It makes for a good first step for doing gene editing in the body.”

1.Who can most possibly benefit from this new treatment?

A.Patients who are essentially color-blinded.

B.Patients who turn blind due to accidents or diseases.

C.Patients who are born with no ability to see.

D.Patients who lose their vision at a young age.

2.Which is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The result of the treatment.

B.The theory of the treatment.

C.The difficulty of the treatment.

D.The disadvantage of traditional treatment.

3.What is likely to be discussed after the last paragraph?

A.The function of the gene-editing tool.

B.The limitation of the gene-editing tool.

C.The effect of the treatment on animals.

D.The research of the treatment on humans.


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。讲述了科学家发现了一种叫作CRISPR的基因编辑工具,可以通过改变DNA来治疗眼睛近视等疾病,这种工具的效果还在实验证实中。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段“The CRISPR tool makes it possible to change DNA to add needed genes or take some away if they lead to problems. ”可知,这种工具是通过DNA的添加和去除来治疗,所以治疗的是先天疾病,且第二段中“A patient recently had the procedure done for an inherited form of blindness.”提到这个被治疗的病人的眼盲是遗传的,故选C。 2. 主旨大意题。根据“Scientists have found it difficult to treat the condition with usual gene therapy. So, they are aiming to edit or remove the mutation(突变)by making two cuts on either side of it.”可知,科学家们发现普通的理论行不通,所以他们研究出了新的理论(在突变基因的一边剪开),后文是在讲该理论的作用机制和效果,所以第四段主要是讲该治疗的理论,故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据“He said the treatment seems likely to work, based on tests in mice and monkeys.”可知,最后一段提到的实验进程是基于老鼠和猴子身上的实验,所以接下来要讲的是在人身上的实验,故选D。

    Downloading files is one of the primary uses of the Internet. You can find virtually anything online, and chances are that you've been downloading files ever since you started using your computer. Your Operating System will attempt to put all of your downloads in one central location, but eventually you may have downloaded files all over your computer. Knowing how to quickly find your downloaded files can save you a lot of time and headache.

● Check your Downloads folder(文件夹). Windows includes a Downloads folder that acts as the default (默认的) download location for most programs for every user. There are a couple of ways you may be able to find your Downloads folder:

Click the Start menu and then click your user name. You should see a Downloads folder in the window that opens.

Open Windows Explorer Win+E. Your Downloads folder may be listed in the left frame under "Favorites" or "Computer/This PC".

Press Win+R and type shell: downloads. Press Enter to open the Downloads folder.

● Check other locations. If you download with a lot of programs, chances are that your downloads have become a bit spread out. Other popular places for your downloads to appear are your Desktop and your Documents/My Documents folder.

If you have a secondary drive that acts as a file storage, check to see if you've created a download folder on it as well.

● Search for the file. If you know the name of the file you downloaded, you can search for it to quickly open it. Press Win and start typing the name of the file. You should see it appear in the search results.

● Open your downloaded files. You shouldn't have much difficulty opening most files that you download online, but you may run across a few file types that can give you problems. See the guides below for details on opening these troublesome files.

Playing MKV video files


1.This passage aims to instruct Internet users _____.

A.how to download files from the Internet

B.how to search for files on the Internet

C.how to find files downloaded from the Internet

D.how to open the folders on the Internet

2.If you can’t find the file at the default download location in your computer, you might try to  _____.

A.press Win+R B.click My Documents

C.extract an RAR file D.open the Downloads folder.



    One afternoon many years ago, I parked my car by the street, waiting to_______ my mother from work. 

As I looked outside the car window to my right, there was a small park where I saw a little boy, around two years old, running freely on the grass as his mother _______ from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been _______ from some sort of prison. The boy would then fall to the grass, get up, and without hesitation or without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a smile on his face, _______ nothing had happened.

Actually, with kids, when they fall down, they don’t think of their falling down as failure; _______, they treat it as a learning experience. They _______ try and try again until they succeed. While I was _______ by the boy’s persistence, I was equally touched by the manner in which he ran. With each _______, he looked so confident and so natural. No _______ of fear, nervousness, or of being discouraged — as if he didn’t give a care about the world around him.

His only aim was to run freely and to do it as effectively as he could. He was just being a child — being just himself completely in the moment. He was not looking for approval or was not worrying about ________ someone was watching or not. He wasn’t ________ about being judged. He didn’t seem to be ________ by the fact that maybe someone would see him fall and that it would be ________ if he did fall. No, all that ________ to him was to accomplish the task or activity at hand to the best of his ability — to run and to feel the experience of running fully and freely. I learned a lot from that ________ and experience, and have successfully brought that lesson with me in my many pursuits in life.

________, I’ve always believed that in each of us is a little child with absolute courage, a child that has the ability to run freely without a care for anything external(外在的). I believe that courageous part of us — that courageous child ________ us all, will always be with us ________ we live. We only need to allow it to emerge more fully. We only need to once again ________ that child within us — and give that child permission to run freely, just like that boy in the ________.

1.A.pick out B.look for C.pick up D.look after

2.A.smiled B.watched C.waved D.shouted

3.A.set on B.set down C.set free D.set up

4.A.as if B.even if C.only if D.if only

5.A.meanwhile B.moreover C.though D.rather

6.A.will B.must C.should D.might

7.A.disappointed B.discouraged C.touched D.treasured

8.A.attempt B.failure C.adventure D.mistake

9.A.signals B.signs C.marks D.symbols

10.A.why B.how C.while D.whether

11.A.concerned B.serious C.curious D.upset

12.A.accused B.bothered C.interrupted D.impressed

13.A.appealing B.surprising C.embarrassing D.exciting

14.A.happened B.attracted C.worked D.mattered

15.A.observation B.exposure C.evolution D.procedure

16.A.Until then B.During that C.Since then D.After that

17.A.for B.within C.beyond D.by

18.A.as well as B.as soon as C.as far as D.as long as

19.A.conclude with B.compare with C.connect with D.compromise with

20.A.car B.open C.wild D.park



— I will go on a diet tomorrow.

— _____. You’ve said that over a million times.

A.Take your time B.I don’t enjoy myself C.You got me there D.I don’t buy it



_____ you feel that your friend is mean at times, cherishing your friendship is a normal part of life.

A.Even though B.Now that C.As though D.In case



As is expected, it will still be some time before a high-speed rail line in Yangzhou _____ into operation.

A.will be put B.is put C.will have been put D.has put



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