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James Dyson, the inventor of the bagless...

    James Dyson, the inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner, is now the wealthiest person in Briton after his company posted a record profit for 2018. But how did he make his fortune?

My father died when I was nine, and I remember doing the household chores to help my mother. I hated changing the vacuum cleaner bag and picking up things the machine did not suck up.

Thirty years later, in 1979, I was doing chores at home alongside my wife. One day the vacuum cleaner was screaming away, and I had to empty the bag because I could not find a replacement for it. With this lifelong hatred of the way the machine worked, I decided to make a bagless vacuum cleaner.

Easier said than done, of course. I didn’t realize that I would spent the next 15 years perfecting my design, a process that resulted in 5,127 different prototypes (设计原型). By the time I made my 15th prototype, my third child was born. By 2,627, my wife and I were really counting our pennies. By 3,727, my wife was giving art lessons for some extra cash, and we were getting further and further into debt. These were tough times, but each failure brought me closer to solving the problem.

I just had a passion for the vacuum cleaner as a product, but I never thought of going into a business with it. In the early 1980s, I started trying to get licensing agreements (许可协议) for my technology. The reality was very different, however. The major vacuum makers had built a business model based on the profits from bags and filters (过滤器). No one would license my idea, not because it was a bad one, but because it was bad for business.

That gave me the courage to keep going, but soon after, the companies that I had talked with started making machines like mine. I had to fight legal battles on both sides of the Atlantic to protect the patents (专利) on my vacuum cleaner. However, I was still in financial difficulties until 1993, when my bank manager personally persuaded Lloyds Bank to lend me $1 million. Then I was able to go into production. Within two years, the Dyson vacuum cleaner became a best-seller in Britain.

Today, I still view risk and the potential for failure as part of the process. Nothing beats the excitement of invention. Go out and brainstorm your ideas. You are not limited by any rules — in fact, the stranger and riskier your idea, the better.

1.Which of the following provided inspiration for Dyson’s invention?

A.The death of his father B.The scream of his wife

C.The hatred of homework chores D.The trouble the cleaner bag brings

2.Why was Dyson’s vacuum cleaner not accepted at first?

A.Because the vacuum makers profited from bags and filters.

B.Because Dyson’s vacuum cleaner still needed to be improved.

C.Because the major vacuum makers had updated their products.

D.Because Dyson’s vacuum cleaner didn’t get licensing agreements.

3.Dyson’s machine got into production _____________.

A.before the legal battles B.after becoming famous

C.upon applying for the patent D.in spite of financial difficulties

4.The author’s real purpose of writing the passage is to _______.

A.emphasize the necessity of brainstorming our ideas

B.explain the development of the vacuum cleaner

C.introduce Dyson and his vacuum cleaner

D.urge people to accept risks and failure


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要通过讲述戴森发明无袋真空吸尘器的经历。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“I hated changing the vacuum cleaner bag and picking up things the machine did not suck up.”及第三段最后一句“With this lifelong hatred of the way the machine worked, I decided to make a bagless vacuum cleaner.” 可知,戴森讨厌换真空吸尘器的过滤袋,讨厌把吸尘器吸不进去的东西捡起来。他对这台机器的工作方式一直很反感,于是决定做一台无袋真空吸尘器。由此可知,真空吸尘器的过滤袋造成的麻烦启发了戴森研制一种无袋真空吸尘器。故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第五段最后两句“The major vacuum makers had built a business model based on the profits from bags and filters (过滤器). No one would license my idea, not because it was a bad one, but because it was bad for business.”可知,戴森发明的无袋真空吸尘器一开始不被接受,是因为主要的吸尘器制造商建立了一种基于过滤袋和过滤器利润的商业模式,即真空吸尘器的过滤袋和过滤器能够给商家带来盈利,而戴森发明的无袋真空吸尘器会使商家失去原有的能够带来盈利的部分。故选A项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第六段“However, I was still in financial difficulties until 1993, when my bank manager personally persuaded Lloyds Bank to lend me $1 million. Then I was able to go into production.”可知,直到 1993年,戴森的银行经理亲自说服劳埃德银行借给他100万美元,他才摆脱了财务困境,然后开始批量生产。所以尽管财政困难,戴森的机器还是投入生产了。故选D项。 4. 推理判断题。文章第一段“James Dyson, the inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner, is now the wealthiest person in Briton after his company posted a record profit for 2018. But how did he make his fortune?”无袋吸尘器的发明者詹姆斯·戴森的公司公布了2018年创纪录的利润,他现在是英国最富有的人。但是他是怎么发财的呢?,总领全文,接下来的内容介绍了戴森如何得到启示,并历经重重困难和失败后最终获得成功,所以本文的主要目的是介绍戴森和他发明的无袋真空吸尘器。故选C项。

Ai-Petri Bridges, Crimea

The views of the Crimean coast from the top of 1,234-metre high Ai-Petri Mount are amazing. The hanging bridges built in recent years can reach the top of the mount. If just walking across the bridges is not dangerous enough, it also happens to be one of the windiest places in the world. It is said that the bridges blow from side to side as wind speeds reach 170 kilometres per hour for 125 days of the year. It’s also very foggy, so you may not be able to see clearly!

U Bein Bridge, Myanmar

This five-metre-high, 1.2-kilometre wooden footbridge does not look as dangerous as the others, but do not be fooled. It was built in the 1850s and it’s certainly feeling its age! Some of the old wood is not as strong as it used to be. It is easy to lose your footing. Although there is no handrail (栏杆), large numbers of tourists cross it every day. When the tourists arrive in the evening to watch the beautiful sunset, this bridge could become the most dangerous of them all!

The Trift Bridge, Switzerland

At 100 metres high and 170 metres long, this is one of the highest bridges in the world. Built in 2004, the bridge is hidden among the high Swiss Alps. You wouldn’t have wanted to walk across the bridge before its repair in 2009. But if you have the courage to cross this bridge, you’d better do it quickly!

The Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

In the mountainous area of Northern Pakistan, the Hussaini Hanging Bridge helps travelers cross the Borit Lake. However, you will not feel too confident when you get close to this bridge. It’s one of the oldest bridges in Pakistan and many locals use it every day to travel to work and school — imagine losing your homework over the side of this bridge! It’s made from rope, with a few pieces of wood that have large gaps (空隙) between them. Step carefully!

1.What can we learn about U Bein Bridge?

A.It’s very popular at sunset.

B.It’s safest for people to cross.

C.It’s the oldest bridge in the world.

D.It’s made from rope without handrails.

2.One may not enjoy the views clearly on ________.

A.U Bein Bridge B.Ai-Petri Bridges

C.The Trift Bridge D.The Hussaini Hanging Bridge

3.What do the bridges mentioned in the text have in common?

A.All require serious repair.

B.All top highest in their country.

C.All have a history of one century.

D.All require plenty of courage to cross.



Is Fresh Air Really Good for You?

We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” 1. According to recent studies, the answer is a big YES, if the air quality in your camping area is good.

2. If the air you’re breathing is clean—which it would be if you’re away from the smog of cities—then the air is filled with life-giving, energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors, your body will learn to breathe more deeply, allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉) and your brain.

Recently, people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈). 3. In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery. It turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. 4. It gives us a great feeling of peace.

5.While the sun’s rays can age and harm our skin, they also give us beneficial Vitamin D  . To make sure you get enough Vitamin D—but still protect your skin—put on sunscreen right as you head outside. It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that’s plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day’s worth of Vitamin D  .

A.Fresh air cleans our lungs.

B.So what are you waiting for?

C.Being in nature refreshes us.

D.Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight.

E.But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?

F.Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care.

G.All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens.



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

China is in mourning after its most famous and oldest captive (圈养的) panda Basi died 1.(age) thirty-seven. Basi was born in the wild in 1980. At the age of four, she fell into an icy river and was 2.(fortune) rescued by some local villagers 3.(live) in the county of Baoxing in southwest China's Sichuan Province. The locals handed her over to the Strait Panda Research and Exchange Centre in Fuzhou, where she lived the rest of her life. Basi came to fame shortly4.she was chosen as the model for Pan Pan, the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing.

Basi never bred (繁殖) but overcame several severe5.(ill) to live for more than6.(two) the 15-year life expectancy of wild pandas. Basi7.(confirm) to be the world’s oldest captive panda by Guinness World Records in August. Captive pandas tend to live8.(long) due to better nutrition and living conditions. Word has come9.Basi’s body will be put in Basi Museum, which is10.construction at present for people to remember her forever and share the spirit of the harmonious development between humans and nature.



    I remember that it was a few years ago, an old woman stepped into my video store, along with her daughter. The_______was displaying a serious state of impatience, _______her watch every few seconds. If the daughter had possessed a leash(绳子), her mother would have been_______to it as a means of pulling her along to_______the rush of other shoppers.

Walking over, I asked_______I could help her. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a _______on a piece of paper. _______rushing off to find the DVD for the woman, I asked her to_______with me so I could show her where she could find it and I wanted to enjoy her_______for a moment. As we walked along the back of the store, I________its floor plan (平面图): old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fictions. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed “trip” and ________conversation.

I said to her daughter, “_______some advice?” “Of course not,” said the daughter. “Cherish ________,” I said. “When she’s gone, it’s the little ________that come back to you. Times like this. I know.” It was ________. I still missed my mom and remembered the times when I'd used my impatience to make her ________.

Together they made their way towards the store's resting area. They sat there for a moment, side by side, _______the holiday crowds. Then the daughter glanced over and immediately ______ her mother lovingly. And slowly she placed her arm with ______unaccustomed affection around her mother's shoulders and ________guided her back into the crowd.

1.A.merchant B.waitress C.mother D.daughter

2.A.fixing B.removing C.checking D.adjusting

3.A.fastened B.devoted C.accustomed D.applied

4.A.break away from B.make way for C.get along with D.keep pace with

5.A.when B.whether C.why D.how

6.A.tip B.title C.ticket D.receipt

7.A.Apart from B.As to C.Rather than D.Regardless of

8.A.communicate B.jog C.trade D.walk

9.A.stay B.holiday C.company D.time

10.A.described B.blamed C.appreciated D.corrected

11.A.casual B.attractive C.severe D.convincing

12.A.Prepare B.Mind C.Lack D.Offer

13.A.her B.me C.herself D.yourself

14.A.feelings B.presents C.chances D.moments

15.A.reasonable B.possible C.true D.appropriate

16.A.desperate B.upset C.puzzled D.astonished

17.A.approaching B.evaluating C.observing D.expecting

18.A.attended B.found C.recognized D.watched

19.A.apparently B.suddenly C.basically D.gradually

20.A.accidentally B.gently C.smoothly D.randomly



    For Canaan Elementary’s second grade in Patchogue, N.Y., today is speech day, and right now it’s Chris Palaez’s turn. The 8-year-old is the joker of the class. With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking.

But he’s nervous. “I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…” Chris trips on the “-ld,” a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers. His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support. “…Vote for …me …” Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.

A son of immigrants, Chris stared learning English a little over three years ago. Whaley recalls(回想起) how at the beginning of the year, when called upon to read, Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.

Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience. What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes. “It takes a lot for any student,” Whaley explains, “especially for a student who is learning English as their new language, to feel confident enough to say, ‘I don’t know, but I want to know.’”

Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president. The answer broke his heart. Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public. He wants these kids to learn to boast(夸耀) about themselves.

“Boasting about yourself, and your best qualities,” Whaley says, “is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”

1.What made Chris nervous?

A.Telling a story. B.Making a speech.

C.Taking a test. D.Answering a question.

2.What does the underlined word “stumbles” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Improper pauses. B.Bad manners. C.Spelling mistakes. D.Silly jokes.

3.We can infer that the purpose of Whaley’s project is to _________.

A.help students see their own strengths

B.assess students’ public speaking skills

C.prepare students for their future jobs

D.inspire students’ love for politics

4.Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher?

A.Humorous. B.Ambitious. C.Caring. D.Demanding.



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