满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A teacher in the US asked students to fi...

    A teacher in the US asked students to finish the sentence: “ I wish my teacher knew...” However, we have recently asked teachers what they wish their students knew.

Jackie Schneider, music teacher, London

I wish my students knew that education is not a competitive sport. No child is a number. Levels tell you more about the school than the child. In the same way, some kids take longer to learn to walk and talk and some take longer to learn literacy and numeracy skills, which does not matter. Every child has the potential to be gifted and talented. I wish they knew that reading could bring them more joy than they could ever imagine and that their singing voice is beautiful.

Avais Qureshi, citizenship teacher, London

I wish they knew that life is about so much more than who approves of you and who doesn’t. A lot of kids are too hung-up on peer groups. I wish they knew that this time doesn’t return: they need to focus on their top tasks and getting the grades they need.

Nandia Helal, Langdon Academy, London

I wish my students knew how hard we work. I have them on my mind for 12-15 hours a day. If I’m out on the weekend, there’s always a sense of guilt----like I should be marking or planning lessons for the upcoming week. I never feel like I’m doing enough for their education.

Geoff Barton, head teacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds

I wish my students knew that while school and qualifications matter a lot, they are merely doors into our future: the really important things in our lives, and the people who will mean most to us, all lie ahead. Students should seize every opportunity now, in and beyond the classroom, to develop the skill, qualities and knowledge ready for the adventures that lie ahead.

1.Jackie Schneider thinks that _________.

A.it’s easier for kids to learn to walk than to learn literacy skills

B.it does not matter whether a kid learns quickly or slowly

C.education is something like a competitive sport

D.reading is more joyful than singing

2.Avais Qureshi wants kids _________.

A.to value others’ views B.to return to the traditional times

C.to be harmonious with peer fellows D.to concentrate on their own business

3.What is Nandia Helal like?

A.She is a responsible teacher. B.She feels content with her teaching.

C.She wants her students to work hard. D.She thinks she has done too much for education.

4.According to Geoff Barton, _________.

A.qualifications matter much more

B.skills, qualities and knowledge are doors into the future

C.students develop different skills and qualities merely in class

D.students will experience really important things in the future

5.What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.My students. B.School and qualifications.

C.The really important things. D.The skills, qualities and knowledge.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国的四位老师都希望学生能知道些什么道理。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中In the same way, some kids take longer to learn to walk and talk and some take longer to learn literacy and numeracy skills, which does not matter.可知同样地,一些孩子要花更长的时间来学习走路和说话,一些孩子要花更长的时间来学习读写和计算技能,这些都不重要。由此可知,Jackie Schneider认为孩子学得快还是慢并不重要。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中I wish they knew that this time doesn’t return: they need to focus on their top tasks and getting the grades they need.可知我希望他们知道,这段时间不会再回来了:他们需要专注于最重要的任务,取得他们需要的成绩。由此可知,Avais Qureshi希望孩子们专注于自己的事情。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中I have them on my mind for 12-15 hours a day. If I’m out on the weekend, there’s always a sense of guilt----like I should be marking or planning lessons for the upcoming week. I never feel like I’m doing enough for their education.可知我每天会有12到15个小时的时间把它们放在脑海里。如果我周末外出,总会有一种负罪感——就像我应该为下一周的课程做标记或计划一样。我总是觉得我为他们的教育做得不够。由此可推知,Nandia Helal是一个负责任的老师。故选A。 4. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中I wish my students knew that while school and qualifications matter a lot, they are merely doors into our future: the really important things in our lives, and the people who will mean most to us, all lie ahead.可知我希望我的学生们知道,虽然学校和资格证书很重要,但它们只是通往我们未来的大门:我们生活中真正重要的东西,以及对我们最重要的人,都在前面。由此可知,Geoff Barton认为,学生们将在未来经历真正重要的事情。故选D。 5. 词义猜测题。根据上文I wish my students knew that while school and qualifications matter a lot可知Geoff Barton认为虽然学校和资格证书很重要,但它们(指学校和资格证书)只是通往我们未来的大门。由此可知,划线单词they指的是“学校和资格证书”。故选B。


1.What did the students do on Monday?

A.They signed a booking form.

B.They handed in a booking form.

C.They were given a booking form.

2.How long will the parents’ meeting last?

A.About 30 minutes. B.About 20 minutes. C.About 15 minutes.

3.What is the subject of the special advisor’s lecture?

A.How to improve grades.

B.How to communicate with parents.

C.How to fill out university application forms.

4.Who will benefit from Mr. Jones’ talk?

A.Students who want to be athletes.

B.Students who want to study overseas.

C.Students who want to get a scholarship.




1.How did the man feel at first?

A.Proud. B.Nervous. C.Excited.

2.What is the man about to do?

A.Accept a prize. B.Make a speech. C.Receive a degree.

3.Where will the speakers go for a holiday tomorrow?

A.London. B.Paris. C.Beijing.

4.Who are the speakers?

A.Family members. B.Schoolmates. C.Teacher and student.




1.Where are the speakers?

A.In Japan. B.In China. C.In America.

2.What kind of food did the woman want to eat at first?

A.Fast food. B.Street food. C.Home-made food.

3.What will the woman do next?

A.Start cooking. B.Get changed. C.Surf on the Internet.




1.When are the book club meetings usually held?

A.On Fridays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Sundays.

2.Why was the woman absent from the meeting last week?

A.She was on holiday.

B.She was seeing a doctor.

C.She was visiting a sick relative.




1.What do the artists make the sculptures from?

A.Animals’ fur. B.Garbage. C.Wood.

2.What will the man probably do?

A.Study art. B.Go to a show. C.Pick up trash in the ocean.



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