满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Understand your directional future, and ...

    Understand your directional future, and plan ahead, but most of all plan a life which is full of excitement and a life which you’ll enjoy living.

As the manager of the World Youth Organization, I must say, “It is not quite easy to get this position.” My parents have always been top supporters for my educational progress rather than my true passion, which of course is the World Youth Organization. There have been many arguments when it comes to the controversial topics. Time after time I have to protect my belief and hope it will come true one day.

Proving one wrong, especially your parents, is a tough ride. But when you love something, you constantly put up a fight. You stand for what you believe in, which is one of the most important aspects of life. Any parent or carer would require too much, “You must go to university”, “You will not get anywhere without that degree.” All of those sentences make the perfect sense, when you’re dreaming of becoming a nurse, doctor, teacher or scientist, or a career path which requires that important degree. But I believe what many parents see is that when one has the degree, he/she is automatically set on the right path of life.

However, when the truth is bitter, it doesn’t always go smoothly. If I am not full of passion, will I lead a happy life? Possibly. Will I be true to myself ? No. However, if you are enthusiastic about the subject you study, you are willing to do everything to make it a reality.

A person can take many paths in life, and you just need to find the best one for yourself. I strongly agree with considering something to fall back on just in case plan A doesn’t go well. Stick with your passion as plan A, unless staying in college can ensure you are going to be okay in the future.

Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard, be devoted and above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.

1.What attitude do the writer’s parents hold towards his choice?

A.Supportive. B.Negative. C.Positive. D.Interested.

2.Which of the following can cause a fight between you and your parents in the writer’s view?

A.You go to university. B.You listen to your parents.

C.You hold on to your belief. D.You study hard for the degree.

3.What does the underlined part “plan A” in the fifth paragraph refer to?

A.Your passion. B.Your happy life,

C.The subject you study. D.The college you will go to.

4.What is the most important thing in exciting life, according to the last paragraph?

A.Love. B.Hard work. C.Devotion. D.Independence.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Always Stick with Your Passion as Plan A B.A Generation Gap Between Children and Parents

C.The Importance of Gaining a Degree D.Attempt to Make a Dream a Reality


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲述了在漫漫人生路上每个人都会碰到很多不如意的事情,但是坚持自己的独立性,提前规划要做的事情,并充满激情去面对生活,生活会更丰富多彩。 1. 推理判断题。根据第二段中As the manager of the World Youth Organization, I must say, “It is not quite easy to get this position.” My parents have always been top supporters for my educational progress rather than my true passion, which of course is the World Youth Organization.可知作为世界青年组织的管理者,我必须说,“得到这个职位并不容易。”我的父母一直是我教育事业发展的头号支持者,而不支持我真正热爱的事业,也就是世界青年组织。由此可推知,作者的父母对他的选择持反对态度。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中There have been many arguments when it comes to the controversial topics. Time after time I have to protect my belief and hope it will come true one day.可知当谈到这个有争议的话题时,有许多争论。一次又一次,我不得不保护我的信念,希望有一天它会成真。由此可知,C选项“你坚持你的信念”会引起你和父母之间的争吵。故选C。 3. 词义猜测题。根据后文Stick with your passion as plan A, unless staying in college can ensure you are going to be okay in the future.可知坚持把你的热情作为第一计划,除非待在大学里可以确保你在未来会过得很好。由此可知,作者非常同意考虑一些其他的道路,来预防将热情作为第一计划不顺利。故划线部分“plan A”指的是“你的激情”。故选A。 4. 细节理解题。根据最后一段Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard, be devoted and above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.可知追随你的激情,准备好努力工作,全身心投入,最重要的是,不要让任何人限制你的梦想。由此可知,不让任何人限制你的梦想是最重要的,也就是要保持独立性,故令人兴奋的生活中最重要的是独立性。故选D。 5. 主旨大意题。文章开篇说到:了解你的未来方向,并提前计划,但最重要的是计划一个充满激情的生活和一个你将享受生活的生活。文章最后一段更是强调:追随你的激情,准备好努力工作,全身心投入,最重要的是,不要让任何人限制你的梦想。由此可知,A选项“始终坚持用你的激情作为你的A计划”最符合文章标题。故选A。

    A teacher in the US asked students to finish the sentence: “ I wish my teacher knew...” However, we have recently asked teachers what they wish their students knew.

Jackie Schneider, music teacher, London

I wish my students knew that education is not a competitive sport. No child is a number. Levels tell you more about the school than the child. In the same way, some kids take longer to learn to walk and talk and some take longer to learn literacy and numeracy skills, which does not matter. Every child has the potential to be gifted and talented. I wish they knew that reading could bring them more joy than they could ever imagine and that their singing voice is beautiful.

Avais Qureshi, citizenship teacher, London

I wish they knew that life is about so much more than who approves of you and who doesn’t. A lot of kids are too hung-up on peer groups. I wish they knew that this time doesn’t return: they need to focus on their top tasks and getting the grades they need.

Nandia Helal, Langdon Academy, London

I wish my students knew how hard we work. I have them on my mind for 12-15 hours a day. If I’m out on the weekend, there’s always a sense of guilt----like I should be marking or planning lessons for the upcoming week. I never feel like I’m doing enough for their education.

Geoff Barton, head teacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds

I wish my students knew that while school and qualifications matter a lot, they are merely doors into our future: the really important things in our lives, and the people who will mean most to us, all lie ahead. Students should seize every opportunity now, in and beyond the classroom, to develop the skill, qualities and knowledge ready for the adventures that lie ahead.

1.Jackie Schneider thinks that _________.

A.it’s easier for kids to learn to walk than to learn literacy skills

B.it does not matter whether a kid learns quickly or slowly

C.education is something like a competitive sport

D.reading is more joyful than singing

2.Avais Qureshi wants kids _________.

A.to value others’ views B.to return to the traditional times

C.to be harmonious with peer fellows D.to concentrate on their own business

3.What is Nandia Helal like?

A.She is a responsible teacher. B.She feels content with her teaching.

C.She wants her students to work hard. D.She thinks she has done too much for education.

4.According to Geoff Barton, _________.

A.qualifications matter much more

B.skills, qualities and knowledge are doors into the future

C.students develop different skills and qualities merely in class

D.students will experience really important things in the future

5.What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.My students. B.School and qualifications.

C.The really important things. D.The skills, qualities and knowledge.




1.What did the students do on Monday?

A.They signed a booking form.

B.They handed in a booking form.

C.They were given a booking form.

2.How long will the parents’ meeting last?

A.About 30 minutes. B.About 20 minutes. C.About 15 minutes.

3.What is the subject of the special advisor’s lecture?

A.How to improve grades.

B.How to communicate with parents.

C.How to fill out university application forms.

4.Who will benefit from Mr. Jones’ talk?

A.Students who want to be athletes.

B.Students who want to study overseas.

C.Students who want to get a scholarship.




1.How did the man feel at first?

A.Proud. B.Nervous. C.Excited.

2.What is the man about to do?

A.Accept a prize. B.Make a speech. C.Receive a degree.

3.Where will the speakers go for a holiday tomorrow?

A.London. B.Paris. C.Beijing.

4.Who are the speakers?

A.Family members. B.Schoolmates. C.Teacher and student.




1.Where are the speakers?

A.In Japan. B.In China. C.In America.

2.What kind of food did the woman want to eat at first?

A.Fast food. B.Street food. C.Home-made food.

3.What will the woman do next?

A.Start cooking. B.Get changed. C.Surf on the Internet.




1.When are the book club meetings usually held?

A.On Fridays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Sundays.

2.Why was the woman absent from the meeting last week?

A.She was on holiday.

B.She was seeing a doctor.

C.She was visiting a sick relative.



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