满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据所给首字母或汉语意思,写出选修七所学单词的正确形式 1.If your ba...


1.If your baggage is o_______, you’ll have to pay extra.

2.She complained to the company about its awful service and they sent her a written a_______.

3.Prominent Chinese business leaders such as Jack Ma of Alibaba and CEO of Xiaomi, Lei Jun have also d_________ millions of yuan in support of Wuhan.

4.The poor boy suffered from poor e_________ and could see nothing.

5.Instead of sitting around waiting for others to come to you, it is suggested that you a________ to the new life there, asking your new friends out.

6.My mother spent the afternoon pulling up the ________ (杂草) in the flowerbeds.

7.He was refused a(n)_______ (签证) because of his criminal records.

8.My uncle sent me a card __________ (祝贺) me on my eighteenth birthday yesterday.

9.Failing in the exam made him lost in __________ (沉思).

10.Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam ________ (催促) protesters to rethink about the inconveniences they had caused to the public.


1.overweight 2.apology 3.donated 4.eyesight 5.adapt 6.weeds 7.visa 8.to congratulate 9.reflection 10.urged 【解析】 根据所给首字母或汉语意思,写出选修七所学单词的正确形式。 1. 考查形容词。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合首字母,可推出是“overweight”。此句为主系表结构,所填单词为形容词。需要另付费用,可以推断主语行李是超重的,应由形容词overweight(超重的)来修饰。结合句意:如果您的行李超重,您得另付费用。故填overweight。 2. 考查名词。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合首字母,可推出是“apology”。公司收到投诉后,应该回复一封道歉信。send为及物动词,后接名词apology作宾语。结合句意:她向公司抱怨服务太差,他们给她寄去了书面道歉信。故填apology。 3. 考查时态。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合首字母,可推出是“donated”。分析句子可知,本句用了现在完成时,has后面应填过去分词。根据常识可以推测,著名商业领袖为武汉捐款数百万元,应填动词捐赠。结合句意:中国著名商业领袖,如阿里巴巴的马云和小米的CEO雷军,也为武汉捐款数百万元。故填donated。 4. 考查名词。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合首字母,可推出是“eyesight”。根据什么也看不见,可以推断出男孩视力不好。用形容词poor修饰,表达视力不好,用名词eyesight。结合句意:这个可怜的男孩视力不好,什么也看不见。故填eyesight。 5. 考查虚拟语气。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合首字母,可推出是“adapt”。约你的新朋友出去而不是坐在那里等着别人来找你,可以推断出在适应新生活,adapt to即表适应。主句中的suggested是表示建议时,that后的从句要用虚拟语气(should+动词原形),should可以省。结合句意:与其坐在那里等着别人来找你,建议你适应那里的新生活,约你的新朋友出去。故填adapt。 6. 考查名词复数。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合汉语提示,可推出是“weeds”。weed杂草是可数名词,weeds是weed的复数形式。结合句意:我母亲花了一下午的时间拔除花坛里的杂草。故填weeds。 7. 考查名词。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合汉语提示,可推出是“visa”。refuse a visa拒绝签证,refuse为及物动词,后接名词visa作宾语,前有不定冠词a,且是他一个人的签证,所以用单数形式。结合句意:他因有犯罪记录而被拒签。故填visa。 8. 考查动词不定式做状语。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合汉语提示,可推出是“to congratulate”。寄给我一张卡片是为了祝贺我18岁生日,在此处用动词不定式做状语表目的。结合句意:昨天,我叔叔寄给我一张卡片来祝贺我18岁生日。故填to congratulate。 9. 考查名词。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合汉语提示,可推出是“reflection”。空格位于介词后,用名词形式。lost in reflection意为陷入沉思。结合句意:考试不及格使他陷入沉思。故填reflection。 10. 考查动词及时态。解题要点:根据所给出的句子,结合汉语提示,可推出是“urged”。他们对公众造成不便“they had caused to the public.”为过去完成时,所以林郑月娥催促抗议者重新思考用过去时。结合句意:香港特首林郑月娥催促抗议者重新思考他们对公众造成的不便。故填urged。





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day when I was eight years old, I visit the village where my grandmother lived. While I was walked around in the village, I saw an orange on an orange tree. It was the only leaving on the tree. I immediate wanted to get it. Therefore, I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Another boy desired to get it, too. So when he tried to get it, the boy stopped me from reach it. When the boy tried to get it, I did same thing to him. So in the end, neither of us got it. What stupid we were back then! Why didn’t we just share of it?




With keepers to feed them, vets to cure them, and no predators (捕食者) to eat them, animals in a zoo usually live much 1.(long) than animals in the wild. Zoo life is safe, but it can also be boring.  

In the wild, survival is 2. full-time job, consisting of finding food, taking care of babies, and steering clear of all the things that might want to eat you. 3.(compare) with their wild cousins, says one zoo vet, 200 animals are unemployed.

Scientists4.(observe) animals in their natural environments realized that some zoo animals were doing all sorts of 5.(nature) things those species don’t do in the wild. Tigers paced back and forth 6. (end). Elephants moved their heads up and down. These are signs of boredom and stress. And scientists have learned that being stressed out can actually make animals and people sick.

Giving zoo animals food and shelter 7.( be ) not enough to keep them healthy. They also need something 8.( do ). These days, problems likes pacing are less common because zoos try to make life interesting for animals that live there, with habitats, games, and even toys9. encourage natural skills and behaviors. These things are just as important for the animals’ good health 10. a proper diet or a visit from the vet.



    Only some people were at the railway station just after 2 pm. A man_______a pillar( 柱子)waiting for the train. Then suddenly Tulic _______him falling forward onto the tracks.

“This man,” said Rachelle, a researcher also on the _______ , “ overlooked the edge, then dropped onto the tracks carelessly. ”

_______gentleman was trying to awake him, _______he just couldn’t,” said another eyewitness, “and two more jumped down.”

“I don’t know where these men got the wit(智力,智慧) and the _______, ” Tulic recalled. “The man who fell was tall, strong and heavy. He was kind of _______in the tracks. It was really _______to know the train was coming, only two stations away.”

On the tracks, the_______ man was sat up by the three, who then ________ him from below to others that raised him from above and ________him onto the platform. Then the three ________were pulled back to safety by helping hands. The train________immediately they were all clear.

He was not ________. Two others attended him, repeating, “Buddy, you’ll be fine.” Then a( an)________arrived, and the man was taken to hospital ________.

David, one of the three, told gothamist.com that he had ________with the injured man, who couldn’t recall what had happened.

“That is the ________thing," Tulic said. “ and seeing people helping others ________was really beautiful, especially without ________the person.

1.A.put up B.climbed down C.rested against D.painted over

2.A.set B.found C.kept D.looked for

3.A.road B.stage C.train D.platform

4.A.Another B.One C.Every D.Any

5.A.but B.so C.because D.if

6.A.politeness B.quickness C.nervousness D.quietness

7.A.stuck B.interested C.lost D.involved

8.A.right B.eager C.tense D.important

9.A.uncertain B.unlucky C.unhappy D.unconscious

10.A.scratched B.lifted C.hit D.hanged

11.A.signaled B.pushed C.rolled D.span

12.A.drivers B.conductors C.passengers D.rescuers

13.A.pulled in B.pulled out C.pulled over D.pulled down

14.A.abnormal B.aboard C.alone D.absent

15.A.lorry B.bus C.train D.ambulance

16.A.instantly B.carefully C.hopefully D.approximately

17.A.competed B.chatted C.played D.fought

18.A.hardest B.cheapest C.greatest D.easiest

19.A.in need B.in silence C.in surprise D.in comfort

20.A.inviting B.greeting C.finding D.knowing



    In this fast-paced life, it’s hard to find the time to cook. But cooking for other people can be fun and beneficial because it comes with some positive psychological benefits.


Performing an act for another human being, like cooking for them, is a form of selflessness. And it can make people feel happy and connected to others.

Cooking is a form of nurturing (养育).

When it comes to cooking, you are feeding someone, which is necessary for survival. Cooking for others is nurturing. 2..

Cooking can create bonds.

If you’re cooking for someone, even if they’re not present during the act, it can absolutely bring a sense of closeness in that you re expressing your love and care for someone. 3.. And cooking for others helps us build and strengthen those connections.


Not only does cooking for yourself help you eat more healthfully, but it also sends yourself a message that you are important. Cooking can also help raise your confidence.

Cooking is a practice of mindfulness.

Cooking can encourage us to really focus. 5.: walk away for a minute and you can burn the onions; check in with your phone and your water can overflow.

Cooking brings us together, and it continues to create communities - and with community comes feelings of connection and happiness. Now all you have to do is find the time to add cooking into your busy life.

A.Cooking is a form of self-care

B.It is helping to keep them alive

C.Cooking for others is a selfless act

D.Cooking can strengthen your knowledge

E.It can provide a means for social acceptance

F.If you lose your focus, things can easily go wrong

G.Making connections is one of human’s basic needs



    Being in the midst of a pandemic lockdown can make people feel worried. But nothing has shown this panicky behavior more than storing specifically toilet paper.

Seemingly transcending borders and cultures, people from all over the world, including the US, UK and Japan, have been clearing supermarket shelves mainly for this necessity. But what’s the reason for this sudden toilet paper storing? You can understand panic buying food, but do we really need that much toilet paper?

Steven Taylor, author of the book The Psychology of Pandemics, told the Independent that our toilet paper storing is a product of our disgust. During a pandemic, people’s sensitivity to disgust increases, like when you move aside if someone nearby sneezes.

“Disgust is like an alarm … and what better tool for removing disgusting material than toilet paper. I think this is how it became a conditioned symbol of safety,” he said.

Writing for The Conversation, Niki Edwards of The Queensland University of Technology said, “When people hear about the novel coronavirus, they are afraid of losing control. And toilet paper feels like a way to maintain control over health and cleanliness.”

Another one of the most important reasons behind this toilet paper trend, according to the BBC, is the snowball effect. Due to its reports, both in the news and social media, people naturally ask, “Will there be enough toilet paper for my family and me?” This leads to more people following the crowd and buying toilet paper because of their fear of missing out.

“Fear spreads easily. So when you see people around you buying things in a panicky way, it’s going to make you feel more anxious,” wrote American psychologist Baruch Fischhoff for CNBC.

While there are, of course, selfish people who store just because they can, it’s worth keeping things in perspective. Remember, just as countries are cooperating to find a vaccine, we must cooperate to ensure that everyone has their share of necessities.

1.The underlined word “transcending” in the second paragraph probably means “____”.

A.going beyond B.connecting with

C.getting an understanding of D.making good use of

2.According to Dr Steven Taylor, what does this toilet paper trend result from?

A.The desire to get rid of disgusting material. B.The fear of losing control over cleanliness.

C.The frequent reporting on toilet paper. D.The selfish side of human nature.

3.Whose words are quoted to explain “the snowball effect”?

A.Steven Taylor’s B.Niki Edwards’

C.Baruch Fischhoff ‘s D.The author’s

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?

A.To explore the bad effects of the toilet paper trend.

B.To explain why people tend to store pile toilet paper.

C.To criticize those people who store toilet paper.

D.To discuss people’s different attitudes toward the toilet paper trend.

5.Which of the following statement do you think the author will probably NOT agree with?

A.The toilet paper storing can relieve people’s anxiety.

B.It’s selfish of those to store too much toilet paper than they need.

C.Panic buying is quite understandable.

D.It’s better for us to stay calm and reasonable so as not to follow the toilet paper trend.



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