满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a kid, my parents sent me to ...

    When I was a kid, my parents sent me to a summer camp in New Hampshire. At the camp we did tons of great things like swimming, sports and archery (射箭), but for me, the most memorable _______ was an overnight trip of mountain climbing. If you’ve ever _______ a mountain, you know it’s a physical challenge, _______when you’re carrying your food and shelter on your back. When campers got _______, they certainly started complaining.

“How much farther is it?”

“I can’t go any further.”

“My _______ is too heavy. Can you carry it for me?”

The reply of the _______was, “Suck it up (不要再抱怨了).” The truth is that the complaining campers were _______ near the point of _______. If they had been, the teachers would have noticed the _______ and given them care. The kids simply weren’t used to the physical challenge. Once they realized they weren’t getting any sympathy they ________ the discomfort, and in most cases ________ having a great time. In my camp days, I don’t ________ a single camper complaining at the ________ of the mountain.

There are two ways to deal with an ________ situation. You can complain, or you can make the best of it. If you complain, you might feel like you’re getting that ________ energy out, but you are probably not going to cause a positive change. It’s much more likely that your complaining will cause the ________ of those around you. No one likes a complainer. They’re ________ and they hurt the group. Complaining makes life ________ for everyone. Instead, if you determine to master your own ________, to move past it and focus on a ________, it’s my experience that you’ll realize it wasn’t bad in the first place.

1.A.experience B.behaviour C.occasion D.situation

2.A.seen B.reached C.climbed D.described

3.A.especially B.normally C.obviously D.naturally

4.A.ashamed B.tired C.puzzled D.shocked

5.A.food B.water C.shelter D.backpack

6.A.parents B.teachers C.guides D.partners

7.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.everywhere

8.A.camp B.exhaustion C.mountain D.destination

9.A.signs B.activities C.gestures D.scenes

10.A.shared B.understood C.suffered D.overcame

11.A.couldn’t help B.ended up C.insisted on D.gave up

12.A.recall B.forget C.disturb D.forgive

13.A.foot B.top C.back D.base

14.A.unbelievable B.unexpected C.unusual D.unpleasant

15.A.great B.spare C.negative D.potential

16.A.dislike B.respect C.sympathy D.enthusiasm

17.A.amazing B.shocking C.worrying D.annoying

18.A.poorer B.harder C.easier D.better

19.A.life B.mind C.suffering D.mistake

20.A.trip B.plan C.solution D.dream


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.C 【解析】 本文为一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章记叙了我小时候参加的一个夏令营的难忘经历和感悟。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在夏令营里,我们做了很多有趣的事情,比如游泳、运动和射箭,但对我来说,最难忘的经历是一次夜间的登山。A. experience经历;B. behaviour行为;C. occasion场合;D. situation情况。结合语境可知,夏令营中令我最难忘的是夜间登山的经历。故选A项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你爬过山,你就会知道这是一种身体上的挑战,尤其是当你背着食物和帐篷的时候。A. seen看见;B. reached够到;C. climbed爬;D. described描述。结合前文At the camp we did tons of great things like swimming, sports and archery (射箭), but for me, the most memorable ___1___ was an overnight trip of mountain climbing.在夏令营里,我们做了很多有趣的事情,比如游泳、运动和射箭,但对我来说,最难忘的经历是一次夜间的登山。可知,此处作者的假设是如果你也爬过山。故选C项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:如果你爬过山,你就会知道这是一种身体上的挑战,特别是当你背着食物和帐篷的时候。A. especially特别地;B. normally通常地;C. obviously显然地;D. naturally自然地。结合前文you know it’s a physical challenge爬山是身体上的挑战,特别是背着食物和帐篷时。故选A项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当营员们累了的时候,他们开始抱怨了。A. ashamed羞愧的;B. tired疲倦的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. shocked震惊的。结合后文they certainly started complaining. 他们开始抱怨了,推测是因为太累了才开始抱怨。故选B项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的背包太重了。A. food食物;B. water水;C. shelter住所;D. backpack背包。结合前文when you’re carrying your food and shelter on your back.可知,孩子们的背包很重,背了食物和帐篷。故选D项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:老师们的答复是“不要再抱怨了”。A. parents父母;B. teachers老师;C. guides导游;D. partners合作伙伴。结合后文If they had been, the teachers would have noticed the ___9___ and given them care.如果是的话,老师们会注意到这些迹象并给予他们关怀。可知,带我们夜间爬山的是老师,因此此处也是老师给孩子的答复。故选B项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,抱怨的营员们还远未到筋疲力尽的地步。A. somewhere哪里;B. anywhere任何地方;C. nowhere无处;D. everywhere到处。结合后文If they had been, the teachers would have noticed the ___9___ and given them care.可知,如果孩子们真的筋疲力尽,老师们会注意到并且给予他们关怀,而事实是孩子们还远未到筋疲力尽的地步。故选C项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,抱怨的营员们还远未到筋疲力尽的地步。A. camp营地;B. exhaustion精疲力尽;C. mountain山;D. destination目的地。结合前文When campers got tired, they certainly started complaining.孩子们虽然累了,但是远未到筋疲力尽的地步。故选B项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果是的话,老师们会注意到这些迹象并给予他们关怀。A. signs迹象;B. activities活动;C. gestures手势;D. scenes场景。结合后文and given them care.可知,老师给予他们关怀是因为老师注意到了他们筋疲力尽的迹象。故选A项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦他们意识到自己没得到了同情,他们就克服了不适,在大多数情况下,最后会有一段好的体验。A. shared分享;B. understood理解;C. suffered痛苦;D. overcame战胜。结合后文In my camp days, I don’t ___12___ a single camper complaining at the ___13___ of the mountain.大家都到了山顶上,并且没有一个人抱怨。可知,一旦没有得到同情,他们就自己克服了不适感,并且最后都到了山顶上。故选D项。 11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一旦他们意识到自己没得到了同情,他们就克服了不适,在大多数情况下,最后会有一段好的体验。A. couldn’t help忍不住做;B. ended up最后;C. insisted on坚持;D. gave up放弃。结合前文they overcame the discomfort可知,他们克服了不适,最后一定会有一段美好的体验。故选B项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我露营的日子里,我不记得有任何一个营员在山顶抱怨。A. recall回忆;B. forget忘记;C. disturb打扰;D. forgive原谅。结合语境,我不记得有任何一个人在山顶上抱怨。故选A项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我露营的日子里,我不记得有任何一个营员在山顶抱怨。A. foot脚;B. top顶;C. back背;D. base基底。结合语境可知,最后所有人到了山顶上。故选B项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有两种方法可以处理不愉快的情况。A. unbelievable难以置信的;B. unexpected出乎意料的;C. unusual不同寻常的;D. unpleasant令人不愉快的。结合前文的爬山经历可知,两种方法解决的是令人不愉快的情况。故选D项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你抱怨的话,你可能会觉得你正在释放消极的能量,但你可能不会引起积极的变化。A. great好的;B. spare空闲的;C. negative消极的;D. potential潜在的。结合后文but you are probably not going to cause a positive change.但你可能不会引起积极的变化。根据连词but可知,前后有转折含义,因此前文应该是如果抱怨的话,很可能会释放消极的能量。故选C项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你的抱怨很有可能引起周围人的反感。A. dislike厌恶,反感;B. respect尊敬;C. sympathy同情;D. enthusiasm热情。结合后文No one likes a complainer.没有人喜欢抱怨者。可知,如果老是抱怨可能引起周围人的反感。故选A项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们很烦人,并且伤害了整个组织。A. amazing令人惊讶的;B. shocking震惊的;C. worrying担心的;D. annoying烦人的。结合前文No one likes a complainer.没有人喜欢抱怨者。可知,因为他们很烦人。故选D项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:抱怨使每个人的生活都更艰难。A. poorer更穷的;B. harder更难的;C. easier更容易的;D. better更好的。结合语境可知,抱怨会使得生活变得更加艰难。故选B项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,如果你决定控制自己的痛苦,把注意力转移到解决方案上,我的经验是,你会意识到它一开始就不坏。A. life生活;B. mind思想;C. suffering痛苦;D. mistake错误。结合前文There are two ways to deal with an ___14___ situation.处理的是令人不愉快的情况,是使人感到痛苦的。故选C项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,如果你决定控制自己的痛苦,把注意力转移到解决方案上,我的经验是,你会意识到它一开始就不坏。A. trip旅行;B. plan计划;C. solution解决方案;D. dream梦想。结合全文,作者告诉我们面对困难不要抱怨,而是要努力寻找解决方案来解决眼前的困难。故选C项。

    Ways to Get Your Kids into Nature

Being in nature for kids has tremendous health benefits. There are many ways you can incorporate nature into your children’s lives, even if you live in the city.

Inspire curiosity by being curious yourself. A parent’s excitement can be spread to the children, and when you show respect for nature, your children follow suit. 1.. “I don’t know! Let’s find out together.” is a wonderful way to get the ball rolling. Be open to a mutual adventure and allow your curious inner child to come out while you explore nature with your children.

2.. If you have to carpool(拼车) in the morning, turn off the devices instead and encourage your children to look out of the window. The early morning fall skies are beautiful with color and migrating birds. After all, even views of nature from the car window are calming and beneficial.

Stop thinking about nature time as leisure time. Time in nature is an essential investment in your children’s health and well­being. If you view nature time as essential to good health, you will be more likely to engage in it. 3. nurturing creativity and wonder is part of your responsibility as parents.

Look at the stars. Visit your local observatory, and then drive out of the city some morning or evening for your own stargazing(天体观察) with a blanket and telescope. Observing the stars offers a deeper and wider understanding of the universe. 4..

Plant a small garden. 5.. Bean and pea plants grow quickly and can be eaten when mature, so teach your children about food and the wonder of growth.

A.Limit electronic devices while driving

B.Encourage questions you don’t know the answers to

C.If you want to raise your healthy, well­balanced children

D.If you have the space, help your children plant a few vegetables

E.It will teach teamwork, pride in the community, and family togetherness

F.If your child is interested, encourage him to get involved in the community

G.Allow yourself to think about it, and talk to your children about that wonder



    A new study has shown how computers and robots powered by artificial intelligence can read human eye movements to “read” human personalities.

The eyes, they say, are the windows to the soul. And if that is true, computers and robots powered by sophisticated(复杂的) artificial intelligence algorithms(算法) may soon have the ability to peer into your soul. That is the result of a new study on the connection between eye movements and personality, conducted by neuroscience researchers based at the University of South Australia and Published in the scientific Journal Frontiers in Neuroscience.

“Eye movements during an everyday task predict aspects of our personality,” wrote the researchers, led by University of South Australia neuroscientist Tobias Loetscher, whose team follows 42 study subjects around the university campus recording their eye movements, then determines their personality traits(特点) with “well-established questionnaires” for determining personality type, according to a summary of the study published by the site Science Daily.

The researchers fed the data into their AI algorithms and found that computers running the algorithms were able to record human eye movements and immediately determine a person’s major personality traits, such as “neuroticism, extraversion(外向), agreeableness, conscientiousness, as well as perceptual(感知的) curiosity”, the scientists wrote.

“The new findings could improve the way human beings interact with their computers and other high-tech devices, even robots, allowing for more natural and realistic social interactions with machines,” Loetscher said.

“People are always looking for improved, personalized services. Today’s robots and computers are not socially aware so they cannot adapt to non-verbal information,” Loetscher said in a statement quoted by Indian Express. “This research provides opportunities to develop robots and computers so that they can become more natural, and better at interpreting human social signals.”

The study revealed previously undiscovered relations between specific personality characteristics and specific eye movement tendencies, according to a summary in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper.

1.What do the underlined words “peer into” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.understand B.stare at

C.search for D.concern about

2.How did the researchers conduct the research?

A.It was carried out in a lab.

B.42 subjects’ eye movements were recorded.

C.The students’ daily movements were tracked.

D.Its subjects’ personalities were determined by computer.

3.According to Tobias Loetscher, what can we know?

A.Robots and computers are socially conscious.

B.People care less about improved, personalized services.

C.Today’s robots and computers can accustom to non-verbal information.

D.The discovery will improve the interaction between human beings and machines.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Human Personality Traits

B.What Human Eye Movements Are

C.Tell Personalities by Eye Movements

D.How Humans and Machines Interact



    Air pollution shortens human lives by more than a year, according to a new study from a team of leading environmental engineers and public health researchers. Better air quality could lead to a significant extension of lifespan(寿命) around the world.

It is the first time that data on air pollution and the lifespan has been studied together in order to check how air pollution affects overall life expectancy.

The researchers looked at outdoor air pollution from particulate matter (PM)(颗粒物) smaller than 2.5 microns. These particulates can enter deep into the lungs, and breathing PM 2.5 is associated with the increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancers. PM 2.5 pollution comes from power plants, cars and trucks, fires, agriculture and industrial emissions(排放物).

Led by Joshua Apte, the team used data from the Global Burden of Disease Study to measure PM 2.5 air pollution exposure and its consequences in 185 countries. They then quantified the national impact on life expectancy for each individual country as well as on a global scale.

“The fact that air pollution is a major global killer is already well­known,” said Apte. “And we all care about how long we can live. Here, we were able to systematically identify how air pollution shortens lives around the world. What we found is that air pollution has a very large effect on survival — on average about a year globally.”

In the context of other significant phenomena negatively affecting human survival rates, Apte said this is a big number. “For example, it’s considerably larger than the benefit in survival we might see if we found cures for both lung and breast cancer combined,” he said. “In countries like India and China, the benefit for elderly people of improving air quality would be especially large. For much of Asia, if air pollution were removed as a risk for death, 60­year­olds would have a 15 percent to 20 percent higher chance of living to age 85 or older.”

1.What do we know about PM 2.5?

A.It has a bad effect on human health. B.It will be controlled in the future.

C.It only comes from industrial emissions. D.It spreads to the world from Asian countries.

2.What did the researchers do to study how air pollution affects the lifespan?

A.They collected accurate information from all the Asian countries.

B.They employed the research data to calculate the effect.

C.They studied the disease and lifespan together time and time again.

D.They measured particulate matter much more carefully than before.

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The key to people living longer is good air quality.

B.People think air pollution is the most dangerous killer to them.

C.Apte will agree that people should take action to deal with air pollution.

D.Factories should decrease the production of cars to stop air pollution.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Way Human Beings Enjoy a Longer Lifespan

B.The Importance of Getting Rid of Air Pollution

C.Asian People Are Suffering from Serious Air Pollution

D.Air Pollution Reduces the Lifespan by More than One Year



    I realized something this morning. I have been writing now for 34 years. It all started when I was just 18 years old. As a boy I had read literally(毫不夸张地)hundreds of books. I had a thirst for knowledge that seemingly could never fade. Then suddenly I found I had something I wanted to share. I tried to ignore it, but as any writer will tell you once the ideas awaken inside of you they won't leave you alone until you write them down. I didn't have a computer, word processor, or even a typewriter. Still, I grabbed a pen and lined notebook paper and wrote everything that was burning inside of me.

When I was done I didn't know how to share it. There was no internet back then, no smart phones, and no social media. I sought out the editor of my local county newspaper and asked him to print what I had written. He was a good man full of both wisdom and kindness. He not only printed my first story but agreed to publish anything else I was willing to write. I continued to write new articles each week and shared them first with other local papers and later online as well. Years later at the urging of my readers I even self-published two collections of my stories in book form.

Through my writing I slowly became more than I was. In my writings I encountered my highest self. In my writings I discovered the goodness and light that lies in us all. In my writings I found great love and joy and encouraged others to choose love and joy as well. I also found that we all are writers whether we put pen to paper or not. With every choice we make, with every thought we hold, and with everything we do we are writing our own life story.

Lance Wubbels once wrote: "I hope you realize your life is truly your life. It belongs to you. It is your story to write with love. Day by day, line by line, write it well."

1.As a boy, when the author found he had something to share, ________.

A.he wrote it down

B.he ignored it

C.he shared it on social media

D.he told it to a writer

2.How did the author begin his writing career?

A.He was hired as a newspaper editor.

B.He put his stories online by himself.

C.He self-published two books.

D.He was helped by a local newspaper editor.

3.What does the author think of writing?

A.Writing takes practice and efforts.

B.Writing can benefit oneself and others.

C.Writing helps people tell right from wrong.

D.Only with a pen can one write his life story.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.A Way to be a Writer

B.A Way to Share Ideas

C.Living is Writing

D.Writing is the Source of Love



1. TrueCar.com

Top dealers compete for your business by offering lower prices. TrueCar spends a lot of money and resources on making sure the entire car renting experience is simple and straightforward. If you’re in the market for a new car, give this site a try first.

TrueCar’s network checks many of the prices in your area and gets you the best price for the car you’re looking for.

2. Carvoy.com

It offers more control by allowing you to “build your car” and select your rental plan. The “build your car” option is one of the better options for those looking to add on features to their car. If you’re looking for cars with options like a sunroof or navigation (导航), it’s Carvoy that makes it very easy to get started with the process.

3. CarsDirect.com

They have a large collection of new and used cars, and also provide resources for car comparisons. In the business for many years, they are one of the first online car outlets. They have a staff that can usually help you if you give them a call. Their phone support is very good and they are mostly located in the United States.

4. CarRent.com

It delivers your rental car to the door, which is actually a huge selling point. Many people don’t like to go to a dealership or even drive somewhere to pick up a car. Imagine renting a car and having it delivered right to your doorstep, no driving necessary!

5. CostcoAuto.com

It offers member-only savings, many car selections and an easy sign-up process. The deals through Costco are great and unique. Many times they have deals with General Motors cars like Chevrolet. There are a lot of deals to be done, but the one thing that Costco does not do is negotiate the price.

1.What’s the selling point of TrueCar.com?

A. Its most reasonable prices for cars.

B. The diversity of its used cars.

C. Its delivery service to your door.

D. The special offers to its members.

2.What is the special service that Carvoy.com provides?

A. You can have other functions added to your car.

B. You can rent a car more easily than elsewhere.

C. You can design the whole car by yourself.

D. You can have better operation over your car.

3.If you are a good bargainer, it’s wise to avoid dealing with _______.

A. CarsDirect.com B. Carvoy.com

C. CarRent.com D. CostcoAuto.com



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