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Mevan Babakar had a difficult start in l...

    Mevan Babakar had a difficult start in life. Her parents ______ lraq during the Gulf War in the 1990s, travelling through Turkey and Russia until the family reached the Netherlands and spent a year in a refugee(难民)camp. Although she was a child, she used to think it could be the ______ of world every day. Life was dark and future, to her, was a ______ that would never come true.

However, she never ______ the refugee camp worker all those years ago. That day, watching other children playing, running and shouting on the ground in the camp, she, ______, stood there in the old coat and woolen cap, and with a dirty face. Their ______ and happiness made her find herself nowhere to go.

He came into ______ , pushing a red, shiny bike on the dirt road. Out of the kindness of his own heart, he came to her, saying to her, "It's ______ you." The five-year-old heart exploded with _______. She could hardly believe her ears. She laughed _____ , covering her mouth with her dirty hands. From then on, she believed that there would be _____ ; there would be chances, maybe very______, but chances would be there.

Mevan, today aged 29, now works for a fact-checking charity(慈善机构)and lives______ in London. She decided to ______ the man and posted an old photo of the two of them in the camp on Twitter. To her______ , within 36 hours the charity worker, Eabert, was found in Germany .

The pair were_______ and Mevan posted another photograph: "This is Egbert. He's been helping refugees since the '90s. He thought the ______ was too small a gesture to be mentioned."

For Mevan, the ______ is that small actions can have big consequences: "The ______ Egbert showed me continues to shape me. It doesn't cost anything and it ______ the world one person at a time."

1.A.reached B.fled C.served D.visited

2.A.recovery B.goal C.end D.birth

3.A.reward B.puzzle C.promise D.dream

4.A.missed B.forgot C.recalled D.assessed

5.A.alone B.instead C.often D.thus

6.A.loneliness B.coldness C.generosity D.laughter

7.A.existence B.effect C.power D.view

8.A.on B.for C.with D.beyond

9.A.joy B.anger C.hesitation D.admiration

10.A.loudly B.shyly C.guiltily D.artificially

11.A.hope B.advice C.assumptions D.achievements

12.A.strong B.proper C.fair D.slim

13.A.carefully B.worthily C.honestly D.fashionably

14.A.pick up B.call on C.look after D.track down

15.A.sadness B.regret C.surprise D.advantage

16.A.matched B.adopted C.reunited D.blamed

17.A.bike B.coat C.photo D.cap

18.A.idiom B.rule C.lesson D.tip

19.A.trust B.independence C.kindness D.optimism

20.A.changes B.faces C.explores D.seeks


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了从小沦为难民的女孩Mevan在难民营收到了来自一位慈善工作者的好意,从此铭记于心,长大后也从事了慈善事业,并最终通过社交媒体找到了这位工作者Egbert。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的父母在上世纪90年代的海湾战争中从伊拉克逃出来。A. reached到达;B. fled逃走;C. served服务;D. visited拜访。从后文一家人在各个国家辗转以及“难民”的身份中可以推断,他们是从伊拉克逃难出来的。故选B项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然她还只是个孩子,可她以前一直觉得每天都可能是世界末日。A. recovery恢复;B. goal目标;C. end末尾,结束;D. birth出生。下文指出“Life was dark”,结合他们的难民身份,显然是时刻处在担惊受怕中,不知道能不能看到明天的。故选C项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:生活很黑暗,而对她来说,未来完全是不可能实现的梦。A. reward回报;B. puzzle迷惑;C. promise承诺;D. dream梦想。与第2小题含义相近,身为难民,未来对她来说是很缥缈、不现实的,结合后句中的come true,这里要表达“无法实现的梦想”。故选D项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,她永远不会忘记那些年以前的难民营里那个工人。A. missed错过,思念;B. forgot忘记;C. recalled回忆;D. assessed评估。从后文内容来看,Mevan深受工人Egbert的影响,从未忘记过他。故选B项。 5. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她独自一人坐在那里,穿着旧外套,戴着羊毛帽子,脸上脏兮兮的。A. alone独自地;B. instead而不是,取而代之;C. often经常;D. thus因此。与其他孩子的玩闹形成对照,这里表示Mevan是独自待着的。故选A项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的欢声笑语让她觉得无处可去。A. loneliness孤独;B. coldness寒冷;C. generosity慷慨;D. laughter笑声,大笑。这里与前文的playing、running、shouting形成呼应,就指其他孩子们玩得很开心,充满欢声笑语。故选D项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这时他出现了,推着一辆红色的、闪亮的自行车走在土路上。A. existence存在;B. effect效果;C. power力量;D. view视野,意见,风景。come into view意为“进入视野,出现”,指那位工人Egbert出场了。故选D项。 8. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:这是你的。A. on在上面;B. for为了,因为;C. with和……一起;D. beyond超越。从下文Mevan的表现来看,显然这里要表达工人把车送给她了,it’s for you意为“这是给你的”。故选B项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个五岁小孩的心里高兴坏了。A. joy愉悦;B. anger愤怒;C. hesitation犹豫;D. admiration赞赏。这里的five-year-old heart就指Mevan,突然收到别人送给自己的大礼,心里一定很高兴。故选A项。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她害羞地笑了,用脏兮兮的小手掩住了嘴巴。A. loudly大声地;B. shyly害羞地;C. guiltily内疚地;D. artificially人为地。既然是用手掩饰笑容,显然是比较害羞的,与她不合群的表现也是相符的。故选B项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,她深信总会有希望的。A. hope希望;B. advice建议;C. assumptions假设;D. achievements成就。从收到自行车这件事中,她就对生活有了信仰,觉得有希望,有机会,这里与下一句中的chances是并列的。故选A项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:总会有机会的,也许很渺茫,但机会就在那里。A. strong强壮的;B. proper合适的;C. fair公平的;D. slim苗条的,微小的。这里有but作转折,要表达虽然机会很小,但机会总是有的。故选D项。 13. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在已经29岁的Mevan,工作在一家事实核查的慈善机构,正当地住在伦敦。A. carefully谨慎地;B. worthily可敬地,正当地;C. honestly诚实地;D. fashionably赶时髦地。这里要表现Mevan改变了命运,不再像以前当难民那样,而是堂堂正正地生活在伦敦。故选B项。 14. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:她决定找到那个男人。A. pick up捡起;B. call on拜访,号召;C. look after照顾;D. track down追捕,找到。下文紧跟着就指出那个工人被找到了,也就是Mevan通过社交媒体在进行寻找。故选D项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:让Mevan惊讶的是,36个小时不到,那位慈善工作者Egbert在德国被找到了。A. sadness悲伤;B. regret后悔;C. surprise惊喜;D. advantage优点。这么快就找到了人,显然是出乎意料,让Mevan感到惊讶的。故选C项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:两个人重聚了,而Mevan发了另一张照片。A. matched匹配;B. adopted适应;C. reunited重聚,再结合;D. blamed责怪。从故事的走向和Mevan下文发照片介绍Egbert来看,两个人是重聚到了一起。故选C项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他觉得那辆自行车完全是不值一提的小事。A. bike自行车;B. coat外套;C. photo照片;D. cap帽子。两人之间最重要的纽带就是那辆自行车,这里所指的也只能是自行车。故选A项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对Mevan来说,她学到的就是微小的举动也能带来显著的结果。A. idiom习语;B. rule规则;C. lesson课程;D. tip提示。这里总结的是Mevan的感悟,也可以说是她从这一事件中学到的东西。故选C项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Egbert对我表现出的善良塑造了我。A. trust信任;B. independence独立;C. kindness善良;D. optimism乐观。Mevan在说明Egbert对自己的影响,显然就是善良的品质对她的成长影响最大。故选C项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这没有任何代价,而且一个人行一次善都会改变这个世界。A. changes改变;B. faces面对;C. explores探索;D. seeks寻找。人人都心存善良、善施乐助,一定会让世界变得更好,也就是改变这个世界。故选A项。

    A lot of kids struggle with reading. Parents have tried encouraging them in all sorts of ways, but nothing seems to work. Actually many factors(因素)can cause reading problems.1. Here are a few things you can do to help your kid become a better reader.

Read to your kid-and have him/her read to you

Grab one of the books you loved when you were your kid's age and read it to him/her or take turns reading it to each other. 2. Make reading a regular part of the night-time routine.

Don't be pushy

Just because you're a science fan or read on history and other nonfiction doesn't mean your kid will be remotely interested in any of those things. In fact, you've been pushing your tastes on your kid. 3.

Choose books that interest your kid

Most kids love movies. Did your kid like Ready Player One or Ender's Game? They are based on books. 4. If your goal is to get your kid interested in reading and improve his/her skills, what your kid's reading is less important than how much time he/she spends doing it.


Kids who have trouble reading often feel that there's something wrong with them. So work with your kid to come up with manageable goals and make a big deal every time he/she accomplishes one. With time, gradually make the goals more challenging.

A.Achieve your goals

B.Celebrate small steps

C.Reading books can help your kid get a head start in school.

D.If your kid stops or makes a mistake, be patient and don't judge.

E.Overcoming them can sometimes be an annoying process for everyone.

F.Starting with something your kid is already interested in could help draw him into reading.

G.You may have contributed to his/her reading problems rather than helping overcoming them.



    In 2006, documents were published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They suggested that cloned animals and cloned animal products would be allowed into the American food supply.

The FDA has stated that cloned animal products are safe for consumption, and has performed many studies to support this view. In fact, products from cloned animals have already been eaten by some Americans without ill effects. The FDA analyzed the structure(结构)and content of cloned animal products and compared it with that of traditionally reproduced animals, and discovered no statistical difference between the two.

Consumers raised serious concerns about cloned animals. The first is the question of whether or not cloned tissue and animal products are truly safe. The second is that many clones are also genetically modified(转基因的)animals, which the FDA has said are unsafe for human consumption. The third is that consumers want to be able to choose what they put into their bodies.

The first concern about cloned animals is almost unnecessary due to the price of producing a clone. Making a clone needs hard work and is very costly. These clones live spoiled lives because they are very valuable, despite biologists' warning that cloned animals decrease diversity.

The second concern, about genetic modification of cloned animals, is more problematic. It may be very difficult to separate genetically modified animals from normal ones. The purpose of genetically modified cloned animals is unclear, and the FDA hasn't allowed their products onto the market, due to health concerns, but the risk of genetic pollution of healthy animals still exists.

Finally, the matter of choice is a large one. Many animal rights activists are worried about clone rights because cloned or not, the animals still have lives. Other consumers are simply trying to eat healthy foods, and have doubts about the cloned animals. If the FDA does not make labeling (贴标签)laws, people may not be able to make informed choices about their food.

1.Why did the FDA allow cloned animal products for consumption?

A.They appeal to consumers very much.

B.They differ from traditional animal products.

C.They taste better than normal animal products.

D.They have been proved safe in several aspects.

2.What do we know about producing clones of animals?

A.It takes much more efforts and money. B.It provides some new medical benefits.

C.It needs less time than raising animals. D.It helps increase the diversity of animals.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Cloned animals should be forbidden to enter market.

B.Cloned animals should have the same rights as humans.

C.Laws should be made to protect people's right to choose food.

D.Animal rights activists are strongly against cloned animal products.

4.What's the text mainly about?

A.Doubts about cloned animals rights. B.Discussions about how to clone animals.

C.Concerns about animal cloning technology. D.Worries about cloned animal consumption.



    If you've started thinking about your career(职业), you'll probably have noticed that there are certain jobs you're just not supposed to do if you're a girl. However, a lot is happening today to get women into male—dominated(男性主导的)areas of work. This International Women's Day, we look at three areas of work where things are tough for women right now-but where change is happening.

Science and research

The situation today

Have you heard of STEM? STEM means science, technology, engineering and maths. It covers a whole range of jobs, from scientists who research cures for diseases, to engineers who design things like buildings, roads and bridges. These jobs are highly skilled. But of every eight people in a STEM job, only one is a woman.

Why we need more women in science

The lack of women in STEM jobs is becoming a national problem. The government is worried there simply won't be enough scientists and engineers in the future. This could affect the whole economy because, as a country, we can sell our technology and skills to other countries. STEM jobs also create more work further down the line, such as for construction workers who build roads and bridge.

The police

The situation today

In March 2015, the percentage of female police officers stood at 28%. This compares with 22% nine years earlier in 2006. And the percentage has not always risen over this period. In fact, it peaked(顶峰)in 2010 before falling, before flatlining over the next three years.

Why we need more women in the police force

The police are there for the whole community and that includes women! Because crime is often to do with sex, or violence by men against women, a woman police officer might be more understanding or more approachable. Studies also suggest that women tend to trust other women more than men. Women can also be more understanding. Often, when a person comes forward to report an incident, such as a problem at home or with neighbours, women are often better at listening and at understanding other people's problems, while men are more likely to be dismissive.

1.What do we learn about women in Paragraph 1?

A.They are hard to find jobs. B.They have a wider choice of jobs.

C.They change jobs at times. D.They act better in doing man's jobs.

2.What could be the consequence of the lack of women in science?

A.It creates more jobs.

B.It leads to national chaos.

C.It influences the economic development.

D.It brings about the technological revolution.

3.What can be inferred from the studies on female police?

A.Male police are not so trustworthy as female police.

B.Female police hardly care about common incidents.

C.Female police officers are easier to communicate with.

D.The percentage of female police is always on the increase.

4.What is most likely to be discussed following the last paragraph?

A.Occupation guidance. B.Women's advantages.

C.Man-dominated careers. D.Another area of work.



    No matter how long it took, or how much birthday money he would have to save, the 6-year-old South Carolina boy named Bell would spend his special day in "The Happiest Place On Earth."

And, as local TV station reports, he was pretty close to realizing that dream, planning for a visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom just in time for his seventh birthday this month.

Then he heard the story of the hurricane: how it transformed the Bahamas into the unhappiest place on Earth—and how it continues to churn up(搅动)the East Coast, leaving tears in its wake.

How could Bell dream of Disney World when so many others were living a nightmare?

So the boy gathered his savings—and went to the grocery store. Instead of a romp(嬉闹)in Disney's Animal Kingdom, Bell bought much-needed food and water for thousands of people forced to leave their homes in advance of the storm.

“The people that are traveling to go to places, I wanted them to have some food to eat, so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they're going to stay at,” Bell told a reporter. Indeed, Bell made it hard for anyone to miss his offer. He pulled a couple of homemade signs to Highway 125 in Allendale with the words "Free hot dogs and water" on them. And he stood at the side of that highway, calling out to motorists, many of them tired and traumatized after leaving their homes behind. In all, he served more than 100 evacuees(被撤离者).

"I am very proud," his grandmother Aretha Grant told CNN. "We knew Bell was very special, but we didn't know he was special in this way, to be such a giver like this."

Indeed, at his little stand in Allendale, Bell is giving people something much more precious than hot dogs. He's offering hope—and along the way, the little boy with the big heart is making his own magic kingdom.

1.What can we learn about Bell at the beginning of the story?

A.He quit his birthday plan. B.He visited the Bahamas.

C.He played happily at Disneyland. D.He experienced the hurricane.

2.How did Bell help the victims of hurricane?

A.By donating money. B.By offering food.

C.By providing shelters. D.By making campaigns.

3.What does the underlined word “traumatized” probably mean?

A.In great relief. B.In great sorrow.

C.With great appreciation. D.With great caution.

4.What does the writer intend to tell us in the last paragraph?

A.Bell's act makes a big difference.

B.Hot dogs are more precious than hope.

C.People should have a lifelong ambition.

D.Children are full of imagination and creativity.



1.What is Alan Chen?

A.A news editor. B.A magazine reader.

C.A radio host. D.A retired teacher.

2.What does Alice advise customers to do?

A.Widely use plastic bags. B.Buy food from a dispenser.

C.Purchase packaged food. D.Avoid shopping at a grocery.

3.Why do Alan and Alice write the texts?

A.To advertise a magazine. B.To give tips on writing articles.

C.To subscribe to a magazine. D.To offer responses to the articles.



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