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When I was a child my father taught me f...

    When I was a child my father taught me five words that I’ve used all my lifein my acting career, as a mother, in my business activities. If I _______ that I was afraid of the dark, or if I seemed worried about meeting new people, Dad would say, “Stand porter to your _______.”

A porter is a gatekeeper, who stands at a door _______ people in or out. Dad would get me to _______ myself stopping destructive thingssuch as fearat the door, _______ saying “Come in” to faith, love and self-assurance.

As a(n) _______, before I went on camera, I’d make sure anxiety stayed out and confidence in my ability came in. As a mother, when I was _______ about my children, I would try not to let worry in but would _______ my mind with trust in them.

Of course, there were always times I’d _______ those words.

In 1972 my husband, Fillmore Crank, and I opened the doors to our own __________ in North Hollywood. This was a new business venture for us, and it was a lot more __________ and complicated than we had __________.

We were on call 24 hours a day. Something was always going __________. Electricity went on the blink, food wasn’t delivered, employees called in sick. Once, a flu epidemic __________ left us with no maids. Fillmore gave me a __________: scrub floors or do the laundry. For 10 days I folded enough king-size sheets to __________ the whole state of California.

Then there was the __________ crisis. The price of gasoline doubled, and tourism in California __________. How could we fill our beds? What if we kept losing money? What if we failed? Fear and worry were sneaking in. But I caught them just __________. I stood porter.

I stood in the door of my mind and sent fear packing.

These days at the hotel, whenever fear tries to __________, I just smile and point to the sign that reads No Vacancy.

1.A.complained B.announced C.recalled D.decided

2.A.future B.find C.family D.studio

3.A.letting B.urging C.inviting D.observing

4.A.busy B.involve C.send D.picture

5.A.so B.and C.but D.or

6.A.official B.actress C.maid D.manager

7.A.serious B.curious C.anxious D.cautious

8.A.fill B.change C.read D.ease

9.A.eat B.twist C.exchange D.forget

10.A.clinic B.hotel C.laundry D.restaurant

11.A.promising B.demanding C.convincing D.boring

12.A.figured B.confirmed C.deduced D.suggested

13.A.sour B.missing C.wrong D.pale

14.A.hardly B.regularly C.specially D.suddenly

15.A.warning B.command C.choice D.solution

16.A.serve B.touch C.decorate D.blanket

17.A.credit B.energy C.identity D.family

18.A.ceased B.recovered C.dropped D.boomed

19.A.in time B.on purpose C.at random D.by chance

20.A.split B.shelter C.withdraw D.register


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文为一篇记叙文。记叙了作者在父亲的影响下,战胜生活的困难的几件事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我抱怨我害怕黑暗,或者我担心遇到新的人,爸爸会说,“站在门房旁边找到自己吧。”A. complained抱怨;B. announced宣布;C. recalled召回;D. decided决定。上文写父亲教会我5个词,这一句引出寓意。如果作者抱怨,害怕黑暗,或者如果作者看上去很担心遇见新认识的人。故选A项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我抱怨我害怕黑暗,或者我担心遇到新的人,爸爸会说,“站在门房旁边找到自己吧。”A. future未来;B. find让自己处于某种位置或状态;C. family家庭;D. studio工作室。这里的守门处(porter)指的是心理上的守卫,父亲希望作者遇到困难时要找到自己心理上的守卫。故选B项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:门卫是守门人,站在门口让人进出。A. letting让;B. urging催促;C. inviting邀请;D. observing观察。一个porter就是一位守门员,站在门前让人们进进出出。故选A项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:爸爸会让我想象,自己在门口能够阻止破坏性的事情,比如恐惧,但是对真诚,爱和自信说“进来”。A. busy忙的;B. involve参与;C. send发送;D. picture想象。父亲会让作者想象,自己在入口处能够阻止破坏性的事情,例如害怕这种情感。故选D项。 5.考查连词词义辨析。句意:爸爸会让我想象,自己在门口能够阻止破坏性的事情,比如恐惧,但是对真诚,爱和自信要说“进来吧”。A. so所以;B. and和;C. but但是;D. or或者。表转折,但是却对着真诚,爱和自信说请,这个填空和上半句为转折关系,所以用转折。故选C项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为一个女演员,在我走向镜头之前,我会确保焦虑不复存在,对我的能力有信心。A. official官员;B. actress女演员;C. maid女仆;D. manager经理。文中的before I went on camera以暗示我是女演员。故选B项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:作为一个母亲,当我为我的孩子们感到担忧时,我会试着不让担忧进入我的脑海,而是让我对他们充满信任。A. serious严肃的;B. curious好奇的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. cautious谨慎的。前面的anxious和后面的worry同义替换。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个母亲,当我为我的孩子们感到担忧时,我会试着不让担忧进入我的脑海,而是让我对他们充满信任。A. fill填充;B. change改变;C. read阅读;D. ease放松。由“my mind with trust in them”可知,作者让对他们充满自信。故选A项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当然,有时候我会忘记那些话。A. eat吃;B. twist扭;C. exchange换;D. forget忘。作者有时候业会忘记那些话。故选D项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:1972年,我和我的丈夫菲尔莫尔·克拉克在北好莱坞开了我们自己的旅馆。A. clinic诊所;B. hotel旅馆;C. laundry洗衣房;D. restaurant餐厅。通过后文的食物,电和雇员出问题,和我换被单推测,作者和丈夫开了他们自己的酒店。故选B项。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对我们来说是一次新的商业冒险,并且比我们当初预计的要更加复杂且要求很高。A. promising有前途的;B. demanding要求高的;C. convincing有说服力的;D. boring无聊的。由前文“This was a new business venture for us”可知,这对他们来说是一次新的商业冒险,所有要求比预计的要高的多。故选B项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这对我们来说是一次新的商业冒险,并且比我们当初预计的要更加复杂。A. figured计算;B. confirmed确认;C. deduced推断;D. suggested建议。由“it was a lot more 11 and complicated”可知,比我们当初计算的要更加复杂。故选A项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:总是出问题。A. sour酸的;B. missing失踪的;C. wrong错的;D. pale苍白的。根据后文“Electricity went on the blink, food wasn’t delivered, employees called in sick.”可知,停电了,食物没送到,员工打电话请病假,可知开酒店很复杂,总是出问题。故选C项。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:有一次,一场流感突然让我们的服务员人手不够。A. hardly几乎不;B. regularly经常地;C. specially特别地;D. suddenly突然地。由“ left us with no maids”可知,一场流感突然让我们的服务员人手不够。故选D项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:菲尔莫给了我一个选择:擦地板还是洗衣服。A. warning警告;B. command命令;C. choice选择;D. solution解决。结合后文,擦地板还是洗衣服,可知此处为一个选择。故选C项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:整整10天,我叠了足够的特大号床单,足可覆盖整个加利福尼亚州。A. serve服务;B. touch触摸;C. decorate装饰;D. blanket覆盖。此处夸张的手法,作者的特大号床单可以覆盖整个加利福尼亚州。故选D项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后就是能源危机。A. credit信用;B. energy能源;C. identity身份;D. family家庭。由下文“The price of gasoline doubled”可知,出现了能源危机。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:汽油价格翻了一番,加州的旅游业也下降了。A. ceased停止;B. recovered恢复;C. dropped下降;D. boomed繁荣。油价翻倍,加利福尼亚州的旅游业下降。这都是不利的方面。故选C项。 19.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:但我及时地控制住它们。A. in time及时;B. on purpose故意地;C. at random任意地;D. by chance偶然。由下文“I stood in the door of my mind and sent fear packing”可知,作者时地控制住它们。故选A项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这几天在酒店,每当害怕来登记时,我就微笑着指着上面写着“没有空房”的牌子。A. split分开;B. shelter掩蔽;C. withdraw撤回;D. register登记。这道题用了‘双关’的写作手法:一说自己空房,二是说自己不让自己害怕降临;并且旅馆都是要登记的。故选D项。

    If you work hard to have a positive attitude, you might be surprised by how much better you feel about yourself and life in general. 1. The less stress you feel, the better you will feel generally. So if you’ve been feeling tired, think about the good, put on a happy face and you just might feel better soon.

But how can you have a positive attitude when life is hard? It’s more than just turning life’s lemons into lemonade. 2. But it’s worth it. Here are some ways you can develop and maintain (保持) a positive attitude even in the midst of life’s troubles.

3.It just means being an optimist and looking for the good in things, rather than being a pessimist (悲观者) and focusing on the bad in things. Sometimes your view can make all the difference in the world.

Identify (确认) those areas of your life that might not be going so well. 4. Focus on one area at a time and think of ways you can find the positive in them.

Smile and laugh! Yes, it can be that simple. Learn to love life, no matter what’s going on. Smile at others and they will smile back at you. 5.Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.

Exercise! Get off the couch and get moving. Being active and healthy can give you a completely different attitude to life.

A.Have fun and find the humor in life.

B.You may find it hard to stay positive in your life.

C.Having a positive attitude can take some hard work.

D.A positive attitude doesn’t mean taking no notice of life’s troubles.

E.Having a positive attitude can also reduce your stress level.

F.These are the areas likely to make you think negative thoughts.

G.Go to bed earlier so you get the sleep you need to feel positive.



    Friday and Saturday were full of surprises for Chinese, as two places in China were listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The first, a World Natural Heritage, is composed of a series of migratory bird sanctuaries(候鸟保护地)along the coast of the Yellow Sea in Yancheng, East China's Jiangsu Province. The second, the Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site.

China began the application process for the bird sanctuaries in 2017. It only took two years to successfully complete the process. The reason the migratory bird sanctuary application was successful is because of the special geographical category of the area. It is the largest intertidal mudflat seashore in the world. The success of this application marks the beginning of China's world natural heritage from land to sea. The migratory bird sanctuaries are the central node of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and many endangered species, especially threatened migratory birds including red- crowned cranes and flamingos, go there to hunt for food during the migration season. The birds usually take a month to finish their migration. At about 10 days into their migration, they must stop and find food in order to have the energy to continue their journey.

Compared to the short turnaround for the World Natural Heritage's application, the Liangzhu application was far more complicated. The application team spent six years making their dream a reality. A lot of archaeological work had to be carried out for the Liangzhu site, which means the application and assessment(评定)process takes a longer time. The site in Liangzhu is evidence of the existence of an early regional state in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during the late Neolithic period in China, which helps fill in the gaps in the history of the rice-cultivating civilizations of China and East Asia more than 5000 years ago. The site was one of the 20th century's most important archaeological discoveries in China.

With these two new additions, China now has 55 World Heritage sites, the highest number in the world. The successful application means greater responsibility and obligations(义务). Protecting these places is much more important and is our future work. The new status of the migratory bird sanctuaries might boost local tourism industries but this too poses a challenge as local governments will need to control tourist volume so as not to impact the birds' migration patterns. Meanwhile, the sheer area that the Liangzhu Archaeological Site covers, some 14.3 square kilometers, makes protection a difficult issue to handle. Those workings at the site are busy constructing protective shelters for the site and even reburying certain areas to protect them from exposure. Plans are also underway to build a local museum for the storage and display of artifacts, so visitors can come and learn more about the history of the nation.

1.What is special about the migratory bird sanctuaries?

A.It's the first China's world natural heritage on the sea.

B.It provides safe habitats for endangered species.

C.It's located along the coast of the Yellow River.

D.It supplies abundant fresh water to migratory birds.

2.According to Paragraph 2, how do migratory bird sanctuaries protect birds?

A.By creating warm places to produce baby birds.

B.By preventing them from being killed by hunters.

C.By providing food supplies during their migration.

D.By curing the endangered birds after their journey.

3.Why is Liangzhu chosen for the world heritage site?

A.It shows the long history of China.

B.It proves the wisdom of the people.

C.It witnesses the civilization of an age.

D.It reveals the food of the late Neolithic.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly talking about?

A.The application success's promotion of tourism.

B.Chinese responsibilities after the successful application.

C.The two places' influence on Chinese history.

D.Chinese challenge of protecting birds' migration.



    Few people can resist the lure (诱惑) of a delicious ice cream, especially on a hot day. The only thing that spoils the fun is that the treat is hard to enjoy slowly, often ending up with a sticky melted mess. Now, researchers from Colombia's Pontificia Bolivariana University may have found an unlikely partner to help solve this age-old problem---cellulose fiber(纤维素) extracted from banana plant waste. Bananas, as you probably know, grow in bunches on a tree-like plant. Each bunch is attached to a central stalk, called a rachis(叶轴), which is thrown once the fruit has been harvested. The team, led by Dr. Robin Zuluaga Gallego, began extracting cellulose nanofibrils (CNFS) from powdered rachis. The tasteless, odorless macro fibers, thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair were then added in various concentrations to 100 grams of ice cream mix.

With the right amount of CNFS mixed in, the dessert lasted longer in its frozen state than conventional ice cream, extending both its shelf life and the amount of time the treat can be enjoyed. Even more exciting was that the fibers increased the stickiness of low-fat ice cream to levels higher than the full-fat one. Since this is what determines the frozen treats’ creaminess and texture, CNFS could help create healthier ice cream without compromising on taste.

The researchers, who presented their findings at the American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in New Orleans on March 21, 2018, next plan to investigate how different types of fat, such as coconut oil, affect the behavior of CNFS in other frozen treats.

The Colombian researchers are not the only one working on creating a slower-melting ice cream. In 2015, scientists at the University of Dundee in Scotland found that a naturally occurring protein called BSIA(Bacterial Surface Layer A) was remarkably effective in keeping the treat frozen for longer periods of time. With both teams competing to be the first to get to market, the future of everyone’s favorite dessert certainly looks promising.

1.What prevents people enjoying an ice cream slowly?

A.The hot weather.

B.A kind of fiber from banana.

C.The ice creams’ stickiness.

D.The ice creams’ quick melting.

2.Which is NOT a benefit of CNFS added to ice cream mix?

A.To improve its flavor.

B.To make it more healthy.

C.To reduce its fat content.

D.To make it melt more slowly.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.CNFS are more useful and effective than BSLA.

B.Ice cream with BSLA has been on sale at the market.

C.Slowly enjoying an ice cream will soon become a reality.

D.The Colombian research team has taken the lead in the competition with the Scottish team.

4.What's the author’s attitude towards the finding of CNFS?

A.Positive B.Casual

C.Defensive D.Suspicious.



    When David Carter started to study art at The University of Texas (UT)at Austin in 1971, he had big dreams of becoming an artist or a writer. But his study came to a stop at 23 after he hurt his hand in an unpleasant event. He developed schizophrenia(精神分裂症) later and spent many years without a home.

Carter liked to spend time around UT, because he dreamt of being able to continue his study in the university and becoming a writer. After running into Carter many times, UT student Ryan Chandler decided to interview him for a project for the Daily Texan, the student newspaper of UT.

“I interviewed him on Austin’s homeless problems. After I heard his story, we kept in touch and really became friends. I learned he wanted to get back to UT, so I decided to help him,” said Chandler. “He had got 87 hours, very close to a degree. Now, with changing degree requirements, he only has 64 hours to go.”

With the help of Chandler, who worked with the university office, Carter was assigned an adviser by UT’s College of Fine Arts. “It' s the greatest gift I’ve ever received,” Carter said. “He did what had to be done to get me back to school, and I couldn't have done it without him”

After seeing a magazine article about Carter, a UT schoolmate decided to pay his tuition fees (学费)without telling Chandler his name.

Doug Dempster, dean of the College of Fine Arts, said in a statement, “David Carter's decision to complete his degree is a testament (证明) to finishing well what was started, and stopped, even many years earlier. We welcome him back as we do many students each year whose education could not be completed easily. We’ re going to help him through his remaining course work.”

1.Why did Carter stop studying in the university?

A.He hurt an artist. B.He couldn’t afford his study.

C.He got a strange disease. D.He had a hand injury.

2.What was Chandler’s purpose in interviewing Carter?

A.To do a project on homelessness.

B.To know why he hung around UT.

C.To make friends with a homeless person.

D.To finish his homework on helping others.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Chandler?

A.Brave. B.Honest.

C.Warm-hearted. D.Strong-minded.

4.What can we learn from Dempster’s words in the statement?

A.He encourages Carter to study hard.

B.He supports students who never give up.

C.He calls on other students to help Carter.

D.He suggests other students learn from Carter.



    Creative alarm clocks

Dumbbell(哑铃) alarm clock

It is not a real dumbbell, but you have to shake it up and down 30 times to stop the alarm clock. And there is no stop button. Of course you will be totally refreshed by then. Don’t be lazy and take some exercise in the morning.

Target alarm clock

The alarm is ringing at the time you set it forDo you see the targetThen hit it to stop the sound with a laser gun(激光枪). Of course you have to be fully awake if you don’t want to miss the target.

Flying alarm clock

I’m sure you won’t be able to simply ignore this alarm as you usually do, because it fliesIts propeller(螺旋桨)flying off the alarm is the key. Before the frightening alarm sounds drive you crazy you’d better quickly put the key back.


Have you been keeping a pocketful of change for some time without knowing what to do with itMaybe you can put those coins in your alarm. This is both an alarm clock and a money box. It only stops ringing if you put a coin in it.

IQ alarm clock

What about a brain workout in the morning IQ alarm will go off and ask you a set of IQ questions. Don’t even think about removing the battery, because it is hard to open. The only way to shut it off is to answer all questions correctly.

Mr. Bump-off-the-wall alarm clock

An alarm clock is so annoying when you are too tired and sleepy to get up. You can release your anger on Mr. Bump. It looks like a blue ball covered with “bandages(绷带)”. Just throw this alarm at the wall to silence it.

1.How can we turn off Target alarm clock

A.By shooting at it. B.By shaking it 30 times.

C.By putting the key back on it. D.By answering questions shown on.

2.What is another function of Banclock

A.Improving people’s sleep. B.Asking people to do exercise.

C.Testing people’s intelligence. D.Helping people to save money.

3.What can we infer about Mr. Bump-off-the-wall alarm clock?

A.It hangs on the wall. B.It is difficult to break.

C.It was invented by Mr. Bump. D.It rings louder than any other clocks.



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