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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Acupu...

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Acupuncture ( ) is a traditional Chinese medical practice of treating 1. (vary) physical and mental conditions. It gained respect and interest in the United States after New York Times journalist James Reston visited China with President Nixon and needed an operation. Chinese doctors used acupuncture on Reston after surgery 2. (reduce) his pain, and his recovery was swift. Curious about this, Reston 3. (allow) to watch surgery on patients 4. received acupuncture for anesthesia ( ). Patients talked with their doctors during the operation and then walked back to their rooms 5. their own.

The effectiveness of acupuncture left Reston such a deep impression that he wrote a front-page article in the New York Times about his operation 6. (immediate) after he returned to  the United  States. “A leading    medical specialist sent by Premier Chou En-lai 7. (remove) my appendix ( ). I was conscious in 8. whole process.”

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) began to sponsor some of their top physicians to visit China to investigate acupuncture and its  possible 9. (function) in western medicine. With years 10. (go) by,  acupuncture has earned itself a great reputation across the world with magical effect.


1.various/varied 2.to reduce 3.was allowed 4.who/that 5.on 6.immediately 7.removed 8.the 9.functions 10.going 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了70年代尼克松总统的随访人员雷斯顿在中国接受的针灸治疗给他留下了深刻印象,回国后他立即在《纽约时报》的头版写了一篇关于他针灸治疗的文章,这促进了针灸在美国及西方国家的发展。 1.考查形容词。句意:针灸是一种治疗各种身心疾病的中医疗法。修饰名词短语physical and mental conditions用形容词,故填various/varied。 2.考查不定式。句意:中国医生在术后对雷斯顿进行针灸治疗以减轻他的痛苦,他康复得很快。根据句意可知此处表示目的,用不定式作目的状语,故填to reduce。 3.考查时态语态。句意:雷斯顿对此感到好奇,他被允许观看针刺麻醉后的病人的手术。陈述的是过去的事情,主语Reston 与allow之间是被动关系,应该用一般过去时的被动语态,且谓语动词用单数形式,故填was allowed。 4.考查定语从句。句意同上,此处为定语从句,关系词指代先行词patients并在从句中作主语,故填who/that。 5. 6.考查副词。句意:针灸的有效性给雷斯顿留下了如此深刻的印象,他在返回美国后立即在《纽约时报》的头版写了一篇关于他针灸治疗的文章。修饰动词wrote用副词,故填immediately。 7. 8. 9.考查名词的数。句意:美国国立卫生研究院开始资助一些一流医生访问中国,研究针灸及其在西医中的可能作用。function是可数名词,此处指不止一种作用,应该用复数形式,故填functions。 10.

    Meals on Wheels delivery service is for those facing life-threatening illnesses like Borden did back in 2012. She had just finished a Master's program in _______ when she was diagnosed (诊断)with cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Soon, her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Borden moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan to take care of herself while _______ her mother.

''It's a _______ time in your life when you have great need for nutrition but you can’t provide healthy _______ for yourself, '' Borden said. ''Having a Master's in Nutrition, I knew how _______ nourishment was during my cancer treatment and recovery. ''

She started Revive and Thrive while going through treatment, _______ out to local hospitals and kitchens to get the organization off the ground. Soon she was _______ meals for patients referred to her by social workers, nurses and doctors in the area.

She _______ each patient to get a sense of what their nutrition needs are and how long they'll need help. Then, she gets to _______ .

''Serving meals to patients is equally important as teaching them to cook healthy foods, to ________ job skills, life skills and the joy of being able to ________ others in their community, ''Borden says.

She works with a head chef who ________ the nutrient-rich meals and makes sure each meal contains the essential vitamins and proteins that a person fighting a life-threatening illness ________ .

''When you're ________ and dealing with cancer by yourself, it can cause you more depression. Knowing somebody cares about what you eat is ________ , '' she said.

1.A.medicine B.education C.economics D.nutrition

2.A.nursing B.teaching C.guiding D.training

3.A.dangerous B.hard C.common D.valuable

4.A.1ifestyles B.spirit C.meals D.sleep

5.A.rare B.adequate C.comfortable D.important

6.A.going B.calling C.reaching D.speaking

7.A.enjoying B.preparing C.checking D.comparing

8.A.tells B.cures C.exams D.meets

9.A.rest B.work C.schoo1 D.bed

10.A.1earn B.show C.require D.test

11.A.judge B.serve C.gather D.relax

12.A.eats B.expects C.creates D.proves

13.A.needs B.makes C.shares D.provides

14.A.alone B.wise C.old D.free

15.A.interesting B.amusing C.amazing D.inspiring



Urban Wildlife

Cities are diverse ecosystems. In addition to visitors from the wild, a large number of species share our urban areas. As our cities spread, we need to think about what it is like for other species to have human neighbors.

Cities are built for humans. 1.For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them beautiful. But when we cut grass or plant flowers, we destroy natural habitats.

2.When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats, and soon the bridge was the home of

thousands of bats. 3. Now, they have come to value their winged neighbors. The bats are a tourist attraction, and they eat lots of bugs every night.

There are also structures built with the aim of bringing wildlife into the city. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a good example. The park used native plants and created open, natural spaces for wildlife. The result is a zone in Beijing with over 160 species of birds. In many ways, the park is the opposite of a zoo. 4.

If we learn to share our space, we can become better neighbors to the wildlife around us. 5. Our own future will be endangered too.

A.They are built to protect birds.

B.Our actions sometimes help other species.

C.If we do not, more species will become extinct.

D.They do not always provide suitable habitats for wildlife.

E.Instead of being kept in cages, wildlife can move about freely.

F.At first, people were afraid of the bats and tried to get rid of them.

G.They would sit on it and their droppings would fall into the water.



    A 2018 report found that food waste would increase by a third to 2. 1billion tons by 2030. Beyond the cost of the waste itselfthrown-away food generates a gas that contributes to climate change.

Home delivery meal kits()can reduce food waste by more than two-thirdsbut suppliers need to switch to reusable packaging to make them environmentally friendly.

Tailor-made meal kits cut waste by providing people with precise amounts of fresh ingredients(烹饪原料)for chosen recipesmeaning leftovers are minimized. But while the  delivery services score well on reducing food wastebuying the same food ingredients from the supermarket almost always saves energy overall simply because meal kits use so much single-use packaging. The good news is that if people have meals that are tailored for consumptionthey won’t overbuy and have less food waste. They fine-tune the amount of food to what they will actually eat.

Meal kits can reduce transport emissions(排放)if people go to the supermarket less  frequently. If people only go and buy such goods as soap and toilet paperthey may only have to visit once every couple of months. A delivery truck can carry meals for a lot of people in the neighborhood. So dozens of car trips might be replaced with one truck trip.

Howeverstudy found that even if delivery meal kits reduced food waste to zerothey would still use up more energy overall than buying the same food from the supermarket unless the energy used for the meal kit packaging was cut by a fifth. The packaging is a killer if it’s single-use and thrown awaywhich can make all the environmental benefits lost. But if the packaging can be reusedif it’s glass bottleslike in the old dayswe can get some benefits.

1.What can we learn about home delivery meal kits?

A.They can cut down on daily expenses.

B.They will totally solve the problem of food waste.

C.They can keep energy consumption to a minimum.

D.They will benefit the environment with reusable packaging.

2.What does the underlined word“fine-tune”in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Attach. B.Adjust.

C.Raise. D.Compare.

3.The author suggests carrying meals with a delivery truck to__________.

A.reduce transport emissions B.save more food

C.shop only in the supermarket D.shorten car trip distances

4.What’s the author’s attitude to meal kits?

A.Supportive. B.Unfavorable.

C.Objective. D.Indifferent.



    “ The moment before they called my name, I was really nervous because the other finalists’ presentations are really good and I thought they would win, ” Kara Fan, 14, who has won America’ s Top Young Scientist, told Yahoo Finance. “ When they announced my name, I was really surprised actually. ”

To win that claim, Fan’ s nano-particle liquid bandage had to surpass the experiments of hundreds of fifth to eighth graders as well as nine other finalists. Fan started developing her liquid bandage in April 2019 to fight the overuse of antibiotics(抗生素).

According to the CDC, roughly 2 million people every year suffer a bacterial infection in the U. S. and about 23, 000 passed away as a result. If left alone, a UN study reported, drug- resistant diseases or the “ superbug” could lead to 10 million deaths across the globe by 2050. When Fan’ s sprayable bandage dries on a person’ s skin, it creates a thin layer that protects the wounded area while breaking the cell wall and killing the bacteria on the skin. After experimenting with copper nitrate(硝酸铜) to fight bacteria, switching to the silver nitrate ended up being the major catalyst (催化剂) to seeing results for her award-winning project.

“ Thousands of years ago, ancient people would use copper and silver to eat with and they would drink water from like copper bowls to kill bacteria, ” Fan explained. “ I found out that it didn’t work. So I used nano silver. ”

Sir Alexander Fleming’ s discovery of penicillin— a type of antibiotic— is Fan’ s favorite scientific discovery. That said, she doesn’ t think humans should rely too heavily on penicillin.

Following her years at Westview High School, Fan hopes to continue her biology track at Stanford University. Along with the 25, 000 cash prize she won on October 29, becoming Amer-ica’ s Top Young Scientist may help get the private university’ s attention.

1.How did Kara Fan feel about her winning the prize?

A.Confident. B.Regretful.

C.Proud. D.Unexpected.

2.For what purpose did Fan develop her liquid bandage?

A.To fight overuse of antibiotics. B.To enter a national contest.

C.To reduce deaths from injuries. D.To get into a good university.

3.Which of the following does Fan use to kill bacteria?

A.Copper nitrate. B.Copper.

C.Silver. D.Nano silver.

4.What might be Fan’ s opinion about penicillin?

A.Addictive. B.Valuable.

C.Useless. D.Irreplaceable.



    With bushfires continuing to swallow different parts of Australia, a local zoo in New South Wales - the state which is the easiest to catch fire - has hit the headlines with a heartwarming story.

Right in the line of a bushfire, the keepers of Mogo Wildlife Park managed to protect all 200 animals from harm after they received evacuation orders, according to reports.

Netizens were quick to react on social media and praised the bravery of the zoo keeper and staffs, as they stayed and managed to protect animals from uncontrolled fires and even sheltered some at their own house.

The 40-year-old zoo keeper, Chad Staples, described the situation as the worst catastrophe, which felt like Armageddon (大决战) here. Luckily, his team had made a precise plan ahead of time by moving everything flammable from the area and the larger animals to safe places.

What’s remarkable is that as the smaller ones needed extra shelter, Staples decided to take them to his own house.

“Right now in my house there are animals of all descriptions in all the different rooms. They are safe and protected … not a single animal lost,” he said.

BBC news also mentioned that “there’s a tiger to the back of the house.”

Some media outlets highlighted the “heroic job” in their headlines. Online users also reacted with thumbs-up and were glad to see all the staff and animals coming through the horrific fire.

Located in the southern coast of New South Wales, Mogo Wildlife Park houses Australia’s largest collection of primates, also including different and unique animals such as zebras, giraffes, rhinos and red pandas.

1.New South Wales hits the headlines because of ________.

A.its famous zoo

B.its endangered animals

C.the heartwarming event

D.being easy to catch fire

2.Which of the following is true about Mogo Wildlife Park?

A.It belongs to Chad Staples.

B.None of the animals is missing.

C.It merely holds rare animal species.

D.Extra shelters were built for emergencies.

3.Which word can probably describe Chad Staples?

A.Irresponsible. B.Considerate.

C.Selfish. D.Energetic.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.The Heroic Job.

B.The Horrific Fire.

C.The Extinct Animals.

D.The Brave Zoo Keeper.



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