满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Even in the best and most loving of time...

    Even in the best and most loving of times, families can feel impossibly confined (受限制的). Teens are irritable and furious. Parents are annoying and embarrassing. For Esther and her daughter Chaya, the tiny new coronavirus changed all that.

Esther was born in Wuhan-a dynamic and culturally rich place that she deeply loves but moved to the U.S. During the winter holiday, they went to Wuhan to visit Esther’s parents. Gradually at first, then more frequently, they noticed face masks on city streets. To be safe, they wore their own masks and stopped going to public gatherings. Then, suddenly the city was on lockdown. No one could leave. Their reservations home on a China Southern airlines flight were worthless. “I feared for my daughter’s life,” said Esther, “If it got worse, there could be chaos. She doesn’t speak much Chinese.”

For days, Esther repeatedly called and emailed for help. It was nonstop. She stayed online, checking all the time. Chaya felt distressed and helpless. It's awful seeing her mother go through that-without having anything she could do to help in the hotel.

Their luck changed with one email. For the 1,000 Americans stuck in Wuhan, there were 230 available seats on one outbound flight, it said. Esther bought two $1,100 seats. After a 12-hour wait at the airport, they got clearance to leave, and arrived at March Air Force Base, where they were isolated in two small connected rooms with a shared bath for two weeks. There were daily medical checkups, twice daily temperature checks and a 10 a m. briefing (简报). But there was no WiFi, TV or friends. For emotional support, Esther phoned her husband Haim, an engineering manager for Uber, and their two other children, ages 13 and 11.

Now home, they are basking in (沉浸于) the thrill of phone calls, TV interviews and a caring community. They’ve gotten little sleep. Suitcases remain unpacked. But anyhow, they have survived not just the outbreak of a virus but the unforgettable experience of mother-daughter togetherness.

1.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A.The culture and vitality of Wuhan have attracted Esther and Chaya there.

B.The virus has affected people's life in Wuhan.

C.The flight of going back to the U.S. has been postponed.

D.The city was locked down because it was in chaos.

2.What caused Chaya's depressed mood?

A.Seeing her mother suffer from reaching out for help. B.Being kept in Wuhan for poor health.

C.Missing her family and friends at home. D.Being unable to speak Chinese.

3.Why were they isolated after Esther and Chaya arrived at the airport?

A.The concern of their safety as well as the public’s.

B.Their infection of the virus.

C.The lack of flight home.

D.Their emotional problems after the experience.

4.What is the best title of the text?

A.Life in Wuhan: fighting the virus together.

B.Life about people infected by the virus.

C.Life about a mom and teen united by a virus.

D.Life about a mom and daughter from the U.S.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了Esther和Chaya这对母女在武汉经历了疫情,这次经历让她们之间的隔阂打破,有了一次亲密接触的体验。 1. 推理判断题。根据“During the winter holiday, they went to Wuhan to visit Esther’s parents.”可知,吸引他们到武汉来的原因是要看望Esther的父母,所以选项A错,排除A;根据“To be safe, they wore their own masks and stopped going to public gatherings. Then, suddenly the city was on lockdown. No one could leave.”可知,病毒让人们不得不戴上口罩,停止聚集,城市也被封锁了,没有人能离开。由此判断出病毒已经影响了武汉人民的生活。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据“Chaya felt distressed and helpless. It's awful seeing her mother go through that-without having anything she could do to help in the hotel.”可知,that指的是前文中提到的Esther不停地打电话和发邮件求助,Chaya对看着妈妈经历这些而自己却无能为力感到沮丧和无助,所以看到她母亲苦苦寻求帮助引起了Chaya的沮丧情绪。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据“There were daily medical checkups, twice daily temperature checks and a 10 a m. briefing (简报).”可知,Esther和Chaya被隔离的时候每天都要做医疗检查、每天测量两次体温。由此判断出隔离起来是为检测她们是否健康,这是为了他们也是为了公众的安全,故选A。 4. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段的主旨句“But anyhow, they have survived not just the outbreak of a virus but the unforgettable experience of mother-daughter togetherness.”可知,但无论如何,他们不仅熬过了病毒的爆发,也熬过了母女在一起的难忘经历,他们因为病毒的爆发有了一次妈妈和女儿亲密接触的体验,第一段也提到,大部分的家庭父母和孩子之间都有隔阂,对彼此会不耐烦,这对母女也是,但是一次疫情改变了这种情况,构成首尾呼应,所以C项“病毒使母女紧紧地在一起”为标题,故选C。

    “Frozen 2” , a sequel (续集) to the 2013 Disney animated blockbuster “Frozen”, took in 700 million yuan totally, according to the China Movie Data Information Network.

“Frozen 2” has cast a spell on product categories like toys, clothes and makeup items due to demand for movie merchandise products from young Chinese consumers, Friday’s China Daily reported.

“Frozen 2” merchandise was extremely popular at the Disney Store China in November, 2019, the newspaper cited sources from Disney China as saying.

The dress worn by the movies leading role Elsa was already among the top five selling items on the store weeks ahead of the movie's opening on Nov. 22 in China.

Fashion accessories (配饰) such as the “Frozen 2” brooch and the woolen scarf created by the China team were well received by young adult female consumers.

During Chinas Singles Day shopping spree on No.11, every second 59 Disney products were sold online including Disney’s self-owned retailing platforms or franchised products (特许经营产品), many of which were Frozen- themed products, figures from the newspaper show.

McDonald’s China has joined hands with Disney to launch themed Happy Meals based on Disney movies, with the first free toys featuring “Frozen 2”.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.“Frozen 2” is profitably achieved. B.“Frozen 2” is initially made in2013.

C.“Frozen 2” is directed by Elsa. D.“Frozen2” is welcomed by all Chinese.

2.Which ranked the best sellers before the movies opening in China?

A.Elsa’s brooch and scarf. B.Elsa’s makeup items.

C.Elsa’s dress. D.Elsa's toys.

3.“Frozen 2” belongs to a________________.

A.thriller. B.drama.

C.documentary. D.cartoon.



假定你是李华,你的意大利朋友Jeff写邮件告诉你此次冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic期间中国医务工作者对他们国家的帮助,请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 你的感想;

2. 表示关心和安慰;

3. 你的期待。








增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(  ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Friday, our class organized a visit to the city museum. We got to there by bus. First, we listened to the brief introduction to the museum. Then, we set out to exploring the museum in small groups. Which caught our attention first was some skillful carved bronze ware dating from the Shang Dynasty. Afterwards, we looked at some cultural relics relate to Shanxi merchants and local custom. To be honest. I felt amazing at the wide range of exhibits on display.

I benefited a lot from this experience. Not only it widen my horizons and it made me lake pride in the history of my hometown.




According to a study published in the UK recently, those who like jogging and do this kind of exercise 1. (regular) for at least one hour a week have very high chances to live a longer life. The study's Danish researchers convinced 2. (convince) that choosing this kind of physical activity can bring us a priceless reward, 3. is 5 to 6more years of life! Moreover, to achieve better results, the researchers suggest 4. (limit) yourself to gentle jogging rather than fast-pace and tiring distance running. The scientists found that jogging 5. (benefit) are maximized when done at an average or even slow-pace exercising, and just one or two hours of jogging 6. week can be enough for you to achieve success, regardless 7.your age or health condition.

The scientists analyzed the data on about 20,000 people 8. (age) between 20 and 93, collected for over 35 years by the Copenhagen City Heart Study. According Dr. Peter Schnohr, the 9. (lead) researcher, it was found that jogging is associated with as much as a 44 percent 10. (low) risk of death. The life expectancy increase in men is as much as 6.2 years, and for women it is as much as 5.6 years.



    Before I turned 10, I lost my parents. My siblings (兄弟姐妹) left Hyderabad after my relatives _________ them, but I insisted on slaying back to continue my _________. And I began to deliver newspaper to _________ myself. I would be up every morning by 5 a. m. and _________ five kilometers to the newspaper office. By 6 a. m., I would be _________ my copies of the Urdu Daily. The area I was _________ for spanned 3 kilometers. After distributing the _________. I would rush home, quickly eat and be off to high school.

One wintry morning in 1945. I got home after my _________ to find a boy of my age at my doorstep. He _________ himself as Afzal and said his father wanted to see me.

I was greeted at the door by Afzal’s mother, Nazeem. Afzal’s father, Mr. Kader, ____________ us as Nazeem served me tea and snacks. Nazeem gently asked me about my daily ____________ . I told her about my morning job and school. They were ____________ that I had to walk so much in one day. Later, as I was about to leave, Mr. Kader ____________into another room, and when he reappeared, he was ____________ a new bicycle. “This is for you!” he said.

It took a few seconds for this act of kindness to ____________. I didn’t realize that ____________ were rolling down my face. Mr. Kader said, “Your newspaper editor is a friend of mine. He gave me your ____________, so I knew you lived close by. Then Afzal told us more about you.”

I bowed, ____________ shook hands with them and left. The ____________ brought convenience to my life and taught me a life-long lesson: Help should always be need-based. Never try to ____________ a person who is dying of thirst.

1.A.abandoned B.comforted C.betrayed D.adopted

2.A.training B.career C.education D.relationship

3.A.occupy B.support C.improve D.please

4.A.cycle B.walk C.drive D.wander

5.A.collecting B.publishing C.selling D.buying

6.A.famous B.helpful C.responsible D.suitable

7.A.copies B.files C.brochures D.books

8.A.studies B.deliveries C.efforts D.tasks

9.A.regarded B.behaved C.considered D.introduced

10.A.wanted B.invited C.joined D.left

11.A.work B.routine C.deals D.burdens

12.A.shocked B.confused C.embarrassed D.disappointed

13.A.spun B.broke C.disappeared D.escaped

14.A.mending B.sending C.designing D.wheeling

15.A.sink in B.get in C.set up D.take up

16.A.thanks B.smiles C.apologies D.tears

17.A.name B.identity C.secret D.address

18.A.gently B.gratefully C.kindly D.firmly

19.A.newspaper B.conversation C.bicycle D.job

20.A.feed B.help C.treat D.choose



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