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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Walt Di...


Walt Disney, creator of the Disney Empire, was a pioneer in modem entertainment. Among his numerous 1. (contribute) to the film industry is the concept of the nature documentary that he termed True-Life Adventures. Disney sent camera teams into wilderness areas for extended periods in order to film the natural world. Now entire television networks like National Geographic arc devoted 2.the nature documentary, with 3. viewers are able to experience the natural world in exciting and creative ways.

Aerial (空中的)photographers require skill and 4.adventure) courage to take appealing photos of wildlife that will improve people's appreciation of 5. natural world and perhaps advance scientific knowledge of animal behavior.

Aerial photography 6.(accomplish) using hot air balloons, small aircraft or helicopters. When 7.(photograph) from a plane or a helicopter, the photographer can lean out to take the unique views with the passenger side door removed. Of course, the photographer is secured inside the aircraft.

The job of an aerial photographer isn't always exciting. Remember that the air temperature8.(decrease) with altitude so an aerial photographer often wears insulated clothing and9.(possible) even a face mask while being exposed to the wind 10.(produce) by the moving aircraft. The photographer can spend hours being cold and uncomfortable without encountering one special scene that will light up the editor's eyes.


1.contributions 2.to 3.which 4.adventurous 5.the 6.is accomplished 7.photographing 8.decreases 9.possibly 10.produced 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了迪斯尼派了摄制组长时间进入荒野地区拍摄自然纪录片,文章介绍了航拍摄影师是如何进行拍摄的,以及他们在拍摄过程中会遇到的一切问题。 1. 考查名词的数。contribution为可数名词,由numerous修饰应用复数形式。故填contributions。 2. 考查介词。句意:现在,整个电视网络,如国家地理频道都致力于自然纪录片,有了它,观众能够以令人兴奋和创造性的方式体验自然世界。结合句意表示“致力于……”短语为be devoted to…。故填to。 3. 考查定语从句。句意同上。此处为“介词+关系代词”结构非限定性定语从句修饰先行词the nature documentary,且作介词with的宾语,指“纪录片”应用关系代词which。故填which。 4. 考查形容词。修饰后文名词courage应用形容词adventurous。故填adventurous。 5. 考查冠词。句意:航空摄影师需要技巧和冒险的勇气来拍摄吸引人的野生动物照片,这将提高人们对自然世界的欣赏,并可能推进对动物行为的科学知识。world为可数名词,此处特指“自然界”应用定冠词the。故填the。 6. 考查动词时态语态。本句主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且陈述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为photography,谓语动词用单数形式。故填is accomplished。 7. 考查状语从句的省略。when引导时间状语从句时,常省略跟主句相同的主语和be动词。从句完整为When(the photographer is) photographing from a plane or a helicopter。故填photographing。 8. 考查主谓一致。此处陈述客观事实应用一般现在时,且主语为the air temperature,故谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填decreases。 9. 考查副词。修饰后文even a face mask应用副词possibly,表示“可能”。故填possibly。 10. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知produce在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语wind构成被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故填produced。

    A little piece of paper with the number “sixty-eight" written on it has been taped above the screen of my laptop for eight years. The ink it was written with is so unclear that the number can hardly be ___ But

it's still there to ___ me to keep doing what I've been doing and to be patient.

The ____ of that number dates back to the _____moment of my writing career I'd just left a second ____ for an editing position at a magazine. My writing career wasn't __ though I'd made some progress. I'd successfully written a few “good" stories, but nobody __ them. I returned to my apartment disappointedly and checked my bank ____. I had only $68 available to ___from. What's worse, rent was __ in 11 days. People say failure is easier to __ when you know you give your best effort. For me, it hurt knowing I'd tried hard in work. I'd written every day for five years and I almost wrote at any spare time I had. I __ took a weekend or a holiday off. A lot of __ had been put in, but in __ it seemed to be all for nothing. Later I realized it was __ because it would be too convenient if every career was made up of a to-do list that __ perfectly with the ladder of success. The most important thing is that I didn't __ trying. I knew it took years for me to lay the foundations of success. After years of attempts, efforts and failures, at last I reaped(收获)more opportunities and gained a _____ I became a professional writer and won readers' _____. including two Emmy Awards.

I think if you do something long enough, ____ you will get good at it, and someone will pay you for it

1.A.realized B.touched C.recognized D.erased

2.A.advise B.demand C.force D.remind

3.A.principle B.analysis C.significance D.majority

4.A.dullest B.toughest C.brightest D.highest

5.A.interview B.party C.name D.recommendation

6.A.booming B.slowing C.continuing D.pausing

7.A.rejected B.shared C.appreciated D.delivered

8.A.code B.information C.credit D.account

9.A.reach B.fetch C.draw D.judge

10.A.due B.free C.affordable D.attainable

11.A.summarize B.highlight C.guarantee D.accept

12.A.ever B.never C.merely D.always

13.A.money B.effort C.strength D.ambition

14.A.reality B.time C.relief D.turn

15.A.necessary B.special C.formal D.normal

16.A.lived B.mixed C.coincided D.compared

17.A.insist on B.give up C.jump at D.speak of

18.A.reputation B.dream C.reason D.donation

19.A.assessment B.sympathy C.impression D.favour

20.A.thankfully B.eventually C.temporarily D.casually



    Take time off school, because your body will fight off the cold virus better if it is well rested. However, if you have to go, avoid close contact with your classmates.1. Meanwhile, wash your hands as frequently as possible. Nomsedating(非镇静的)allergy medicine, which you can buy from a chemist, can ease the problems of a runny nose and watery eyes.

As soon as you feel a cold coming on, drink plenty of liquid. Water or juice is ideal but hot herbal teas with lemon will help thin sticky substance and remove it from the body. A warm gargle with salt water will make your throat more comfortable by reducing the swelling. 2.

3. Breathing in steam over a bowl of hot water helps a lot, too. For a violent cough, the latest research suggests that honey, either straight from a jar or mixed with a hot drink, works as well if not better than costly sprays.

A good diet is also essential for a quick recovery, so start the day with a healthy breakfast including vitamin C in the form of fresh fruit. 4. For dinner, easily digested solid food is recommended, such as rice porridge made with vegetables or eggs.

5. It not only makes you physically stronger, but enhances your emotional well-being. Just remember not to attempt anything that requires a lot of effort or strength. Finally, to recharge your body and regain your strength, you need a full eight hours' sleep.

A.Besides, a little light exercise is beneficial as well.

B.As we know, the virus can be spread easily from one person to another.

C.The name “cold" came into use in the 16th century due to cold weather.

D.The warm air generated by a hot shower or bath will help clear blocked noses.

E.Signs and symptoms may appear less than two days after exposure to the virus.

F.For lunch, chicken noodle soup is good since it helps block cells that cause coughing.

G.It also washes out bacteria and viruses so it can be used as a preventive measure as well.



    Modem agriculture and its ability to feed billions of people may be one of humanity's greatest achievements. However it comes with hidden costs. For example, have you ever considered how much water is needed to provide you with a steak or a salad? It may surprise you.

In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO). Australia's national science organization, took a close look at the diets of 9,341 adult Australians — specifically, their "water-scarcity footprints(水消耗足迹)". It turns out that a sweet tooth not only adds to our waistlines but also stresses our water resources.

The water-scarcity footprint is a widely recognized measurement of water consumption. First, it counts the liters of water you used. Then, it looks at the place where the water was used. Using a liter of water in the desert is not the same as using a liter of water in a tropical rainforest. The more scarce water is in your area, the larger your water-scarcity footprint.

The scientists found that the average Australian's diet had a water-scarcity footprint of 362 liters per day. Snacks and beverages — cookies, cakes, sodas and alcohol — accounted for 25 percent of the water-scarcity footprint. The research also included a glass of wine (41 liters), a single serving of potato chips (23 liters), and a small bar of milk chocolate (21 liters).

Not surprisingly, cutting down on snacks would be the top priority if we wanted to lower our own water-scarcity footprint.

Earth's surface is 70 percent water, but only 2.5 percent of that can be used for drinking or farming. While humanity faces an uphill battle to feed its growing population, climate change is causing droughts and extreme weather in agricultural centers like California and eastern Australia. Cities aren't safe, either. In 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, nearly ran out of water due to a drought. Its freshwater reservoir(储藏)stayed at just above 13.5 percent of full capacity. By 2030, a world of about 8.6 billion people will need 35 percent more water, 40 percent more energy, and 50 percent more food, according to the United States National Intelligence Council.

So, we need to watch what we eat, not just for our personal health but for the health of our societies.

1.Scientists find from their studies that .

A.Modem agriculture has the ability to feed billions of people

B.A steak or a salad consumes much water

C.A sweet tooth puts pressure on water resources

D.Snacks consume 85 liters of water per day

2.What is the public's attitude to the water-scarcity footprint as a way to measure water consumption?

A.Doubtful B.Approving

C.Negative D.Indifferent

3.The author develops the sixth paragraph mainly        .

A.by explaining an experiment B.by analyzing a problem

C.by making comparisons D.by listing numbers

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Water-scarcity footprint is measured B.Water waste starts with snacks

C.Water resources are reduced D.Water consumption faces an uphill battle



    Rainbow-coloured rubbish is the colourful waste created by a Swedish city with a unique recycling system. Like many cities in Sweden, Eskilstuna has an impressive recycling record. It met the EU's 2020 target of recycling 50% of waste many years ago.

Almost everyone who lives here follows a strict recycling policy at home. People are expected to sort their household waste into seven separate categories, including food, textiles, cartons and metal. But what really makes the system stand out is the bright colour code.

The reason for this becomes clear at the city's recycling plant. The bags arrive all jumbled up(被混在一 起)because they're collected altogether, once a fortnight from outside people's houses.

But thanks to those bright colours, scanners can select the bags and separate them efficiently. The food waste in green bags is processed on site into slurry to make biogas, which powers the city's buses. One of the benefits of this method of recycling is that there is less cross-contamination, so more of the recycled waste can actually be used to make new things.

Like the rest of Sweden, Eskilstuna is committed to sending zero waste from its citizens to landfill. Waste that cannot be recycled is incinerated(焚化)at a local plant to generate electricity. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels, but does create greenhouse gases.

As countries around the world try to improve their recycling rates, some may think of Eskilstuna as an example to follow, as long as they think they can persuade their citizens to get busy sorting at home.

1.What can we say about the recycling system used in Eskilstuna?

A.It is a colorful policy. B.It is a temporary success.

C.It is an ordinary recycling system. D.It is a practical method of recycling.

2.What really makes the system of rainbow-colored recycling outstanding?

A.The strict recycling policy. B.The self-discipline of citizens.

C.The bright colour. D.The eco-friendly code.

3.Why is the non-recyclable waste burnt to ashes at a local plant in Eskilstuna?

A.To send zero waste to landfill. B.To make electricity.

C.To reduce dependence on fossil fuels. D.To decrease greenhouse gases

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Some countries set a good example to Eskilstuna.

B.Eskilstuna follows in the footsteps of other countries.

C.Some countries may adopt the system of rainbow-colored recycling.

D.Eskilstuna may force its citizens to get busy sorting at home.



    Even if you don't know much about Russian author Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), you may be familiar with his famous poem The Song of the Stormy Petrel since its ending note “Let it break in all its fury!" has been encouraging generations of people for years now.

Gorky was a highly influential author. More than any other writer, he laid the foundations for the famous literary style known as socialist realism. In this kind of writing, the author uses literary techniques to create the impression of reality in his or her writings.

March 16 this year marked the 152th anniversary of Gorky's birth.

He was born into an ordinary life but soon became an orphan, before being raised by his grandmother in poverty. As he grew older, he would take a job and then quickly move on to another. He tried many jobs, but the one that he seemed to love the most was being a journalist.

It was in this job that he gained a particular impression of the world — that it was horribly inequitable in its treatment of the poor. It was a world, therefore, that had to go. Gorky was naturally attracted to the political movement of Marxian social democracy.He knew many revolutionaries including the most important one of all, Vladimir Lenin(1870-1924). The two became friends in 1903 and The Song of the Stormy Petrel was one of Lenin's favorite works by Gorky.

Asa writer, Gorky naturally valued literature. But lie also valued life experience, of which he had plenty. The key to being a modem person, he thought, was to acquire a critical attitude: “Keep reading books, but remember that a book's only a book, and you should learn to think for yourself,” he once said.

1.What can we learn about Gorky's childhood?

A.He lived an extraordinary life. B.He tried few jobs.

C.He led a hard life. D.He grew up by himself

2.What docs the underlined word "inequitable" in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.Unconditional. B.Unfair.

C.Unreal. D.Unfriendly.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Gorky?

A.He valued critical thinking. B.He was of little influence.

C.He was easy to bow before difficulties. D.He discounted life experience.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Gorky and his family. B.The hardship Gorky experienced.

C.Gorky's famous works. D.Gorky's influence in literature and his life.



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