满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A parent’s hopes for 2030 When 2010 arri...

A parent’s hopes for 2030

When 2010 arrived, my son was only a year old—tiny and_________, the master of a few basic words, but still mostly the baby we'd welcomed into the world,_______ all his first times.

Now my baby has grown into a(n) _________—tall, strong, stout, and smart, a(n) _________ of Akira Kurosawa samurai movies.

A _________from now, in 2030, he will be an adult. I expect the next 10 years to fly by, and be filled with _________. As 2020 begins. I am thinking about the kind of world my son will_________ and experience. I _________for him, and for all the young people of his age. So I have several  _________for the world my son and his generation will live in

I hope we finally get__________about climate change. Polar ice is melting. The oceans are __________ . The question is __________whether we can stop climate change, but whether we’re willing and able to do anything to __________ it.

I’m not sure what a warming planet will mean for my son's life. I__________ it means he will live in a world where nations and groups __________  limited resources like clean water and food, which means that the danger of climate change won't come just from warmer climate, but from other humans competing for control over what’s __________.

The world is always going to be full of __________about how to solve the challenges we face. I hope, too, that my son’s generation learns to __________justice—but to do so with big heart and humility, recognizing our common humanity(人性) even with people who __________ us.

The world of 2030 won’t build itself. We are__________ it now, so my final wish is that we build the kind of world we actually want our children to live in.

1.A.special B.generous C.intelligent D.dependent

2.A.observing B.showing C.presenting D.congratulating

3.A.athlete B.adolescent C.adult D.kid

4.A.fun B.sponsor C.lover D.reader

5.A.interval B.century C.span D.decade

6.A.amusements B.experiences C.processes D.changes

7.A.found B.struggle C.face D.shake

8.A.worry B.sacrifice C.guess D.promise

9.A.plans B.methods C.hopes D.tips

10.A.particular B.serious C.optimistic D.enthusiastic

11.A.raising B.rising C.growing D.arising

12.A.for sure B.as usual C.no longer D.till now

13.A.slow B.record C.accept D.undertake

14.A.suspect B.astonish C.wonder D.declare

15.A.pick up B.fight over C.turn down D.take part

16.A.finished B.continued C.remained D.left

17.A.goals B.signs C.disagreements D.results

18.A.escape B.express C.seek D.affect

19.A.differ from B.agree with C.refer to D.call for

20.A.blaming B.admiring C.proving D.creating


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者对十年后的和儿子将来所处的世界的担忧和愿望。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2010年到来的时候,我的儿子只有一岁——个头很小而且依赖人,还会说一些基本的单词,但基本上还是我们迎接到这个世界的宝宝,观察他所有的第一次。A. special特别的;B. generous慷慨的;C. intelligent聪明的;D. dependent依赖的。结合上文my son was only a year old可知作者的儿子才一岁,个头很小,还很依赖人。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:2010年到来的时候,我的儿子只有一岁——个头很小而且依赖人,还会说一些基本的单词,但基本上还是我们迎接到这个世界的宝宝,观察他所有的第一次。A. observing观察;B. showing展示;C. presenting呈现;D. congratulating恭喜。结合后文all his first times可知作者他们观察着儿子所有的第一次。其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,我的宝宝已经长成了一个青少年,又高又壮,又聪明,是黑泽明武士电影的爱好者。A. athlete运动员;B. adolescent青少年;C. adult成年人;D. kid孩子。结合后文in 2030, he will be an adult.可知儿子2030年才是成年人,那么如今儿子是一个青少年了,故选B。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,我的宝宝已经长成了一个青少年,又高又壮,又聪明,是黑泽明武士电影的爱好者。A. fun乐趣;B. sponsor赞助者;C. lover爱好者,爱人;D. reader读者。结合上文tall, strong, stout, and smart主要在形容儿子的特点,此处应当是在介绍儿子的兴趣爱好,是黑泽明武士电影的爱好者。故选C。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从现在起十年,也就是2030年,他将是一个成年人。A. interval间隔;B. century世纪;C. span跨度;D. decade十年。结合后文I expect the next 10 years可知是指十年后。故选D。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我期待未来的十年飞逝而过,充满变化。A. amusements娱乐;B. experiences经历;C. processes过程;D. changes改变。儿子从一岁到十年后长大成人,十年飞逝而过,其中充满了变化。故选D。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在想我儿子将要面对和经历的世界。A. found找到;B. struggle挣扎;C. face面对;D. shake摇晃。结合后文and experience可推知作者在思考自己的儿子即将面对和经历的这个世界。故选C。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我为他和所有同年龄的年轻人担心。A. worry担心;B. sacrifice牺牲;C. guess猜测;D. promise承诺。根据后文作者对这个世界现存的问题提出的希望可知,作者担心自己的儿子和所有同年龄的年轻人。故选A。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我对我儿子和他那一代人将要生活的世界有几个希望。A. plans计划;B. methods方法;C. hopes希望;D. tips建议。结合后文I hope we finally get可知作者对儿子那一代人将要生活的世界有几个希望。故选C。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我希望我们最终能认真对待气候变化问题。A. particular特别的;B. serious严肃的;C. optimistic乐观的;D. enthusiastic热情的。结合后文about climate change可知是指认真对待气候变化。短语be serious about“认真对待……”。故选B。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:海平面正在上升。A. raising上升,抚养;B. rising上升;C. growing生长;D. arising出现。根据上文Polar ice is melting.可知海平面正在上升。raise是及物动词,后面必须加宾语,即动作的对象,而rise是不及物动词,后面不需要加宾语。此处后文没有宾语,故要用rise。故选B。 12. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:问题不再是我们是否能够阻止气候变化,而是我们是否愿意,并且能够采取任何措施来减缓气候变化。A. for sure确实;B. as usual像往常一样;C. no longer不再;D. till now到现在为止。结合后文but whether we’re willing and able to do anything to可知作者认为问题不再(no longer)是我们是否能够阻止气候变化,而是我们是否愿意,并且能够采取任何措施来减缓气候变化。故选C。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:问题不再是我们是否能够阻止气候变化,而是我们是否愿意,并且能够采取任何措施来减缓气候变化。A. slow放慢;B. record记录;C. accept接受;D. undertake承担。后文it指代气候变化,无法阻止那么只能采取措施来减缓气候变化。故选A。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怀疑这意味着他将生活在一个国家和团体,为清洁的水和食物等有限资源而争斗的世界里,这意味着气候变化的危险不仅仅来自于变暖的气候,而是来自于其他人类为控制剩下的资源而竞争。A. suspect怀疑;B. astonish使惊讶;C. wonder想知道;D. declare宣布。结合上文I’m not sure what a warming planet will mean for my son's life.可知作者怀疑儿子将生活在一个国家和团体,为清洁的水和食物等有限资源而争斗的世界里。故选A。 15. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我怀疑这意味着他将生活在一个国家和团体,为清洁的水和食物等有限资源而争斗的世界里,这意味着气候变化的危险不仅仅来自于变暖的气候,而是来自于其他人类为控制剩下的资源而竞争。A. pick up捡起;B. fight over为……斗争;C. turn down关小;D. take part参与。结合后文other humans competing for control over what’s可知此处指国家和团体为清洁的水和食物等有限资源而争斗。故选B。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怀疑这意味着他将生活在一个国家和团体,为清洁的水和食物等有限资源而争斗的世界里,这意味着气候变化的危险不仅仅来自于变暖的气候,而是来自于其他人类为控制剩下的资源而竞争。A. finished结束;B. continued继续;C. remained提醒;D. left留下,离开。上文中提到了limited resources可知气候变化的危害不仅仅来自海平面上升,更有人类为了掌控剩下的资源的竞争。故选D。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于如何解决我们面临的挑战,这个世界总是充满了争论。A. goals目标;B. signs标志;C. disagreements争论,分歧;D. results结果。本段仍旧在提出世界面临的问题和希望,结合后文about how to solve the challenges we face可知此处应该是人类关于应对挑战的争论。故选C。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我也希望我儿子这一代能学会寻求正义,但要以宽大的胸怀和谦卑的态度去做,要认识到我们共同的人性,即使是与我们不同的人。A. escape逃走;B. express表达;C. seek寻找;D. affect影响。结合后文justice可知此处指寻求正义。故选C。 19. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我也希望我儿子这一代能学会寻求正义,但要以宽大的胸怀和谦卑的态度去做,要认识到我们共同的人性,即使是与我们不同的人。A. differ from不同于;B. agree with同意;C. refer to涉及;D. call for要求。结合上文recognizing our common humanity even with people who可知要意识到共同的人性,即使是与我们不同的人,even表示前后的转折。故选A。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们正在创造它,所以我的最后一个愿望是,我们要建造一个我们希望我们的孩子生活在其中的世界。A. blaming责备;B. admiring钦佩;C. proving证明;D. creating创造。结合上文The world of 2030 won’t build itself.可知此处指我们正在创造2030年的世界,故选D。

Some Myths You Strongly Keep Believing Are Untrue

There are varieties of false myths we spread from day to day.1.. Otherwise, people will continue to believe such ridiculous myths undoubtedly. You will realize some of the most acceptable facts are completely untrue.

Men get beer bellies from beer.

We blame the beer for the belly. It is widely believed that men who constantly drink beer end up with a beer belly. However, it is not the beer that’s to blame, but the abundance of unhealthy snacks that often accompany the drink. Alcohol in beer irritates the stomach, therefore causing an increased appetite. Dr. Michael Jensen, an obesity specialist in Minnesota USA says that drinking beer makes liver burn alcohol instead of fat, leaving the latter to accumulate in the waist.2., while the one of women’s  accumulates in the hips and  bottoms, as a result of different sexual characteristics.


We are told that dogs see the world in black and white. But the truth is that they can distinguish colors just not in the same way we do. Jay Needs from the University of Washington in Seattle proves that our furry friends are able to receive a limited range of colors, which means they can distinguish objects of the same shape. In general, a dog’s vision is very similar to that of a person with red-green color blindness.

Carrots improve eyesight.

4.. This myth came into existence during the Second World War. The British Army claimed that fighter pilots had excellent night vision as a result of their consumption of large quantities of carrots. Actually, they had radars onboard which made it faster and easier to detect the enemies. The myth about the amazing power of carrots was invented and spread by the media so that enemies would not learn about the fact.5..

A.Dogs can distinguish colors

B.Men’s fat is stored in their bellies

C.Dogs see the world in black and white

D.Men’s fat is not mostly accumulated in these parts

E.Eventually, it spread all over the world and people are still convinced of it

F.We agree with the view that eating carrots plays an essential part in good vision

G.It is high time that scientists created a separate department dedicated to exposing the truth



    Sometimes, you just can’t say no to another spoonful of ice cream and maybe one more after that. Why not? You deserve it.

There’s no need to beat yourself up about it later. The truth is that you were probably bound to do that from the very first spoonful. That’s because there is a switch in your brain, and for whatever reason, it can get stuck in the “on” position.

According to a new study, this impulse (冲动) control may come down to a very specific circuit (回答) in the brain which occasionally produces melanin-concentrating hormone, or MCH—a chemical linked with our desire for food or drugs. And that circuit always says yes.

By manipulating this circuit, it is possible that we might be able to develop cures for overeating that help people stick to a diet without reducing normal appetite or making delicious foods like donuts less delicious.

For their research, the scientists treated rats to a self-serve buffet. Bur the treats were on a timed delivery system, making tasty food every 20 seconds, and only when a rat pressed a lever (杠杆). Hit that lever too early—as impatient test subjects occasionally did—and the counter would start from scratch. Lever-happy rats would have to wait another cycle before the food became available again.

A second experiment offered the rats two dining options. Push Lever A and get an immediate small reward. Pushing Lever B meants waiting for around40 seconds, but the food reward would be much bigger. Guess which lever those impatient rats were most food of? That’s right. They picked the now-now-now switch.

Their impulsiveness, however, rose sharply when scientists gave the rats MCH. These animals become more impulsive. MCH, it seemed, could talk rats into loosening its inhibitions (拘束). The result? More please.

Researchers can now see where that conversation between the brain’s reward system and its impulse control center takes place. The next step will be to map it—and potentially influence the discussion. It may eventually be possible to control a food-eating impulse.

1.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “manipulating” in paragraph 4?

A.Strengthening. B.Controlling.

C.Classifying. D.Creating.

2.What would happen when a rat pressed a lever earlier than the fixed time?

A.A bigger food reward would appear.

B.Tasty food would be delivered much sooner.

C.Longer time would be needed for food to appear.

D.The lever would be stopped form delivering food.

3.Why did the researchers conduct the experiments?

A.To find out the effect of MCH on animals.

B.To prove rats are also greedy for more food.

C.To study how levers influence rats’ impulse.

D.To show rats and humans have similar impulse for food.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.What Is the Effect of Your Impulse?

B.What Can You Do to Resist More Food?

C.Why Can’t You Say “No” to Your Impulse?

D.Why Do You Always Give in to One More Mouthful?



    Food experts say washing could spread the germs on your turkey in the kitchen sink or nearby food. But it's been a challenge trying to convince cooks to stop rinsing (冲洗)off raw poultry. Germs that can make people sick are common in the guts of healthy poultry and are legally allowed to be on raw turkey and chicken. The assumption is that nobody eats their poultry raw, and that thorough cooking will kill the bacteria.

The do — not — wash raw poultry advice from the USDA is relatively new and perhaps hasn't caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean, said Chapman. Benjamin Chapman, a study author and food safety expert at North Carolina State University, said the instinct to wash raw poultry goes back at least decades when people relied more on visual clues to spot problems with poultry. Meanwhile, washing hands and surfaces are also important.

But food preparation is a complicated act, and germs from poultry can be spread even if it's not washed, especially when birds are removed from packaging.

The USDA-funded study stresses that point. Researchers sprayed raw chicken with a harmless strain of E. coli (大肠杆菌)and watched volunteer cooks at test kitchens. Among those who washed their raw chicken, about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce. But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germs on the lettuce. And there are other opportunities for germs to survive on turkeys: melting and cooking.

To ensure a bird is thoroughly cooked, they say to use a thermometer to check that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees. Even after the meal is cooked, you aren't out of the danger zone. To keep turkeys and other leftovers safe, experts say they should be refrigerated after two hours.

1.People don't accept USDA's advice because____.

A.the advice is relatively new

B.cleaning seems more trustworthy

C.cooks clean the turkey before cooking it

D.heat can kill most germs and no one eats raw food

2.What can be concluded from Paragraph 4?

A.Food packages carry germs.

B.Hands and surfaces are easy to get E. coli.

C.Germs from a turkey can be spread whether it is washed or not.

D.Multiple methods should be applied to food to get rid of germs.

3.Which way may help to cook a turkey safely?

A.Rinse off the turkey before it is heated.

B.Keep the turkey away from the lettuce and refrigerator.

C.Wash hands and packages before taking out the turkey.

D.Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey.

4.From which section of a magazine is the text probably taken?

A.Culture. B.Science.

C.Education. D.Medicine.



“A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high. ” I’m sure T. J,  Ware was made to feel this way almost every day in school.

By high school, T, J. was the most celebrated troublemaker in his town. Teachers literally cringed when they saw his name posted on their classroom lists.

I met T. J. for the first time when all the students at school were attending ACE training.  At first, he showed no interest in the discussion.  But slowly, the interactive games drew him in.  T. J.  had some brilliant thoughts on those situations, which were welcomed by his group.  By the end of the activity, the other students on the team were impressed with his concern and ideas and elected T. J.  co-chairman of the team.

When T. J. showed up at school on Monday morning, a group of teachers were expressing their disagreements to the school principal about his being elected co-chairman. The principal reminded them that the purpose of the program was to uncover any positive feeling and strengthen its practice until true change can take place. The teachers left the meeting, firmly convinced that failure was unavoidable.

Two weeks later, T. J.  and his friends led a group of 70 students to collect food  They collected a school record: 2,854 cans of food in just two hours.  The local newspaper covered the event with a full-page article the next day. That newspaper story was posted on the main bulletin board at school, where everyone could see it. 

T. J. ,s picture was up there for doing something great.

T. J. started showing up at school every day and answered questions from teachers for the first time.  The event he started now yields 9,000 cans of food in one day, taking care of 70 percent of the need for food for one year.

T, J. reminds us that a bird with a broken wing only needs mending.  But once it has healed, it can fly higher than the rest.  T. J.  got a job.  He became productive.  He is flying quite nicely these days.

1.What do we know about T.J. before he attended the training?

A. He was talkative in class.

B. He didn't have a good fame.

C. His ideas were quite impressive.

D. He showed up at school every day.

2.Why did the team members elect T.J. co-chairman?

A. He promised them a bright future.

B. They wanted to offer him a chance.

C. They thought the job was quite easy.

D. He was considered qualified for the job.

3.What do we know about people's attitude towards T. J. 's being elected?

A. Uncaring.    B. Favorable.

C. Controversial.    D. Doubtful.

4.What does the author try to convey with this story?

A. No pain, no gain.    B. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

C. Don't judge a book by its cover.    D. Treat others as you want to be treated.




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1.On which day is the activity the most important to the travel company?

A.Day 2, B.Day 3.

C.Day 4. D.Day 5.

2.Where can you enjoy the scenery o£ the Seven Sisters Mountain Range?

A.Flora-Molde, B.Brenneysund-Svolvoer.

C.Troms-Stamsund. D.Bod-Rrvik.

3.What can you get if you book a polar outside cabin on September 28th, 2018?

A.£25. B.A free voyage.

C.An M&S Gift Card. D.The bucket list experience.



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