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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 For tho...


For those who have never tried it, scuba diving (水肺潜水) has the reputation for being 1. extreme sport, but this couldn’t be 2.(far) from the truth. Scuba diving, with all the deep breathing 3.goes with it, is almost like underwater yoga (瑜伽). It offers people a chance to forget about trouble and focus on the here and now, thus 4.(provide) a sense of calmness that is hard to find on land.

While scuba diving, you won’t be looking at your phone. Nor will you have to make a mental effort 5. (get) away from the real world because physically, you already have! The underwater scenery provides the perfect place to calm your mind with 6. (peace) surroundings to admire.

Yoga lays stress on the control of breathing in and out, as breathing 7. (consider) the fundamental connection 8. body and mind. The number one rule of scuba diving is to breathe 9. (constant) and never hold your breath. A diver who is relaxed in body, breath, and mind becomes one with the water. It’s the supreme form of 10. (relax) when all you can hear is bubbles and the sound of your own breathing.


1.an 2.further/farther 3.that 4.providing 5.to get 6.peaceful 7.is considered 8.between 9.constantly 10.relaxation 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了水肺潜水运动及水肺潜水运动和瑜伽的相似之处。 1. 考查不定冠词。句意:水肺潜水被称作是一项极限运动,但这再真实不过了。不定冠词a/an修饰可数名词单数,此空后是可数名词单数extreme sport,且extreme发音是以元音音素开头,应该用an。故填an。 2. 考查形容词比较级。句意:水肺潜水被称作是一项极限运动,但这再真实不过了。结构couldn’t+比较级意为“再······不过”,形容词far的比较级变形为further/farther。故填further/farther。 3. 考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知,从句“ 3 goes with it”修饰前边的名词“the deep breathing”,因此是定语从句,“the deep breathing”是先行词,指物,代入从句后可知先行词在从句中做作主语,且先行词前有all修饰,只能选择关系代词that。故填that。 4. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,it指代“Scuba diving”,句中谓语动词是offers,因此动词provide在句中做非谓语,动词provide与主语it(Scuba diving)之间是主动关系,应该用现在分词形式providing。故填providing。 5. 考查固定搭配。固定短语make an effort to do sth.意为“努力做某事”。故填to get。 6. 考查形容词。形容词修饰名词,此空后是名词surroundings,因此将名词peace变成形容词peaceful。故填peaceful。 7. 考查被动语态。分析句子成分可知,主语breathing跟谓语动词consider之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态:be+动词过去分词;且本句描述为客观事实,因此时态用一般现在时。故填is considered。 8. 考查固定搭配。句意:瑜伽强调控制呼吸的进出,因为呼吸被认为是身心之间的基本联系。短语between···and···意为“在······和······之间”,根据句意可知,在身心之间。故填between。 9. 考查副词。分析句子成分可知,此处应为副词修饰动词breathe,故将形容词constant变成副词形式constantly。故填constantly。 10. 考查名词。介词of后接名词作宾语,故将动词relax变成名词形式relaxation,且relaxation意为“放松”时是不可数名词。故填relaxation。

    The COVID-19 pandemic (疫情)has left many worrying about the future. However, I’ve found _______ in my mother’s one simple self-care ritual (仪式)and I have decided not to keep _______ in a sort of uncertainty.

I was _______--by a single mom who had two kids, two jobs and a mile - long _______of cleaning, cooking and bill-paying. _______  ,she was never seen with a hair out of _______. Every morning, she’d head to a _______lift her chin (下巴)up slightly, a gesture of confidence, and put on lipstick (口红) _______delivering a forced yet toothy smile. I was too young to _______ why.

My mother ________ her red lips until the very end. In hospital, she asked me to help walk her to the basin to brush her teeth. I stared at her from behind ________ she might fall. I was deep in sorrow and uncertainty, tears ________ down my face. Then suddenly, from behind, I sensed that ________ gesture. Chin up. Confidence. A second later I heard the click of the ________ .

We don’t know what’s going to happen next. Yet one thing is ________  : When the world falls apart, we’ve ________ got unbelievable power to choose. I’m not suggesting we ________ what’s around us but focus on what we can control to ________ getting knocked around by uncertainty. Get up and shut the door on anything ________. Just be sure to keep putting that ________ on.

1.A.beauty B.knowledge C.strength D.evidence

2.A.drowning B.dreaming C.praying D.working

3.A.praised B.abused C.abandoned D.raised

4.A.roll B.pile C.list D.chain

5.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.Besides D.However

6.A.sight B.place C.reach D.balance

7.A.mirror B.table C.comer D.wall

8.A.when B.after C.before D.till

9.A.ask B.realize C.doubt D.advise

10.A.wore B.bit C.read D.rounded

11.A.convinced B.relaxed C.surprised D.worried

12.A.streaming B.getting C.pulling D.pointing

13.A.different B.familiar C.proper D.strange

14.A.camera B.door C.lock D.cap

15.A.easy B.delicate C.sure D.necessary

16.A.even B.still C.already D.also

17.A.ignore B.examine C.favor D.hate

18.A.practice B.accept C.avoid D.finish

19.A.challenging B.discouraging C.amusing D.thrilling

20.A.power B.coat C.mask D.lipstick



    Have you ever frequently put off things you should do for various reasons? If so, it is procrastination (拖延). Procrastinators often put off  doing things and leave them to the very last moment. 1.Lazy people simply don’t do anything and are just fine with it. Procrastinators, on the other hand, have the desire to do something but can’t force themselves to start.

You might think procrastination is a bit annoying but fairly harmless. However, long term procrastination has bad effects on your health. Not having seen the doctor when your illness was easier to treat may shorten your life. Just thinking about what you haven’t done may cause discomfort. 2.

Don’t place too much pressure on yourself. “This project has to impress everyone; I really can’t blow this opportunity,”  3. Overcome this mental block by simply allowing yourself to be imperfect with the next small task. You can always improve your work later.

4. Concentrating on the size and difficulty of a task will overcome you and promote procrastination. Any work can be broken into smaller steps. The trick is - with each step along the way to focus on the next achievable tasks. Make sure you can easily imagine the outcome of your small task. Don’t write a book; write a page.

Focus on starting, rather than finishing. For someone who’s having a hard time starting a task, imagining a hard-to-grasp future can be depressing. The solution in this case, then, is to focus on starting. 5. We all know that if we start, we’ll eventually finish the task.

A.Break a long project down into short tasks.

B.So procrastination is about managing the time.

C.So we should apply ourselves to overcoming it.

D.However, procrastination is different from laziness.

E.Focus on the negative effects of the procrastination.

F.Bring your focus from the future to what can be done right now.

G.Placing such high hopes on a project only adds anxiety and fear of failure.



    We know them when we see them: The TV shows and movies we love, even though we just know they’re bad. The worthless books we simply can’t put down.

Yes, these are our guilty pleasures — what some people consider the junk food in our media diets. But if we enjoy them, why should we feel guilty? As it turns out, these so-called “guilty” pleasures can actually be good for us, so long as they’re enjoyed in moderation.

According to Robin Nabi, a professor at the University of California, a guilty pleasure is something that we enjoy, but we know we’re either not supposed to like, or that liking it says something negative about us.

Studies suggest that guilty pleasures can bring back some psychological resources. Besides, giving ourselves permission to enjoy downtime is also an important part of self-pity, which is an effective way of fighting anxiety and sadness. Perhaps the most important value of a guilty pleasure is the bond it can create between people.

If that’s true, why do guilty pleasures get such a bad reputation? Actually, it’s not the indulgences themselves, but the attitudes we take when talking about them. “We have the cultural value of media consumption being instructive, and that what we do should be about growing and achieving,” Dr. Nabi said. “We don’t focus as much on refreshment and enjoyment, and these are such important aspects of being a human being.”

Feeling guilty about activities we enjoy can diminish the benefits they offer us. But removing unnecessary embarrassment about our interests can enrich our social lives, which is why it’s time to get rid of “guilty pleasure” from our vocabulary.

While guilty pleasures benefit us in some cases, they can also push us to indulge in behaviors we feel guilty about. Therefore, it’s best to follow the age-old advice our parents taught us: Everything in moderation.

1.Which of the following might make us feel guilty pleasure?

A.Eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting. B.Telling an old bedtime story.

C.Staying up late doing your homework. D.Giving up seats to the elderly.

2.Why do people think poorly of guilty pleasures?

A.They take guilty pleasures too seriously. B.They dislike the behaviour of indulgence.

C.They ignore the benefits of guilty pleasures. D.They are influenced by their cultural value.

3.What does the underlined word “diminish” in paragraph 6 mean?

A.Reduce. B.Increase. C.Maximize. D.Destroy.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Guilty pleasure? Avoid it B.Guilty pleasure? No Such Thing

C.Everything in Moderation D.New Trend in Media Consumption



    Over a four-year period, Swiss researchers have developed a machine that can keep human livers ()alive outside of the body for one week.

Livers are among the most commonly transplanted (移植)human organs. Current technology can only keep human livers alive for up to 24 hours. It is reported that, in 2017, about 8.000 liver transplants were performed in the U.S., of which 360 used livers from living givers In addition, about 11,500 people were registered on a waiting list to receive a liver transplant. Keeping livers alive and functioning for longer periods could greatly improve the chances of survival for patients.

The researchers say the purpose of their “Liver4Life” machine is to perform what they call liver perfusion (灌注)operations outside of the human body. Perfusion is the process by which blood or other liquids are pumped through organs and tissue. The machine keeps the liver at the right temperature and moves it in a way that would be natural in the body. Using a pump to fill the liver with blood acting like a human heart, the machine also provides oxygen to the organ, controls red blood cell levels and removes waste.

The research team began their experiments with livers from pigs. After repeated testing and engineering development, they succeeded in getting the pig livers to survive for seven days with support only provided from the Liver4Life machine. They also discovered the system can work to repair damaged livers. The team is now planning its next step to transplant machine-treated organs into patients.

Pierre-Alain Clavien. leader of the research said in a statement. “This technology will greatly increase the number of livers available for transplant, improving the chances of survival for patients. The success of this unique machine opens the way for many new applications in transplantation and cancer medicine.”

1.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?

A.Introduce a brand new topic for discussion.

B.Provide some latest data about present liver transplants.

C.Show the urgency of tech improvement in liver transplants.

D.Remind readers concerned of the importance of a healthy liver.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The machine. B.The liver.

C.The temperature. D.The tissue.

3.What can we learn about the Liver4Life machine?

A.It is among the most commonly used machines for liver transplants.

B.It is aimed to carry out liver perfusion operations in the human body.

C.It can perform several functions to keep the liver working normally.

D.It can be used to keep the pig livers alive for more than one week.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A biology textbook. B.A first aid brochure.

C.A social web page. D.A health magazine.



    A few weeks ago, I picked up my 14-year-old daughter and her friend from dance class. The two girls chatted happily until I reached her friend’s house. And then 1 began the drive home and my daughter, who had been talking nonstop a minute before, went completely silent. I assumed she was lost in thought.

When I came to a stoplight, I looked in the mirror. My daughter wasn’t looking out of the window or staring into space - she was on her phone. I felt my anger rise.

“Get off your phone. That is rude. You make me feel like an Uber driver.” I shouted.

“But I’m texting friends about biology homework!’’ she said.

“That can wait.” I was mad and she was angry.

Back home, she disappeared into her room, and I thought about how I was still trying to take control of my daughter’s growing independence, which was fruitless.

The next day I was thinking about my outburst when a parenting program on TV caught my eye, in which the hosts interviewed Dr. Ken Ginsburg, the author of a famous parenting book. It completely changed my attitude.

Ginsburg said. “Why are our teens pushing us away? It’s not because they hate us - it’s because they love us so much and yet they know they have to become independent. So this is a process of figuring out how to push away the things they love the most. It is crazy to fly from a comfortable nest, so teens get ready for it by temporarily pushing their parents away.”

I need to honor her independence and create space for both of us to face this monumental developmental challenge as teammates, not adversaries((对手).

1.What made the writer mad?

A.She served as an Uber driver.

B.The two girls were chatting happily.

C.Her daughter was playing with the phone.

D.Her daughter forgot her biology homework.

2.What do we know about the daughter?

A.She is being under her mother’s control.

B.She is on the way to being independent.

C.She enjoys making friends using social media.

D.She hates making conversation with her mom.

3.Which of the following best describes the mother?

A.Open-minded. B.Hardworking.

C.Inspiring. D.weak-willed.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.I was pushed away by my teenaged daughter.

B.Life of a teenager is moving at its own slow pace.

C.Parents completely rely on parenting experts to educate children.

D.My relationship with my daughter was improved by a suggestion.



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