满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A letter to the teacher who inspired my ...

A letter to the teacher who inspired my young son

I was so worried about handing my little boy, Carol, over during his first week of school, but you made it easier. You, _______ at him like a mother would at her own child. You showed warmth and your hugs were always on _______.

After a day in class with you, Carol would come home _______. Whenever I hear Do Your Ears Hang Low or to see him _______ to the sky when singing about the days of the week, I will think of you. The first time we sang it after _______ you was hard but, as time passes, I take _______  in the knowledge that, even though you are not here, you work _______ to make children happy.

Your creativity was _______. I’ll never forget the children’s faces when you’d beautifully _______the classroom into the Deep Dark Wood. I remember their ________ faces talking about the Magnificent Tower Building you’d ________.

In the short time I knew you, you never seemed ________ by the mountain of paperwork or impossible work-life balance that comes with the role. Instead, you appeared to ________ every minute.

I can’t comprehend why you’ve been ________ from us. Telling Carol was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I’m not sure whether he fully understands, ________ he told me he loved you and has been asking whether your “robot powers” will work in ________. I hope that you will shine on him from heaven and ________ him always.

I ________ I had told you all of this when you were with us. I hope that you ________ the extent of your magic, how you brought ________ to everyone you met and how loved you were. Goodbye, Dear Friend.

1.A.pointed B.smiled C.came D.aimed

2.A.display B.duty C.sale D.offer

3.A.complaining B.dancing C.singing D.weeping

4.A.stretching B.shouting C.shooting D.submitting

5.A.losing B.contacting C.leaving D.pleasing

6.A.pride B.delight C.part D.comfort

7.A.promises B.happens C.continues D.ceases

8.A.complex B.inspiring C.shabby D.temporary

9.A.transformed B.divided C.enlarged D.shrunk

10.A.frustrated B.cheerful C.panicked D.funny

11.A.observed B.purchased C.discovered D.created

12.A.motivated B.interrupted C.disturbed D.rejected

13.A.waste B.enjoy C.share D.seize

14.A.taken B.hidden C.claimed D.saved

15.A.because B.while C.but D.and

16.A.school B.heaven C.music D.performance

17.A.inspect B.imitate C.satisfy D.guide

18.A.wish B.regret C.assure D.forget

19.A.lost B.expected C.knew D.managed

20.A.convenience B.argument C.sympathy D.happiness


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了我对启发我儿子的老师的感谢和怀念。 1. 考查动词。句意:你对他微笑,就像母亲对自己的孩子一样。A. pointed指出;B. smiled微笑; C. came来; D. aimed瞄准,对准。根据下一句You showed warmth and your hugs were always on ___2___ . 你表现出了温暖和拥抱。可知,此处指的是母亲对孩子的爱在老师这里都能感受到,选项B:微笑,符合题意。故选B项。 2. 考查名词。句意:你总是给与温暖和拥抱。 A. display 展示;B. duty 职责;C. sale销售; D. offer提供。短语搭配on display陈列,展示;on duty值班;on sale出售;on offer提供的,可使用,结合文章前一句,老师的爱就像妈妈对孩子的一样,此处指的是老师总会给孩子温暖和拥抱。选项D符合题意。故选D项。 3. 考查动词。句意:和你一起上了一天课,卡罗尔就会唱着歌回家。 A. complaining抱怨; B. dancing跳舞; C. singing 唱歌;D. weeping哭泣。根据…when singing about the days of the week, I will think of you.可知,此处指孩子回家后就会唱歌。选项C 符合题意。故选C项。 4. 考查动词。句意:每当我听到他唱起“Do Your Ears Hang Low”或看到他向着天空伸展身体,唱起一周的学校生活的时候,我就会想起你。A. stretching 伸展,舒展;B. shouting呼喊,喊叫; C. shooting射击; D. submitting提交。结合下文可知,老师已经离开人世,孩子向着天空伸展身体,寓指怀念老师。选项A符合题意,故选A项。 5. 考查动词。句意:失去你之后,我们第一次唱这首歌很难过,但是,随着时间的流逝,我很欣慰,尽管你不在这里,你的工作仍然让孩子们开心。 A. losing失去; B. contacting与……联系;沟通;C. leaving留下; D. pleasing使快乐;使高兴。结合下午,得知老师已不在人世,选项A符合题意。故选A项。 6. 考查名词。句意同上。A. pride骄傲; B. delight高兴; C. part 分开;D. comfort安慰。结合下句you work ___7___ to make children happy.你的工作给孩子们带来了快乐,是我感到欣慰。选项D符合题意,故选D项。 7. 考查动词,句意同第5小题。A. promises承诺; B. happens发生;C. continues继续;D. ceases停止。根据本句前半句even though you are not here,尽管你不在这里,可知,老师对孩子们的影响是持久的,选项C符合题意。故选C项。 8. 考查形容词。句意:你的创造力很鼓舞人心。A. complex复杂的; B. inspiring 令人鼓舞的;C. shabby破烂的; D. temporary暂时的。结合下句中when you’d beautifully ___9___ the classroom into the Deep Dark Wood.可知,老师的创造力是令人高兴的。选项B符合题意。故选B项。 9. 考查动词。句意:当你把教室变成美妙的深黑的树林时,我永远不会忘记孩子们的脸。 A. transformed 使改变外观;B. divided分开; C. enlarged 使变大; D. shrunk缩小。结合上句谈到老师的创造力,此处指的就是把教室改变成为了“森林”。选项A符合题意,故选A项。 10. 考查形容词。句意:我记得他们兴高采烈地谈论,你建造的宏伟的塔楼。A. frustrated沮丧的;B. cheerful高兴的; C. panicked恐慌的; D. funny滑稽的。结合上文you work ___7___ to make children happy.可知,孩子对老师的工作是开心的,选项B符合题意。故选B项。 11. 考查动词。句意同上。A. observed观察; B. purchased购买; C. discovered 发现;D. created创造。结合Your creativity was ___8___ .可知,此处讲的是老师们已经创造出的宏伟的塔楼,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 12. 考查动词。句意:在我认识你的短暂时间里,你似乎从未被堆积如山的文书工作,或者不可能的工作与生活的平衡所困扰。A. motivated 激励,成为……的动机;B. interrupted插嘴,打扰; C. disturbed 干扰,妨碍;D. rejected拒绝。结合下句的instead可知,此处讲的应该是生活和工作给你带来的困扰,选项C符合题意,故选C项。 13. 考的动词。句意:相反,你似乎很享受每一分钟。A. waste浪费;B. enjoy 享受;C. share 分享;D. seize攻占,把握。由本句开头instead,可知此处表示和前一句截然相反的事,因而是享受每一分钟。选项B符合题意。故选B项。 14. 考查动词。句意:我不明白你为什么被带走。A. taken 带走;B. hidden隐藏;C. claimed宣称;声称 ;D. saved节省,解救。结合下文,知道老师已不在人世,选项A符合语境,故选A项。 15. 考查连词。句意:我不确定他是否完全理解,但他告诉我他爱你,并且一直在问你的”机器人能力”在天堂是否有用。A. because 因为;B. while 在……期间;C. but 但是;D. and和。根据前一句Telling Carol was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. 对Carol 讲明白是我做过的最艰难的事情之一,比较得知,此处孩子提到他爱你,是对你的认可,意思和前一句之间是转折关系,所以选项C符合题意。故选C项。 16. 考查名词。句意同上。A. school学校;B. heaven天堂;C. music 音乐;D. performance表演。结合下一句I hope that you will shine on him,可知,老师已经去世,选项B符合题意。故选B项。 17. 考查动词。句意:我希望你能从天堂照耀他,永远引导他。A. inspect 查看,审视;B. imitate模仿; C. satisfy满意; D. guide引导,指导。根据语境,本句讲的是我期待老师对孩子的影响能够持续存在,也就是希望继续指引他。选项D符合题意。故选D项。 18. 考查动词。句意:真希望你和我们在一起的时候,我就告诉你这些。A. wish 希望;B. regret 后悔;C. assure 向……保证;D. forget忘记。本句中用到了虚拟语气,可知,表示的是未能实现的愿望,选项A符合题意,故选A项。 19. 考查动词。句意:我希望你知道你的魔力有多大。A. lost 失去;B. expected 期待;C. knew知道,明白;D. managed设法完成。结合前一句I ___18___ I had told you all of this when you were with us.可知,我想让老师知道,老师对孩子的影响,选项C符合题意。故选C项。 20. 考查名词。句意:你是如何给你遇到的每个人带来快乐。A. convenience 方便;B. argument 争论;C. sympathy同情心;D. happiness快乐。结合上文提到的you work ___7___ to make children happy.你的工作给孩子们带来了快乐,所以此处指的是你给你遇到的每个人带来了快乐。选项D符合题意,故选D项。

Andrew said he would be here by 8.

_____. He has never been punctual for anything in his life.

A.You said it. B.I wouldn’t bet on it C.You asked for it D.I can’t agree more



Li Ziqi is famous for her videos of rural self-sufficiency ______ on Weibo and YouTube.

A.posted B.having posted C.having been posted D.to be posted



Charles is crazy about antiques and included in his closet _____ a collection of vases in various shapes and sizes.

A.has B.is C.have D.are



I think we really need to _____ on this project.

Yeah! The deadline is in July, and it’s already June.

A.turn the clock back B.raise the red flag C.get the ball rolling D.kill the fatted calf



The works of Du Fu, China’s greatest poet, _____ a precious cultural heritage for the entire world, not just for China.

A.represented B.represent C.will represent D.have represented



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