满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Today’s cinema has improved a great deal...

    Today’s cinema has improved a great deal in presentation. Gone are the golden days when eager crowds were packed on wooden benches in poor buildings, which seemed to be about to _________ in the next minute. Audience were staring, with great interest, at the funny and amusing movements of silent figures on the screen. It was only through the body movements and facial expressions that the character’s feelings could be _________ to the audience. However, film goers all the same turned a blind eye to the _________ cinema surroundings and seemed crazy about almost all the films. Box office hits were a normal thing and stories about movie stars took full _________ of the newspapers. They were _________ with almost all positive wordings compared with today’s pitiful stars who are all the time alert to such news as divorces or affairs.

Nowadays, it is quite easy to find a cinema that exceeds the hotel luxury. Cinemas are spacious, well-lit places where one can kill time in comfort. Small favors offered by modern cinemas such as the well-printed booklets, which are _________ available, the mouth-watering snacks on sale and even the gifts are all sending the implied message to the audience that the film to watch will provide the equivalent _________. Audience, on the other hand, don’t always _________ the story. Before a film is released, the potential spectator is usually exposed to a(n) _________ of advertisements. Film trailers are seen everywhere and crew interviews are televised. And in tempting people to enter cinemas, second to none is __________.People rely much no friends’ advice in choosing films.

Once the audience have settled on the chair, the cinema is learning from the theatre. The projectionists are to given the audience time to prepare themselves for the film. Talk first degrades to whisper then __________ altogether. Spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often in the __________ of music, to reveal title of the film. Every detail has been designed so thoughtfully that the spectator will never actually see the __________ screen, which will remind him all too sharply that what he is about to see is nothing but different shadows flashing on the white. However much the cinema tries to __________ theatre, it fully succeeds. Nothing can __________ the awe (敬畏) and sense of expectation felt by the audience as the curtain is slowly raised.

1.A.disappear B.collapse C.freeze D.rise

2.A.interpreted B.responded C.invented D.applied

3.A.special B.inferior C.standard D.loose

4.A.coverage B.use C.benefit D.responsibility

5.A.exposed B.reviewed C.overheard D.equipped

6.A.temporarily B.carefully C.readily D.traditionally

7.A.luxury B.expense C.convenience D.information

8.A.prove B.buy C.investigate D.convey

9.A.explosion B.promotion C.shift D.spread

10.A.walls of ears B.seeing is believing C.word of mouth D.grave of teeth

11.A.drives out B.wears out C.pays off D.dies away

12.A.company B.introduction C.benefit D.end

13.A.decorated B.distinct C.blank D.mechanical

14.A.imitate B.guide C.exploit D.replace

15.A.refer to B.compare with C.suffer from D.persist in


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,介绍观影的历史变迁。以前的电影院观影环境不好,但人们依然趋之若鹜。现在观影环境好了许多,电影院通过多种方式吸引观众。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:过去热切的观众地挤在仿佛下一分钟就要倒塌似的破旧建筑物里的木凳上(观看电影),这样的日子一去不复返。A. disappear消失;B. collapse 坍塌 崩溃;C. freeze 冷冻;D. rise 升起。根据本句的poor building可知在这样破旧的建筑物当然容易“坍塌了”。故选B。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:观众只能通过演员的动作和面部表情来理解角色的情感。A. interpreted 理解 演绎;B. responded 反应;C. invented 发明;D. applied 申请 运用。根据前两句,因为过去电影没有声音,观众只能通过演员的表情动作来感受角色的情感。可知观众只能通过这样的方式来“理解”角色的情感的。故选A。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,电影爱好者依然无视低劣的电影院环境,对所有的电影趋之若鹜。A. special特别的;B. inferior下等的;C. standard标准的; D. loose 宽松的。根据前面第二句“eager crowds were packed on wooden benches in poor buildings”可知当时的观影条件相当恶劣,应该选择能表示负面环境情况的选项,因此排除A、C和D。故选B。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:票房排名相当常见,报纸满是有关明星的故事。A. coverage覆盖;B. use 使用;C. benefit 益处;D. responsibility 责任。根据前句观众对所以电影趋之若鹜和本句“票房排名随处可见”可知电影在当时很火,报纸满是有关明星的故事。故选A。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:与当今那些一直对离婚或风流韵事十分警惕的可怜的明星相比,当时的明星几乎都被溢美之词评论着。A. exposed 暴露; B. reviewed 复习 ,评论;C. overheard 无意听到;D. equipped 装备。根据前句newspapers和本句的all positive wordings可知本句是说报纸对当时明星有着积极的评论,故选B。 6. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:现代电影院提供的小礼物,比如随处可见的印刷精美的小册子、促销中令人垂涎欲滴的小吃,甚至连礼物都在向观众暗示,观看的电影将带来同样的享受。A. temporarily暂时;B. carefully小心地; C. readily 容易地 ,乐意地;D. traditionally传统。根据常识,我们经常在电影院看到精美的小册子,这些小册子特别容易获得。故选C。 7. 考查名词词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. luxury奢侈 ,享受;B. expense 费用 ; C. convenience 方便;D. information 信息。电影院向公众送小礼物,目的是为了吸引让观众来看电影,让观众觉得即将要看的电影同样蛮让人享受的。故选A。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而观众并不总是相信你的话。A. prove 证明; B. buy 买相信;C. investigate 调查;D. convey 传达。本题考查固定搭配 buy one’s/the story,意为“相信某人的话”,故选B。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在电影发行前,潜在的观众通常会被铺天盖地的广告狂轰滥炸。A. explosion 爆炸 爆发;B. promotion 推销 升职;C. shift 转移 改变;D. spread 传播。本句中be exposed to sth意为“接触到某物”。根据本句的potential spectators可知在电影发行前,电影院已经有意识地把广告瞄准了这些潜在顾客,并对他们进行狂轰滥炸的宣传。故选A。 10. 考查短语词义辨析。句意:为了让观众走进电影院,电影的口碑相当重要。A. walls of ear耳壁;B. seeing is believing 眼见为实;C. word of mouth 口碑; D. grave of teeth 牙齿的坟墓。根据下句People rely much no friends’ advice in choosing films,可知人们会根据朋友建议来选择观看的电影,因此电影院必须做好宣传,让电影有好的口碑,以此来吸引更多的观众走人电影院。故选C。 11. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:谈话渐变为低语,再逐渐变得鸦雀无声。A. drives out 驱逐 淘汰;B. wears out 磨损 筋疲力尽;C. pays off 还清 回报;D. dies away (声音)变弱 逐渐消失。根据Talk first degrades to whisper ,可知本句在描述声音由大变小的过程,故选D。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:聚光灯通常伴随着音乐聚焦在缓缓拉开的幕布,以展露电影的片名。A. company陪伴, 伴随;B. introduction 介绍;C. benefit 益处;D. end 结束 尽头。聚光灯、幕布和音乐这些相互配合,为片面的出现作铺垫。聚光灯通常伴随着音乐聚焦在缓缓拉开的幕布,以展露电影的片名。故选A。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每一个细节都设计得如此周到,以至于观众永远不会真正看到空白的屏幕,这将提醒他,他即将看到的只是不同的阴影在白色上屏幕上的闪烁。A. decorated 装饰的;B. distinct 明显的 有区别的;C. blank 空白的;D. mechanical 机械的。本句向我们传达了电影院对细节的精选设计,以至观众投入其中,而几乎忘记了他们其实在看的只不过是空的屏幕而已(不是实实在在的真人表演)。故选C。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不管电影院模仿剧院多少,它的确很成功。A. imitate模仿;B. guide 引导;C. exploit开采;D. replace 取代。根据本段第一句the cinema is learning from the theatre可知电影院只不过是在学习模仿剧院,故选A。 15. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:当幕布缓缓升起时,没有什么能比得上观众感受到的那种敬畏感和期待感。A. refer to谈及 涉及;B. compare with 与…相比;C. suffer from 遭受;D. persist in 坚持。本题考查了固定句式,Nothing can…经常和compare with 搭配,表示“没什么能够于之相比”。结合上一句,电影院模仿剧院成功,说明产生了好的效果,没有什么能比得上观众感受到的那种敬畏感和期待感。故选B。

Directions: After reading the passage, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word; for the others, use one word that best fits each blank.

Electronic devices can seem like 1. “third party” in some relationships because some partners spend more time on them than with each other.

When Amanda Gao, a 26-year-old white-collar worker in Beijing, went to a hotpot restaurant with her boyfriend on Friday night several weeks ago, she expected that they would have a good time together. To her disappointment, however, it did not turn our that way later. As soon as they 2. (lead) to their seats and she began to order dishes, he buried himself in his mobile phone.

“It seemed that his phone was making its way 3. us. A date that 4. have belonged to us turned into one where my boyfriend dated a third party and I felt left out.” Gao said, Some people, like her, have found that electronics have been sabotaging (破坏) their romantic relationships.

A study, 5. (publish) in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture in April 2017, questioned nearly 200 college aged adults who were in committed relationships to report on their and their partner’s smartphone dependency. The results showed people who were more dependent 6. their phones were less sure about their relationships, and people who considered their partners excessively (过度地) dependent on their devices were 7. (satisfied) in their relationship.

Lin Yuan, a relationship advisor in Beijing, noted that 8. more and more electronics come out and spice up people’s lives, they are at the same time becoming a third party in relationships, especially for young people.

Lin said she knew of some people who suggest that electronics should be kept out of bedrooms, 9. she considered challenging and hard to be put into practice for most couples. She recommended that 10. people are feeling neglected in their relationship, they need to respectfully let their partners know their feeling. “Communication is always the best and the most efficient way,” she said.




Recently a piece of news about a child pouring ink and his parents’ education method has aroused a heated discussion among netizens. A 7-year-old naughty boy poured some ink out of a window on the 7th floor, not only dirtying the clothes on the neighbors’ balconies downstairs, but also staining the windows, walls and floors. Hearing about the situation, the parents made apologies from door to door with their son. Meanwhile, they brought home the neighbors’ stained clothes to wash and compensated for their losses. In addition, the parents paid for professionals to clean the polluted walls, in front of which their son was kept standing in the sun and watching them being cleaned.

The news resonated (共鸣) with netizens in that many families have such children, who often  make mistakes. High praise has been given to the couple for the method of educating their son. Instead of beating or scolding him, the couple took their responsibility as parents and punished their son to make him aware of the consequences of improper behavior.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 你如何看待该父母处理此事的方式,并给出理由;

3. 请针对孩子犯错,给出合理的应对建议(不少于两点);

4. 结合自身实际,谈谈你会如何回报亲情。


1. 写作过程中不得直接引用原文语句;

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。






请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中 空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

Millions of people illegally download movies, music and video games every day, and online piracy is a serious and expensive problem. Recent figures show that 90% of files transferred over file-sharing networks are copyrighted. And it's costing the US economy up to $250 billion a year. At the heart of the matter there's a moral question to consider. Is it fair that someone downloads for free in seconds something that took a team of people months of hard work to create?

What are governments doing about online piracy? Some countries have passed tough new laws. The Spanish government has shut down domestic file-sharing websites and blocked access to overseas-based sites. Also, governments are going after high-profile pirates. Kim Dotcom, the owner of Megaupload.com, was arrested in New Zealand, who has been accused of piracy because many people were using his website to swap copyrighted files.

Are laws and arrests really the best way? Many people aren't so sure. The problem is that films are released at different times around the world. Kim Dotcom says that a teenager in Germany, for example, has to wait six months to see a movie that has already come out in the U.S. So, instead of waiting, they download it illegally. Kim says, ''If everybody had access to content at the same time, you wouldn't have a piracy problem. ''

American company Netflix lets users stream films to their TV. But many complain that Netflix's selection of movies is too small and that there aren't enough new releases. One reason is that studios release films on DVD and then, after a few months, make them available for streaming. But what actually happens is one person buys the DVD, they upload it to a file-sharing site and everyone else downloads it for free.

American law student Srikant believes that if movie studios and record companies want to beat the pirates, they need to make it just as simple and quick to get content legally. ''I think people would pay for content if it's reasonably priced and it's available when they want it. '' he adds.

This is already happening with music. Spotify is a program that lets you stream music to your computer for just €5 per month. And since it was launched in Sweden in 2009, online music piracy in Sweden has dropped by 25%. The key to its success lies in that Spotify has a large range of music; songs are instantly available and the service is reasonably priced.

Easy access isn't the only possible solution. Economist Glenn MacDonald thinks he has the answer. He says record companies should give albums away for free and then make money from tours and merchandising. That's not such a ridiculous idea. The heavy metal group Manowar has made a fortune from their tours, which are full of fans who discovered the band by illegally downloading the music.

Online piracy is a complex and controversial issue. And one thing is for sure: it's not going away anytime soon .

Online piracy----The issue of illegal file sharing

Passage outline

Supporting details


*Recent figures show the  1. of files shared online are copyrighted.

*Online piracy is such an alarming problem that it makes the economy  2.

Current measures and their 3.

*Laws against piracy have been passed, and some website owners  4.with piracy have been arrested.

*Companies like Netflix  5. their users to stream films to TVs.

*Laws and arrests can’t ease the  6. of equal access to content at the same time.

*Users are faced with a  7. range of films, which are released months after their DVD versions.

Other solutions to online piracy

*Spotify has set an 8. of instant availability and reasonably-priced service.

*For music industry, giving albums away for free helps to make a  9. from tours and merchandising.


Online piracy is a complex and controversial issue, which  10. long-term efforts.







    Expectations can be tricky and this is no different in the workplace! As I listen to some Baby Boomer managers relate their frustrations about working with Generation Y( Gen Y/millennials千禧一代) workers, their two main complaints center on their perceptions of the younger generation’s work ethic and sense of entitlement. These managers express that Gen Y workers want the honors of the workplace without putting in the sacrifices to earn them .

The Baby Boomer/Generation Y Conflict is a good title that I often use to describe this new millennium divide between Boomers and Gen Y workers. This conflict comes from different life experiences and generational expectations. Can Baby Boomers and Gen Y just get along? The answer is yes! As managers understand and account for the generational differences, they can move workplace dynamics from frustration and conflict to productivity and mutual understanding. To do so, we have to first understand Boomers and Gen Y.

Born between 1943 and 1960, Boomers, grew up in an environment of social unrest where challenging authority was the norm. As noted in Generations at Work significant events of the Boomer generation include the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the women liberation movement and the Cold War. Boomers reflect that time in many ways: they tend to think they can change the world and they want to fulfill their own individual goals and potential. They come to the workplace confident, prepared to work hard, and expecting to be rewarded for their efforts.

Born between 1980 and 2000, Gen Y workers grew up in an environment of adult attention where monitoring, recognition, and support were the norm. Significant events of their generation include technology, protective parenting, school yard violence and multiculturalism. Gen Y workers reflect this time in many ways: they are the most technically talented generation and they are the most spoiled generation. Gen Y workers come to the workplace with confidence and a continuing expectation of recognition and support independent of results.

With the understanding that Generation Y workers have significantly different life experiences and expectations, Boomer manager can adjust their own interaction style and move from frustration and conflict to mutual understanding and productivity.

Gen Y workers are used to immediate feedback on how they are doing. It comes from their digital world where information is shared frequently and quickly. Give them ongoing feedback. Be sure to balance the feedback: tell them what they did well as well as how they can improve.

Many Gen Y workers are used to multiple supportive adults in their lives who spoiled and praised them. They respond better to coaching that focuses on outcomes than a direct management style.

Boomer managers sometimes make the assumption that Gen Y workers are rude or disrespectful of authority. More often, however, Gen Y workers do not understand normal standards of workplace behavior. For example, Gen Y workers often expect immediate responses from their bosses on whatever they communicate to them. This comes from their life experiences. They have had cell phones at a young age and are masters at communicating through text messages, social media, etc. Further, they are used to calling the adults in their lives and getting immediate attention. They bring these expectations to the workplace.

Boomers are partly responsible for launching some work-and-life balance programs for Gen Y workers. These younger generations have seen the negative effects that work has produced on some Boomers and decided that they want some balance in their lives. Many do not want to work like what Boomers have done. Boomer managers can engage Gen Y workers by supporting workplace flexibility and work-and-life balance. For these younger generations, work-and-life balance is among their top working priorities.

Expectations are hard to manage and different generations have different workplace expectationsBoomer and Gen Y conflict, however, does not have to continue. When Boomer managers understand these differences, they can both adapt their own interaction style and educate others to promote organizational productivity. These generations do not have to continue to collide in the workplace!

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A.Gen Y workers always dismiss the honors as useless.

B.Boomers complain about the job attitude held by Gen Y.

C.Boomers tend to show little respect for Gen Y’s entitlement.

D.Gen Y workers don’t care about Boomers’ misunderstandings.

2.Paragraphs 3 and 4 are meant to explore ______.

A.different attitudes towards accepted social norms.

B.the reasons for the frustrations and conflicts at work

C.the shared beliefs that united the two separate generations

D.the outcomes of different parenting on each generation

3.Which of the following could best describe the character of Boomers?

A.Gentle but reserved. B.Stubborn and jealous.

C.Strict but generous. D.Ambitious and confident.

4.What do Gen Y workers expect in the workplace?

A.Continual appreciation and assistance unaffected by results.

B.Good results as well as acknowledgement from bosses.

C.Independent advice on how to gain wide recognition.

D.Constant monitoring at work to boost their results.

5.How do Gen Y workers probably want feedback provided?

A.Occasionally by post. B.Instantly and carefully weighed.

C.Regularly by means of praise. D.Directly and casually informed.

6.Gen Y workers pay special attention to work-and-life balance because ______.

A.They are accustomed to the comfort of modern life

B.Their parents have been paying the same attention to it.

C.They don’t want to follow in the footsteps of Boomers.

D.Many sacrifices for honors have been made in the workplace.



    The British government declared that a ''proper piece of work'' was being carried out to look into the possibility of linking Scotland to Northern Ireland via a bridge spanning the Irish Sea. At the moment, the leading candidates for the locations of the route are Portpatrick on the Scottish coast and Larne on the Northern Irish coast.

Length aside, there are a number of other significant challenges that such an enormous project would raise. For example, there’s the depth of the sea, which at times reaches 300 metres, and the large spans that would be required to let any ships pass under the bridge safely, explained Ian Firth, a structural engineer at the Institution of Civil Engineers.

''One solution might be to use floating foundations. '' he said. ''You have a floating pontoon(水上浮台) held below the surface of the water.You still have to get down there and drill holes in the rock down below, but you're now just tying it down with some cables. Then the floating platform is held below the waves----you don't want it at the surface because then you’re getting wave action and tidal action. You stand your bridge structures on those floating platforms. That’s the sort of thing that potentially could be doable. ''

Even so, such a structure would still leave those travelling across it at the mercy of high winds and heavy rain, even taking into account any weather shielding measures that could be fitted. However, there may be another solution.

''There's another type of floating structure, a submerged(水下的) floating tunnel. It’s not through the rock but under the water, '' said Firth. ''You attach it down, shall we say 20 metres below the water, so that ships can go happily across the top of it, but the thing is actually floating. If you're in your car, you’re driving, in effect, through a tunnel. That is a very interesting, and I think really quite potentially practical solution. ''

But it's early days and there are many factors to consider, such as the ability of the transport links either side of the crossing to cope with additional traffic, and the fact that it may be more efficient to upgrade the existing ferry infrastructure, before any kind of design work could begin.

''At the moment it is an idea and not much more than that. To begin with, we'd need a pre-feasibility study which looks at what the options are so that we can actually frame the range of a feasibility(可行性) study, '' said Firth, ''After that people like me could go away and turn over what the options are. I believe it's possible. But 'possible' and 'affordable' are two different things. I’m not trying to put numbers to it, but it is eye-wateringly expensive, and nothing like it has been attempted before. But we're in the business of finding solutions to challenges. We civil structural engineers are good at that kind of thing. ''

1.From Paragraphs 1 and 2, engineers may focus efforts on the ______ of the bridge-to-be.

A.cost B.location

C.structure D.reliability

2.What might be the major drawback to the first solution?

A.It is impossible to build a bridge on floating platforms.

B.It takes much labor to tie floating platforms with cables.

C.Wave and tidal action can easily destroy floating platforms.

D.Traffic flow will be subject to severe weather conditions.

3.What can we learn from Firth's words in the last paragraph?

A.Bridge construction is more of an assumption than a detailed plan.

B.Engineers have reached a consensus on the feasibility of the project.

C.They are trying to update the structural design to control costs.

D.Previous similar attempts do help them draw up a feasible plan.

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Why not float?

B.A bridge too far?

C.Overlooking the Irish Sea

D.Meeting new Scottish friends



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