满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

On the afternoon of May 25th, a charity sale held by the Students’ Union on our school playground. In order to keep everything organized, we made fully preparations. Before the sale, from the student we collected various used books and second-hand goods which were still in a good condition. Then we classify them. When the day came, students and teachers both came and took an active part in it. In the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total. All the money which we raised will be sent to the students from poor families in our school to help finishing their studies. It’s such meaningful an activity that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.


1.held前加was 2.fully→full 3.student→students 4.去掉in后的a 5.classify→classifed 6.both→all 7.In→At 8.which→that 9.finishing→finish 10.such→so 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述学校学生会组织的一次慈善销售活动,筹集资金给贫困学生。 1. 考查动词时态及语态。held作谓语动词,与主语a charity sale是被动关系,用被动语态,根据时间状语On the afternoon of May 25th可知,时态用一般过去时,且主语是第三人称单数。故held前加was。 2. 考查形容词。修饰名词preparations,用形容词。故将fully改为full。 3. 考查名词复数。句意:在销售之前,我们从学生那里收集了各种旧书和二手物品,这些物品仍然处于良好的状态。根据句意,此处指不止一个学生,故用复数。故将student改为students。 4. 考查冠词和固定短语。in good condition“情况良好;状态良好”是固定短语。故去掉in后的a。 5. 考查动词时态。文章讲述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时。故将classify改为classified。 6. 考查代词。此处指代students and teachers,指代三者或三者以上用不定代词all,both指代两者。故将both改为all。 7. 考查介词和固定短语。at the end of...“在……结束时”是固定短语,in the end“最后;终于”是固定短语,此处表示“在活动结束时”。故将In改为At。 8. 考查定语从句。先行词由all修饰,指物,从句中做主语,用关系代词that,不用which。故将which改为that。 9. 考查非谓语动词。help后接动词不定式作宾语,to可以省略。故将finishing改为finish。 10. 考查副词。修饰形容词meaningful用副词做状语,such“如此的”是形容词,修饰名词,so“如此”是副词,修饰形容词做状语。故将such改为so。  

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

The State Council made an announcement on January 27 1. 2020 Spring Festival holiday would 2.(extend) to February 2. The concern was to reduce the risk of infection by encouraging residents to stay at home during the holidays. In 3. (respond) to the call of the state to reduce going out and reduce the possibility of virus spread, people from all over the country chose to stay at home during the Spring Festival 4.(express) their support and determination for epidemic control.

The epidemic 5.(shut) down travel plans during the Spring Festival, but it gave families extra time to stay reunited and connected. Staying at home, people found new ways to amuse 6.(them): playing table tennis in the living room, counting melon seeds, doing housework, writing calligraphy and so on have become the ways of entertainment. Reducing travel will have a certain negative impact 7.tourism, transportation entertainment, retail. restaurants and other industries. 8. with the booming development of online shopping, people can 9. (easy) enjoy take-out food without going out, or shopping on Taobao. 10. netizen in Jiangsu wrote impressively on Weibo that staying at home changed nothing since online delivery platform can bring them convenience.



    Coronavirus(冠状病毒) is not only a globally terrible story, but a window to people's soul Coronavirus erupted in many countries and resulted in a great number of deaths, leaving the world _______.To control the spread, the Spanish government _______ announced lockdown(防范紧闭)and _______ people to stay at home.

With the 80-year-old birthday _______, Charo intended to prepare for it, which fell just days after the _______. At the thought of the lockdown, _______, the urge to celebrate it wasn't as particularly strong as ever.

On the birthday, having her simple meal, she was called out by her neighbor when she was a bit _______. With the door opened, Charo was _______ to find there was nobody, but a gift. It was a cake with a birthday candle that was placed _______ on a table outside her front door! She was ________. Who could remember the special day? Her friends and neighbors, who were familiar with her, had moved away.

As Charo ________ up the cake and stepped out to find the visitor, her neighbors suddenly appeared behind their apartment windows, ________ singing the birthday song. ________ of what happened, the elderly woman struggled to hold back ________ when she returned to her house. After a while. she rushed back to the window to ________ at her neighbors and expressed ________ with a round of applause(鼓掌).

The lockdown didn't stop a(an) ________ from getting together. Fear around emergencies can also provide ________ examples. In the face of threat, these adorable people are helping people, ________ the lives of one another in their ________ways.

1.A.at ease B.at risk C.at war D.out of work

2.A.urgently B.mildly C.frequently D.constantly

3.A.forbade B.permitted C.appointed D.urged

4.A.passing B.celebrated C.approaching D.missed

5.A.celebration B.invitation C.announcement D.treatment

6.A.however B.anyway C.otherwise D.besides

7.A.content B.upset C.desperate D.delighted

8.A.annoyed B.alarmed C.astonished D.disturbed

9.A.falsely B.roughly C.appropriately D.unbelievably

10.A.embarrassed B.cautious C.puzzled D.anxious

11.A.cut B.held C.packed D.picked

12.A.bursting out B.looking forward to C.dreaming of D.having a gift for

13.A.Regardless B.Tired C.Fond D.Aware

14.A.anxiety B.anger C.laughter D.tears

15.A.glare B.wave C.glance D.yell

16.A.appreciation B.enthusiasm C.admiration D.agreement

17.A.community B.committee C.association D.league

18.A.ridiculous B.inspiring C.controversial D.frightening

19.A.balancing B.destroying C.threatening D.supporting

20.A.generous B.reliable C.heartwarming D.humorous



    Traveling green takes a little extra effort at first, but it soon becomes second nature and those extra steps can enhance every trip you take. Here are our tips for going green with ease and making travel better for everyone.


Look for certified green hotels that use renewable energy, recycle, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and so on. Staying in smaller, locally run hotels and B&Bs is often the greenest method around, which will make your stay environmentally and socially responsible as well as being a more direct boost to the local economy.

Use public transport, bike or walk

Instead of renting a car, hop on a local bus: take a walking tour or view the countryside by bike. 2..

Eat locally

Sourced food support the region’s farmers, get a more authentic taste of the cuisine and cut your carbon footprint even more. Look out for restaurants advertising local produce or, eat local dishes at mom-and-pop-style places that will most likely use what’s produced nearby. 3..

Leave a light footprint

4.. Research your destination by Internet or ask around to find out if there are water shortages, how energy is produced and if there are any resource issues to be aware of.

Don’t dump your stuff

Some less-developed areas don’t have the means to dispose of large, man-made items like old electronics or used batteries. If you leave them, they could remain in a landfill for hundreds of years after you’re gone 5.. As for clothing and items that may be of use to local people, donate them to local charities or religious organizations so they can reach those most in need.

A.Choose a green hotel

B.Choose a green tour company

C.Pack your trash and take it home

D.Whatever you do, don’t eat endangered species like turtle or over-harvested shellfish

E.Take simple steps such as taking short showers and turning off lights when you don’t need them

F.For long distances consider trains, which allow to meet locals and experience a culture in a slower, more detailed way

G.We believe responsible travel can open hearts and minds, give us a broader understanding of the world, and inspire us to make a difference



    The Mars 2020 rover(02W), which sets off for the Red Planet this year, will not only search for traces of ancient life, but pave the way for future human missions, NASA scientists said Friday as they introduced the vehicle.

The rover has been constructed in a large, sterile room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, near Los Angeles, where its driving equipment was given its first successful test last week.

Shown to invited journalists on Friday, it is scheduled to leave Earth in July 2020 from Floridas Cape Canaveral, becoming the fifth US rover to land on Mars seven months later in February.

“It's designed to seek the signs of life, so we’re carrying a number of different instruments that will help us understand the geological and chemical context on the surface of Mars,” deputy mission leader Matt Wallace told AFP.

Among the devices on board the rover are 23 cameras, two “ears” that will allow it to listen to Martian winds, and lasers used for chemical analysis.

Approximately the size of a car, the rover is equipped with six wheels like the former US rover, Curiosity, allowing it to travel along rocky land.

Speed is not a priority for the vehicle, which only has to cover around 200 yards(180 metres) per Martian day -approximately the same as a day on Earth.

Fuelled by a tiny nuclear reactor, Mars 202(has seven-foot-long(2 metres) articulated arms and a drill to crack open rock samples in locations scientists identify as potentially suitable for life.

We are hoping to move fairly quickly. We'd like to see the next mission launched in 2026 which will get to Mars and pick up the samples, put them into a rocket and finally bring them back to the Earth, "said Wallace. NASA’s Mars 2020 will remain active for at least one Martian year, which is around two years on Earth.

1.What does the underlined part “pave the way” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Making preparations B.Finding suitable landing sites

C.Setting up research centers. D.Constructing roads.

2.What can we know about the Mars 2020 rover?

A.It looks much like a car with six wheels.

B.It is an updated of the US rover Curiosity.

C.It is solar-powered and can crack open rock samples.

D.It is able to perform different tasks on Mars in search of the signs of life

3.If you search the passage on the website of China Daily, where can you probably find it?

A.Lifestyle B.Regional

C.World D.Culture

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The Mars 2020 rover has successfully passed its first driving test.

B.NASA is planning a new round of space exploration

C.Future human missions on Mars are on the way

D.A new rover will be launched to carry out scientific research on Mars



    In advance of World Book Day on April 23, the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication released its 17th annual report on the study of Chinese people's reading habits on Monday.

Based on a survey that ranged from August 2019 to February 2020, the report showed 81.1 percent of adult Chinese surveyed have a habit of reading, whether in print or on digital devices, a slight increase of 0.3 percent from 2018. Wei Yushan, director of the academy, said the survey covered 55 cities and towns in the country and it can credibly represent the situation of the whole population.

In 2019, adult Chinese read on average 4.6.5 books in print and 2. 84 digital books, while in 2018 it was 4.67 and 3. 32, a small drop for both.

While the report said most Chinese feel they 're not satisfied with the amount of books they read in a year. 11.1 percent read more than 10 books in print, and 7.6 percent more than 10 e-books. As for children and young people under 17, "the results are more encouraging, according to Wei. The survey revealed they read 10.36 books a year on average, 1. 45 more than in 2018.

Audio(有声的) books are attracting more Chinese, as 30.3 percent of adults and 34.7 percent of minors had a habit of listening to audio books in 2019, increasing by 4.3 and 8.5 percent compared to2018. The report found mobile phones were the top choice of medium when Chinese people read. On average, adults spent 100.41 minutes a day on mobile phones, 15.54 minutes more than in 2018.

A closer look at the report shows people's priority when using the Internet was to socialize (60.2 percent), followed by getting news (59 percent) and enjoying video clips (56.9 percent). Only 20.5 percent of them used it to connect to books, newspapers or journals.

Still, there's good news in the data from younger readers. Wei said 94.3 percent of Chinese families with children under 8 had a habit of reading, and parents spent almost 25 minutes every day reading with their kids, 2.37 minutes more than 2018

1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A.The 17th World Book Day will be celebrated on April 23.

B.The report is released every year by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication.

C.More than 80% of the adult Chinese prefer to read on digital devices than in print.

D.The survey was conducted throughout the country in2019.

2.What does "they"" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Kids and teenagers



D.The results

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Chinese people spent more time reading audio books in 2018 than in 2019.

B.The report indicates Chinese readers' growing interest in online reading.

C.There was a drop in the number of books read by average adult Chinese in 2018.

D.More Chinese readers tend to read through the mobile phones.

4.What is Wei Yushan's attitude toward the data from younger readers?

A.Unclear B.Positive

C.Skeptical D.Casual



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