满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: After reading the passage be...

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Dear Myself,

Life is scary. One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up 1. (feel) like all you want to do is lay in bed and hide from everything.

People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you to 2. (beautiful) path you've known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you become 3. (strand) at a place where you never thought you'd feel lost.

Let's be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong, but right when you begin to think that, something so horrible comes 4. (crash) down and all of a sudden more problems come ricocheting(弹跳)around you and you just feel so hopeless because it's so bad.

5. is so hard to understand why such things happen in life, and I personally wish I had an answer to that "why"? you always ask yourself, but all I can say that is no matter  6. hard life gets, you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.

I'll be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little bit worried and all I can think is "Will I be able to keep up? What if everything goes too fast?" But I realized 7. being scared and living with that burden of running away from problems only slow me down even more.

And I've come to the point 8. I believe that because life never stops, I shouldn't stop either. It's okay to take break and to give yourself time 9. (heal), but you cannot give up and you cannot quit.

Keep positive, fill your heart with gratitude for what you already have, and always 10. (remind) to humble and true to who you are!

With Love,

Your Soul


1.feeling 2.the most beautiful 3.stranded 4.crashing 5.It 6.how 7.that 8.where 9.to heal 10.remind 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要记述了作者鼓励自己要对生活充满希望、不要放弃的自白。 1. 考查非谓语动词。句意:有一天醒来时你感觉自己可以掌控世界,而第二天醒来时你感觉想做的就是躺在床上躲避一切。分析句子,你与感觉为逻辑上的主动关系,现在分词feeling在句中作伴随状语。故填feeling。 2. 考查形容词的最高级。句意:有人走进你的生活,牵着你的手,引导你走上你所知道的最美丽的道路,但有时同样的人也会毫无预兆地放开你的手,你就会被困在一个你从未想过会感到迷失的地方。结合句意,引导你走上的应该是你所知道的最美丽的道路,用最高级形式,且最高级形式前需用不定冠词the。故填the most beautiful。 3. 考查过去分词。句意:有人走进你的生活,牵着你的手,引导你走上你所知道的最美丽的道路,但有时同样的人也会毫无预兆地放开你的手,你就会被困在一个你从未想过会感到迷失的地方。分析句子可知,become是系动词,系动词后要加形容词或过去分词构成系表结构,stranded意为“陷于困境的”。故填stranded。 4. 考查非谓语动词。句意:说实话,有时候一切都很顺利,似乎什么都不会出问题,但当你开始这么想的时候,可怕的事情突然降临,更多的问题突然在你身边骚扰你,你会因为太糟糕而感到绝望。分析句子,结合后文all of a sudden more problems come ricocheting(弹跳)around you,前后文为并列关系,所填空处crash应该与ricocheting用相同的现在分词形式,come doing为固定搭配,意为“……到来”。故填crashing。 5. 考查代词。句意:很难理解为什么生活中会发生这样的事情,我个人希望我能回答“为什么”。分析句子可知,此处为It is +adj.+for sb. to do sth.为固定句型,意为“对某人来说做某事怎么样”。it作形式主语。故填It。 6. 考查连词。句意:你总是问自己,但我只能说,无论生活有多艰难,你都必须坚持下去。分析句子可知,本句为no matter how ,意为“无论多么艰难”引导的让步状语从句。故填how。 7. 考查宾语从句。句意:但我意识到害怕和生活在逃避问题的重担中只会让我走的更慢。分析句子可知,realized后为宾语从句,缺少连接词且连接词在从句中不作成分,因此应填连词that。故填that。 8. 考查定语从句。句意:我已经到了我相信因为生活从来没有停止过,我也不应该停止的那么一个阶段。分析句子可知,本句为定语从句,先行词为the point,where在句中作地点状语引导定语从句。故填where。 9. 考查不定式。句意:休息一下,可以给自己一些时间去疗伤,但你不能放弃,也不能退出。分析句子可知,休息一下和给自己时间的目的是去疗伤,不定式to可表目的。故填to heal。 10. 考查祈使句。句意:保持积极的心态,对你已经拥有的一切充满感激之情,并时刻提醒你要谦虚和真实。分析句子可知,keep,fill,remind一系列动词为并列结构,用相同的形式,且祈使句中动词应用动词原形,因此remind应填动词原形。故填remind。

    People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you _______ which one it is, you will know _______ what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to _______ you with guidance and support, to _______ you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They are there for the _______ you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part, or at any inconvenient time, they will say or do something to bring the relation-ship to a(n) _______. Sometimes they die, sometimes they walk away, and sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What you must _______ is that your need has been met, and your desire _______. When their work is done, it's time to move on.

When people come into your life a _______, it is because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or make you ________. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. ________ it! It is real! But only for a season.

Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime ________; those things you must build upon in order to have a ________ emotional foundation. Your job is to ________ the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other ________ and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is sensible.

In a word, thank you for being part of my life, whether you were here for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

1.A.come out B.figure out C.break out D.turn out

2.A.partly B.firmly C.frequently D.exactly

3.A.state B.instruct C.provide D.bother

4.A.aid B.show C.lead D.take

5.A.good B.delight C.benefit D.reason

6.A.order B.action C.end D.start

7.A.realize B.try C.tolerate D.forget

8.A.shared B.fulfilled C.followed D.protected

9.A.rest B.moment C.season D.lifetime

10.A.happy B.sad C.careful D.nervous

11.A.Forget B.Taste C.Connect D.Believe

12.A.notes B.sights C.lessons D.meanings

13.A.solid B.soft C.new D.rapid

14.A.reject B.teach C.accept D.refuse

15.A.difficulties B.professions C.works D.relationships



    Bangkok has become the world's top tourist destination, with 15.98 million visitors projected to visit Thailand's capital city this year, according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday. Based on data MasterCard collected from governments, central banks, related public agencies and airlines to far this year, the projection for the entire year says Bangkok is surpassing London, the previous holder of the top place, by a very narrow margin.

Monday's report marked the first time an Asian city has been projected to be the top-ranked tourist destination. London came in second, with 15.96 million visitors expected in 2013, and Paris, third, with 13.92 million visitors. MasterCard looked at 132 cities.

Other Asian cities that made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in 2013 include Singapore at number four, with 11.75 million visitors; Kuala Lumpur at number eight, with 9.2 million visitors; Hong Kong at number nine, with 8.72 million visitors; Seoul at number 11, with 8.19 million visitors; Shanghai at number 14, with 6.5 million visitors. Tokyo at number 16, with 5.8 million visitors, and Taipei, with 5.19 million visitors.

The study found that Bangkok is experiencing a large increase in its number of tourists in 2013, up 9.8% from 2009. That compares to New York's increase at 5.0% and London's at 3.8%. Paris, meanwhile, saw a small dip in its number of tourists (negative 0.7%).

Caroline Liedo, who was visiting Bangkok from France, said Thailand has many offerings. "We like culture and the people are so nice. We also love shopping here," Ms. Liedo said. MasterCard Worldwide's global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited(引用)overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive. That is true for Thailand overall as well.

1.The word "surpassing" in paragraph 1 probably means _________.

A.being much better than it was expected to be

B.changing something slightly

C.joining or fasten to the object

D.stating that specific thing must be done

2.From the passage we can know that _________.

A.Bangkok defeated London by a wide margin

B.there are 15.96 million visitors visiting London in 2013

C.Paris is experiencing an increase in its number of tourists

D.London topped List of World's Tourist Destinations in 2012

3.How many Asian cities have made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in 2013?

A.Seven. B.Eight

C.Nine D.Ten

4.What attracts visitors to Thailand?

A.People and buildings. B.Shopping and environment.

C.Culture, people and shopping D.Culture and natural scenery.

5.What can we know about MasterCard?

A.MasterCard surveyed 131 cities. B.Caroline Liedo was MasterCard's adviser.

C.MasterCard collected date from private agencies. D.It is the third time that MasterCard has released the Index.



健康一直是人们关注的话题。假如你是李华,最近你校要举行以How to keep healthy?为主题的英语演讲比赛,请根据话题内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇100词左右的演讲稿。










1.If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick to them.

2.People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun each other.

3.She thought she would keep her words.

4.He earned him living by buying and selling old furniture at that time.

5.The weather couldn’t be badso we will not go out.

6.Everything depends on if we have enough money.

7.You’d better to look up the word in the dictionary.

8.His parents died when he was born and he brought up by his uncle.

9.They got married secret, and they were very happy.

10.Nothing could prevent him go out even though it’s bad weather.




A man came to the USA from another country. After 1.(settle) down at an island, he went into a cafeteria to get something 2.(eat). He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order, but nobody did. 3.(final) a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and told him 4. the cafeteria worked.

“Start out at that end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At 5. other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay. ”

“I was 6.(surprise) how everything worked in the USA,” the man told his friend. “Life’s a cafeteria there. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. You can even get success, 7. you will never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it 8.(you).”

You can’t change the inevitable. The only thing you can do 9.(be) to control your attitude. Once you reach that point in life, 10.(happy) and satisfaction can’t be too far away.



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