满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There I stood with tears in my eyes, I l...

    There I stood with tears in my eyes, I looked at a face which was so _________ that I might mistake it for own. I stared at her in _________. It felt like a dream. I hugged her; she was real.

Adopted at a very young age, I _________ surrounded by people loved as family._________, the faces weren't like mine. They were people that loved me. As I got older, the curiosity to learn more about myself took hold and didn't _________. Who was I? Where did I come from?

At the age of 21, I was given the chance to _________ it out thanks to my adoptive parents' _________. They accompanied me to the adoption agency. Then the staff _________ the process of finding my birth mother. But the process was _________ and I didn't expect there would be many complex procedures. And the agency also had caution to move the procedures to ensure both parties' privacy especially ____________ my birth mother didn't choose to meet me.

Months later the agency told me that my birth mother was found and that she ____________ to meet me. We were excited. My parents said my birth mother made great sacrifice as she gave me away, which __________ them to support the family. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible on their own. I was ____________ what my birth mother might be doing and what she might look like. I created a(n) ____________ in my head.

Alter a long process, the moment finally came---we were to ____________. So, there we were, in a room. I found we had much ____________: we shared a sense of humor; we ____________ old pictures, finding both like the "V" gesture. She apologized for any problems with my frizzy(卷曲的), crazy hair and __________ herself. We laughed, when admitting both were in a close relationship with flatirons(熨斗)because of frequently __________ the wildness of our hair.

She said she had made a(n)____________ decision, when watching me leave with only the hope that another family could provide what she couldn't. She said she hesitated for long but knew she was right, I knew she loved me very much.

1.A.familiar B.ugly C.old D.unclear

2.A.sorrow B.anger C.disbelief D.panic

3.A.stood up B.came up C.warmed up D.grew up

4.A.However B.Meanwhile C.Therefore D.Instead

5.A.help B.stop C.increase D.arrive

6.A.figure B.pick C.turn D.sort

7.A.request B.appreciation C.support D.forgiveness

8.A.delayed B.updated C.refused D.explained

9.A.important B.discouraging C.different D.abstract

10.A.now that B.in case C.even though D.only if

11.A.continued B.managed C.agreed D.happened

12.A.convinced B.warned C.demanded D.allowed

13.A.wondering B.consulting C.guaranteeing D.anticipating

14.A.schedule B.dream C.picture D.error

15.A.register B.reunite C.review D.rest

16.A.confidence B.sympathy C.similarity D.expectation

17.A.shared B.lost C.bought D.changed

18.A.taught B.blamed C.dressed D.treated

19.A.enjoying B.creating C.adding D.handling

20.A.necessary B.quick C.impossible D.difficult


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了从小被收养的我寻找亲人的经历。我从小就被收养,收养我的家人对我很好,但是我一直希望找到自己的亲人。21岁时,在养父母和领养机构的帮助下,我见到了我的亲生母亲。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我站在那里,眼里含着泪水,看着一张如此熟悉的脸,熟悉到我可能会误以为那是我自己的脸。A. familiar熟悉的;B. ugly丑陋的;C. old老的;D. unclear不清楚的。根据下文I might mistake it for own(我可能会误以为那是我自己的脸)可推理知作者看到的是一张熟悉的脸。故选A项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不敢相信地盯着她看。A. sorrow悲伤;B. anger愤怒;C. disbelief怀疑;D. panic恐慌。根据下文It felt like a dream.(感觉就像做梦一样。)可知作者此时的心理活动应是不敢相信的。disbelief意为“不相信”,符合语境,故选C项。 3.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我从小就被收养,被家人的爱包围着长大。A. stood up站起来;B. came up发生;C. warmed up热身;D. grew up长大。根据上文Adopted at a very young age我从小就被收养)可推理出下文要叙述长大过程中被家人的爱包围着。grew up意为“长大”,符合上下文逻辑关系,故选D项。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,他们的脸和我长得不像。A. However然而;B. Meanwhile同时;C. Therefore因此;D. Instead反而。根据上文Adopted at a very young age(从小就被收养)及surrounded by people loved as family(被家人的爱包围着)及下文the faces weren’t like mine(他们的脸和我长得不像)可知空前和空后为转折关系,however表示转折,符合语境。故选A项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着年龄的增长,对于了解自己的好奇心越来越强烈,从没停止过。A. help帮助;B. stop停止;C. increase增加;D. arrive到达。and表示并列,根据and前的took hold可知我被好奇心牢牢抓住,可以推理出and后表示“好奇心从没停止过”。didn’t stop意为“没有停止过”,符合语境,故选B项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我21岁的时候,多亏我的养父母的支持,我得到了一个解决问题的机会。A. figure计算;B. pick挑选;C. turn转;D. sort分类。根据下文They accompanied me to the adoption agency. Then the staff ____8____ the process of finding my birth mother.(他们陪我去领养机构。然后工作人员解释了找到我生母的过程。)可知作者有了找到亲人的机会。figure out意为“想出;理解;弄清”,符合语境,故选A项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我21岁的时候,多亏我的养父母的支持,我得到了一个解决问题的机会。A. request请求;B. appreciation感激;C. support支持;D. forgiveness原谅。根据下文They accompanied me to the adoption agency(他们陪我去领养机构)可知作者的家人支持作者去寻找亲人,thanks to my adoptive parents’ support意为“多亏我的养父母的支持”,符合语境。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后工作人员解释了找到我生母的过程。A. delayed延迟;B. updated更新;C. refused拒绝;D. explained解释。根据下文I didn’t expect there would be many complex procedures(我没想到会有很多复杂的程序)及逻辑关系可推理出这件事发生在作者听到工作人员对找亲人的过程的解释之后。故选D项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这个过程令人沮丧,我没想到会有很多复杂的程序。A. important重要的;B. discouraging令人沮丧的;C. different不同的;D. abstract抽象的。根据上文They accompanied me to the adoption agency. Then the staff ____8____ the process of finding my birth mother. (他们陪我去领养机构。然后工作人员解释了找到我生母的过程。)及其后的转折词but可知此句表达的是这个过程不如作者所愿,discouraging意为“令人沮丧的”,符合此处的语言色彩。故选B项。 10.考查连词词义辨析。句意:此外,该机构还谨慎地采取行动,以确保双方的隐私,尤其是万一我的生母没有选择与我见面。A. now that既然;B. in case万一;C. even though即使;D. only if只有。根据空后的my birth mother didn’t choose to meet me(我的生母没有选择与我见面)可知此处应使用in case引导的条件状语从句。in case引导条件状语从句时意为“万一;如果”,符合语境。故选B项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几个月后,机构告诉我,找到我的生母了,她也同意与我见面。A. continued继续;B. managed管理;C. agreed同意;D. happened发生。根据第五中的So, there we were, in a room.(所以,我们在一个房间里见面了)可知机构找到了我的生母并且同意与我见面。故选C项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我父母说我的生母在把我送走的时候做出了巨大的牺牲,这件事使得他们能够养家糊口。A. convinced确信;B. warned警告;C. demanded要求;D. allowed允许。此处是which引导的非限制定语从句,根据上文空前的she gave me away(她把我送走)及空后的them to support the family.(他们得以养家糊口)可知此处表示把我送走之后这件事使得家人能够养家糊口。allow意为“允许”,符合上下文语境。故选D项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我好奇我的生母是做什么的,她可能长什么样。A. wondering好奇;B. consulting咨询;C. guaranteeing担保;D. anticipating预期。根据下文I created a(n) ____14____ in my head.(我在脑子里想象着画面)及上下文可知作者从小被收养并一直期望能见到亲人,在得知可以见到生母时,我很好奇她是做什么的及长什么样,所以在脑中勾勒画面。故选A项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在脑子里想象着画面。A. schedule计划;B. dream梦想;C. picture图片;D. error错误。根据上文what she might look like(她可能长什么样)及下文的in my head可知此处表示作者在脑海中想象着画面。picture意为“图画”,符合语境。故选C项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过一个漫长的等待过程,这一刻终于到来了——我们要团聚了。A. register登记;B. reunite团聚;C. review复习;D. rest休息。根据上文After a long process, the moment finally came(经过一个漫长的等待过程,这一刻终于到来了)及下文 So, there we were, in a room.(所以,我们在一个房间里见面了)可知作者和生母团聚了。reunite意为“团聚”,符合语境。故选B项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现我们有很多相似之处。A. confidence自信;B. sympathy同情;C. similarity相似;D. expectation期望。根据下文,冒号之后的we shared a sense of humor(我们都有幽默感)可知此处表示作者和生母之间有很多相似之处。similarity意为“相似”,符合语境。故选C项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们分享老照片,发现我们都喜欢比“V”手势。A. shared分享;B. lost丢失;C. bought购买;D. changed改变。根据下文finding both like the “V” gesture(发现我们都喜欢比“V”手势)可知作者和生母在分享老照片。故选A项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她为我蓬乱的发丝以及其他方面的问题道歉,并自责。A. taught教;B. blamed责备;C. dressed打扮;D. treated处理。根据上文 She apologized for any problems with my frizzy, crazy hair(她为我蓬乱的发丝以及其他方面的问题道歉)可知生母对作者怀有歉意。由此可推断出此处表示生母自责,blame oneself意为“自责”,符合语境。故选B项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们两人承认,因为经常要打理蓬乱的头发,所以都和熨斗很亲密时,我们笑了。A. enjoying享受;B. creating创造;C. adding增加;D. handling处理。根据上文in a close relationship with flatirons(和熨斗关系亲密)及because of(由于)可知空后解释与熨斗亲密的原因。根据常识可知是由于要打理蓬乱的头发。handle the wildness of our hair意为“打理蓬乱的头发”,符合语境。故选D项。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说她当时做出弃养我的决定时十分艰难,当看着我离开时,她只希望另一个家庭能提供她所不能给我的东西。A. necessary必要的;B. quick迅速的;C. impossible不必要的;D. difficult困难的。根据下文She said she hesitated for long (她说她犹豫了很久)可知作者生母做出弃养我的决定时是十分艰难的。difficult意为“困难的”,符合语境。故选D项。

How to Enjoy Life As a Teen

The “best years of your life”? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.

1. Whether it’s having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, or simply being born in this world. Remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it. And these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having a worry about the responsibility and never want to go back.

Choose your friends wisely. 2. In fact, many of the “friends” you have when you are hot are not true friends. Try to have friends that like you for who you are, not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that.

Be sociable. Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends. 3. Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home and wallowing(沉溺于)in self-pity.

Develop interests you enjoy. Video games, for example, are good if you’re the type who can get into that kind of thing. 4.You can either volunteer to gain useful skills for college challenges or learn something in the creative field like painting or dance. 5.

A.Learn to appreciate small things.

B.Enjoy the pleasure before it’s too late.

C.Therefore, be happy, and life will reward you.

D.You should also find a hobby that is meaningful or practical.

E.You don’t have to be popular and have a troop of friends to be happy.

F.This is the time to start developing and uncovering passions that might otherwise lie still.

G.While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to meet new people.



    An estimated 60 percent of cats and 50 percent of dogs in the U. S. are overweight or obese, so chances are that your pet needs to lose weight rather than pack on some pounds. It's not always easy to tell if your pet could afford to lose few, but there are some other signs that can tip you off. One important factor the waist, "Most people don't know what a normal cat should look like," says Romine. "But cats should have waists, too." The vet says you should be able to feel your pet's ribs(肋骨) through its coat, and when you look down at them, they should have an hourglass(沙漏)shape---just like person.

"For some overweight pets, you may want to switch to new food entirely; foods with 'light' or 'healthy weight' labels usually have an increased fiber content to help the dog or cat feel fuller," Romine notes. "Another option is to feed them less of the food they currently cat," Freeman suggests. "Make sure you're reducing table scraps(残羹剩饭)and high-calorie treats like pet biscuits," she says.

It's important to figure out what your pet's ideal weight is as you're helping them to lose. Romine advises working with your vet to get the right number, and if you're following the portion guidelines often printed on food labels, feed them the amount of food associated with the weight you want them to be, rather than the weight they currently are.

Food isn't the only factor that can impact your pet's weight. Romine stresses the importance of exercise in keeping your pet healthy. For cats, just 10 minutes of indoor play each day can make a difference. For dogs, letting them out in the backyard to do their business is not enough. You'll have to exercise with your dog to really get them moving.

1.What is the problem with the pet from the text?

A.It needs to lose weight. B.It needs have waists

C.It needs to pack on pounds. D.It needs to be more energetic.

2.Which food can help overweight pets?

A.The food with an decreased fiber. B.The food from table scraps.

C.The food with "light" labels. D.The food with new label.

3.What is an important factor to keep pets healthy?

A.A partner. B.Exercise.

C.Pet biscuits. D.Protein.

4.From which is the text probably taken?

A.A biology textbook. B.A travel brochure.

C.A recipe book. D.pet magazine.



    When you are sitting in the car, do you ever notice the drivers looking over their shoulders or side to side in the car? Well, they are doing this to check their blind spots! Blind spots take driving extremely difficult and increase the potential for car accidents.

Fourteen-year-old Alaina Gassler from Pennsylvania noticed her mother struggling with blind spots while driving their family car. So she came up with an ingenious solution that won the first place and $25,000 in the Broadcom Masters Competition.

Blind spots are the areas around the car that cannot be directly observed by the driver. There are two kinds of blind spots---on the back of the car that cannot be seen with mirrors, and blind spots at the front of the car as well.

When a driver is changing lanes, he has to look over his shoulder through the side windows to make sure that there is no vehicle in the blind spot. This invisible area is big enough to hide a car!

The other blind spot is created in the front by the A-pillar(柱子)---the material on either side on the windshield(挡风玻璃)that holds the glass and forms the frame of the car. In some cars, this pillar can be quite thick. Usually, people or cyclists can be hidden by this pillar.

Alaina's design was to get rid of the blind spot created by the front A-pillar of the car, the one that helps hold up the windshield.

She put a camera on the outside passenger side of the car which then sent the photos to a projector above the drivers' head. Then, she covered the inside of the pillar in reflective fabric onto which the image was projected. Basically, her device made the pillar "see through" and removed the blind spot on that side of the car.

Alnina's solution is very creative and could be improved by using LCD displays that will make it easier to see during day time as well.

1.What can be learned about blind spots during driving?

A.They call for careful driving. B.They make driving thrilling.

C.They are many in kinds. D.They can't be get rid of.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "ingenious" in paragraph 2?

A.interesting B.creative

C.inspiring D.invisible

3.How did Alaina solve the problem?

A.By improving the A-pillar. B.By using a mirror on the outside of the A-pillar.

C.By relying on LCD displays. D.By using a camera to capture images.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.An Introduction to Blind Spots B.A Warning About the Road Safety

C.A Teen's Creative Solution to Blind Spots D.Scientific Research on Blind Spots



    As part of his role in the Air Force Volunteer Reserve, John Lewis often visited military schools. But it was at a London school in 2014 that an accident happened. He had 11 operations in total and it was two years before he could walk again.

Although John improved physically, he couldn’t recover from what had happened. John was diagnosed with post -traumatic (创伤后) stress disorder (PTSD), but none of the treatment seemed to help. Then last year, at a hospital, a doctor told him a puppy  (小狗) could manage stress and might help with his anxiety.

In May 2019, they adopted a black puppy called Gibson. He says, “I'd never thought of it as a comfort. After just a few weeks, I could feel myself improving. If I was feeling anxious, he would jump up on the sofa and sit on my chest and I found that really relaxing and comforting. Wherever I go, he will follow me and it’s really helpful to my anxiety. We go out and play Frisbee (飞盘) and I now look forward to going out for walks while I would always make excuses to stay in the house before.”

His wife Anna has also noticed a difference. She says, “Gibson is an incredible dog that adores John. He is a fantastic companion. It has given him a focus and a lease on life.”

John is now. taking part in Generation Pup, a groundbreaking study that tracks puppies through adulthood to learn how their early experiences and environment affect their development. John says, “I really enjoy tracking this through the study, watching his personality begin to grow and support me on my road back to mental health, which he is playing a big part in.” “Gibson has done so much for me in a short space of time. I want to do something for him.”

1.What can we learn about John Lewis after the accident?

A.He couldn't bear the pain of the operations.

B.He soon stood up and returned to his post.

C.He suffered a lot from mental problems.

D.He still focused on the life in military schools.

2.What do John’s words in paragraph 3 show?

A.How to raise a puppy. B.How naughty Gibson was.

C.How to get on with a puppy. D.How Gibson comforted him.

3.What does the underlined part “a lease on life” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.More wisdom. B.Better life.

C.Great wealth. D.Lifelong ambition.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.John is grateful to Gibson. B.John makes full use of Gibson.

C.John has recovered from PTSD. D.John has researched a lot on puppies.



    Do you know a famous Chinese saying, "He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man?" We can help you realize your dream now.

12-Day Tour in China

Tour Type: Private Tour

Guide: English-speaking guide

Must-see sights in China: the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors. Giant pandas

Try biking on the Ming Dynasty City Wall of Xi'an, or tour by electric car. Have a once-in-a-life chance to get close to the incredibly cute treasure---Pandas.

Price: $1,669 per person

8-Day Tour in China

Tour Type: Private Tour

Guide: English- speaking guide

Must-see sights in China: the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors

Take rickshaw(人力车)through the Hutongs and get close touch with the original Beijing lifestyle. Experience the Bund, classical garden, modern and old in contrast in Shanghai.

Price: $1,159 per person

10-Day Tour in China

Tour Type: Private Tour

Guide: English-speaking guide

Must-see sights in China: the Great Wall Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors

Walk into a local family, learn to cook Chinese food and dine with the hosts in their home.

Price: $1, 629 per person

15-Day Tour in China

Tour Type: Private Tour

Guide: English-speaking guide

Must-see sights in China: the Great Wall, Forbidden City. Terracotta Warriors

Enjoy the breathtaking landscape along Li River and escape from the busy and noisy city life. Unwind with a Yangtze River sail tour and see the Three Gorges.

Price: $2.699 per person

1.Which tour provides visitors with a chance to see pandas?

A.8-Day Tour in China. B.10-Day Tour in China.

C.12-Day Tour in China. D.15-Day Tour in China.

2.Who may prefer to take 8-Day Tour in China?

A.Nature lovers. B.Folk custom and culture lovers.

C.Swimming lovers. D.Animal lovers.

3.Why is 15-Day Tour in China unique compared with the other tours?

A.It costs visitors the least to visit. B.It lets visitors communicate with local people.

C.Visitors can visit ancient buildings. D.Visitors can see water scenery.



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