满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The decision ________, what is to be don...

The decision ________, what is to be done now is how to carry it out.

A.is made B.has been made C.having been made D.having made


C 【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意:决定已经做出,现在要做的事是怎么实施。分析句子结构,前后句没有连词,故此处是独立主格结构作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句after the decision has been made,故排除A、B项。且the decision 和make之间为逻辑上的被动关系,应用被动形式,故排除D项;“做决定”这一动作在主句谓语动词的动作之前发生,因此用现在分词完成式的被动形式having been done,表示已经完成的被动动作;故选C项。

I’d like to give my thanks to all of you on this special ______.

A.atmosphere B.occasion

C.instruction D.tradition



Visitors are not permitted ________ the park after dark, because of the lack of lighting.

A. entering    B. entering in

C. to enter in    D. to enter



More than one of his classmates who often _______ voluntary work in the local community _____ been awarded by the government.

A.does; has B.does; have C.do; has D.do; have



While working in the field, the two farmers ______ some old coins, which proved to be from an ancient tomb underground.

A.came about B.came around C.came across D.came out



    There I stood with tears in my eyes, I looked at a face which was so _________ that I might mistake it for own. I stared at her in _________. It felt like a dream. I hugged her; she was real.

Adopted at a very young age, I _________ surrounded by people loved as family._________, the faces weren't like mine. They were people that loved me. As I got older, the curiosity to learn more about myself took hold and didn't _________. Who was I? Where did I come from?

At the age of 21, I was given the chance to _________ it out thanks to my adoptive parents' _________. They accompanied me to the adoption agency. Then the staff _________ the process of finding my birth mother. But the process was _________ and I didn't expect there would be many complex procedures. And the agency also had caution to move the procedures to ensure both parties' privacy especially ____________ my birth mother didn't choose to meet me.

Months later the agency told me that my birth mother was found and that she ____________ to meet me. We were excited. My parents said my birth mother made great sacrifice as she gave me away, which __________ them to support the family. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible on their own. I was ____________ what my birth mother might be doing and what she might look like. I created a(n) ____________ in my head.

Alter a long process, the moment finally came---we were to ____________. So, there we were, in a room. I found we had much ____________: we shared a sense of humor; we ____________ old pictures, finding both like the "V" gesture. She apologized for any problems with my frizzy(卷曲的), crazy hair and __________ herself. We laughed, when admitting both were in a close relationship with flatirons(熨斗)because of frequently __________ the wildness of our hair.

She said she had made a(n)____________ decision, when watching me leave with only the hope that another family could provide what she couldn't. She said she hesitated for long but knew she was right, I knew she loved me very much.

1.A.familiar B.ugly C.old D.unclear

2.A.sorrow B.anger C.disbelief D.panic

3.A.stood up B.came up C.warmed up D.grew up

4.A.However B.Meanwhile C.Therefore D.Instead

5.A.help B.stop C.increase D.arrive

6.A.figure B.pick C.turn D.sort

7.A.request B.appreciation C.support D.forgiveness

8.A.delayed B.updated C.refused D.explained

9.A.important B.discouraging C.different D.abstract

10.A.now that B.in case C.even though D.only if

11.A.continued B.managed C.agreed D.happened

12.A.convinced B.warned C.demanded D.allowed

13.A.wondering B.consulting C.guaranteeing D.anticipating

14.A.schedule B.dream C.picture D.error

15.A.register B.reunite C.review D.rest

16.A.confidence B.sympathy C.similarity D.expectation

17.A.shared B.lost C.bought D.changed

18.A.taught B.blamed C.dressed D.treated

19.A.enjoying B.creating C.adding D.handling

20.A.necessary B.quick C.impossible D.difficult



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