满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What are the speaker...


1.What are the speakers doing at the beginning?

A.Queuing up.

B.Ordering food.

C.Having some drinks.

2.What does the man like best?

A.Beef. B.Fish. C.Chicken.

3.What does the woman think of the fish?

A.A little sour. B.Very sweet. C.Too salty.


1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】 【原文】 M: All the food smells tasty today and makes my mouth water. W: Let’s line up here. This line seems a little shorter. M: What’s on the menu today? W: Fish, beef, pork, chicken and vegetables. We also have rice, bread and noodles. M: Oh, we’re really lucky today, aren’t we? W: I’ll take the cabbage with beef. M: I think I’ll take the fried fish, because fish is one of my favorites. W: That’s good. We can share what we have. Here we are. You go ahead. M: Here is a free table. Let’s sit down. Help yourself to some fish please. Isn’t it delicious? W: I’m sorry. I don’t like it. It’s a little too salty. M: I see you Southerners prefer sweet, don’t you? W: Yes, I like the fish cooked in sweet and sour sauce best. Try some beef, please. M: Thank you. I want to get some more bread as well. W: Your appetite sure is good.


1.Why is the man nervous?

A.He doesn’t like job interviews.

B.He doesn’t want to lose his job.

C.He doesn’t have many employment options.

2.How long was the woman out of work?

A.Three months. B.Six months. C.Two years.

3.How did the man live without work and pay?

A.With money from his brother.

B.With money from his parents.

C.With money from his savings.




1.What are the speakers arguing about?

A.A bird. B.Some money. C.A game.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.On a lake. B.On a farm. C.At a park.



What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The man’s job.

B.The man’s marriage.

C.The man’s relationship with his assistant.



What will the speakers probably do next?

A.Use a flashlight.

B.Light a candle.

C.Buy a book.



What did the notice say about Tom?

A.He has finished his research.

B.He has been promoted to manager.

C.He is going to work in the research center.



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