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At Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast, the summer i...

    At Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast, the summer is endless and so is the fun. Wet ‘n’ Wild offers various fun.

Wet ‘n’ Wild Junior

Experience Wet ‘n’ Wild Junior, a huge new place just for little adventures. Wet ‘n’ Wild Junior has kid-friendly water slides (水滑道), which are designed especially for kids.

Whirlpool Springs

For the first time ever, you can be Cool ‘n’ Calm in the new Whirlpool Springs at Wet ‘n’ Wild Water World. These excellent cold spas will help you cool off. Whirlpool Springs is a seasonal attraction.


Your heart will race as you speed across 200 metres of extreme Zipline from the top of Whitewater Mountain to the Wave Pool. Bookings can be made at the Wet ‘n’ Wild Surf Shop.

River Rapids

Move your way down Whitewater Mountain on Wet ‘n’ Wild’s all new River Rapids! With a Rocky Mountain theme, River Rapids have four new body slides with something to please everyone. Speed lovers will love the two new slides while the open air flumes (引水槽) are perfect for the kids.


Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast One Day Admission Adult: $64.00

Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast One Day Admission Child (3-13 yrs incl.): $49.00

Operating Hours: from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursday 16th July—Monday 31st August 2020

Trading Hours: Monday—Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Trading Hours: Saturday—Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

from Tuesday 1st September

Trading Hours: Monday—Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Place: Entertainment Rd, Oxenford QLD 4210, Australia

1.Where will you go if you want to experience the cool feeling?

A.Wet ‘n’ Wild Junior. B.Whirlpool Springs.

C.Zipline. D.River Rapids.

2.How much should a couple with a ten-year-old son pay at Wet ‘n’ Wild a day?

A.$113. B.$128.

C.$162. D.$177.

3.When can people stay longer at Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast?

A.Thursday 16th July, 2020. B.Friday 14th August, 2020.

C.Sunday 30th August, 2020. D.Wednesday 2nd September, 2020.


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章中介绍了夏天娱乐放松的四个去处以及它们各自的特色。 1. 细节理解题。根据Whirlpool Springs部分中These excellent cold spas will help you cool off.可知,这些很棒的冷水浴会帮你降温。由此可知,如果你想体验凉爽的感觉,你可以去Whirlpool Springs。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据 Price部分中Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast One Day Admission Adult: $64.00; Wet ‘n’ Wild Gold Coast One Day Admission Child (3-13 yrs incl.): $49.00提到,成年人每个人的票价是64美元,3到13岁的小孩每个人的票价是49美元。由此可知,一对夫妻和一个十岁的孩子的费用是64×2+49=177,共需花费177美元。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据Operating Hours部分中from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 16th July—Monday 31st August 2020;Trading Hours: Monday—Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p. m; Trading Hours: Saturday—Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p. m;from Tuesday 1st September;Trading Hours: Monday—Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p. m可知,A选项7月16日星期四可以玩五个半小时,B选项8月14日星期五可以玩五个半小时,C选项8月30日星期日可以玩六个小时,D选项9月2日星期三可以玩五个小时。由此可知,人们能在2020年8月30日星期日在潮湿的黄金海岸逗留更长时间。故选C。

    Working women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce, and 51 percent of professional workers, like doctors, lawyers, nurses and accountants, are female. While climbing the career ladder can be rewarding, it often comes with one big downside: weight gain!

New research published this week in the International Journal of Obesity shows that working women are more likely to be overweight, and the more you work, the more pounds you're likely to pile on. Like many women, I work..., a lot! As a self­employed nutrition communications specialist, I sit at my desk, in front of a computer, for hours on end. Sitting alone is one of the worst things you can do for your health, and it's directly linked to being overweight and increased fatness, so the fact that women in the workforce gain weight isn't that surprising. If you work, you have less time to move around. Obesity researchers are revealing many other ways that employment is harmful to your diet and waistline.

In the International Journal of Obesity study, some 9, 276 Australian women aged 4550 had their body weight and employment status monitored for two years. Results? Those who worked more than 35 hours were likely to gain weight compared to those who worked fewer hours or were out of the workforce. What' s more, the more hours a woman worked in a week, the more weight she gained.

The authors of the Australian study attribute weight gain among working women to inactivity, lack of time for food preparation, more use of prepared foods, high levels of stress, lack of sleep and consuming more alcohol. I'll also add in travelmeals eaten out and working at night as other factors that I can find to make balancing work with a healthy diet a challenge.

1.The text above is probably taken from__________.

A.a sports report B.a fashion journal

C.a health and fitness magazine D.an advertisement post

2.A woman who works as an accountant is more likely to__________.

A.gain more weight B.have more time to move around

C.work a full time job D.keep a balanced diet

3.Which is NOT the cause of working women weight gaining according to the passage?

A.Lacking time for food preparation. B.Using more prepared food.

C.Consuming too much alcohol. D.Taking part in more activities.

4.What can be a suitable title for the test?

A.Less activity leads to fat. B.Ways of gaining weight.

C.Effects of weight gaining. D.Working women more likely pile on pounds.




International Museum Day falls on May 18. The debate over whether museums should be free is a big one right now. Some people share their opinions.

Li Jiang

I think art exhibits should be free to the public. I do, however, think twice a year the museums should host a fund-raising event to help pay for the cost of upkeep.

They do it all the time. Wealthy buyers pay $100 for a plate and the proceeds are given to the museum. If you decide you want to buy the art, the proceeds should go to the artist, with a fee going to the museum.

Su Hua

Free entrance does not attract people, nor does it encourage them to appreciate it.

Sure, there are exceptions to this, but by and large human beings tend to look up to things that are difficult or costly to access.

A better option is to charge fees for regular visitors but provide free tickets as prizes for high-achieving students and others who are likely to appreciate the reward.




1. 用约30个词概括上述信息的主要内容;

2. 你认为博物馆应该免费吗?请说明理由 (不少于两点)


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。








Why Do Smart People Do Foolish Things?

We all probably know someone who is intelligent but does surprisingly stupid things. What does it mean to be smart or intelligent? Our everyday use of the term is meant to describe someone who is knowledgeable and makes wise decisions, but this definition is at odds with how intelligence is traditionally measured. The most widely known measure of intelligence is the intelligence quotient, more commonly known as the IQ test, which includes visuospatial puzzles, math problems, pattern recognition, vocabulary questions and visual searches.

The advantages of being intelligent are undeniable. Intelligent people are more likely to get better grades and go farther in school. They are more likely to be successful at work. And they are less likely to get into trouble (for example, commit crimes) as adolescents.

Given all the advantages of intelligence, though, you may be surprised to learn that it does not predict other life outcomes, such as well-being. You might imagine that doing well in school or at work might lead to greater life satisfaction, but several large-scale studies have failed to find evidence that IQ impacts life satisfaction or longevity (长寿). Most intelligence tests fail to assess the extent of rational thinking, such as real-world decision-making and our ability to interact well with others. This is, in other words, perhaps why “smart” people do “dumb” things.

The ability to think critically, on the other hand, has been associated with wellness and longevity. Though often confused with intelligence, critical thinking is not intelligence. Critical thinking is a collection of cognitive (认知的) skills that allow us to think rationally (理性地) in a goal-orientated fashion and a disposition to use those skills when appropriate. Critical thinkers have self-confidence in their own abilities to reason. They possess great flexibility in requiring evidence to support their beliefs. Critical thinking means overcoming all kinds of cognitive biases (偏见).

Critical thinking predicts a wide range of life events. Researchers have found that critical thinkers experience fewer negative life events such as academic (“I forgot about an exam”), health (“I received HIV through unprotected sex”), legal (“I was arrested for driving under the influence”), interpersonal (“I cheated on my partner for more than a year”), financial (“I have over $5,000 of credit-card debt”), and so on.

Intelligence and improving intelligence are hot topics that receive a lot of attention. It is time for critical thinking to receive a little more of that attention. Reasoning and rationality more closely resemble what we mean when we say a person is smart rather than spatial skills and math ability. Furthermore, improving intelligence is difficult. Intelligence is largely determined by genetics. Critical thinking, though, can improve with training, and the benefits have been shown to continue over time. Anyone can improve their critical thinking skills. Doing so, we can say with certainty, is a smart thing to do.

Why Do Smart People Do Foolish Things?


The defining term of intelligence in daily life 1.largely from how it is traditionally measured.

The advantages of intelligence

●Intelligent people may have better academic and job 2..

●Intelligence may predict less trouble during adolescence.

3. for smart people doing foolish things

●Intelligent people don’t 4. enjoy greater life satisfaction or longevity.

●What most intelligence tests 5. are rational thinking skills like decision-making.

The importance of critical thinking

●Critical thinkers are more likely to be  6. in life and live longer.

●Critical thinkers are rational, self-confident, 7. and open-minded.

●Critical thinking is believed to be 8. with fewer negative life events.


We should 9. more on critical thinking than on intelligence, as intelligence is something, to a large extent, that one is 10. with while critical thinking can be trained and improved.






    As John George remembers it, the Detroit neighborhood he grew up in was straight out of Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life. ''We knew all our neighbors,'' George, 60, told Detroit's Metro Times. ''On Christmas Eve, we'd all go to midnight Mass, and there would be 300 people in our house at one o'clock to about five in the morning. The folks were just really good, hardworking people. ''

By the 80s, however, the old neighborhood was more Pottersville than Bedford Falls. Due in part to economic downturns and a nationwide drug epidemic (泛滥), well-kept homes had been abandoned and kindly neighbors had fled to the suburbs. But not George. ''Living in any city, it's like being in a relationship,'' he told Reader's Digest. ''Some days are better than others. But it was my home. And when I saw it deteriorating, I had two choices: I could leave, or I could stay and fight. I decided to stay and fight. ''

When the abandoned home behind his turned into a crack den, the father of two grabbed some plywood and nails and began boarding up the house. After two neighbors stopped to ask what he was doing, they decided to help, with great results. ''When the drug dealers came back, they turned around and went home,'' says George. ''That's how it all got started. ''

''It'' is Detroit Blight Busters, or DBB, an organization of civic-minded volunteers devoted to reviving the city they love, one abandoned house, one vacant lot, and one garbage-strewn park at a time.

In the 30 years since that first home rescue, an army of approximately 182,000 volunteers, along with corporate and private donors, has helped George destroy around 300 abandoned homes, mostly in the poorer Northwest area of Detroit. They've also secured 400-some homes by boarding them up, thus keeping bad actors out. They've painted and renovated nearly 900 homes and built over 100 from scratch. According to Forbes, more than 1,000 Detroiters have been housed as a result of DBB's work.

''I'm half Lebanese, half Italian, and 100 percent Detroit stubborn, '' George told nationswell.com. ''Once we get something in our heart and in our head, it's almost autopilot. ''

But that was only the beginning. In 2003, George also breathed life into a dilapidated (破旧的) square mile of Detroit by turning it into Artist Village, an area now filled with galleries, a performance space, community gardens, a coffee shop, and outdoor courtyards. Because this region of North Detroit was a food desert, George also persuaded a supermarket chain to move into the neighborhood.

''Blight is like a cancer: If you don't set upon it, it will spread,'' George told thehubdetroit.com. And then there's Halloween. In Detroit, October 30 was ruefully known as Devil's Night, a period when all hell would break loose in the form of crime and vandalism. In response, George created a citizens' patrol (巡逻队) that would take to the streets, keeping an eye on suspicious behavior. He called it Angels’ Night. What began with 12 neighbors on patrol in 1990 has grown to more than 60,000 citywide.

George's inspired ideas have not gone unnoticed by the city he loves.''John wants to show that there is still something to Detroit. That it's still worth it,'' says real estate agent Robert LaBute. And others are buying into it.''We're seeing the trend of younger homeowners coming in.''

Is George proud of having boosted his once-ailing hometown? You'd better believe he is. As he puts it: ''We are on the front porch of the greatest urban comeback story in this nation’s history. ''

1.Why was John George reluctant to leave Detroit?

A.He wanted to save his city.

B.He enjoyed a wonderful life.

C.He stayed to fight against drugs.

D.He got along with his neighbors.

2.What was the result of the first home rescue?

A.An official organization was founded.

B.A voluntary movement began with it.

C.A better neighbor relationship was formed.

D.The drug dealers mended their ways at last.

3.The data provided in Paragraph 5 suggest that ______.

A.many people have been lifted out of poverty

B.many abandoned homes have been destroyed

C.DBB has done a lot to bring the city back to life

D.the number of the volunteers has been increasing

4.What did John George do to revive the city of Detroit ?

A.He transformed the city into an industrial area.

B.He created a citizen's patrol to prevent crimes.

C.He expanded investment in real estate business.

D.He built a supermarket chain in the neighborhood.

5.According to the passage, John George can be described as ______.

A.cautious and creative

B.stubborn and ambitious

C.proud and self-centered

D.strong-willed and inspiring

6.What's the best title for the passage?

A.The Life of a Hero

B.Detroit's Proud Tiger

C.The Power of Devotion

D.The Blooming of Detroit



    For many, scientific innovations tend to be welcome advancements that improve our lives. For some, however, new technologies bring risk of uselessness, in turn leading to great resistance.

With the climate crisis unfolding before our eyes, the race is on to find alternatives that will help humanity leave a smaller footprint on our planet. Because of animal agriculture's leading role as a greenhouse gas emitter, the search for more sustainable protein sources could be one such alternative.

As food tech companies use science to unlock the potential of plant proteins, they're producing increasingly better plant-based meats and milks that look and taste like the real thing, but with a much lower carbon footprint. Some in the meat industry are supporting the new and investing in these alt-protein companies.

For some lawmakers, however, these innovative products don't deserve support; they deserve restriction. Missouri State, for example, recently passed a bill making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for companies to call their products ''meat'' if they don’t come from an animal.

So why the mania (狂热) over meat and milk all of a sudden? Was there a consumer who brought home some pies labeled ''plant-based meat'' only to realize he was tricked? Did confused milk-drinkers file complaints with the Department of Agriculture when they found out their soymilk didn't contain actual milk?

There really are some consumers who are truly confused. Surveys show, however, that number is remarkably small. If anything, consumers are choosing these plant-based products specifically because they think they're better for them than the original products. And they have good reason to believe that plant-based milks and meats  usually have less fat and more fiber than comparable animal-based foods.

So, consumers aren't confusing ''veggie bacon'' for real bacon; and if they don't think chicken nuggets have the same nutritional value as ''chicken-free nuggets'', then why do some meat and milk groups want a monopoly (垄断) over the M-words? Could it have to do with the fact that the increasing popularity of these foods, which are more sustainable and better for you, is threatening the profits of their constituents?

And with the future of our civilization hanging in the balance as climate change becomes more severe, it's time for policy makers to stop trying to prevent innovation, and instead to celebrate all the ways science can save us, including with sustainable proteins that can and do produce new kinds of meat.

1.What can be learned about the M-word applied to plant-based substitutes?

A.They are environmentally friendly.

B.They are innovative and widely accepted.

C.They have been restricted across America.

D.They have been produced in large quantities.

2.From the passage we can learn that consumers ______.

A.have sufficient faith in new science and technology

B.prefer the original products to the plant-based products

C.buy the plant-based products for their great benefit to health

D.often get confused by the composition of the new kind of meat

3.According to the author, some people resist the new kind of food probably because _____.

A.it contains no real meat

B.it brings risks to society

C.it plays a trick on customers

D.it poses a threat to their profits

4.What's the author's attitude towards the plant-based products?

A.Supportive. B.Cautious.

C.Ambiguous. D.Disapproving



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