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阅读下面课文原文,在空白处填入课文原文内容。 Festivals and cel...


Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since 1. times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and 2.in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would 3. if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many 4., some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events.

The most 5. and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 6.the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and 7.celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, 8.take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might 9. parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colorful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important 10. and social festival for Christians around the world.


1.ancient 2.harvest 3.starve 4.origins 5.energetic 6.At 7.families 8.which 9.include 10.religious 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了世界各地是如何庆祝节日的,以及各种节日的意义和起源。 1. 考查形容词。句意:各种节日和庆祝活动自古以来就在各地举行。根据常识可知,节日和庆祝活动是自古以来就举行的。修饰名词times用形容词,此处since ancient times意为自古以来。故填ancient。 2. 考查名词。句意:大多数古老的节日都是庆祝寒冷天气的结束,春天播种,秋天收获。要填的内容与“the end of cold weather”,“planting in spring”并列,作“celebrate”的宾语,故填名词。根据常识可知,在春天播种,所以在秋天播种。故填harvest。 3. 考查谓语动词。句意:在那个时候,如果食物很难找到,人们就会挨饿,尤其是在寒冷的冬天。根据常识可以推断,食物很难找到时,食物会不充足,人们会挨饿。故填starve。 4. 考查名词。句意:今天的节日有很多起源,一些是宗教的,一些是季节性的,还有一些是为了特殊的人或事件。宗教的,季节性的,为了特殊的人或事件都是节日的起源,“festivals”是复数形式,所以应填“origin”的复数形式。故填origins。 5. 考查形容词。句意:最有活力和最重要的节日是那些期待冬天结束和春天到来的节日。根据后文可知,春节和嘉年华是有活力和重要的节日,此处,and表示并列,空格内容和“important”都是“festivals”的修饰词。故填energetic。 6. 考查介词。句意:在中国的春节,人们吃饺子、鱼和肉,还可能给孩子们包在红纸里的压岁钱。at the Spring Festival意为在春节。故填At。 7. 考查名词。句意:春节有舞龙和嘉年华,和家人一起庆祝。family指家庭时是一个整体概念,是单数。而当family指家人时是复数,因为它指家庭成员。此处,农历新年要和家人一起庆祝。故填families。 8. 考查非限定性定语从句。句意:一些西方国家有非常刺激的嘉年华,通常在二月复活节前四十天举行。由句意并分析句子结构可知,引导词指代前面的整个句子,在从句中做主语,用引导词which。故填which。 9. 考查动词。句意:狂欢节可能包括游行、昼夜在街上跳舞、大声的音乐和各种色彩鲜艳的衣服。根据常识,游行、跳舞、音乐和衣服是狂欢节包含的特色。可以推断,此空应该填include,might是情态动词,后面要用动词原形。故填include。 10. 考查形容词。句意:对全世界的基督徒来说,复活节是一个重要的宗教和社会节日。此处,and表示并列,空格内容和“social”都是“festival”的修饰词。复活节对基督徒来说是一个宗教的节日。故填religious。

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式

Scientists have found a reliable way to lengthen life in lab animals:Reduce the amount of calories(卡路里)they eat.

This method,1.(know)as caloric restriction, has been shown to lengthen life of organisms ( 机体 )and reduce some age-related2.(disease).Whether it can do the same in people has been an open question. 3.  ,a new study suggests that in adults, long-term restriction of calorie intake can have an effect on their health.

The researchers looked at a group of 143 healthy adults who ranged in age4.21 to 50. They were instructed5.(practice)caloric restriction for two years.They could eat the foods they wanted so long as they cut back on the foods they ate,with the aim of6.(cut)the calories they consumed by 25 percent.

Many did not achieve that goal.On average,the dieters managed to cut down about 12 percent of their total calories, or7.(rough)300 calories a day. But the group saw many of their health markers improve. They8.(lose)body fat, their blood pressure fell slightly, and they had better blood sugar control. Meanwhile, another 75 healthy adults 9.  did not practice caloric restriction saw no 10.  (improve)in these markers.



    If you look Chinese and speak Mandarin, you can call for a ride in Vancouver via WeChat, a Chinese app. The drivers normally call back to________the order, says Daniel Merkin, who lives in the Canadian city. “Sometimes they’ll ________ on me when they realize I don’t speak Mandarin,” he says. But he keeps ________, because popular ride-hailing (网约车) services, like Uber(优步) , are not available. The Chinese service is not legal, but it is ________. Mr. Merkin hopes that his ________ will soon expand.

In July the province of British Columbia, which licenses drivers, said it would allow the big ride-hailing services ________. But British Columbia has made their entry ________ by requiring drivers to hold commercial licenses. The government has reason to be ________. In many cities where ride-hailing has __________, traffic jam has worsened and use of public transport has ________.

However, Andrew Curran, head of policy at TransLink, the city’s public-transport system, believes ride-hailing could ________ use of public transport by ferrying people from their houses to a bus or train stop. It could also improve transport for people with ________. Currently, Trans-Link hires taxis to give door-to-door rides to some disabled people. He says the commercial-license rule will  slow down the services’ growth and ________ taxi-drivers, ride-hailing’s fiercest ________.

But the commercial-license requirement could have the ________ effect. Analysts think it will ________ most drivers and reduce the number of drivers ________ to pick up passengers in distant suburbs. ________, they will gather in the center. Some of Uber’s future competitors say they are not ________. A driver, who offers rides in his Mercedes SUV to people who hire him via Wechat, thinks his customers will stay ________. He predicts ride-hailing will just slow their journeys down.

1.A.cancel B.confirm C.place D.accept

2.A.put in B.turn up C.hang up D.pick out

3.A.trying B.shouting C.complaining D.driving

4.A.forbidden B.tolerated C.advocated D.recommended

5.A.wishes B.ideas C.suggestions D.options

6.A.out B.away C.up D.in

7.A.unusual B.difficult C.easy D.particular

8.A.eager B.anxious C.cautious D.negative

9.A.taken off B.put up C.broken down D.laid off

10.A.risen B.doubled C.dropped D.stopped

11.A.lessen B.increase C.lower D.decrease

12.A.disabilities B.luggage C.children D.friends

13.A.protect B.ignore C.investigate D.inquire

14.A.coworkers B.partners C.competitors D.supporters

15.A.similar B.opposite C.positive D.different

16.A.discourage B.encourage C.benefit D.comfort

17.A.acceptable B.accessible C.affordable D.available

18.A.Furthermore B.Instead C.Though D.Otherwise

19.A.excited B.jealous C.amazed D.worried

20.A.reliable B.responsible C.loyal D.delightful



Say Goodbye to Post-holiday Syndrome

You’ve spent countless days waking up late, enjoying watching your favorite TV shows and lying on the couch.1. It’s time to go back to work. Here are some tips to make the shift from vacation to work of smoother.

Tidy up your work- space first.

Chances are you’ll be greeted by piles of unopened mail, files, and other office items sitting on your desk.2.The longer you wait, the more likely these items will be sitting around your desk later in the week.


You may feel the urge to work on three different things at the same time in order to catch up on work. However, this is not the most efficient approach. Instead, you should make a point to focus your mind and to only work on one item or task at a time.

Remove unnecessary distractions.(注意力分散)

It’s incredibly important to get serious about cutting out obvious distractions. This way, you can catch up on things efficiently without being bothered every five minutes.4.

Make plans to enjoy yourself the first week back.

5.Scheduling a lunch date or two with friends can make the week back seem a bit less painful. Treat yourself to your favorite drink at the local cafe during your coffee break. It may take several days for you to finally get readjusted and that’s perfectly fine. Stay calm, focused and relaxed. You’ll be back to your old routine at work before you know it.

A.Do one thing at a time.

B.Make a list of tasks based on their importance.

C.Then you suddenly come to an uncomfortable realization.

D.So it’s a good idea to deal with these items as soon as you can.

E.You’re back at work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself.

F.Rather than ignoring these items, take a few minutes to process them.

G.Switch off your cell phone, and close out of any social media accounts.



    Rosie Dutton, a teacher from Relax Kids in Tamworth, UK, used two apples to show her students the often unseen but harmful effects of school bullying (欺凌).

She posted the lesson on Facebook, where it's been shared more than 160,000 times. Rosie Dutton explained that during one of her classes she presented the children with two red apples. What the kids didn't know was that before the lesson, she had repeatedly dropped one of the apples on the floor. And yet, on the outside at least, both apples looked perfect.

“I picked up the apple I'd dropped on the floor and started to tell the children how I disliked this apple, “ Dutton wrote. “I told them that because I didn't like it, I didn't want them to like it either, so they should call it names too. “ Some of the children looked at her as if she were “crazy” , but the students passed the apple around the circle, calling it names.

Continuing the exercise, the teacher then passed the second apple around the circle. This apple, however, was showered with words like “Your skin is beautiful” and “What a beautiful colour you have” .

Dutton then showed the students both apples once again, stressing that “there was no change, and both apples still looked the same. “

Finally, Dutton cut both apples open. The apple that the class treated kindly looked fresh inside. But the other apple-the one they'd treated poorly-was bruised(碰伤的)beneath its skin.

“I think there was a light bulb moment for the children immediately, “ Dutton said. “When people are bullied, especially children, they feel horrible inside and sometimes don't show or tell others how they are feeling. If we hadn't cut that apple open, we would never have known how much pain we had caused it. “

Dutton explained how important it is to teach children to stand up for one another, and to stop any form of bullying.

“Let's create a generation of kind caring children, “ the teacher wrote. “The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words. “

1.What had the teacher done to the first apple before the lesson?

A.She had introduced it to the kids. B.She had coloured it bright.

C.She had made it look perfect. D.She had damaged it purposely.

2.What does the underlined part “call it names” (Para. 3) mean?

A.Shout at it. B.Make fun of it. C.Cheer for it. D.Say rude things.

3.What did the teacher tell the kids to do with the second apple?

A.Drop it. B.Praise it. C.Ignore it. D.Respect it.

4.What's the purpose of the teacher's using two apples in class?

A.To draw the kids’ attention.

B.To explain her personal preferences.

C.To help the kids understand the results of bullying.

D.To make a comparison between them.



    Shane Gero, a scientist at Aarhus University in Denmark, spent 6 years studying sperm whales (抹香鲸), which communicate through very loud clicks. He found that sperm whales in the Caribbean Sea had different clicks from those in the Pacific Ocean. He even “translated” the clicks from a group of Caribbean sperm whales, believing them to say, “I’m from the Caribbean, are you?”, reported National Geographic. As well as being used for communication, the clicks also allow whales to develop a relationship with one another, according to Gero.

Apart from sperm whales, other animals like wolves and apes also have different regional accents. Researchers analyzed the howls of different species of wolves. They found that red wolves, Arctic wolves and other wolves have howls that vary in pitch (音调). In other words, they have their own dialects.

According to Darcy Kelley from Columbia University, most animals learn their accents naturally. For example, macaques (猕猴) start speaking their dialect as soon as they are born. Scientists placed some macaques in a new environment where their playmates all spoke a different dialect. But the macaques still spoke their own dialect. Their environment had no influence on their communication, according to the Washington Post.

“In most species, communication appears to have a genetic basis,” Kelley explained in the Washington Post. “However, among a small number of species, animals can learn from others and develop their own accents.”

Fruit flies are a good example. According to Science Daily, they send messages through their wing movements. Scientists found that fruit flies can only communicate efficiently with others of the same species. However, they can learn new dialects by spending time around other species.

“A proper accent is vital to mating and warning the coming of enemies, which is the basis of protecting themselves,” Kelley told the Washington Post. A species can’t risk changing their own dialect and learning a new one.

1.What does the author want to show by talking about the sperm whales at the beginning?

A.Animals have different dialects.

B.Sperm whales live in different oceans.

C.Animals can speak different local languages.

D.Whales communicate through clicking noises.

2.Why do researchers believe that wolves have their own dialects?

A.Wolves are wild animals using language.

B.Wolves live in different areas of the world.

C.There are different kinds of wolves in the world.

D.Wolves of different kinds howl at different pitches.

3.According to Kelley, what can dialects help animals to do?

A.Have a better chance of survival.

B.Fight with other species for food.

C.Communicate with other species better.

D.Pass on information to the next generation.



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