满分5 > 高中英语试题 >










Dear Jack,



Li Hua


Dear Jack, Delighted that you are interested in the pictures concerning Chinese students doing housework, I’m writing to share with you my present life. Personally, apart from online learning during the epidemic days, I take an active part in fulfilling my duty of doing housework, such as making beds, sweeping the floor and watering flowers. I have not only gained some labour skills, but also felt a strong sense of achievement and self-satisfaction. I even have found myself talented in being a chef, which greatly pleases my parents. They have praised me, saying that they have never been so relaxed. Actually, doing housework helps me realize how much my parents have been devoted to my comfortable life. Therefore , I have made up my mind to keep my family role and shoulder the burden of family with my parents. Best wishes! Yours, Lihua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封邮件。 第一步: 审题:邮件 告知Jack你在疫情期间在家做家务情况 人称:第一人称 时态:一般现在时、现在完成时 结构:总分法,分三部分,第一部分说明很高兴分享你现在的生活情况,第二部分说明你疫情期间在家做家务的情况, 第三部分你的感受。 要点: 1. 说明很高兴分享你现在的生活情况 2.说明你疫情期间在家做家务的情况 ①你做的家务:整理床铺、扫地、浇花、做饭 ②家人的态度:父母很高兴,表扬我 3.你的感受:做家务让我懂得了父母的付出,决定和父母一起承担起家庭重担 第二步:列提纲(重点词汇、短语) be interested in;do housework;share sth. with sb.;online learning;take an active part in;fulfill the duty;gain labour skills;a sense of achievement;be talented in;praise;be devoted to;make up one’s mind;shoulder the burden of 第三步:连词成句 (1) You are interested in the pictures concerning Chinese students doing housework. (2) I’m writing to share with you my present life. (3) I take an active part in fulfilling my duty of doing housework. (4) I have gained some labour skills. (5) I have felt a strong sense of achievement and self-satisfaction. (6) I have found myself talented in being a chef. (7) This greatly pleases my parents. (8) They have praised me. (9) They said that they have never been so relaxed. (10) Doing housework helps me realize how much our parents have been devoted to our comfortable life. . (11) I have made up my mind to keep my family role and shoulder the burden of family with my parents. 根据提示和关键词进行遣词造句,适当地运用句型,注意时态和主谓一致问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词、亮点词汇) 用not only… but also 连接下面两个句子 (4) I have gained some labour skills. (5) I have felt a strong sense of achievement and self-satisfaction. →I have not only gained some labour skills, but also felt a strong sense of achievement and self-satisfaction. →Not only have I gained some labour skills, but also felt a strong sense of achievement and self-satisfaction. 用定语从句连接下面两个句子 (6) I have found myself talented in being a chef. (7) This greatly pleases my parents. →I have found myself talented in being a chef, which greatly pleases my parents. 将第二个句子用分词作状语,连接下面两个句子 (8) They have praised me. (9) They said that they have never been so relaxed. →They have praised me, saying that they have never been so relaxed. 适当地运用高级词汇、复杂句式提升文章的档次,增加文章的可读性。


Did you grow up in one culture, your parents came from another, and you are now living in a 1. (total) different country? If so, then you are a third-culture kid.

The term ''third-culture kid'' 2. (use) in the 1960s for the first time by Dr. Ruth. She first came across this phenomenon while 3. (research) North American children living in India. In general, third-culture kids benefit from 4. (they) intercultural experience and they often reach excellent academic results.

Yet many 5. (difficulty) may arise from this phenomenon. Third-culture kids may not be able to adapt themselves completely 6. their new surroundings. Also, they often find it hard 7. (develop) new friendships. Additionally, for third-culture kids, it is often 8. (easy) to move to a new country than to return to their homeland. For example, after living in Australia for many years, Louis finally returned to Turkey as a teenager. But she felt out of place when she returned to the country 9. she was born. She didn't know anything about current TV shows 10. fashion trends. And she didn’t share the same values as other teens of her age.



    Inspiration can be a strange thing. You never know when it might hit. And sometimes, it can come from the most _______places.

I recently read about an author named Nnedi Okorafor. When she was in college, she had a serious spine disorder(脊椎病). Okorafor was told that a simple operation could_________it. But when she woke up from her_________, she found that she couldn’t move her legs and was in great pain.

Okorafor got well later. But before she did, she saw strange things in her hospital room. She imagined her_________as a beast that hunted her from the shadows. But she also_________a woman-a woman who could fly. In fact, this   _______woman inspired her and helped her forget her pain. “I felt myself become_________.” she wrote in her book Broken Places & Outer Spaces: Finding Creativity in the Unexpected.

We never know where we might find the inspiration to create. As a_________, most of my inspiration comes from other people’s music. But I also find_________in other places. Books, movies and__________just moments in everyday life can lead to new creations.

__________, I recently rewatched the film Blade Runner. I’ve seen it plenty times before; it’s one of my favorite movies. But this time, for some reason, I saw it__________. I decided to make that could create the same feeling as the ________. It’s not done yet, but the music I’m working on now is heavily influenced by the movie’s setting and characters.

Anything can  __________us. You just have to be__________to catch inspiration when it hits.

1.A.interesting B.ordinary C.unexpected D.dangerous

2.A.fix B.make C.remove D.control

3.A.dream B.shock C.recovery D.operation

4.A.curiosity B.pain C.anger D.fear

5.A.asked B.met C.imagined D.visited

6.A.confident B.smart C.honest D.magical

7.A.richer B.greater C.busier D.quieter

8.A.director B.dancer C.musician D.writer

9.A.tips B.messages C.examples D.ideas

10.A.even B.again C.not D.only

11.A.In short B.In addition C.For example D.After all

12.A.differently B.perfectly C.vividly D.smoothly

13.A.story B.song C.play D.film

14.A.impress B.inspire C.amuse D.challenge

15.A.free B.thankful C.ready D.careful



    You know that eating healthy, staying active, and solving a few brain games can help keep your memory. But the following lesser-known habits work wonders too.

1. 1.

When we sit with our shoulders bent forward, this defeated position actually causes us to feel anxious or depressed — which makes it harder to think clearly and remember things. Conversely (反过来), straight upright posture apparently improves memory because it boosts blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

2. Exercise — Once

Having trouble remembering faces? 2. In a study, pictures of faces were shown to

older folks after they pedal a stationary (静止的) bike at an intense pace or simply sit on a self-pedaling bike. On average, people remembered the faces better after the intense exercise. What’s more, the memory gains after a single workout were similar to the gains after 3 months of regular exercise.

3. Limit TV

Every parent and grandparent has heard that too much screen time can hurt a child’s

cognitive development. 3. According to a study, people (aged 50 or older) who watched

more than 3.5 hours of TV a day for 6 years experienced a greater drop in verbal memory test scores than those who watched less.

4. Draw aimlessly

A research shows those who drew the words remembered the most when recalling words. That’s because while some parts of the brain about getting memory back become worse as people

grow older, the picture processing regions usually don’t. 4.

5. Walk Backward

5. Walk back! Backward motion — whether real, imagined, or watched — helps people remember the information better than sitting still and, in most cases, better than forward motion. It may be that moving backward in space mentally helps us move back in time to the moment we learned something.

A.Sit Tall.

B.Stand Straight.

C.Start more workouts.

D.Sweat for physical training.

E.Thus sketching can help adults keep their memory sharp.

F.But what about those at the other end of their life span?

G.Next time you’re trying to recall something, don’t just think back.



What Is Social Media?

Not many people ask the question “what is social media?” anymore. Social media has been around for years now, and most of us would probably describe it as any Internet medium that can be used to share information with others, including blogs, forums, applications, games, websites and other stuff.

But let me ask you this: what exactly is so “social” about sitting before a computer setting up a blog and blogging for days without anybody reading it, or scrolling through your Facebook feed of information from 500 friends you barely know? If you ask me, it can be way more anti-social than anything.

Social media is not a “thing”. It’s not just Facebook, WeChat and Weibo It’s more of a frame of mind and a state of being. It’s about how you use it to improve your relationships with other people in real life. However, we tend to rely on technology and social media so much that it can actually tear apart those relationships.

Social media isn’t about numbers. When someone says “social media,” web giants like Facebook, Twitter, WeChat and Weibo instantly pop into our minds, often because they have more updates, more friends, more followers, more links, more photos, more everything. We tend to get distracted by the number game, thinking “volume, volume, volume”. It’s led to a lot of meaningless noise and information overload. As the old saying goes, quality over quantity is usually the way to go. So, social media is not just about lots of people aimlessly pushing around lots of information.

Social media needs to have an “IRL” factor-an Internet slang standing for “In Real Life”. It should affect how a person thinks or acts offline. After all, social media shouldn’t be an end in itself. It was built to enhance your actual social life, in real life. Take for example an event that a person attends because they are invited by the host on Facebook through a Facebook event page. Something like that definitely has the IRL factor. Likewise, a WeChat photo that touches someone so much that they feel the need to bring it up and describe it to someone else during a dinner date also has the IRL factor.

So, is it really considered to be social to spend an hour scrolling through photos on Weibo, with no thoughtful or emotional effect and no interaction with others? In fact, there is no wall between real life and Internet life where true social media exists. Social media is not a specific place on the Internet or just a thing you use to see what other people are doing. It’s all about creating meaningful experiences and relationships wherever you may be.

1.What does the underlined phrase “tear apart” in Paragraph 3 mean in the text?

A.Destroy. B.Change.

C.Continue. D.Strengthen.

2.The writer thinks that social media should be ________.

A.a number of websites where people communicate

B.a set of social tools like Facebook. WeChat and Weibo

C.a collection of online applications where ideas are exchanged

D.a group name for online platforms used to strengthen meaningful relationships

3.According to the author, which of the following cases has an IRL factor?

A.Updating Facebook on a regular basis.

B.Following new friends in real life on Facebook.

C.Visiting a museum with friends after reading a story on Weibo.

D.Reading Twitter to see what other people are doing and thinking about.

4.What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?

A.To explain the importance of social media.

B.To inform the negative effects of social media.

C.To call on readers to use social media to promote real social life.

D.To encourage readers to interact with others in real life more often.



Health advice on hand sanitizers

Antibacterial hand sanitizers(免洗洗手液)are marketed as a good alternative(替代品)when soap and water are not available. Manufacturers say that their sanitizers kill 99.9 percent of germs(细菌), but research suggests that this not the case.

How do hand sanitizers work?

Most sanitizers are alcohol-based; they work by removing the outer layer of oil on our skin, then the alcohol kills the bacteria.

However, Barbara Almanza, associate professor at Purdue University, notes that hand sanitizers do not significantly reduce the amount of bacteria, and in some cases, can increase it.

So the question arises, how can manufacturers say sanitizers kill 99.9 percent of bacteria?

How can manufacturers make the 99.9 percent claim(声称)?

Manufacturers test their products on bacteria-tainted surfaces. In this controlled environment, hand sanitizers do kill 99.9 percent of bacteria. However, the human hand is a lot more complex and goes through a lot of different changes in a day compared to a controlled surface.

These tests allow manufactures to obtain consistent results. But , in reality, how effective are hand sanitizers in killing bacteria in everyday life?

Hand sanitizer VS hand soap and water

Almanza says that soap and water are the best way to clean your hands. Hand sanitizer cannot and should not be a direct replacement.

However, they are a useful alternative. To effectively kill bacteria, studies recommend that people use sanitizers that are at least 60 percent alcohol. Also, sanitizers won’t work if you have dirty hands, so wipe them with a tissue or napkin before sanitizing.

What about antibacterial soaps?

Research has shown that regular soap is just as effective as antibacterial soap in reducing bacteria-related illnesses.

In fact, some consumer antibacterial soap may increase some bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics(抗生素), making them more dangerous.

Other studies show that overly clean environments will negatively affect children by preventing their immune(免疫的)system development. Children need to fight off common germs to develop their immune systems.

1.What do we know about antibacterial hand sanitizers?

A.Most work similarly to hand soap.

B.Most use alcohol to kill the bacteria.

C.Most can’t remove oil on our skin.

D.Most bring more bacteria to people.

2.What problem does the research find about the manufacturers’ claim?

A.Their conclusion isn’t drawn from real-life environments.

B.Manufacturers don’t test their products before selling them.

C.Their products don’t kill the bacteria people usually have.

D.Manufacturers don’t tell the public how they get their conclusion.

3.Which is the first choice to clean your hands, according to Almanza?

A.Wet tissue.

B.Hand sanitizer.

C.Hand soap and water.

D.60 percent alcohol and water.

4.What does the text tell us about antibacterial soaps?

A.Some contain dangerous antibiotics.

B.They kill more bacteria than regular soaps.

C.They might be harmful for children’s development.

D.Some are proved to increase the amount of bacteria.



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