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The CoVID-19 and flu are both respirator...

    The CoVID-19 and flu are both respiratory infectious diseaseswith similar symptoms including fever and coughbut they aren't the same.

Both the CoVID-19 and flu are diseases caused by a virus. In the case of flu the pathogens(病原体)are flu virusesand for COVID-19it is a novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒).

Common symptoms for flu and novel coronavirus are nearly identical-fevercough and tiredness sometimes sore throat and diarrhea. In several cases they result in pneumonia(肺炎)and even death in the worst cases. Flu has seasonal ups and downs. Although it can exist all year roundthe virus infects more people in winter and spring. As for the novel coronavirusthe median age for the infected is 51.But the novel coronavirus is a brand new virus no one has total immunity no matter their age.

Both the flu and the novel coronavirus are transmitted in the similar waysby direct contact with infected patients or small droplets from the nose or mouth when a person with virus coughs or breathes.

FIu can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear. As for the novel coronavirusspread might be possible before people show symptomsbut this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

For the novel coronavirusthere is also a risk for aerosol transmission(气溶胶传播)In health facilitiespeople may catch the virus if they breathed in aerosol, the suspension of find solid or liquid particles in the air, which have been contaminated by the virus. The novel coronavirus has also been found in patients’ fecal (排泄物) samples, but  fecal-oral transmission does not appear to be a major transmission route.

1.What can we learn about the novel coronavirus?

A.It has seasonal changes

B.It causes less deaths than flu.

C.It may spread among people of all ages.

D.It only spread after people show symptoms

2.Which of the following is not the way the novel coronations transmit?

A.aerosol transmission B.contact transmission

C.fecal-oral transmission D.age transmission

3.The author’s main purpose of writing the article is probably to         .

A.prove that flu has less harm to humans than coVID.1g

B.raise people's awareness of protecting their health

C.prove that COVID-19 won't cause human deaths

D.provide some suggestions to avoid CoVID-19 infection

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.New treatment on the novel coronavirus

B.the latest research on the COVID-19 and flu

C.the difference between the novel coronavirus and flu

D.how to identify the CoID-19 and flu on symptoms


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文主要描述了流感和新型冠状病毒的区别。 1. 细节理解题。根据题干可以定位到文章第三段最后一句But the novel coronavirus is a brand new virus no one has total immunity no matter their age. 但新型冠状病毒是一种全新的病毒,无论年龄大小,都没有完全的免疫力。可知,新型冠状病毒的传播是不论年龄都可能被感染的。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段:Both the flu and the novel coronavirus are transmitted in the similar ways,by direct contact with infected patients or small droplets from the nose or mouth when a person with virus coughs or breathes. 流感和新型冠状病毒的传播方式相似,都是通过直接接触受感染的病人,或者当感染了病毒的人咳嗽或呼吸时,通过口鼻的小飞沫传播。最后一段第一句For the novel coronavirus,there is also a risk for aerosol transmission. 对于新型冠状病毒,也有气溶胶传播的风险; 最后一句:The novel coronavirus has also been found in patients’ fecal (排泄物) samples, but fecal-oral transmission does not appear to be a major transmission route.在患者的粪便样本中也发现了这种新型冠状病毒,但粪口传播似乎不是主要的传播途径。可知,新型冠状病毒的传播途径为接触式传播、气溶胶传播以及粪口传播三种方式,所以选项D文章并没有提及到。故选D项。 3. 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文主要描述了流感和新型冠状病毒的区别,据此可以得出,写作本文主要是为了让人们通过了解两种疾病的区别,进而关注保护自己的健康。选项B符合题意。故选B项。 4. 主旨大意题。通读全文特别是文章第一段“The CoVID-19 and flu are both respiratory infectious diseases,with similar symptoms including fever and cough,but they aren't the same.”可知,本文主要描述了流感和新型冠状病毒的区别,选项C符合题意。故选C项。

    The 2016 Rio Olympic Games have come to an end. Without doubt, many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered our athletes on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible.

But sometimes our desire for gold medals can result in the sadness of failure. When Liu Xiang, China’s track hero, pulled out of the Beijing Olympics due to injury, he greatly disappointed many Chinese sports fans.

But things are different now. In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, we saw a healthier Chinese attitude towards the sports people, fully in line with the Olympic spirit.

China didn’t win any gold medals on the first day. But, instead of criticizing(批评) the athletes who failed to win, most of the fans were happy with their efforts. “Looking at the results in the right way when an athlete misses out on gold shows the maturity(成熟) of a person, and is also a challenge for a country to face up to in the process of development,” commented CRI.

Swimmer Fu Yuanhui won fans’ hearts, even if she only won the third place in the 100m backstroke final. Her fans on her Sina Weibo have increased 100,000 to over 6 million. Many sports fans appreciated her straightforward character and attitude towards competitions.

“The warm support from Internet users shows that public attitude towards competitive sports and the Olympics has gotten to a higher level”, said an article in the People’s Daily.

1.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A.Gold medals can also cause sadness.

B.Liu Xiang always disappoints his fans.

C.Fans have high expectations of Liu Xiang.

D.Liu Xiang got injured before the Olympics.

2.What is people’s attitude now towards the athletes who failed?

A.Interested. B.Understanding.

C.Angry. D.Disappointed.

3.What makes people like Fu Yuanhui?

A.Her Sina Weibo. B.Her kindness to the fans.

C.Her attitude to competitions. D.Her winning a gold medal.

4.What does the author mainly want to tell us in this passage?

A.Winning gold medals is important.

B.Changing attitude to athletes is a must.

C.Results are not important in the competition.

D.Peoples’ attitude towards competitive sports is healthier.



    I earned about the zero waste movement in 2010 after reading a book about it in the library. It was eye-opening and encouraged me to remove as much single-use package as possible.

But as I followed the adviceI met many challenges. It turns out that small town Ontario isn't nearly as progressive as San Francisco when it comes to allowing reusable containers in grocery stores.

That’s when I wished I still live in downtown Toronto which would give me access to many health food store that allowed reusable containers. It took a while, but finally I realized that my location give me one key advantage over city’s people. I now live at the center of food production, which means I can go directly to producers to get ingredients that are not only package-free but the freshest and most delicious.

“Zero waste should be thought as more of an ideal than an hard-and-fast rule. It’s so geographically independent on what is in your area, so I think it is about doing your best to make use of the resources you have.” said Celia Ristow, founder of a website. It is refreshing to see that fact accepted by others. It’s true that the best-known zero waste supporters are city’s people, who have access to many stores and restaurants that are willing to work with them.

However, wherever you are, it is impossible to find a places that meets all the ideals criteria. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. The food scene in my small town has changed greatly in the past six years and far more reusable choices have been available than before. We have a food co-op that allows for online ordering and home delivering, many locations for dropping off milk bottles, a growing summer farmer’s market and large pick-your own fruit farm.

I tell people and remind myself to remove what you can. Maybe the farmer’s market share are only seasonal, and you have to be perfect, in fact, as the saying goes, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”

1.What advantage does the author have over city's people?

A.An access to delicious food B.A chance to avoid wasting food

C.A direct access to farmer D.A chance to refusing food containers

2.What does Celia Ristow say about zero waste?

A.It should be viewed as a rule. B.It requires you to start small.

C.It is more widely supported. D.It has geographic limitation.

3.Which of the following is suggested in the text?

A.Making good use of what you have. B.Finding some more zero waste methods.

C.Trying to improve your surroundings. D.Buying supermarket produce once a week.

4.What might be a suitable title for the text?

A.Zero Waste makes no place perfect B.Zero Waste depends on where you live

C.Zero Waste is a hard-and-fast rule D.Zero Waste calls on you to start small



    When Faith Wan jiku graduated from the Technical University of Kenya last year, she immediately enrolled (注册) at the Confucius Institute in Kenyatta University. She wanted to learn Chineseas she believed that it would help her land a good job.

She has just completed the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) 3 exam. HSK is a test of Chinese language level for non-native speakers, organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters.

Howeverthis level isn't enough for Wanjikuwho plans to pass HSK 6. She wanted to increase her level or Chinese and improve her spoken Chinese. And Wanjiku isn’t alone. The number of people taking the HSK reached 6.8 million in 2018 and went up 4.6 percent from a year earlier, the Ministry of Education said on May 31.

Chinese is becoming an increasingly popular choice of language to study around the world. Currently middle school students in Russia can take Chinese as an elective languages test in the country’s national college entrance exam, Sputnik News reported.

In MayZambia became the fourth country in Africa- after Kenya, Uganda and South Africa – to introduce Chinese languages to its schools.

Behind the growing popularity of Chinese language leaning is the international community’s positive attitude toward China’s future developments, as well as the peoples longing to learn about Chinese civilization and culture.

Indeedit’s as the former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela put it“if you talk to a man in a langrage he understandsthat goes to his head. If you talk to him in his in languagethat goes to his heart.”

1.What did Wanjiku do after graduating from university?

A.She went abroad. B.She learned chinese.

C.She found a job. D.She traveled to China.

2.HSK is a test for          .

A.non-native speakers B.native speakers

C.middle school students D.college students

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.Wangjiku has lots of friends.

B.Lots of people want to pass HSK 6 exam.

C.Wangjiku has passed HSK 3 exam.

D.Many people want to live in China.




I have seen amazing things.

My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in space. Described as an enormous round plate, it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth’s gravity. Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century. A guide showed us around along a moveable path.

Guide: Good morning to all our visitors from 2008. First we’re going to examine one of the latest forms of communication among our space citizens! Messages can now be sent using a “thoughtpad”. You place the metal band over your head, clear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and the next instant it’s sent. It’s stored on the “thoughtpad” of the receiver. It’s quick, efficient and environmentally friendly. The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her message clearly, an unclear message may be sent. But we cannot blame the tools for the faults of the user, can we?

During the explanation I looked at the pair of small objects called “thoughtpad” on a table. They just looked like metal ribbon. So ordinary but so powerful! While I was observing them, the path moved us on.

Guide: And now ladies and gentlemen, we are in the “environment area”. People used to collect waste in dustbins. Then the rubbish was sent to be buried or burned, am I right?We nodded.Well, now there’s a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. A giant machine, always greedy for more, swallows all the waste available. The rubbish is turned into several grades of useful material, such as “fertilizer” for the fields and “soil” for deserts. Nothing is wasted, and everything, even plastic bags is recycled. A great idea, isn’t it?

I stared at the moving of the waste machine, absorbed by its efficiency. But again we moved on.

Part 1

Our third stop shows the changes that have happened to work practices. Manufacturing no longer takes place on earth but on space stations like this one.


Part 2

My mind began to wander. What job would I do? My motivation increased as I thought of the wonderful world of the future.












Dear Jack,



Li Hua



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