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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When t...

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

When the winter approaches, tanghulu, a traditional Chinese snack can be found on the street corner in northern China. Since the ancient times, it 1. (be) very popular with natives, especially children.

Tanghulu is 2. (common) made of haws (山楂), which are rich in vitamin C and are known 3. (have) traditional Chinese medicine properties. According to a legend, 800 years ago, one of the emperor’s 4. (wife) was sick and had 5. poor appetite. The doctor suggested that she eat 10 haws 6. (boil) with sugar before dinner. She recovered within two weeks. Later, the prescription was passed on 7. ordinary people. People put haws on a stick, dipped them in hot sugar syrup (糖浆) and dried. The syrup finally turned into a solid coating, like crystal on the surface of haws. That is 8. they are also called bingtanghulu. 9. origin story says that the very first tanghulu only had two haws: a small one on the top and a big one below, making it resemble a hulu, a bringer of good luck.

With sour haws and sweet sugar, the taste of tanghulu is a combination of flavors, which often 10. (remind) people of their happy childhoods.


1.has been 2.commonly 3.to have 4.wives 5.a 6.boiled 7.to 8.why 9.Another 10.reminds 【解析】 本文是说明文。本文主要讲述了冰糖葫芦的起源以及制作方法,冰糖葫芦很受小孩子的欢迎,糖葫芦的味道能勾起人们对幸福童年的回忆。 1.考查时态。句意:自古以来,它在当地人特别是儿童中很受欢迎。因为前面有时间状语:Since the ancient times(自从古代),所以句子应使用现在完成时。又因为主语it是单数,故谓语也应用单数。故填has been。 2.考查副词。句意:通常糖葫芦是由山楂制成的。由于后面的"made (制作) "是动词,副词作状语修饰动词。故填commonly。 3.考查动词不定式。句意:山楂富含维生素C,并且具有传统中药特性为人们所熟知。固定搭配be known to do sth:因……而闻名。故填to have。 4.考查名词的数。句意:根据一个八百年前的传说,皇帝的一位妻子生病了并且食欲很差。one of后面的名词应该为复数形式。故填wives。 5.考查冠词。句意:根据一个八百年前的传说,皇帝的一位妻子生病了并且食欲很差。结合句意可知,这里表示“胃口不好”。have a poor appetite:胃口不好,poor是以辅音因素开头的单词,应使用不定冠词a表示泛指意义。故填a。 6.考查过去分词。句意:医生建议她在晚餐前吃10个和糖煮在一起的山楂。 haws承受boil 的动作,应使用过去分词表示被动关系。故填boiled。 7.考查固定短语。句意:后来此方传到了民间的普通百姓那里。固定短语pass sth on to sb:将……传递或传承给某人。故填to。 8.考查连接词。句意:这就是它们也被叫做冰糖葫芦的原因。前句“糖浆最后变成了一层固体涂层,就像山楂表面的晶体”,这是在解释糖葫芦为什么又被称为冰糖葫芦。本句为why引导的表语从句。故填why。 9.考查形容词。句意:另外一个起源故事说,最开始的糖葫芦只有两个山楂:上面一个,下面一个,使其像葫芦一样,寓意带来好运。结合前文的“According to a legend”可知,这儿的“origin story(起源故事)”是另外一个传说,因此使用another修饰origin story,单词放句首首字母应该大写。故填Another。 10.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:糖葫芦的味道包含了山楂的酸和糖的甜,它是几种口味的结合,这使人们常常想起快乐的童年。本句话是在描述糖葫芦的味道及它的作用,动词应使用一般现在时。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词the taste of tanghulu(糖葫芦的味道)在从句中作主语,因此从句的谓语动词应是单数形式。故填reminds。

    A friend of mine is a musician. He always seems to be learning new tunes, new _______, and new ways of making music in cool ways. At the weekends, he _______ to go into Central Park in the center of Nagoya during the daytime where lots of bands _______ .Some of these bands are really good, but some of them are quite _______.One of the reasons why my friend likes watching all the bands is that they are free! And as he says to me, “_______ expensive things don't necessarily mean that they're good, free things don't necessarily mean they have no _______.You have to listen and look yourself and_______what is valuable for you. And _______, as you listen and look, you may learn different things.”

So my friend goes to the park every week when the weather is fine, and he says he learns_______ from every single band When he watches and listens to the really good bands, he learns new concertos from the ________ and cool rhythms from the drummers. I guess that it’s not ________that you can learn a lot by watching ________performs. But what impress me are my friend’s wordsYou can learn by watching and listening to the bad performers, too. When I watch a bad performer, I think to myself wow, that’s another thing that I'm going to ________ .”

So my friend makes ________ by leaning from both good and bad performers. And he says he also finds ________and pleasure in learning and improving in ways that he never even imagined!

1.A.games B.systems C.instruments D.languages

2.A.loves B.wishes C.agrees D.affords

3.A.compete B.perform C.study D.succeed

4.A.poor B.shy C.unlucky D.fierce

5.A.Since B.For C.While D.Unless

6.A.price B.fault C.soul D.value

7.A.find out B.wait for C.bring out D.call for

8.A.in short B.of course C.at first D.as usual

9.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something

10.A.listeners B.learners C.players D.dancers

11.A.touching B.exciting C.surprising D.satisfying

12.A.excellent B.strange C.energetic D.amateur

13.A.come up with B.get hold of C.look down on D.get rid of

14.A.time B.money C.progress D.way

15.A.duty B.fun C.pride D.respect



    There are some children who love to fly and then there are the kids who are afraid of the unknown. The following tips may help you if you want to travel with your children by plane.

1. If you tell the child he will soon be flying on an airplane and leave it at that, his imagination can turn to fear. Instead, tell him how wonderful it is to fly.

● Don’t tell children about the dangers of flying. 2.And you can promise him that the plane will not crash.

● Read a book to your children. 3.Reading may also make your children fall asleep.

● Bring a comfort thing that your child enjoys. 4. Be sure to bring that blanket along as it will provide a safety net for the child. Having this blanket along may also help him fall asleep. Bring a safe electronic device that shows movies or supports video games, and offers children puzzles.

● Bring snacks. Children are picky eaters and may not like the food being offered. Three to five hours can be a long time on an airplane without food. 5. When they are upset, it is easier to let fear of the unknown take control.

A.Children may get upset when they are hungry.

B.Tell your children how much fun it is to fly before the trip.

C.Most kids have a stuffed animal or a blanket that they love.

D.If a child brings them up, tell him that flying is perfectly safe.

E.Leave a little extra time so you can make your children walk.

F.Bring a favorite book and a new book your kids have never read.

G.Your phone is another favorite tool for keeping them happy on a flight.



    The CoVID-19 and flu are both respiratory infectious diseaseswith similar symptoms including fever and coughbut they aren't the same.

Both the CoVID-19 and flu are diseases caused by a virus. In the case of flu the pathogens(病原体)are flu virusesand for COVID-19it is a novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒).

Common symptoms for flu and novel coronavirus are nearly identical-fevercough and tiredness sometimes sore throat and diarrhea. In several cases they result in pneumonia(肺炎)and even death in the worst cases. Flu has seasonal ups and downs. Although it can exist all year roundthe virus infects more people in winter and spring. As for the novel coronavirusthe median age for the infected is 51.But the novel coronavirus is a brand new virus no one has total immunity no matter their age.

Both the flu and the novel coronavirus are transmitted in the similar waysby direct contact with infected patients or small droplets from the nose or mouth when a person with virus coughs or breathes.

FIu can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear. As for the novel coronavirusspread might be possible before people show symptomsbut this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

For the novel coronavirusthere is also a risk for aerosol transmission(气溶胶传播)In health facilitiespeople may catch the virus if they breathed in aerosol, the suspension of find solid or liquid particles in the air, which have been contaminated by the virus. The novel coronavirus has also been found in patients’ fecal (排泄物) samples, but  fecal-oral transmission does not appear to be a major transmission route.

1.What can we learn about the novel coronavirus?

A.It has seasonal changes

B.It causes less deaths than flu.

C.It may spread among people of all ages.

D.It only spread after people show symptoms

2.Which of the following is not the way the novel coronations transmit?

A.aerosol transmission B.contact transmission

C.fecal-oral transmission D.age transmission

3.The author’s main purpose of writing the article is probably to         .

A.prove that flu has less harm to humans than coVID.1g

B.raise people's awareness of protecting their health

C.prove that COVID-19 won't cause human deaths

D.provide some suggestions to avoid CoVID-19 infection

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.New treatment on the novel coronavirus

B.the latest research on the COVID-19 and flu

C.the difference between the novel coronavirus and flu

D.how to identify the CoID-19 and flu on symptoms



    The 2016 Rio Olympic Games have come to an end. Without doubt, many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered our athletes on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible.

But sometimes our desire for gold medals can result in the sadness of failure. When Liu Xiang, China’s track hero, pulled out of the Beijing Olympics due to injury, he greatly disappointed many Chinese sports fans.

But things are different now. In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, we saw a healthier Chinese attitude towards the sports people, fully in line with the Olympic spirit.

China didn’t win any gold medals on the first day. But, instead of criticizing(批评) the athletes who failed to win, most of the fans were happy with their efforts. “Looking at the results in the right way when an athlete misses out on gold shows the maturity(成熟) of a person, and is also a challenge for a country to face up to in the process of development,” commented CRI.

Swimmer Fu Yuanhui won fans’ hearts, even if she only won the third place in the 100m backstroke final. Her fans on her Sina Weibo have increased 100,000 to over 6 million. Many sports fans appreciated her straightforward character and attitude towards competitions.

“The warm support from Internet users shows that public attitude towards competitive sports and the Olympics has gotten to a higher level”, said an article in the People’s Daily.

1.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A.Gold medals can also cause sadness.

B.Liu Xiang always disappoints his fans.

C.Fans have high expectations of Liu Xiang.

D.Liu Xiang got injured before the Olympics.

2.What is people’s attitude now towards the athletes who failed?

A.Interested. B.Understanding.

C.Angry. D.Disappointed.

3.What makes people like Fu Yuanhui?

A.Her Sina Weibo. B.Her kindness to the fans.

C.Her attitude to competitions. D.Her winning a gold medal.

4.What does the author mainly want to tell us in this passage?

A.Winning gold medals is important.

B.Changing attitude to athletes is a must.

C.Results are not important in the competition.

D.Peoples’ attitude towards competitive sports is healthier.



    I earned about the zero waste movement in 2010 after reading a book about it in the library. It was eye-opening and encouraged me to remove as much single-use package as possible.

But as I followed the adviceI met many challenges. It turns out that small town Ontario isn't nearly as progressive as San Francisco when it comes to allowing reusable containers in grocery stores.

That’s when I wished I still live in downtown Toronto which would give me access to many health food store that allowed reusable containers. It took a while, but finally I realized that my location give me one key advantage over city’s people. I now live at the center of food production, which means I can go directly to producers to get ingredients that are not only package-free but the freshest and most delicious.

“Zero waste should be thought as more of an ideal than an hard-and-fast rule. It’s so geographically independent on what is in your area, so I think it is about doing your best to make use of the resources you have.” said Celia Ristow, founder of a website. It is refreshing to see that fact accepted by others. It’s true that the best-known zero waste supporters are city’s people, who have access to many stores and restaurants that are willing to work with them.

However, wherever you are, it is impossible to find a places that meets all the ideals criteria. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. The food scene in my small town has changed greatly in the past six years and far more reusable choices have been available than before. We have a food co-op that allows for online ordering and home delivering, many locations for dropping off milk bottles, a growing summer farmer’s market and large pick-your own fruit farm.

I tell people and remind myself to remove what you can. Maybe the farmer’s market share are only seasonal, and you have to be perfect, in fact, as the saying goes, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”

1.What advantage does the author have over city's people?

A.An access to delicious food B.A chance to avoid wasting food

C.A direct access to farmer D.A chance to refusing food containers

2.What does Celia Ristow say about zero waste?

A.It should be viewed as a rule. B.It requires you to start small.

C.It is more widely supported. D.It has geographic limitation.

3.Which of the following is suggested in the text?

A.Making good use of what you have. B.Finding some more zero waste methods.

C.Trying to improve your surroundings. D.Buying supermarket produce once a week.

4.What might be a suitable title for the text?

A.Zero Waste makes no place perfect B.Zero Waste depends on where you live

C.Zero Waste is a hard-and-fast rule D.Zero Waste calls on you to start small



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