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As high school students, we must spend t...

    As high school students, we must spend the vast majority of our time in class and reading books. 1. Without a friend, our world would be a wilderness. What kind of friends should we pick? What are the dos and don’ts of friendship? Here are some of my opinions.

2. We may consider different people we meet every day to be nice and feel like making friends with them. However, not all good people are matches for us. Rather than make friends with the popular students, we should spend time with those we have things in common with, or who will be there to listen to us. Moreover, we should be careful about students with many bad habits, since they could pass those habits on to us.

Being tolerant is a good idea. No one is perfect. 3. Therefore, we should try to understand our friends and be patient with them when they make mistakes since we’re all on a journey to being better people. Gradually, our friendships will last longer and become more solid.

Be honest. 4. However, it’s better to be honest with friends, to tell them what is bothering us and seek their advice. Being honest will not annoy your friends, but it will bring you and your friend closer together.

We need to be open-minded. Listen to others’ ideas, whether you agree with them or not, and be happy to make friends with your friends’ friends. 5.

A.We must be careful.

B.We need to be well-informed.

C.As is said, honesty is the best policy.

D.A friend without faults will never be found.

E.None are so deaf as those who will not hear.

F.Still, spending time with friends is also necessary and good for us.

G.We all tend to show our positive side to friends and hide our true feelings.


1.F 2.A 3.D 4.G 5.E 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了四点作者对于拥有好友的观点和看法,如应该谨慎地交朋友;应该接受朋友的缺点;对朋友最好诚实;保持开放的心态倾听别人的想法等。 1.根据前句As high school students, we must spend the vast majority of our time in class and reading books. 作为高中生,我们必须把大部分时间花在上课和读书上,和后句Without a friend, our world would be a wilderness.没有朋友,我们的世界将是一片荒野。可知,此句为承上启下句,花时间和朋友在一起也是必要的,对我们有好处。故选F。 2.此处为本段的主题句。根据后文However, not all good people are matches for us. 并不是所有 的好人都适合我们,和Moreover, we should be careful about students with many bad habits, since they could pass those habits on to us. 我们应该小心有很多坏习惯的学生,因为他们会把这些习惯传给我们。可知,我们必须小心(交友)。故选A。 3.根据前句No one is perfect. 人无完人,可知,没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。故选D。 4.根据本段主题句Be honest. 对朋友诚实,和后句的转折However, it’s better to be honest with friends, to tell them what is bothering us and seek their advice. 然而,最好对朋友诚实,告诉他们是什么困扰着我们,并征求他们的意见。可知,我们都倾向于向朋友展示我们积极的一面,隐藏我们的真实感受。故选G。 5.根据前句Listen to others’ ideas, whether you agree with them or not, and be happy to make friends with your friends’ friends. 倾听他人的想法,不管你是否同意他们的观点,并乐于和你朋友的朋友交朋友,可知,要乐于倾听。故选E。

    Once March 29 was impressed firmly in the minds of British people, as this was the date when the UK was supposed to leave the European Union (EU).

The UK public voted to leave the EU almost three years ago. Since then, the UK Parliament has voted many times to determine the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU. But British lawmakers haven’t reached an agreement on any particular path. So the UK and EU member states agreed to push the Brexit (脱欧) deadline to April 12, hoping this would allow UK lawmakers to get a Brexit deal through the UK Parliament.

On March 29, British lawmakers rejected UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal once again. According to USA Today, the failure to reach an agreement was largely because hard-line (强硬的) lawmakers from Conservative Party didn’t feel the deal done with the EU adequately separates the UK from the EU. Meanwhile, many Labor Party lawmakers were in favor of closer ties with the EU. As result, the UK has to announce a new plan before April 12, or leave the EU without a deal, and the latter one will bring the UK and the EU countries many influences. For example, the UK would have to face the fact that the price of imported goods for British people could go up as a result. Meanwhile, there could be long delays at borders between the UK and the EU countries if passport checks are strengthened.

In the event of a no-deal Brexit, the German government would give British citizens living in Germany an initial period of three months during which their rights to live and work there would not change. However, they would have to apply for the permits of living in Germany during that period. The French Parliament has passed a law to give the government the power to introduce new measures to deal with a no-deal Brexit. The law covers, among other things, the rights of UK national a living and working in France.

More efforts to prevent a disorderly Brexit are still needed, but time is limited!

1.Why did the UK and EU member states push the Brexit deadline to April 12?

A.To wait for a new Brexit deal. B.To make a no-deal Brexit plan.

C.To meet Theresa May’s request. D.To have a better ties with the EU.

2.What does the underlined part “the latter one” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Conservative Party. B.Labor Party.

C.Theresa May’s Brexit deal. D.The no-deal Brexit.

3.What will Germany ask British citizens to do for the possible no -deal Brexit?

A.Leave Germany within three months.

B.Continue to live and work in Germany.

C.Obtain living permits in the specific time.

D.Hand in the their passports as soon as possible.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the present situation of the Brexit?

A.Concerned. B.Doubtful.

C.Ambiguous. D.Surprised.



    Traveling by subway can sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during rush hour. There are the times when you have to avoid cups of coffee that could spill () on you. The smells of some passengers’ food are very strong, too. According to the Beijing subway passenger regulations, which went into effect on May 15th, passengers except babies and the sick are no longer allowed to eat or drink on the subway. Violators (违反者) who do not stop after being asked to will be asked to get off. The violation will also be recorded in the violators’ credit record.

Some support the rule. The reason is that the smell of food and drink can annoy other passengers. “The smell of food fills the carriage, causing people discomfort, especially in the hot summer, Besides, eating on the subway produces rubbish. And on subway trains, people often spill their drinks,” said Zheng Yiou, 17, a student from Hefei.

However, others question this rule. “Some citizens live so far from their work places that they have limited time to have breakfast before they go to work. Eating while they travel saves them time and decreases the chance that they will be late for work,” He Songlin, a 17-year-old student from Chengdu said, “And some people, like those with low- blood sugar levels, get sick if they can’t eat when they must.”

Other Chinese cities like Nanjing and Chengdu have similar regulations. Some foreign cities also ban eating and drinking on the subway. For example, eating and drinking have long been banned on the subway in Washington DC. Singapore fines people who eat or drink on the subway up to 500 Singapore dollars, which is RMB 2,417 yuan.

Chen Yanyan, a professor from Beijing University of Technology, believed we should consider the need of some people to eat or drink on the subway. “Commuters (上班族) and travelers are sometimes too busy to eat. Maybe we could learn from Tokyo, where there are many subway stations equipped with services, allowing passengers to eat and drink,” she said.

1.In which city was subway passenger regulations carried out on May 15th?

A.Chengdu. B.Nanjing.

C.Washington DC. D.Beijing.

2.What’s the punishment for the passengers who break the rules in Singapore?

A.Eating on the subway. B.Drinking on the subway.

C.Being fined up to 2417 yuan. D.Being asked to get off the train.

3.What is Chen Yanyan’s attitude to eating or drinking on the subway?

A.Worried. B.Sympathetic.

C.Doubtful. D.Uninterested

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Food and Drink Banned on Subway.

B.The Adventure of Subway Traveling

C.Ways to Eat and Drink on Subway.

D.The Services on Subway Stations



    I’m going to be completely honest. I have no idea how I ended up with this opportunity, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I am very happy to be here.

Last summer a friend tagged me in a Facebook post from BBC Earth and encouraged me to apply to the BBC Presenter Search 2018. The assignment was easy and hard, make a video shorter than 60 seconds where you talk about something in science you think is cool. Simple concept, but for me it was challenging as I want to talk about bryophytes(苔藓植物) forever (which is slightly longer than 60 seconds).

So I decided to make an attempt. I was going to make a 60 second video about sphagnum(水苔), commonly known as peat moss and uncommonly known as an unsung climate hero. Sphagnum is the plant genus that holds the most carbon in the world, it slowly builds up its carbon storage over hundreds of thousands of years and if undisturbed, they never let go of the carbon they gathered.

Making a short video on this was hard because I wanted to include everything. And it became even harder as I had no one to hold the camera. I tied my camera to the scrawniest little tree, swinging in the wind as a bird tried to chase me away from the mud. This chaos ended up as the video “Why sphagnum is awesome” on my channel. I submitted the video, but didn’t dare to write in the description section of the video that it was a submission, because I never imagined that I could win!

But I did.

I waited two months before I could tell people that I had won the search, and when the news came out, I received the most attention I’ve had in my entire life.

No matter your background, whether you want to pass the time or pass an exam, I really hope you enjoy the video!

1.What can we infer about the author from paragraph 1?

A.She is uncertain about the result. B.She gets used to telling people lies.

C.She is unable to achieve the goal. D.She knows much about the ending.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about sphagnum?

A.It can form its carbon storage in a very slow way.

B.It is universally recognized as an unknown climate hero.

C.It won’t release the carbon without being disturbed.

D.It contains a large amount of carbon.

3.The underlined word “scrawniest” in Paragraph 4 probably means ___________.

A.weakest B.strongest

C.shortest D.most energetic

4.What can we learn from the author’s story?

A.She shows great interest in filming the video.

B.Her knowledge helps overcome all the difficulties.

C.Her attitude and hard work pay off eventually.

D.She is more than delighted to gain the most attention.




Looking for something to read while in London? If so, you’re in luck: the British capital happens to have an incredible collection of bookshops.

Daunt Books

Are you going on a trip and want to read a novel or nonfiction book set in the place you’re headed? This bookshop arranges books by country, so it’s easy to find anything by place. (83 Marylebone High Street. Monday-Saturday: 09:00-19:30; Sunday: 11:00-18:00.)

Foyles Books

Dig, if you will, the picture: four miles of shelves holding up to 200,000 books. This legendary (传奇的) bookshop is impossible to leave empty-handed. It was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the biggest bookshop on the planet. (107 Charing Cross Road. Monday-Saturday: 9:00-21:00; Sunday: 11:30-18:00.) Hatchards

In the year 1797, this London bookshop—the oldest in the city today—first flicked on its lights. It stocks an excellent selection of fiction, nonfiction, history and other genres. (187 Piccadilly Street. Monday-Saturday: 09:30-20:00; Sunday: 12:00-18:30.)

London Review Bookshop

There’s an excellent selection of history, philosophy, politics, new fiction and many other genres here. Plus, there’s a nice cafe in which you can crack open that tome (巨著) for the first time and start reading. (14 Bury Place. Monday-Saturday 10:00-18:30; Sunday 12:00-18:00.)

1.Which bookstore was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records?

A.Daunt Books. B.Foyles Books.

C.Hatchards. D.London Review Bookshop.

2.What is special about Hatchards?

A.It has a long history. B.It has 200,000 books.

C.It has a cafe. D.It has both fiction and nonfiction books.

3.Which place should you go to if you want to enjoy reading with a coffee?

A.83 Marylebone High Street. B.107 Charing Cross Road.

C.187 Piccadilly Street. D.14 Bury Place.



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