满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

On a road trip to California’s breathtak...

On a road trip to California’s breathtaking North Coast region, my husband Ken and I, my teenage daughter Lahre, and my nine-year-old son Shawn, stopped to have lunch and stretch our legs a bit.

As we walked toward the ______ entrance, a man with an untidy beard and dirty hair jumped up from a nearby bench and opened the door for us. An old bike ______ with a sleeping bag and the rest of his ______ rested against the bench, it was obvious that he was ______. But regardless of his ______, he greeted us as if we were his best friends, “Today’s soup and sandwich special’s a great deal.”

Once inside, my teenager whispered to me, “Mom, he ______.” And Shawn asked questions about him, not quite understanding the ______ of a homeless person. Ken and I explained the best we could, telling the kids to look to the person underneath and within ______ the dirt and smell.

With the windiest part of our trip just ______ us, the kids needed to take car-sick pills so I went back to the car to fetch them. As I ______ the front door, the “doorman” was opening it for an older couple, who rushed past him and didn’t even acknowledge his ______. I let the couple ______ first and then said a loud and gracious “thank you” to the doorman.

After going back inside, I asked our waitress, who was bringing the kids their dessert, to ______ one soup and sandwich special to our bill. Both the kids looked at me ______ ---as we had already eaten but Ken knew exactly what I was doing.

By this time, we had to get back on the road to stay on schedule. As we rounded the comer of the very full restaurant, the “doorman” was sitting at a table enjoying his ______. When seeing me, he jumped up and ______ his hand for a handshake. It was then that I ______ he had tears in his eyes—tears of gratitude.

____ we can’t choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude, and I was doing just that. Hopefully, when someone opens a door for Lahre and Shawn during their ______ through life, they will remember to say “______“ and have a great soup and sandwich special on the menu, too.

1.A. hotel’s    B. restaurant’s    C. shop’s    D. supermarket s

2.A. connected    B. burdened    C. loaded    D. crowded

3.A. belongings    B. gatherings    C. findings    D. savings

4.A. hopeless    B. helpless    C. homeless    D. harmless

5.A. appearance    B. identity    C. age    D. behavior

6.A. smiles    B. smells    C. shakes    D. sighs

7.A. description    B. desire    C. concern    D. concept

8.A. beyond    B. above    C. over    D. in

9.A. regardless of    B. instead of    C. ahead of    D. free of

10.A. noticed    B. ignored    C. followed    D. neared

11.A. patience    B. presence    C. tiredness    D. selflessness

12.A. come around    B. come about    C. come through    D. come to

13.A. add    B. admit    C. adjust    D. adapt

14.A. frightened    B. disappointed    C. excited    D. confused

15.A. meal    B. stay    C. drink    D. time

16.A. laid    B. extended    C. raised    D. waved

17.A. realized    B. assumed    C. valued    D. considered

18.A. Unless    B. While    C. Since    D. When

19.A. progress    B. opportunity    C. journey    D. performance

20.A. Thank you    B. Excuse me    C. I’m sorry    D. See you


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述的是作者和丈夫及女儿Lahre、儿子Shawn一家人旅途中停下来吃午饭的故事。在餐厅作者为无家可归的“看门人”要了一份汤和三明治,“看门人”很感激。幸运的是,当有人为Lahre 和 Shawn在他们的人生旅途中打开一扇门时,他们会记得说“谢谢”,在菜单上也有一份很棒的汤和三明治。 1.考查名词所有格。 A. hotel’s 宾馆的;B. restaurant’s餐厅的;C. shop’s商店的;D. supermarket s超市的。当我们走向餐厅的入口时,一个留着凌乱的胡子和脏头发的男人从附近的长椅上跳了起来,为我们打开了门。根据上段中的stopped to have lunch可知是在“餐厅的”门口,故选B。 2.考查动词。A. connected 连接;B. burdened 负担;C. loaded装载;D. crowded拥挤。一辆装满睡袋的旧自行车和他的其他物品都放在了长凳上,很明显,他无家可归。根据with a sleeping bag and the rest of his---,可知答案为C。 3.考查名词。A. belongings属于物;B. gatherings聚会;C. findings发现; D. savings储蓄,存款。一辆装满睡袋的旧自行车和他的其他物品都放在了长凳上,很明显,他无家可归。此处指他的其他东西,故选A。 4.考查形容词。A. hopeless无望的;B. helpless无助的;C. homeless无家可归的;D. harmless无害的。一辆装满睡袋的旧自行车和他的其他物品都放在了长凳上,很明显,他无家可归。所有的物品都在这里,再根据下文the ___7___ of a homeless person,说明他“无家可归”,故选C。 5.考查名词。A. appearance外貌;B. identity身份;C. age年龄;D. behavior行为,举止。但不管他的外表如何,他向我们打招呼就好像我们是他最好的朋友一样。上文提到他无家可归,可知外表会很落魄,故答案为A。 6.考查动词。A. smiles微笑;B. smells闻;C. shakes摇动;D. sighs叹息。一进屋里,我的孩子低声对我说:“妈妈,他的味很难闻。”根据the ___7___ of a homeless person可知他身上的气味难闻是很正常的,故选B。 7.考查名词。A. description描述;B. desire欲望;C. concern关心;D. concept观念,概念。Shawn问了关于他的问题,不太理解无家可归者的概念。此处指孩子不理解homeless是一个什么概念,故选D。 8.考查介词。A. beyond在---之上;B. above在---上面;C. over越过;D. in在---里面。Ken和我做了我们能做的最好的解释,告诉孩子们去看看下面和里面的人,看看他们的泥土和气味。故选A。 9.考查词组。A. regardless of不管;B. instead of代替;C. ahead of在---之前;D. free of摆脱---的。由于我们旅行中最有风的部分是在我们前面,孩子们需要服用晕车药,所以我回到车里去接他们。故选C。 10.考查动词。A. noticed注意到;B. ignored忽视;C. followed跟随;D. neared靠近。当我走近前门时,“看门人”正在为一对老夫妇打开门,他们从他身边跑过,甚至都不承认他的存在。根据I went back to the car to fetch them.可知我靠近前门,故选D。 11.考查名词。A. patience耐心;B. presence存在;C. tiredness疲劳;D. selflessness自私。当我走近前门时,“看门人”正在为一对老夫妇打开门,他们从他身边跑过,甚至都不承认他的存在。根据who rushed past him and didn’t even acknowledge可知,不承认他的存在,故选B。 12.考查词组。A. come around 苏醒;B. come about形成,产生;C. come through经历,安然度过;D. come to想起,共计。我让这对夫妇先走了,然后对门卫说了声“谢谢”。故选C。 13.考查动词。A. add增加;B. admit 承认;C. adjust调整;D. adapt适应。回到屋里后,我要求服务员给我们的账单加了一份汤和三明治。根据as we had already eaten but Ken knew exactly what I was doing.可知是加了一份汤和三明治。故选A。 14.考查形容词。A. frightened感到害怕;B. disappointed感到失望的;C. excited兴奋的;D. confused感到困惑的。两个孩子感到困惑地看着我。根据as we had already eaten but Ken knew exactly what I was doing.可知,已经吃过,又加了一份汤和三明治,孩子们感到疑惑,故选D。 15.考查名词。A. meal餐,饭;B. stay停留;C. drink饮料;D. time时间。当我们绕过餐厅的那个角落时,“看门人”正坐在餐桌旁享用他的饭菜。故选A。 16.考查动词。A. laid放,安排;B. extended延长;C. raised提高,抚养; D. waved挥动。看到我的时候,他跳起来,伸出手来和我握手。根据for a handshake可知答案为B。 17.考查动词。A. realized意识到;B. assumed假定;C. valued估价,珍惜; D. considered考虑。就在那时,我意识到他的眼里含着泪水——感激的泪水。故选A。 18.考查动词。 A. Unless除非;B. While尽管;C. Since既然; D. When当---时候。虽然我们不能在生活中选择很多东西,但我们可以选择何时表达感激,而我就是这样做的。除while(虽然)引导让步状语从句,故选B。 19.考查名词。A. progress进步;B. opportunity机会;C. journey旅程; D. performance表演,表现。幸运的是,当有人为Lahre 和 Shawn在他们的人生旅途中打开一扇门时,他们会记得说“谢谢”,在菜单上也有一份很棒的汤和三明治。故选C。 20.考查情景交际。A. Thank you谢谢你;B. Excuse me打扰;C. I’m sorry对不起;D. See you再见。幸运的是,当有人为Lahre 和 Shawn在他们的人生旅途中打开一扇门时,他们会记得说“谢谢”,在菜单上也有一份很棒的汤和三明治。故选A。

-----Excuse me, but could I trouble you for some change?

------_______.Will pennies do?

A. I know B. Never mind

C. I am sure D. Let me see



—Were you hurt in the accident?

—I was shocked, but wasn’t hurt at all. My car was damaged, ______.

A.instead B.otherwise C.anyway D.though



—Have you finished your research essay?

—I haven’t started yet. I ________ relevant materials the whole of last week.

A.have collected B.was collecting

C.would collect D.had collected



You can’t imagine how excited we were ________ that our schoolmates had won the first place in National Robot Competition.

A.learning B.having learned

C.to be learning D.to learn



To ______ the turkey, people often prepare other things, such as cornbread, mashed potatoes (土豆泥), and pumpkin or apple pie.

A.come across B.go with C.search for D.figure out



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