满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I've learned a lesson that accepting kin...

    I've learned a lesson that accepting kindness is importanttoo. I'm a social worker and have been_______more time recently with those unlucky people that some might say are less_______. I had a wonderful interaction(互动) this past weekwhen I had the _______of being the receiver of kindness. I was speaking to a gentleman who has bad luck and is in_______. We were just talking for a while and getting to_______each other.

Towards the end of our evening he said he wanted to_______me a hamburger at the nearby fast food restaurant. In time beforeI would have_______that he let me buy him a mealsince he had a greater_______than I. But my kindness experience has taught me the _______ of being a good receivertoo. So I told him if he ________wanted to do that, I would be________to share a meal with him.

It was great! He was so happy to be able to________ something like that and he was________the entire time. I felt ________ to take away the wonderful feeling of someone's giving. We ________some great conversation and I could see it ________so much to him.

As we parted waysinstead of me feeling bad that he probably spent his last few________on our mealI smiled and felt with a wonderful________of connection and gratitude. It's not only fun to be a receiver of kindness, ________this also gives someone else the chance to be the_________That is important, too.

1.A.wasting B.killing C.spending D.saving

2.A.active B.fortunate C.famous D.familiar

3.A.chance B.price C.right D.method

4.A.return B.prison C.common D.trouble

5.A.know B.hate C.love D.encourage

6.A.borrow B.buy C.make D.show

7.A.noticed B.demanded C.ordered D.insisted

8.A.need B.life C.wish D.wealth

9.A.truth B.power C.importance D.base

10.A.exactly B.really C.selflessly D.briefly

11.A.happy B.generous C.sad D.peaceful

12.A.create B.refuse C.ignore D.do

13.A.regretting B.shouting C.smiling D.praising

14.A.worried B.glad C.disappointed D.thrilled

15.A.missed B.avoided C.shared D.judged

16.A.changed B.remained C.lost D.meant

17.A.choices B.dollars C.efforts D.times

18.A.sight B.pride C.act D.sense

19.A.and B.or C.but D.so

20.A.giver B.helper C.receiver D.donator


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】 本文是记叙文。作者讲述了与一位不幸的先生相识的经过。作者体会到当一名好意的接受者也很重要,让别人体会到当给予者的快乐。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是一个社会工作者,最近花了更多的时间和那些不幸的人在一起,有些人可能会说更不幸。此处是考查time相关的短语辨析;A. wasting time浪费时间;B. killing time消磨时间;C. spending time花时间;D. saving time节省时间。根据“I'm a social worker”可知,由于由于工作原因,作者和那些不幸的人在一起的时间比较多。故选C项。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是一个社会工作者,最近花了更多的时间和那些不幸的人在一起,有些人可以说更不幸。 A. active积极的;B. fortunate幸运的;C. famous著名的;D. familiar熟悉的。前面提到“unlucky people”,而有些人会更不幸。故选B项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我上周有一个很不错的互动,让我有机会成为善意的接受者。A. chance机会;B. price价格;C. right权利;D. method方法。作者在下文中讲述了与一位先生相识的经过。在这个过程中,他有机会成为那位先生好意的接受者。故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和一位先生交谈,他运气不好,现在处于困境中。此处考查 “介词in+名词”相关的短语辨析。A.in return作为回报;B. in prison在坐牢;C. in common有共同之处;D.in trouble处于困境中。根据“who has bad luck” 可知这位先生现在处于困境之中。故选D项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们只是聊了一会儿,互相认识了。A. know认识;B. hate恨;C. love爱;D. encourage鼓励。短语get to know sb.“与某人相识”;通过聊天,作者和那位先生认识了。故选A项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:快到傍晚的时候,他说要到附近的快餐店给我买一个汉堡包。A. borrow借;B. buy买;C. make制作;D. show显示。根据下一句“I would have 7 he let me buy him a meal”可知,那位先生提出给作者买一个汉堡包,而不是让作者给他买晚餐。故选B项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:要是在以前,我就会坚持要他让我请他吃饭,因为他比我更需要。A. noticed注意到;B. demanded要求;C. ordered命令;D. insisted坚持。根据下文“my kindness experience has taught me the 9 of being a good receiver,”作者现在意识到当一名接受者也可以帮助别人;因此此处用虚拟语气:如果是以前的话,作者就会坚持当一名给予者,坚持给他买晚餐。故选D项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:要是在以前,我就会坚持要他让我请他吃饭,因为他比我更需要。A. need需要;B. life生活;C. wish愿望;D. wealth财富。知道那位先生现在有困难,作者觉得他比自己更需要帮助。故选A项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我善良的经历告诉我做一个好的接受者的重要性。 A. truth真理;B. power权力;C. importance重要;D. base基础。根据文章最后一句“It's not only fun to be a receiver of kindness, 19 this also gives someone else the chance to be the 20 ”,作者体会到作一个好的接受者也很重要,也可以让别人感到快乐。故选C项。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以我告诉他,如果他真的愿意,我很乐意和他一起吃饭。A. exactly恰好地,正是;B. really真地;C. selflessly无私地;D. briefly短暂地。如果那位先生真地要给他买晚餐,作者也欣然接受。故选B项。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以我告诉他,如果他真的愿意,我很乐意和他一起吃饭。 A. happy高兴的;B. generous慷慨的;C. sad伤心的;D. peaceful平和的。作者很高兴陪那位先生吃晚餐。故选A项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他很高兴能做这样的事,而且他一直在微笑。A. create创造;B. refuse拒绝;C. ignore忽略;D. do做。根据上文“if he 10 wanted to do that”可知,那位先生很高兴做这样的事情。故选D项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他很高兴能做这样的事,而且他一直在微笑。 A. regretting后悔;B. shouting叫喊;C. smiling微笑;D. praising表扬。根据前半句“He was so happy to be able to…” 可知,那位先生很高兴,因此一直在微笑。故选C项。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:能够让别人感受到给予的美妙感觉,我很高兴。 A. worried担心;B. glad高兴的;C. disappointed失望的;D. thrilled极为激动的。根据上文“my kindness experience has taught me the 9 of being a good receiver”,作者意识到当一名好的接受者也很重要,因此让那位先生感受到给予的快乐,作者很高兴。故选B项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们聊得很开心,我知道这对他很重要。A. missed错过;B. avoided避免;C. shared共享,分享;D. judged判断。 作者和那位先生一起交谈了很多。故选C项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们聊得很开心,我知道这对他很重要。A. changed改变; B. remained保留;C. lost失去;D. meant意味着。和作者的交谈对于处于困境中的那位先生来说确实很有意义。故选D项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我们分开的时候,我没有因为他可能把最后几块钱花在了我们的晚餐上而感到难为情,相反,我微笑着,感受到了一种奇妙的共鸣和感激之情。A. choices选择;B. dollars美元;C. efforts努力;D. times时间。上文提到“a gentleman who has bad luck and is in 4 .”那位先生现在有困难,可能为了给作者买晚餐,花光了身上最后的钱。故选B项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我们分开的时候,我没有因为他可能把最后几块钱花在了我们的晚餐上而感到难为情,相反,我微笑着,感受到了一种奇妙的共鸣和感激之情。 A. sight视线;B. pride骄傲;C. act行动;D. sense感觉。因为作者肯接受他的给予,同时作者愿意和他交谈,那位先生觉得和作者产生了共鸣,对作者心存感激。作者也感受到了这一点。故选D项。 19. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:当一名善良的接受者不仅令人愉快,而且也给别人成为施予者的机会。A. and和,又;B. or或者;C. but但是;D. so因此。根据前半句的not only, 此处是并列结构not only… but also,意思为“不仅……而且”。故选C项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当一名善良的接受者不仅令人愉快,而且也给别人成为施予者的机会。 A. giver给予者,赠与者;B. helper帮手;C. receiver接受者;D. donator捐赠者。此处giver与前面的receiver相对;根据上文“when I had the 3 of being the receiver of kindness.”可知,作者觉得充当接受者也很重要,因为让别人有机会充当给予者,从而让别人体会到当一名给予者的快乐。故选A项。

    Nowadays parents and their children are spending less and less time communicating with each other.1.It is reported that American parents today spend about 40 percent less time with their children than parents did a generation ago. To keep your family time creative and enjoyable, below is a list of helpful family time tips.1. Eat together & listen to each otherMost children today don’t know the meaning of a family dinnertime. Yet thecommunication and unity built during this time is necessary to a healthy family life. Sharing a meal together allows parents and their children the opportunity to talk about each other’s lives.2..2. Read oftenIt’s important for parents to read to their children. The latest research shows that reading to your children develops an interest in knowledge and contributes to language development. It also increases their concentration on things and helps them become more curious.3.After reading, ask questions about what the books are about.3. Start a hobby or projectChoose a fun activity that your children are interested in. Activities like cooking, fishing or biking can be their great hobbies.4.. Once a child learns a new skill, let him or her take the lead under your direction.4. Plan a family outing5.. Jump into the family car and go for a drive. Prepare a picnic lunch and visit a local park. Take time to play or ride a bike. A slow and relaxing walk in the woods will help parents communicate with their children better. Also, a visit to the zoo or museum will inspire enthusiasm in a child and lead to long discussions.

A.It is very important for children to exercise.

B.They can open the door to exciting family time.

C.Sometimes getting out of the house is important.

D.Look for books that your children would enjoy reading.

E.New technology has made video games more popular with children.

F.This is also a time for parents to listen and give advice to their children.

G.As a result, many children are getting less love than their parents once got.



    The wildfires damaging parts of Australia can be seen from space in new satellite images released by NASA. Australia's capital, Canberra, was enveloped in a smoky haze Sunday and air quality at midday was measured at 10 times the usual dangerous limit. The damaging fires have killed at least 24 people in Australia and destroyed almost 2,000 homes. The early and damaging start to Australia’s summer wildfires, fed by drought and the country's hottest and driest year on record, has also been catastrophic (毁灭性的) for the country's wildlife, likely killing nearly 500 million birds, reptiles and mammals in New South Wales alone, Sydney University ecologist Chris Dickman told the Sydney Morning Herald.

Under such extreme conditions, the fires have been generating enough heat to create their own weather systems, including fire-generated thunderstorms and fire tornadoes. Thousands of firefighters continued to fight the flames that have burned millions of acres in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, an area twice the size of Maryland. In New South Wales, the rural fire service (RFS) said as of Sunday there were 150 fires active in the state, 64 of them uncontrolled.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that, for the first time in Australian history, 3,000 army, navy and air force reservists (后备军人) will battle against the fires. He also committed $14 million to hiring fire-fighting aircraft from overseas. On Sunday, cooler temperatures and lighter winds brought some relief to threatened communities, a day after thousands were forced to escape as flames reached the suburban areas of Sydney. Thousands of firefighters fought to contain the fires, but many fires continued to burn out of control, threatening to wipe out rural townships and causing almost incalculable damage to property and wildlife.

1.What does the underlined phrase “fed by” mean ?

A.get food from someone B.be strengthened by something

C.be destroyed by something D.under control of something

2.Why were there thunderstorms and tornadoes ?

A.Because the fires generated thunderstorms and tornadoes.

B.Because there was rainy weather.

C.Because the fires generated enough heat to create extreme weather.

D.Because the weather systems is easy to change.

3.What can we learn form the last paragraph ?

A.Many soldiers will fight against the fires as they have done before.

B.Fires were controlled due to cooler temperatures and lighter winds.

C.A lot of people moved out of the suburban areas.

D.Damage to property and wildlife is limited.

4.What would be the best title for this passage ?

A.Australia's destructive wildfires B.Soldiers fought against the fires

C.Wildlife died form the fires D.Australia’s wildfires was under control



    When Ariyah Georges was born 15 weeks early, she weighed only one pound 12 ounces. Her mother, Jovan, knew how important breastfeeding (母乳) was, especially for a premature (早产的) baby like Ariyah, so she began pumping milk to feed her through a tube. But two days later, Jovan felt dizzy and feverish —104 Fahrenheit degrees, in fact. She had a blood disease and was close to full shock.

She was separated from others for nearly two weeks at the regional Northern Virginia hospital where she’d delivered. During that time, she could still pump breast milk, but Ariyah couldn’t consume it because of the risk of infection (感染). Without it, the newborn was particularly easily affected by diseases. There are many cases like this, which creates the need for the milk donation.

Enter donor (捐献者) milk — breast milk purchased by hospitals for mothers who aren’t able to produce enough milk on their own, due to health complications, stresses, or other factors. The milk comes from milk banks, organizations that collect and screen breast milk from those women willing to donate. Usually processed in intensive-care units, the milk is only available by prescription (处方).

In recent years, both milk banks and the use of donated human milk have risen swiftly in the United States. In 2011, 22 percent of NICUs used donor breast milk; four years later, that number doubled to nearly 40 percent, and went even higher for the most intensive NICUs — as much as 75 percent. There are 23 milk banks in the United States recognized by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America, or HMBANA, double the number that existed five years ago.

But as the demand for donor milk rises, banks must find more charitable donors — a task made more complicated by informal networks of milk sharing that happens online. And many of the most vulnerable (脆弱的) infants are still not being reached.

1.Jovan couldn’t feed her baby Ariyah on her breast milk because _______.

A.Ariyah was a premature baby B.Jovan couldn’t produce enough milk

C.Jovan was in poor health D.Jovan was separated from others

2.By telling the story of Ariyah and her mother, the writer wants to______.

A.introduce the topic of an increasing need for donated human milk

B.remind us of the importance of breastfeeding the newborn

C.tell us what to do if mothers cannot produce enough milk

D.warn us against the risk of the newborn being affected by diseases

3.How is the writer’s idea mainly developed in Paragraph 4?

A.By following time order. B.By making predictions.

C.By giving examples. D.By listing data.

4.What problem are milk banks now faced with?

A.It’s difficult to find enough charitable donors.

B.Networks of milk looking for donors online are informal.

C.The milk purchased from milk banks cannot reach infants’ home.

D.The number of women willing to donate breast milk are decreasing.



    In her 17 years on this earth, Shreyaa Venkat has done more to help the planet and the people living on it than many adults. The non-profit organization she founded, NEST4US, has helped tens of thousands of people in the United States. Through it, it’s served over 12,000 homeless people in the Washington, D.C. area by providing food and other supplies.

Venkat’s passion for helping others started as soon as she could walk, as her parents, active volunteers themselves, brought her along on their various projects, like some creative ways to volunteer. By fifth grade, she’d developed such enthusiasm for it that she started organizing her own service projects in her community.

NEST4US was born when she realized how much food waste there is, how many hungry people there are, and how simple it would be to use the former to help the latter. “There was a homeless man standing on a corner in D.C. and he was holding a sign that said ‘Hungry Need Food’,” she recalls. “So I gave him my lunch and his whole face just lit up. It was so easy, it only took me 30 seconds, and it really helped him.”

As NEST4US took off, with hundreds of volunteers helping to feed thousands of hungry people, Venkat decided to branch out with her volunteer efforts, starting three other branches of NEST4US. Serving others had become such a way of life for her that she even celebrated her 13th birthday at a homeless shelter, bringing the party to them instead of expecting gifts for herself.

As much as she has helped others, they’ve helped her too. Not only does she get a lot of joy and personal satisfaction from her volunteer work but running NEST4US has taught her important life skills like time management, public speaking, writing, and leadership. “What it’s really given me is this opinion of putting other people first,” she says.

1.What can we infer about NEST4US from the first paragraph?

A.Its main aim is to make money. B.It offers people cheap supplies.

C.It takes in all homeless people. D.It is a charity organization.

2.What caused Venkat to set up NEST4US?

A.Her parents’ constant suggestion. B.The memory of her hard childhood.

C.Her experience of helping a hungry man. D.Volunteers’ great influence on her.

3.Why did Venkat spend her 13th birthday at a homeless shelter?

A.She held a grand party for many people.

B.She could receive many nice gifts there.

C.She got much personal satisfaction from it.

D.She saw helping others as part of her life.

4.Which of the following best describes Shreyaa Venkat?

A.Caring. B.Ambitious.

C.Humorous. D.Demanding.



    Since the modern Olympics began in 1896, it has been held in more than 40 different cities. That gives Olympic fans quite a few possible travel destinations to choose!

Beijing, China

Olympic fans should consider visiting the Beijing Olympic Park to check out the special buildings of the so-called “Bird’s Nest” and “Water Cube”—the national stadium and aquatics center built for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Popular historic places in Beijing include the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and Tian’anmen Square.

Innsbruck, Austria

Located in the heart of the Alps, Innsbruck is known as a great winter destination—which explains why it has hosted not one but two Winter Olympics. Known for its mountainous views, Innsbruck is the perfect stop for outdoor adventurers.

Mexico City, Mexico

This wonderful travel destination offers a wide number of popular museums, historic buildings, and public parks. People will love shopping for fresh meat and produce at the markets, taking a cooking class, and generally eating their way through Mexico City, which is especially known for its culinary (烹饪的) experiences that include both globally well-known restaurants and locally favored street carts.

Melbourne, Australia

Nearly half a century before Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics, Melbourne became the first Australian host city in 1956. Head to the “cultural capital of Australia”, located in Victoria on the southeastern coast, for an energetic cafe culture and art scene, Melbourne offers something for every type of traveler and everyone can enjoy an evening at one of the city’s many rooftop bars or a day of wine tasting.

1.Where will you go if you are fond of adventure?

A.Beijing, China. B.Mexico City, Mexico.

C.Innsbruck, Austria. D.Melbourne, Australia.

2.What can visitors do in Mexico City?

A.Enjoy wonderful culinary classes. B.Buy beautiful clothes and shoes.

C.Admire beautiful mountainous views. D.Visit special stadiums for the Olympics.

3.What can we know about Melbourne?

A.It is famous for all kinds of wine. B.It has many world-famous hotels.

C.It hosted the Summer Olympics twice. D.It can satisfy different travelers’ needs.



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