满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 When I sa...


When I saw her tonight she smiled and recognized me. I smiled back at her. She was looking more relaxed even though she was still busy doing her job. I have noticed her several times this last few months and she always looks so much happier now. Tonight when I talked with her I noticed her name tag. Her name is Pamela.

Pamela works at the express checkouts in a busy supermarket. She deals with problems when the self—service checkout experiences a problem (no price on product, machine problems, etc.). She monitors these checkouts and usually has hardly dealt with one complaint before another is created.

When I first talked to Pamela, I had called her to the checkout I was using. There wasn't any problem with the checkout though. My problem or should I say concern was about Pamela. She looked tired and was under a lot of stress as she quickly moved from one checkout to the next. It's a bit of a fire—fighting job.

I told Pamela that she needed to slow down. I told her that we, the customers, could wait and it was very bad for her health to be putting herself under such pressure. Pamela told me she would slow down. I could tell she was touched. I gently told her things had to change. I told her I would be looking out for her in future to see if she had taken my advice seriously. She smiled and said, “I promise that I will next time.”






Paragraph 1:

When I saw her she was still doing her job but there was such a difference.


Paragraph 2:

I am proud of myself.



Paragraph 1: When I saw her she was still doing her job but there was such a difference. I praised the new her. Now Pamela said that other customers would have to wait for their turn while she dealt with another customer. She also told me the change had significantly improved her health. As I walked away from Pamela my heart was lightened. She has taken my advice seriously and tried to slow down her working pace. Paragraph 2: I am proud of myself. Because of my advice, Pamela began to reflect on the pressure she was putting herself under, and she may even encourage her colleagues in the supermarket to do the same. I really feel very happy and satisfied for my concern should make a difference to those in need. It’s just a simple act of love that costs no money, so you can see our kindness doesn’t have to be material. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。文章主要讲述了作者关心超市负责快速结账的员工Pamela,提醒她要注意健康,不要有太大压力的故事。 续写分为两段。第一段的开头是:当我看到她的时候,她还在做她的工作,但已经有了很大不同……所以可以接着写:我称赞了她。Pamela说现在她处理一位顾客时,其他顾客不得不等着拿钱。她还告诉我,这种改变大大改变了她的健康状况。当我从Pamela身边走开时,我很开心。她把我的建议当回事,并试着放慢她的工作速度。 第二段的开头是:我对自己感到骄傲……所以可以接着写:由于我的建议,Pamela开始反思自己所承受的压力,她甚至可能鼓励超市的同事也这样做。我真的感到非常高兴和满足,因为我的关心应该对那些有需要的人产生影响。这只是一个简单的爱的行为,不需要花钱,因此你可以看到我们的善良不一定是物质的。 续写时要注意故事情节符合逻辑,文章的基础时态为一般过去时,字数为80词左右。用五个关键词加大了写作难度,考生应熟悉关键词,以便在适当时候加以应用。写作完成后,记得将关键词下划线。

假如你是李华,某培训中心准备组织你校学生出国参加英语夏令营(English Summer Camp) ,请 写一封申请信给该培训中心。信的内容必须包括:

1. 申请报名。

2. 为什么想参加这个活动。

3. 对这项活动有怎样的打算和期待。

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am very glad that the English Summer Camp will be held to help us improve English and learn more about English culture.______________________________________________________________








Yours truly,

Li Hua




1.It took her quite a long time _____ (get) familiar with the life here.

2.Everyone should have access _____ the library in our school.

3.The book is said _____ (translate) into English.

4.The reason _____ he gave for being late sounded reasonable.

5.We shall visit the college _____ his sister teaches.

6.Nobody likes _____ (laugh) at in public.

7.It was when Mary was 5 years old _____ her gift for dancing became obvious.

8.He was walking in the street _____ he met an old friend.




1.Though disabled, Jack was an _____ (有雄心的) boy not sitting around feeling sorry for himself.

2.Your _____ (鼓励) made me more confident of my future.

3.We _____ (力劝) her to come to the party with us, but she insisted that she was too tired.

4.I am going on a holiday for a _____ (两周).

5.It is generally _____ (承认,确认) that a suitable method for learning is important.

6.Children under the age of 14 must be a _____ by adults when taking planes.

7.Exercise is extremely b _____ to healthso we should exercise more to keep fit.

8.What I want is a more c _____ life!

9.The two _____ (证人) stated that they had never seen Mr. Smith on the accident spot.

10.I p _____ a fashionable T-shirt through the Internet yesterday.



    Troy longed to be a professional basketball player. He had loved the _______ ever since he was a small child. He was also very skilled. However, he had one small _______. He was very short. Although his school coach had suggested that he would never _______ it in the professional leagues, he _______ to give up on his dream.

Troy had several _______ tries at professional clubs. Then he went to a club in Los Angeles and _______ the coach for a try. As usual, he was refused.

“But you haven't even given me a(n) _______ ,” said Troy.

“Why should I?” asked the coach.

“Because one day I am going to be the best player in the world _______ I will be able to help you out,” Troy replied seriously.

The coach smiled at the _______ of the answer.

“Alright kid,” he said.

Troy took part in a short practice match and the coach was ________ at his skills.

“You ________ have a lot of talent,” he said.

After two short years, Troy was a regular for the ________ and had even won the award as the team' s most valuable player. ________ with Troy's help, the team wasn't winning many games and the coach was said to be close to losing his ________ . It was before a game against the New York team that he called Troy into his office for a discussion.

“I have heard that if we lose tonight then I will be replaced as coach,” he told Troy. “I need you to carry the team and win the game. Do you remember your ________ before I signed you?'

Troy nodded. He went on to play the game of his life that evening. The team won the game and won every game that was left that season.

1.A.task B.class C.sport D.place

2.A.doubt B.problem C.dream D.reason

3.A.change B.learn C.hear D.make

4.A.tried B.regretted C.refused D.feared

5.A.unsuccessful B.meaningful C.unfair D.careless

6.A.found B.asked C.forced D.considered

7.A.choice B.instruction C.suggestion D.chance

8.A.and B.but C.if D.as

9.A.influence B.confidence C.interest D.shortness

10.A.annoyed B.disappointed C.puzzled D.surprised

11.A.certainly B.usually C.finally D.possibly

12.A.program B.party C.club D.school

13.A.Again B.Almost C.Even D.Only

14.A.money B.job C.team D.patience

15.A.promise B.purpose C.advice D.secret



    Tests can be stressful even for the best students. 1. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to make your stress much more manageable.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting 6 hours of sleep or less can put you into what's called a sleep deficit(不足),which makes you less sharp mentally and prevents you from performing properly on tests. 2. This way, you needn't stay up for the test and can get a good night of sleep before your big day.

Study Smarter

3. Make a list of the most important things you need to learn and hit the items at the top of the list first. This will ensure they're mostly covered if you run out of time. Make a list of all the work you have to do, estimate how long each item will take, and compare that with the amount of hours you have available. This will tell you if you can carefully read or just skim, how many times you can afford to revise the papers.


A proven way to build your confidence is to visualize yourself taking the tests and doing wonderfully. Visualization can not only help you perform better in the tests but can help you remember facts. You can create detailed situations that involve the information you're trying to remember.  4.

Stay Calm

There're several techniques that can help you calm down quickly.5. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for a while and then let it out slowly. Your stress will come out with your exhales(呼气).

A.Be organized with your studies.

B.Extra time on tests can bring success to students.

C.Test anxiety has a negative impact on your performance.

D.In this process you can strengthen the facts in your memory.

E.Breathing exercises can be extremely effective in helping you relax.

F.So it's very important to get all your studying done before your exam.

G.There are options for easing stress and potentially improving test performance.



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