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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Pal...


The Palace Museum, also known1.the Forbidden City(紫禁城),is a much-visited and much-photographed tourist2.attract. This Chinese palace with a history of about 600 years receives millions of visits every year and lots of TV programs have showed the place in recent years.

However, it still3.havesecrets, and a new program designed to explore those unknown are as and the stories within is set to show the palace in a new light. The variety show, Shang Xin Le Gu Gong, broadcast its first episode(一集)on Beijing TV and online streaming media site, iQyi com, on November9. That first episode won wide acceptance from audiences and was thought highly4.on Douban.com. “It brings many elements(元素) together, and everything in the show is5.perfectmatched and turns out amazing." said6.online user. “It brings me the thrill I felt when I stepped into the Palace Museum for the first time."

In each one - hour - long episode, the actors and actresses switch between playing guides and historical figures 7.includeemperors and royal family members of the Qing Dynasty1644 - 1911. They focus on areas8.are still not accessible to the public and the stories surrounding them. In the show, the actors and actresses are also joined by designers who will create9.productbased on10.they see. The most popular ones, based on an online vote, are to be turned into souvenirs(纪念品)for sale.


1.as 2.attraction 3.has 4.of 5.perfectly 6.an 7.including 8.that/which 9.products 10.what 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍一档综艺节目《上新了·故宫》。它是一档由北京卫视播出的综艺节目,该节目以故宫为节目表现对象,将故宫历代有名的皇帝或者后宫佳人作为一期节目的被探秘人物,以此将故宫几百年留存至今的文物进行展现。 1. 考查固定搭配。句意:故宫,也作为紫禁城而闻名,是一个参观,拍照的旅游景点。固定搭配:be known as“作为……而闻名”。故填as。 2. 考查名词。句意:故宫,也作为紫禁城而闻名,是一个参观,拍照的旅游景点。此处指“旅游景点”,故填attraction。 3. 考查一般现在时态。句意:故宫仍然有很多秘密。这里在说一个客观事实,所以句子用一般现在时态,且主语是it,单数第三人称,故填has。 4. 考查固定词组。固定词组:think highly of“高度评价”。故填of。 5. 考查副词。此处matched是动词过去分词,由副词修饰。故填perfectly。 6. 考查不定冠词。根据句意“一个网上使用者说”。此处表示“泛指”,且online是以元音因素开头的词,表示“一”用an。故填an。 7. 考查介词。句意:在每一集一小时的节目中,在游戏指导和历史人物之间男女演员互换角色,包括清朝的皇帝和皇室成员。此处用介词including“包括……在内”。故填including。 8. 考查定语从句。此处areas是先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作主语,故填that/which。 9. 考查名词复数。句意:在节目中,演员们还会有设计师加入,他们将根据他们所看到的来创作作品。product“作品”为可数名词,根据“ designers ”且结合句意此处名词应该用复数形式。故填products。 10. 考查what引导的宾语从句。介词on后面是宾语从句,从句缺少引导词,且从句谓语动词see缺少宾语。故填what。

    I went out to breakfast this morning to meet a friend. It was________. But what wasn't so lovely was the lady who took our________.

She spoke in a way that was________, unhappy certainly not friendly and sort of rude. Working in hospitality(服务行业)myself, I ________it.

When it was my turn to________her and order. I thought to myself, "What can I do here to make her day, to appreciate her, to make her________?"

Surely there must be________I could sincerely compliment(称赞)her on. Then there it was, and I________immediately.

It was her________. She had the most incredibly well spoken and clear voice. It was SO good. And that was what I would________her for.

So after she took my order and gave me the same unfriendly attitude, I told her. I said:

"I hope you don' t mind me saying so, but you have the most________voice. It's so clear, well spoken and sounds so________. "

I told her how she honestly had one of those voices that would be________for voice - overs(配音), announcements or even radio.

Her face________, she smiledthe first time I had seen her do so, and as I left and walked away, noticed her whole attitude________

The customer behind me received a totally different kind of________, a better one. And it was all because of what I did. Something so________!

There was a time when this sort of thing would have________me, or I'd have been too shy and awkward to say such a thing. Not now. Now I________!


Because I have the________. The power to completely change someone's day by something as simple as a few kind words.

And you have this power too. We all do.

1.A.exciting B.lovely C.common D.surprising

2.A.seat B.food C.order D.menu

3.A.impatient B.careful C.shy D.proud

4.A.understood B.noticed C.considered D.ignored

5.A.see B.look at C.get close to D.look for

6.A.smile B.listen C.talk D.respond

7.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

8.A.knew B.invented C.proved D.remembered

9.A.face B.figure C.voice D.attitude

10.A.thank B.praise C.blame D.trust

11.A.amazing B.amusing C.funny D.reliable

12.A.difficult B.rough C.relaxing D.professional

13.A.perfect B.clear C.known D.normal

14.A.darkened B.fell C.lit up D.went pale

15.A.worsen B.change C.adjust D.recover

16.A.payment B.service C.understanding D.option

17.A.simple B.same C.uninteresting D.difficult

18.A.excited B.moved C.embarrassed D.touched

19.A.need B.may C.might D.must

20.A.power B.confidence C.ability D.passion



Tips for Confident Decision Making

Are you a good decision maker? Do you sit on the fence?1.If you’d like to be more content and confident with your decision making, then these four tips are just the things you need.

Do your “homework”

Make choices based on what is the most important to you.2.You may even want to speak to someone else who has been through this before. Then when you are ready, just decide.

You are in charge.

3.By blaming others you give your power away. Just believe you have made the right choice and take responsibility for the result. This will be a real encouragement to your self-confidence.


It’s great to stick with your decisions. There are times however when you need to change your mind. Don’t worry about making a wrong choice. The good thing about being wrong is that you will know where to correct yourself and when to take action.

You’re going to make it.

Sometimes it is going to be hard to be persistent(坚持不懈). You know you are doing the right thing and it’s just taking so much time, effort, money and energy. After making bold choice, remember you have a reason why.5.Say to yourself out loud “No matter how hard it is, I’m going to make it.”

Decision making takes courage and there are many things you can do to decide more confidently. So don’t delay, you can start right now by deciding to make this new habit.

A.The more confident, the better decision.

B.This will mean you have to do a research and look at all theavailable options.

C.Whatever result you get, you can’t blame others.

D.Confident decision making is of great significance.

E.Or are you constantly changing your mind?

F.It’s OK to change your mind.

G.Remember you are taking yourself to the next level.



    Reading instruction in the classroom is a key concern for all teachers and there are many ways to go about it. However, is our determination to achieve excellence in reading skills in our children killing their love and enjoyment of a good book?

In my work with parents, I am frequently asked the best ways to encourage reluctant readers to be engaged with books. Parents report that their children return home from school with no inclination to pick up a book and read.

Any eager reader will gladly talk about the joy with a good book to read away the hours on a cold, rainy afternoon. Reading a good book is one of life’s greatest pleasures. We need to share these experiences with our children in order to assist them in developing into strong readers. But the use of boring, mass-produced home reading texts in children’s early years at school can be seen as the beginning of this negative cycle.

As children progress through their schooling life, there are many other instances of learning reading skills that don’t help reading development. Frequently, teachers feel the pressure to give their students “just enough” in terms of reading strategies to be able to achieve the test, which leaves little time to focus on reading for pleasure.

Kelly Gallagher, a high school teacher, outlines the term “Readicide” in his book. He says it’s: the systematic killing of the love of reading, often worsened by foolish, boring practices found in schools.

Recent research shows that many teachers tend to follow the traditional literacy practices that they have experienced in their own education, which can often have negative intentions for their students.

While teaching children key concepts for analyzing and evaluating texts is important, the manner in which it is done and time that is spent on this can lead to unexpected results. Schools aren’t to blame when it comes to not arresting students’ lack of interest in reading, but they have an important role to play in fostering reading enjoyment.

1.What does the underlined word “inclination” mean?

A.Energy B.Task

C.Intention D.Requirement

2.What does the term “Readicide” refer to?

A.To develop reading habits B.To read for pleasure

C.To learn reading skills D.To kill a love for books

3.According to the text, teachers at school ______.

A.focus on teaching reading strategies

B.ignore key concepts for analyzing texts

C.are to blame for students’ poor reading

D.fail to follow the traditional reading practices

4.What might be suitable title for the text?

A.Reading books is to experience pleasure

B.Learning to love books is even more important

C.Teaching reading helps reluctant readers

D.Getting pleasure from books makes capable readers



    Many of us are quick to blame(责备)others for how we feel: "He makes me so mad!" or "he really hurt my feelings. "But did someone really "make me angry" or are we feeling the anger in us getting kicked up in response to the way someone behaved towards us?

The difference between the two is in who the responsible party is for the way we feel. If we blame others for our feelings we will finally feel reasonable at whatever our retaliation(报复)my be, and we will explain that it was their fault, not ours. "They were driving me mad".

When we blame others for the way we feel we have in fact given power to others for the state of our emotional wellbeing(健康). The truth is , no one controls our feelings but us. If we are finding that people in our lives really know how to "push our buttonsmeans make us angry" then we are not doing a good enough job at protecting our "buttons." We are the ones leaving our buttons out in the open so that other people can "push them." Ultimately, the switch for our buttons is inside us - not on the outside.

While there are some things in life that are clearly out of our control , like the weather or a flight that's two hours late, how we act and respond to other people's behavior is not among them. Our responses to others are well within our control.

If someone is "making us" so mad , for example, that we get angry, we are not doing enough to learn about what drives our anger and how to properly cope with it. My suggestion is taking time before you get angry. and putting some work into taking an inventory(清单)of the past. An inventory can show you how much of your past experiences influence your feeling reactions in the current moment.

When we finally realize that so much of our present feelings and reactions are driven from within ourselves and our own past experiences, we will be ready to make the changes in our lives that will better secure our buttons so that they are no longer left out in pubic for everyone to push at will.

1.What result will appear if we blame others for our emotions(情感)?

A.We consider others to be correct.

B.We consider ourselves to be correct.

C.We consider we were driving ourselves mad.

D.We consider they were driving themselves mad.

2.What's the author' attitude towards feelings?

A.We should blame others for the way we feel.

B.We should enable others to control our feelings.

C.We should let others know our daily life clearly

D.We should control personal feelings ourselves.

3.According to the author, which can always be under our control?

A.Our own behavior. B.The delay of a flight

C.Other people' s feelings. D.The weather conditions.

4.Which proverb best suits the author' s advice in Paragraph 5?

A.A burden of one's choice is not felt. B.Think twice before acting.

C.A friend is easier lost than found. D.A good beginning is half done.



One morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的)to the most powerful came for breakfast. I noticed an empty chair next to an elderly, unshaven man, who looked somewhat disheveled. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him. He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.

We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide rang of things. We never introduced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee, I asked,

“My I get you something ?”

“A coffee would be nice.”

Then I bought him a cup of coffee, We talked more , and he accepted another cup of coffee, Finally, I rose to leave, wished him well, and headed for the exit. At the door I met one of my friends. He asked,

“How did you get to know Mr. Galbreath?”


“The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs.”

I could hardly believe it. I was buying, offering a free breakfast, and feeling pity for one of the world’s richest and most powerful men!

My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are, and to meet another human being with kindness and sincerity.

1.What does the underlined word “disheveled” mean?

A.Unfriendly. B.Untidy. C.Gentle. D.Kind.

2.The author bought coffee for the old man because    

A.he thought the old man was poor B.he wanted to start a conversation

C.he intended to show his politeness D.he would like to thank the old man

3.How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?

A.Proud. B.Pitiful. C.Surprised. D.Regretful

4.What is the message mainly expressed in the story?

A.We should learn to be generous. B.It is honorable to help those in need.

C.People in high positions are not like what we expect. D.We should avoid judging people by their appearances.



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