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Sonya took Rupert, a rescue dog, back ho...

    Sonya took Rupert, a rescue dog, back home three years ago, and soon found it liked attacking strangers and other animals, which she believed was caused by pain.

It took Sonya a year to develop a normal relationship with Rupert, during which she learned it was afraid of being left alone and also couldn’t walk properly. Finally, she decided to take it to see a vet (兽医). After examining Rupert, the vet said its leg was broken, and it needed an immediate operation.

But when it had to go in for an operation on its leg, there was a problem—the vet Mike couldn’t get near the dog. Mike and Sonya were left scratching their heads until one of them came up with an idea. Sonya said Rupert slept on a mouse suit so she suggested that Mike put it on.

At first, the dog barked wildly when Mike tried to operate on it in usual clothes. To make his patient feel at ease, Mike decided to dress up in the mouse clothes to see if it would be less worried. Amazingly, it worked. It stopped barking and immediately became good friends with Mike when he put on the suit. As a result, he was able to perform an operation on the leg safely and the result was quite satisfying.

After the successful operation, Mike hugged the dog around the neck, which isn’t usually well-received by pets. Mike tried to be as respectful of its needs as possible and made time to give some attention. What Mike had done created a special experience or event in the dog’s life.

1.What do we know about Rupert?

A.It was often left alone at home. B.It was hard to get on with at first.

C.Its leg broke after it was saved by Sonya. D.Its violence was caused by its rescue job.

2.Why did Mike and Sonya scratch their heads?

A.They couldn’t find a mouse suit. B.They had great pain in their head.

C.They didn’t know how to comfort the dog. D.They didn’t find the cause of Rupert’s pain.

3.Why did Rupert stop barking?

A.It saw Sonya. B.It didn’t feel pain.

C.It saw the mouse suit. D.It was hugged by Mike.

4.What played the most important part in calming down the dog?

A.Sonya’s kindness B.Sonya’s patience

C.Mike’s good temper D.Mike’s respect for Rupert.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了兽医Mike给救援犬Rupert做手术的故事,Rupert一开始不让Mike接近,为了让Rupert做手术时能平静下来,Mike接受Sonya的建议,穿上老鼠服,顺利地完成了手术。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段Sonya took Rupert, a rescue dog, back home three years ago, and soon found it liked attacking strangers and other animals, which she believed was caused by pain.可知三年前,Sonya带着救援犬Rupert回到家里,很快发现它喜欢攻击陌生人和其他动物,她认为这是由于疼痛造成的。由此可知,Rupert一开始很难相处。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中But when it had to go in for an operation on its leg, there was a problem—the vet Mike couldn’t get near the dog.可知但当它不得不为它的腿做手术时,出现了一个问题——兽医Mike无法接近它。由此可知,当Rupert需要做手术时,兽医Mike无法接近Rupert, 它狂吠不止。这让Mike和Sonya 抓耳挠腮,感到很为难,因为他们不知道如何才能让Rupert平静下来,接受手术。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中To make his patient feel at ease, Mike decided to dress up in the mouse clothes to see if it would be less worried. Amazingly, it worked. It stopped barking and immediately became good friends with Mike when he put on the suit.可知为了让他的病人感到轻松,Mike决定穿上老鼠的衣服,看看它是否会不那么担心。令人惊讶的是,它起作用了。它停止了吠叫,并在Mike穿上老鼠服后立即成为了好朋友。由此可知,是老鼠服让Rupert平静下来。故选C。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Mike tried to be as respectful of its needs as possible and made time to give some attention.可知Mike尽量尊重它的需要,并抽出时间来给予关注。结合上文记叙Mike给狗做手术的过程,从一开始不知道怎么办,到后来想到穿上老鼠服来使狗平静下来的办法,最后安全地为他的腿做了手术,而且效果非常令人满意。由此可推知,在让狗安静下来的过程中,Mike对Rupert的尊重起了最重要的作用。故选D。

    Smartphones can be a force for good. Your phone is always with you, making it the perfect device to push you into a more beneficial way of living. Here are some of the best apps that can help.


Habitica turns the goal of forming good habits into a game, with its own characters and scoring. It’s a lot of fun, and the app also lets you build habits with friends and family. In addition to regular repeating habits, you can add a more general to-do list, and the rewards you get can be customized too—you could treat yourself to a meal out or an extra hour of games.

Smoke free

If you’re determined to give up smoking, Smoke Free is one of the most comprehensive apps for giving you that extra push you need to make a permanent change. The app offers a host of useful features to people wanting to go smoke-free: the ability to see your progress over time, charts showing how your health is improving, day-by-day encouragement, and some advice on techniques for giving up smoking.


You can find tons of health and fitness apps for your phone, but My FitnessPal stands out not just because it is easy to use, but because it makes practical suggestions for you. It can take in a host of data, from the calories you’re taking in to the number of swims you’re doing per week, and offer reports on calorie consumption and macronutrient (大量营养素) breakdown.

1.What can Habitica help you to do?

A.Win a tough game. B.Start a lasting friendship.

C.Develop a pleasant habit. D.Find a fancy restaurant.

2.Which of the following can Smoke Free provide?

A.The freedom to smoke. B.The ability to make progress.

C.Charts about your excellent health. D.Advice on how to quit smoking.

3.What can we learn about the three apps mentioned in the text?

A.They’re practical. B.They’re cheap.

C.They’re interesting. D.They’re free.

















Growing up, I was fortunate have parents who taught me lessons by where they lived each day. I remember walk to a nursing home with my father one Saturday. When we arrive there, I asked him for money for the collection box. My father reached into his pocket and handed him a coin. I was embarrassing by the amount of money he gave me so I asked him for more. In a reply, he taught me a valuable lesson: What is important is the reason for giving, not how many money you give. Years late, I found out' my father didn't have any spare money to give on the time, but he always gave what he could.




The advancement of computing power has been 1. (absolute) unbelievable in the past few decades. Many parts of our lives 2. (change) so far by computers and one tech field that shows unbelievable promise for the future is that of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Now, experts are using the technology 3. (help) diagnose heart disease. Researchers from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, England, created Ultromics, a system 4. increases the chances of discovering heart disease, and it's already proven to be 5. (accurate) than human experts.

In the medical community alone, AI advancements have a great influence 6. public health. Optellum, a machine learning startup, is bringing an AI system that detects lung cancer to 7. masses. Timor Kadir, the company's chief science and technology officer said that it could diagnose close to 4,000 8. (patient) with lung cancer per year at an earlier stage than a doctor could.

The technology would serve as a(n) 9. (rely) tool for doctors, which can help the patients begin their healing process quicker and more efficiently, 10. (save) thousands of lives with every use.



    It was Australia Day. We had spent the afternoon _______with friends. When we arrived home, the message bank on my mobile phone was flashing. It was our _______, Annabel, who had just been left at a boarding school over 500 kilometers away. Annabel’s _______ voice greeted us: “Hi, Mum and Dad, I’ve _______ my phone!” After just four days at school her main means of _______ had gone missing at an Australia Day celebration. We realized the chance of finding the phone were _______ for we hadn’t installed (安装) the Find My Phone app.

The next morning, my mobile beeped (发出哔哔声) loudly. When I replayed the _______ a kind voice announced that she had something that _______ my daughter and could I please call her back.

Annabel had _______ my number on the inside of her phone’s case — ________ thinking! “ I’ll take it to work ________ you see if anyone can pick it up,” she kindly offered after I ________ that my daughter was at boarding school and I lived a six-hour drive away.

After tracking the people I ________ who lived nearby, I was out of luck — no one was able to ________ the phone.

Later I decided to ask our angel (天使) to post the ________ to my daughter. But to my ________, this angel, who had already spent a busy day at work, was making a two-hour round trip on a Saturday night, especially to ________ a phone to a complete stranger.

I gave her ________ and she delivered the phone into the hands of my daughter. The only word of her explanation was: “I’ve got four ________ of my own. I know how a mother ________.”

1.A.working B.training C.traveling D.celebrating

2.A.daughter B.friend C.neighbor D.teacher

3.A.tired B.excited C.relaxed D.concerned

4.A.fixed B.lost C.damaged D.received

5.A.escape B.transport C.expression D.communication

6.A.slim B.fair C.unique D.important

7.A.game B.video C.message D.conversation

8.A.moved B.changed C.belonged to D.appealed to

9.A.called B.written C.checked D.obtained

10.A.good B.critical C.honest D.quick

11.A.until B.since C.while D.unless

12.A.suggested B.explained C.predicted D.promised

13.A.know B.respect C.invite D.appreciate

14.A.pay for B.give up C.pick up D.look for

15.A.gift B.phone C.letter D.suitcase

16.A.satisfaction B.relief C.disappointment D.surprise

17.A.introduce B.mail C.return D.devote

18.A.support B.directions C.permission D.rewards

19.A.children B.students C.visitors D.passengers

20.A.wishes B.angers C.regrets D.worries



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