满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Growing roots When I was growing up. I h...

Growing roots

When I was growing up. I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d _________ known. When Dr. Gibbs wasn’t _________ lives, he was planting trees.

The good doctor had some _________ theories on planting trees. He believed in “No pains, no gains”. He never _________ his new trees, which was _________ many people. He thought that watering plants spoiled (宠坏) them, and that if you want strong trees, you have to make things _________ for them. He, talked about how watering trees _________ shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in _________ of water. I came to understand that he meant deep roots were to be _________. The lack of water seemed to __________ the trees in ways comfort and ease never could.

I used to __________ for my sons that their lives will be easy. But __________ I’ve been thinking that it’s time to__________ my prayer. I know my children are going to meet__________and I’m praying they will be strong. The prayer for comfort is seldom met. What we need to do is to pray for deep roots, so when the winds blow, they won’t be __________ away.

1.A.even B.ever C.never D.hardly

2.A.valuing B.making C.enjoying D.saving

3.A.exciting B.dull C.interesting D.terrible

4.A.watered B.raised C.loved D.sheltered

5.A.against B.beyond C.within D.from

6.A.harmful B.favorable C.tough D.wonderful

7.A.made for B.head for C.allow for D.care for

8.A.charge B.favor C.honor D.search

9.A.treasured B.challenged C.respected D.liked

10.A.harm B.raise C.benefit D.hurt

11.A.pray B.apply C.stand D.call

12.A.perfectly B.formally C.obviously D.lately

13.A.attend B.say C.change D.keep

14.A.hardships B.worries C.bosses D.jobs

15.A.given B.sent C.broken D.swept


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文通过对吉布斯医生植树之道的描写,告诉了我们一个做人的道理,要想面对人生的风风雨雨,我们必须有一个坚强的基础。 1. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他看起来不像我认识的任何医生。A. even甚至;B. ever曾经;C. never从来没有;D. hardly几乎不。结合本句含义可知,是和我认识的所有人作比较后,得出他与任何人不一样。选项B符合题意。故选B项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Gibbs 医生不在救死扶伤时,他就是在种树。A. valuing重视,珍视;B. making制作;C. enjoying享受;D. saving救助。结合前一句,Gibbs是医生,所以,救死扶伤是其工作。所以,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位好医生对植树有一些有趣的理论。A. exciting令人兴奋的;B. dull无聊的; C. interesting有趣的;D. terrible糟糕的。结合下文He thought that watering plants spoiled (宠坏) them,可知,他认为给树浇水会宠坏树,所以,这些理论是有趣的。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他从来不给他的新树浇水,这是很多人都无法想象的。A. watered浇灌;B. raised养育;C. loved爱;D. sheltered保护,掩蔽。结合下句He thought that watering plants spoiled (宠坏) them.可以推知,他种树时从来不浇水。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 5. 考查介词词义辨析。句意同上。A. against与……相反; B. beyond超出; C. within在……之内; D. from来自。固定搭配be beyond sb. 使人无法想象(或理解、做等),结合上句,他种树不浇水,这件事是很多人想不到的,选项B符合题意。故选B项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他认为给植物浇水会破坏它们,如果你想要强壮的树木,你必须让它们变得强壮。A. harmful有害的;B. favorable肯定的,赞同的C. tough棘手的,结实的;D. wonderful精彩的。结合下一句He, talked about how watering trees ____7____ shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in ____8____ of water.可知,浇灌的树长着浅浅的根,而没有浇水的树长出深深的根来寻找水源。所以,想要让树强壮,必须使它们变得强壮,结实。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 7. 考查短语词义辨析。句意:他谈到用水浇灌的树是如何长出浅浅的根,没有浇水的树是如何长出深深的根来寻找水源。A. made for有利于;B. head for前往;C. allow for允许;D. care for喜欢。根据句意,浇灌过的树根生的浅,也就是说有利于生浅根。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. charge负责;B. favor赞成;C. honor尊敬;D. search寻找。in charge of “负责,主管”;in favour of“赞同”;in honor of “为向……表示敬意”;in search of “寻找”。根据常识可知,不浇水的树会向有水的地方生根,这样树就会长的结实。选项D符合题意。故选D项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始明白,他的意思是要珍惜深厚的根基。A. treasured重视;B. challenged挑战;C. respected尊重;D. liked喜欢。根据下一句The lack of water seemed to ____10____ the trees in ways comfort and ease never could.知,缺水似乎给树木带来了舒适和安逸永远无法比拟的好处。。足以说明根对树的意义。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:缺水似乎给树木带来了舒适和安逸永远无法比拟的好处。A. harm伤害;B. raise抚养;C. benefit有利于;D. hurt伤害。结合上文He, talked about how watering trees ____7____ shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in ____8____ of water.讲到浇灌的树长着浅浅的根,而没有浇水的树长出深深的根来寻找水源。可知,缺水给树带来了好处就是根扎的深。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我过去常常为我的儿子们祈祷他们的生活能够轻松。A. pray祈祷;B. apply应用;C. stand站立;D. call喊。结合下句But ____12____ I’ve been thinking that it’s time to ____13____ my prayer.可知,我必须要改变我的祈祷文了。所以此处指的是我祈祷孩子的生活能够轻松。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 12. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:但最近我一直在想,是时候改变我的祈祷文了。A. perfectly完美地;B. formally正式的; C. obviously显而易见地;D. lately近来。结合前一句用到的used to …“过去常常……”,对比可知,此处指的是现在,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. attend参加,出席;B. say说;C. change改变;D. keep保持。结合下文The prayer for comfort is seldom met.祈求安慰的人很少得到满足。可以得出,祈祷孩子的生活能够轻松是不能得到的,所以此处应该是改变我的祈祷文了。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我的孩子们会遇到困难。A. hardships困难;B. worries担心;C. bosses老板;D. jobs工作。结合本句后半句,我祈祷他们坚强,可知此处他们会遇到困难。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们需要做的是祈祷植物能够深深扎根,这样当风吹过时,它们就不会被吹走。A. given给予;B. sent发送;C. broken破坏;D. swept吹。 结合语境,当风吹过时,扎根深的书不会被风吹走。选项D符合题意。故选D项。

    When it comes to helping students learn and mature, there are several ways to increase their well-being. Although your children may be succeeding in the classroom, there are a few things that you still can do.

Encouraging physical activity is the first thing you can do. More and more children do not participate in sports after school. It’s important for you to encourage mobility with sports that are played after class. You should find sporting equipment, basketball courts and play areas where kids can increase their well-being. 1.

Secondly, you can provide proper nutrition for your children. It’s important for your children to receive proper nutrition both inside and outside of the home. 2. You’d better make it a point to provide enough nutrition for their proper development and growth.

3. Many parents fail to stop children from using smart phones and computers. There are some institutions that even encourage too much screen time as a way to teach children or keep them entertained. You should help the children remain excited without sitting in front of a screen throughout the day.

Last but not the least, monitoring bullying (欺凌)is also an essential part. Bullying continues to remain a common problem in some schools, making it important that the environment that your children grow in holds a high standard. 4.

It’s important to examine the school life as a whole to determine what factors are missing. 5.. You may determine how well they adjust to the world around them and succeed in life.

A.You should provide kids with fresh food.

B.Besides, you’d better limit their screen time.

C.It will encourage children to focus on their study.

D.In addition, try your best to give them more freedom.

E.This will reduce the risk of health conditions that include obesity.

F.You can advise teachers to keep a practice of looking for bullying.

G.Parents play a significant role in children’s growth and well-being.



    In the story of “The crow and the Pitcher” from Aesop’s Fables, a thisty crow (乌鸦)drops stones into a narrow jar to raise the low level of water inside so he can take a drink.

Now scientists have evidence to back up that story. Crows actually do understand how to make water displacement (移位) work to their advantage, experiments show. The results suggest that the birds are, at least in some aspects, as smart as first-graders.

Researchers, led by Sarah Jelbert at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, presented six crows with tubes filled with water. Inside the tubes, a worm or piece of meat on a piece of wood was floating, just out of reach of the crow. In front of the tubes, the researchers arranged several rubber erasers that would sink, and some plastic objects that would float. The crows found out that they could drop the erasers into the tubes in order to raise the water level and get their snack.

However, the birds handled awkwardly in experiments in which they could choose to drop objects in either a wide tube or a narrow one to get a snack, the researchers said. Dropping objects into narrow tube would lift the water level by a greater amount and put the treat within reach after just two drops; while it took around seven drops to raise the snack to the same level in the wide tube. The crows obviously didn’t realize this, and most of them went for the wide tube first.

Previous studies showed that chimps and human children can solve similar tasks. In a 2011 study, chimps and kids found out that they could put water into a tube to reach a peanut that was floating in a small amount of water at the bottom.

1.How did the crows get the snack in Sarah’s experiment?

A.By breaking the tube.

B.By dropping in erasers.

C.By standing on the wood.

D.By removing the wood.

2.What does the author mean by “the birds handled awkwardly” in paragraph 4?

A.They were unable to tell different shapes.

B.They dropped objects only into narrow tubes.

C.They were not aware of the snack at first sight.

D.They mostly avoided the easier way to get the snack.

3.What does the text mainly focus on?

A.Stories of Aesop’s Fables.

B.The development of crows.

C.Crows’ intelligence.

D.Human-animal communication.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Crows are almost as clever as first-graders in some respects.

B.Crows understand water displacement completely.

C.Chimps and children are much smarter than crows.

D.The story of “The crow and the Pitcher” lacks evidence.



    Candy comes in many flavors. Some taste like fruit. Some taste like flowers. Some are chewy, like taffy (太妃糖) and gum. Hard candies are, well. hard! So, they last a long time.

But, in spoken English, there are some types of candy that you cannot eat. For example, you can’t eat eye candy. Eye candy is a person-man or woman-who is very good-looking. So, looking at this person is a treat for the eye, just like candy is a treat for the taste buds.

Do you hear of candy coat? Of course it is not a coat made of candy. But you can say I don’t candy coat the truth. What does candy-coating something mean? Well, some pills are covered with a coat of thin, sweet candy. The coating makes swallowing the pill easier, and it may hide a bad taste. So, candy coating a difficult truth or situation means you don’t directly discuss its bad parts.

After talking about candy you may want to eat some candies. However, some people dislike things that are very sweet, especially adults. But even if you do not like candy, you can still be called a kid in a candy store. This expression means a person is very happy to do something or to simply be somewhere. Imagine a child going from one candy display to the next, not knowing which candy to choose!

Talking about children brings us to another expression: as easy as taking candy from a baby. Think about a small, helpless baby holding a piece of candy. Taking it would be very easy—mean, but easy. So, use this expression when you are talking about something that may be simple to do, but probably not right.

1.What kind of girl can be described as “eye candy”?

A.Beautiful B.Optimistic

C.Hardworking D.Warmhearted

2.What does the underlined word “swallowing” mean in English?

A.Making. B.Taking.

C.Selling. D.Testing.

3.Which of the following expressions means you are doing something with wrong intention?

A.Hard candies. B.Candy coat.

C.A kid in a candy store. D.As easy as taking candy from a baby.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Candy. Enjoy It or Avoid It B.Various Candies in English

C.The Best Candy in the World D.Candies’ Different Flavors



    Sonya took Rupert, a rescue dog, back home three years ago, and soon found it liked attacking strangers and other animals, which she believed was caused by pain.

It took Sonya a year to develop a normal relationship with Rupert, during which she learned it was afraid of being left alone and also couldn’t walk properly. Finally, she decided to take it to see a vet (兽医). After examining Rupert, the vet said its leg was broken, and it needed an immediate operation.

But when it had to go in for an operation on its leg, there was a problem—the vet Mike couldn’t get near the dog. Mike and Sonya were left scratching their heads until one of them came up with an idea. Sonya said Rupert slept on a mouse suit so she suggested that Mike put it on.

At first, the dog barked wildly when Mike tried to operate on it in usual clothes. To make his patient feel at ease, Mike decided to dress up in the mouse clothes to see if it would be less worried. Amazingly, it worked. It stopped barking and immediately became good friends with Mike when he put on the suit. As a result, he was able to perform an operation on the leg safely and the result was quite satisfying.

After the successful operation, Mike hugged the dog around the neck, which isn’t usually well-received by pets. Mike tried to be as respectful of its needs as possible and made time to give some attention. What Mike had done created a special experience or event in the dog’s life.

1.What do we know about Rupert?

A.It was often left alone at home. B.It was hard to get on with at first.

C.Its leg broke after it was saved by Sonya. D.Its violence was caused by its rescue job.

2.Why did Mike and Sonya scratch their heads?

A.They couldn’t find a mouse suit. B.They had great pain in their head.

C.They didn’t know how to comfort the dog. D.They didn’t find the cause of Rupert’s pain.

3.Why did Rupert stop barking?

A.It saw Sonya. B.It didn’t feel pain.

C.It saw the mouse suit. D.It was hugged by Mike.

4.What played the most important part in calming down the dog?

A.Sonya’s kindness B.Sonya’s patience

C.Mike’s good temper D.Mike’s respect for Rupert.



    Smartphones can be a force for good. Your phone is always with you, making it the perfect device to push you into a more beneficial way of living. Here are some of the best apps that can help.


Habitica turns the goal of forming good habits into a game, with its own characters and scoring. It’s a lot of fun, and the app also lets you build habits with friends and family. In addition to regular repeating habits, you can add a more general to-do list, and the rewards you get can be customized too—you could treat yourself to a meal out or an extra hour of games.

Smoke free

If you’re determined to give up smoking, Smoke Free is one of the most comprehensive apps for giving you that extra push you need to make a permanent change. The app offers a host of useful features to people wanting to go smoke-free: the ability to see your progress over time, charts showing how your health is improving, day-by-day encouragement, and some advice on techniques for giving up smoking.


You can find tons of health and fitness apps for your phone, but My FitnessPal stands out not just because it is easy to use, but because it makes practical suggestions for you. It can take in a host of data, from the calories you’re taking in to the number of swims you’re doing per week, and offer reports on calorie consumption and macronutrient (大量营养素) breakdown.

1.What can Habitica help you to do?

A.Win a tough game. B.Start a lasting friendship.

C.Develop a pleasant habit. D.Find a fancy restaurant.

2.Which of the following can Smoke Free provide?

A.The freedom to smoke. B.The ability to make progress.

C.Charts about your excellent health. D.Advice on how to quit smoking.

3.What can we learn about the three apps mentioned in the text?

A.They’re practical. B.They’re cheap.

C.They’re interesting. D.They’re free.



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